It is the end of the road, officially, no more chapters.

Dedicated to all my reviewers, most of whom reviewed pretty much every chapter. Thats just dedication peeps. The eithy odd thousand words is because of the kind words from them, making me want to post quickly.

Mayuzu, Ran and Gin fluff just for you, SharktoothSARA, couldbecrazy, mistshadow, PaulaGay, AiryAquarius, Catriona695, Aria6, LAdy LRC, TigerDemonOwnz, wereteen25 I hope the ending is what you were looking for, and everyone else who reviewed, I hope you enjoy too.

Phoebe signing out


Chapter 16

Once again in front of his mirror Grimmjow messed with his tie. He'd master the double Windsor a couple of years ago but he didn't think he'd ever get a bow tie done properly. Nnoitra was just next door and he'd have to nip and get him to help. Looking over the rest of his outfit, he checked he hadn't ripped the expensive fabric, or crushed it. His jacket was still hanging up and his waistcoat was open, the white fabric hanging at the side of his black trousers. He'd heard of black tie before, and had worn it over the last three years since being freed at various events as an escort to Ichigo and Starrk but today called for something more formal, and they had been fitted for their white tie suits a week ago, the black trousers with the satin braid down the legs matching the black jacket with the satin lapels still on the hanger. His shirt was had a ribbed bib and it was his white tie that was causing all the issues. It was hard enough to do the black tie into a bow, the white one blended too well with his shirt and he couldn't get it even at both sides. He gave up and headed next door, leaving his jacket and still padding in his stocking soles.

He knocked lightly, opening the door after a moment to see Nnoitra and Szayel in a grasp on the bed, the pink haired man pressed against the mattress with his shirt open as Nnoitra explored his body with his mouth. Feeling a bit smug, the cook had been responsible for some epic cockblocking over the years; Grimmjow just cleared his throat, leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed over his broad chest. The two men on the bed snapped their heads round to the intruder, Szayel looking murderous but Nnoitra just grinning.

"You joining in Blue?" Nnoitra licked his lips, loving the idea of himself and Grimmjow fucking the living daylights out of Szayel. But he knew it wasn't going to happen, since the three men had got together they had become exclusive, if you can call it that. Nnoitra didn't mind, since seeing them being all fluffy together, Szayel had been wanting more himself and Nnoitra actually considered them in a relationship.

Things had been different in the house, and yet the same. Grimmjow and Starrk's promotion in life had left them all uncertain as to how to proceed, the thought of the men leaving North Ridge had upset everyone, even if Ichigo tried to hide it and encourage them to get out on their own. They had returned to vague normality in that Starrk was employed now to run Ichigo's estate, the same job he'd been doing for years, except now he earned money and could attend meetings in the Lord's stead, making decisions about many things a slave wouldn't be trusted with.

Grimmjow had taken a more custodial role in the house, turning into handy man extraordinaire and working on the cars with Zommari. It was suggested he start a small business to use his skills and make money but he didn't want to be employed by nobles and have to see slaves being treated the way he used to be, the thought of being asked to go and work on an arena or fighters cages would kill him. He did jobs for Ichigo's friends if they asked, refusing payment for anything more than materials. He had built a deck and Japanese garden for Gin, Szayel doing the actual gardening, when the man wanted to give his partner a haven in his house.

Gin and Rangiku's reunion had taken place in North Ridge, Ichigo having gained more slaves than he needed, he'd found some of them new homes within his family, Kisuke taking on a few but most were left as house slaves, to be sold with the property on the market. Ichigo refused to even set foot back in Aizen's home, Starrk taking care of the set up for sale, organising the house and the slaves for viewings and all the paper work. Ichigo had happily accepted the liquid part of Aizen's estate, giving most to charity and using some to refurbish the children's wing at his hospital.

One member of Aizen's household had been adopted into their own. There was a young dark haired boy with huge green eyes, working in the kitchens and had flinched when brought to Ichigo, not only having the instinctual reaction to a master, but knowing what his old master had done to this man, Ichigo's infamous temper leaving him thinking he'd be bearing the brunt of the fury.

The boy was in his late teens, possibly the same age as Ichigo himself but the boy in question wasn't sure. He was short, standing several inches below Ichigo's eye line and was emaciated, his rough clothing hanging off him. His hair hung long and was pulled back into a rough pony tail down his back. It was his eyes that had caught Ichigo's attention, the noble grabbing on to his lover as he watched the slaves getting organised. The green seemed to glow, even though the boy himself was totally expressionless.

His name was Ulquiorra, and he'd worked for Aizen for as long as he could remember. It was Grimmjow that had been able to get him a little bit out of his shell, the blue haired man remembering his battle with his conditioning. The boy was a bit useless with his hands, but tried his best to help, ending up in front of Ichigo more than once for stitches due to his clumsiness. He had found his niche in the house working with Szayel, the pink haired man accepting his help with reluctance but had discovered a budding pastry chef in the young man. Grimmjow was his victim of choice to test his concoctions, the larger man sitting on a bar stool as he was fed endless amounts to help the younger man better his creations. It had been an awkward couple of weeks with Szayel being unsure of the younger man, his tendency to hurt himself could mean endless burns in a kitchen, but after two and a half years, they were now a team, the family eating better than they had ever previously.

Grimmjow had rebuilt the stables, and was busy creating a proper pool house for them, the little changing booths and showers just not good enough in his opinion and Yammy was coming in handy as a second builder. The little house was going to have waterproof furniture and easy clean floors so you could go from pool to inside without ruining anything. It had running showers and a bar on one side so they could have pool parties when it was nice. It was also a little chalet were a couple could stay over, but not in the main house and it was where Gin and Rangiku stayed when they were over.

The red headed woman had shocked them all, Gin had told them she was beautiful, but in the eyes of a lover, it should be no other way. She was tall, and slender with a very well developed chest. Her hair ran down to her waist in waves of sunset orange, a few shades lighter than Ichigo's own. Her face was delicate, with a beauty mark under her lips and clear blue eyes that softened when she smiled. And she smiled a lot, laughing loudly as she spoke to anyone and was well liked in the Kurosaki household quickly.

Gin had arrived after being invited, dressed in his best as usual, a pale grey suit with an upturned collar, black shoe buttons doing right up to the chin, hiding his shirt, and he greeted the slaves as he entered. Shaking hands with Grimmjow as he entered, the two having started a friendship, and the bluenette put a hand behind his back to guide him into the drawing room. They hadn't told the silver haired man that the transfer of ownership had gone through; wanting to surprise him after he'd been such a friend and he thought he was just here for lunch.

Opening the door he entered, pausing as he saw the long red hair over the back of the couch in front of him. The head turned and they both gasped, Rangiku standing with her hand over her mouth. Gin just stood, staring at her like he was drinking her in. Ichigo stood from the opposite couch, grinning widely as his own lover joined him, threading their hands together to watch the reunion. Gin slowly walked round the sofa, almost tiptoeing like he was scared he'd break a spell and she'd disappear or something.

He walked right up to her, standing so she had to crane her head back a bit as he looked right into her eyes, his own wide and shocked looking. He lifted one hand, tracing round her cheek bone, down the side of her face before running it the length of her jaw, ending on her chin. The men across the room clearly saw the crystal tear fall from her eye before she threw her arms around him, his automatically winding around her waist as he closed his eyes, a matching tear running down his face.

Starrk came up on Ichigo's other side, wrapping one of his arms around the smaller man's shoulder before pressing a kiss onto his head, looking up at their third with tenderness. The men left the room via the back door through to the kitchen, not wanting to intrude on the delicate moment any longer. The new couple had joined them for dinner, sitting just around the kitchen table instead of the big dining table the Count would have normally used. It was just like a family dinner, except the table had been extended to seat the extra members. Passing the food from hand to hand to fill their plates, Gin had to keep being nudged to take the serving plates as he had his attention riveted on the woman at his side, the pair having been silent since they joined the others, the family not actually sure if they had even spoken when they were in private. It was the youngest person on the table who had eventually broken their silence.

"Uncle, is that lady going to marry Count Ichimaru?"

The blushing pair had placated the girl, her mother telling her it was cheeky to ask when she didn't even know the lady's name properly but it had got Ichigo thinking. The young noble had spent the rest of the meal drifting off in his mind, having to be reminded to eat several times by various people round the table. The child's question had at least broken the dam on the conversations, Rangiku and Gin finally talking about themselves, and their forbidden relationship.

After dinner they returned to the drawing room, choosing the comfortable sofas to continue their conversations and it wasn't until Gin decided he'd better head home that he realised Ichigo had never joined them, the young noble having not made it to the room. He questioned Starrk about it, who rolled his eyes.

"He's got an idea; don't know what it is yet but it will no doubt be brilliant as usual. He'll be up in the office. Do you want me to just give him your apologies and goodbyes, or do you want to come up and see him?"

Gin had wanted to see the noble himself, and thank him so they headed up, Rangiku staying downstairs with the others. Starrk knocked gently at the door and was asked to come in quickly. Gin followed at his heels and they saw the Lord seated behind his large desk, his computer on and three huge books open at various pages lying over each other as he traced some lines, taking notes in a notepad with one hand, not even looking at the paper. He glanced up to see who had disturbed him, smiling briefly before finishing his work on that passage, capping his pen before standing and facing them.

"I knew you'd be here, are we getting an insight to your latest project, or is it top secret? Gin just wanted to say his goodbyes before heading home for the evening."

Ichigo smirked before looking at his feet, a light blush painting his cheeks. "It's not top secret, but it's a bit complicated and early on to be talking about it, it could be something or nothing at the moment. It was just what Nel said at dinner that got me thinking. I'll let you know if anything comes of it." He smiled wider at Starrk's eye roll before turning to the Count.

Gin looked at his new friend, not knowing what to say so he just wrapped the younger man in a firm bear hug, slapping his back with vigour before just squeezing him. Ichigo coughed, the embrace firmer than any he'd had before, and was probably leaving marks but he returned it the best he could. Gin released a moment later, eyes open and moist.

"How can I ever thank you for what you have done for me? I didn't think I would ever get her back, let alone get to take her home."

"You will have to be careful, we can give you some notes on living like this and you are both always welcome here, together or separately if you need somewhere to escape to and just be yourselves. And Tia and Ran have become friends so expect her at your house as well. Just be happy, I don't need any thanks for what I have done, because I didn't do anything."

"Is he always like this?" Gin turned to Starrk, jerking a thumb towards the younger man. Starrk just nodded, gesturing to the Count to leave the room. Starrk just left with a wink to his lover, getting a vague wave as the younger man went back to his work. Starrk showed Gin and Rangiku out to Gin's Lamborghini with Grimmjow helping with the luggage and Tia coming to embrace her friend before she left, promising that they'd go shopping soon, as if the three big bags Ichigo had already paid for wasn't enough already.

As they watched the car speed away Grimmjow grasped Starrk's hand, the pair heading inside together. Knowing their third would not be coming out of his office again before bed, they decided to indulge themselves in each other, both enjoying the vigorous sessions they could have when their delicate lover wasn't involved. Not that Ichigo would appreciate being called delicate but they left each other with bruises sometimes, who knows what state Ichigo would be in if he was involved.

Their clothes were left in a trail from Starrk's door right up to his bed, their underwear dropped right at the side. Both men were hard as rails when they knelt up on the bed, the fight for dominance starting as soon as they had entered the room. Grimmjow used his greater strength to pin Starrk to the bed, aligning their cocks and grinding with the older man, swallowing his moans as he smirked through the kisses. Grimmjow hooked one of Starrk's legs over his shoulder as he ran his hands all over the other, ending with his fingers tickling over the sensitive hole he was eager to sink into. Neither had a preference for topping but there was a running tally over who won and the fight got them both going. Grimmjow was just as likely to be the taker even if he won the fight for dominance, enjoying sinking down around Starrk's member as he rode the older man. This time he was going to be the giver and he plunged his finger through the tight muscle as he pulled a whine out of the man. He fumbled the small bottle off the night stand, pulling his hand up to slather it before thrusting two inside, not wanting to hurt his lover but willing to push him to an extent. He got three in, his other hand caressing the upper chest of his lover as he peppered the other side with little nips and kisses, paying attention to his nipples knowing it drove the man nuts.

Feeling like his lover was loose enough he pulled his aching member up, coating it with the lube before sheathing himself fully, holding for a moment before setting a punishing pace, the man under him crowing as his prostate was struck, his dick splattering precum as is bounced with the vigorous thrusts. Grimmjow grabbed it, holding it firmly as he pushed into the body, gripping the base to prolong the pleasure.

He dropped the leg off his shoulder, flipping the brunette over, laying him flat so he could slip in, the tight ass cheeks rubbing over his length. He literally fucked him into the bed, the friction of the harsh thrusts rubbing Starrk's dick on the covers. The brunette cried out, needing more stimulation and Grimmjow knelt up on the bed, not pulling out as he dragged his lover up. He just gripped the slim hips in one arm, holding the throbbing dick in the other as he fucked him hard, Starrk coming harshly, his cum sailing through the air in front of them. Grimmjow then used both his hands to hold Starrk's hips still so he could seek his own end, his end coming with a hoarse scream and dropping them both to the bed.

Starrk took major advantage over the pleasure struck man and flipped him, dragging his hips up into his favourite prep position. Grimmjow was unmoving after his orgasm, sensation coming back quickly as a hot, wet tongue slipped in his ass, the strong little muscle delving and finding all the right places before it was replaced by long, questing fingers. Grimmjow didn't think he'd get another hard on again after his last release but he felt it sneaking up on him as Starrk crooked his fingers over his prostate. He didn't expect any mercy from the other man after he's been so forceful and he wasn't disappointed as the thick cock plunged into him, Starrk leaning over, forcing his upper body more into the bed. Starrk was ruthless, his aim perfect and he brought out moans and cries with every thrust, his hands rubbing soothingly all over his mount's body, everywhere except to the heavy organ between his legs. He cupped the balls at its base, and Grimmjow nearly screamed with frustration, his hips meeting each of the firm thrusts. Eventually Starrk took pity on him and he gripped the weeping dick, stroking it in time with his thrusts, timing a little twist with his strike of the pleasure button inside the man.

Grimmjow had cum all over the bed covers, whining and groaning in pleasure as Starrk found completion in his body moments later. When they eventually moved, they stripped the bed, grabbing a pair of sleep shorts each before moving into Ichigo's room, the noble still not in bed. They had drifted off in each other's arms, glad the younger man wasn't there expecting any action, they had nothing left.

It was the project Ichigo had thought of back then that led to this formal even this evening, them having to attend the Liege Lord's palace this evening decked out in full white tie, Tia and Nel in gowns; the little girl had loved getting a proper gown as fitting her rank, tiara and all after Ichigo took them all shopping.

Three years in the making, and the young Lord stressing all the way. His blood disorder was kind of under control, the new treatment he began the day he was shot was working to let him drive and work part time, but he was still bruising the same. His vision had been to change the world, even just a little bit and he'd used every bit of stubbornness bred into him to get his way. His uncle had helped, well relented really and the solution to the problem had come to them through Kisuke, the ceremony for which was happening tonight.

Nnoitra had pulled himself away from his lover with a grumble, grin still in place as he adjusted his clothes, his own tie still loose and hanging down the sides of his neck, his shirt mostly done up except for at the top. Szayel sat up on the bed and started to re-dress himself, smoothing the creases out of his shirt, the expensive fabric being more forgiving than their usual shirts.

It took Nnoitra seconds to tie Grimmjow's bowtie, pulling on it a bit harshly at the end in retaliation to the interruption before doing his own, black long tie turning perfect even though he wasn't using a mirror. The three men left the room after that seeking out their companions who all should be ready by now.

Should was the magic word after all; the ladies were waiting in the drawing room, Tia gorgeous in a fishtail black lace dress that left her arms bare. A pair of white satin gloves came up over her elbows that matched the clutch handbag under her arm. Little Nel was fussing with the white satin bow on her navy dress, the tulle skirt flowing to her knees leaving her little white shoes on show. Yammy was seated dressed in a formal suit, not in white tie, that was saved for the noble and the freemen attending, not working. Barrigan was the only one not attending, he had pleaded off due to not enjoying big events and Ichigo wouldn't press anyone who didn't want to come. Zommari was coming, and little Ulquiorra because they wanted to see the outcome of their master's plans after watching him toil over them for three years.

The town car was all shined up, the Mercedes just behind it. Grimmjow was driving the white Audi R8 with Ichigo as a passenger because they didn't all fit in the other cars, and the two petrol heads loved the fast engine. Starrk was offered the back seat, but said he'd rather just escort the ladies in the town car, not wanting to squeeze into the three door car.

They all eventually arrived in the entrance way, Barrigan seeing them off before going to enjoy his evening alone and they filtered into the cars, heading for the palace. Valets met them at the entrance and they entered, Ichigo in the lead in his magnificent white tie suit, the colour bands of his rank across his chest under the waist coat making him stand out from the rest of the group. Dark red and black striped fabric, repeated three times not only marked his name, the colours, but his high rank, the thickness. Grimmjow and Starrk were at his sides, and the rest formed up behind them, Nel holding on to Tia's hand just behind her uncle. Ichigo was welcomed warmly by various nobles on his way in, Renji being enthusiastic and Orihime being shy. Since he'd openly joined with Grimmjow and Starrk, the two men taking his last name as they were married in front of his uncle, he'd forever taken himself off the market to all the young ladies and that had been a sad day for some.

Yamamoto had been more than happy to confirm the union of the three men, unusual but since he was basically the king, who was going to argue and he himself had danced with his lover, Police Commissioner Chojiro Sasakibe at the reception. The event had been a small one, held at North Ridge with only a few of Ichigo's friends and his adoptive parents of course. His biological father had sent him a congratulations card and a gift for the wedding, but Ichigo had not opened it, Starrk sending a generic thank you in politeness.

Starrk and Grimmjow had let their curiosity get the better of them and they had slit the package open with a sharp blade one day when their lover was at work. It was a large flat box with a deep blue velvet cover. Opening it they was the locket lying on a bed of cream silk, the metal larger than a woman would wear around her neck, more like a male would use with a pocket watch. It had a knot design on the front and when they popped it open, there was a picture of a beautiful red haired woman with a toddler in her arms, his hair brighter than hers. They could see their lover in the child's face, and spotted the likeness of their little niece there as well. A card stuck in the lid of the box was hand written and signed by the absent father, wishing his son a world of happiness, and saying if Ichigo could be half as happy as Masaki had made him, he was a lucky man.

The men had taken the locket to a watch smith and had him use the front face with the picture, to make a watch for the stubborn man, knowing he'd never open the present himself, the box retaped and placed back in the sideboard in the lord's bedroom. The gift was in Starrk's jacket pocket for this evening, hoping to give it to the man later after the ceremony.

They were ushered into a large function room, the colours of the Liege Lord round the room, the same red as Ichigo claimed with a thin, deep blue stripe alternating with the black. The young lord and his husbands made their way to the front, the rest of the household having to watch from the back, as due their rank. There was no resentment in the others of the house, all glad the men could be with each other in public.

Ichigo sat in his fairly uncomfortable chair in the front row, his handsome lovers to his left, Starrk sitting right next to him. He was nervous, he had decided to bid for this after extensive research into the history of their society and his uncle had been good enough to indulge him in the use of his historians and lawyers until collectively they found the only way to change what had to be changed, was to start with the trouble maker himself, Ichigo starting all of it.

His uncle stood at the front, speaking in his deep voice as he introduced the event, and its purpose. Ichigo actually tuned him out for a moment, not able to hear his work being discussed without blushing. His name was called and he stood, walking over to the front of the room and facing his uncle. He was asked to kneel, and he dropped, one leg tucked under him as he looked up at the one man who'd loved him his whole life. The wizened hand rested on his shoulder before it pulled him up, holding out the braid for him to take, replacing the one currently round his chest with an even thicker one, this time a direct copy of the room's decoration.

The other occupants rose from their seats, intoning the respect for him clearly, Ichigo losing the fight to control his blush.

"Hail, Prince Kurosaki."


The only one with the power to change the laws was the ruler of the lands, or his heir. When Ichigo had come to his uncle saying it was unfair, how some person could end up in service their whole life and have no way to escape it. He intended to make it so a noble could release their slaves, if they were willing to set them up in life so they wouldn't be a burden on the state and it would also mean the workforce would increase, the economy would do better and a lot of people would be happier. Not all of course, it would mean a reshape of their lives, arenas and fighting slaves would probably be a thing of the past but Ichigo could see a better future. This was why Yamamoto had decided to take Ichigo as his heir, instead of just passing the law himself. For this to come about, a younger, more enthusiastic man would be needed, one who would live long enough to see it through.

And all because one little girl asked if a nice lady was going to marry her man.

Gin knew about Ichigo's plan, and had been overwhelmed that it was his situation that made the Lord work hard, but once he'd started he saw how this could really improve things, and was ready to make the changes.

Starrk was ready to catch his lover after the event, Ichigo going into an antechamber to change his stripes. Grimmjow was just closing the door when the younger man's knees went, Starrk having a handkerchief ready in case of a nose bleed. It was a stressful hour for the Lord, and his skin had paled slightly. He had managed to gain the weight his doctor had demanded, and had kept it on to keep himself from being technically underweight but he still had his slim figure, gaining more muscle mass as his body developed into his mid-twenties. He'd never be as built as Grimmjow but he was stronger and felt better in himself.

The two men held him for a moment, trying to give him a bit of strength through them to get him through the night.

And the night stretched on, people coming up and bowing to him, ladies curtsying and gushing over his change of status. Baron Tousen approached him but he didn't even stop walking, refusing to pass even the time of day with the man. He'd never been charged in connection to the attack but Ichigo knew he'd been aware of it and knew his new system would impact on the other man strongly. He couldn't quite bring himself to care however.

Aizen had been the one to bear the full charges of the attack, the judge landing him with more than a life sentence to be served in service to the state, basically a slave, for eighty years or until he died, whichever came first. Ichigo hadn't been interested in what the man's assignment was, but Nnoitra had found out, and shared it with the rest of the family, Gin included. The high and mighty lord Aizen was now highly involved in mining, spending most of his days under the ground working to clear the pit rubbish so the actual miners could dig deeper. The chances of him living to the end of his sentence, even if that were possible, were very slim.

Ichigo fell asleep in the town car on the way home, Grimmjow taking Nnoitra in the Audi just for fun and Szayel drove the Mercedes home. The young lord had wanted to just curl up, and the luxury car would be more comfortable and Starrk would be there to snuggle with.

The brunette had his arms full of sleepy prince as the entered the home, Barrigan smiling down when he saw the promotion in his braid, the young man grinning in return.

Up in his room, Ichigo started stripping down, dumping the expensive formal suit onto the sofa to deal with it in the morning. He was standing in his boxers, the white fabric riding up as he stretched his body out, the pops and creaks in his back feeling very satisfying. The door opened as he finished stretching, Grimmjow entering and instantly having a feral grin on his face. Walking up to the young noble he wrapped his long arms around him, pulling him in for a long, slow kiss, mapping out Ichigo's mouth with his own tongue. Ichigo responded enthusiastically, holding his lover tightly, tracing his long fingers over the toned and hard body. He started to strip off the other man's clothes, tossing them to join his own until they were both in their underwear, Grimmjow turning them so he could press Ichigo onto the back of the couch, bringing the long, lean legs around his waist. Both felt the excitement in the other's body as their groins touched, matching moans getting swallowed at the same time. Grimmjow dropped his head, sucking at the other man's ear lobe before licking and nipping his way down the pale neck, sinking his teeth into his shoulder muscle gently. Ichigo just writhed under him, grasping at his shoulders. Grimmjow sank to his knees, looking up as he peeled the tight boxers off, Ichigo's length firm and ready. He swiped his tongue up, bringing out a gasp before he swallowed it down, still unable to deep throat him at this angle. He took him as far as he could, humming as he sank down to intensify the feeling. Ichigo sat with his legs spread, one heel up on the couch back and his hands spread out to support himself.

It was just like this that Starrk walked into, seeing Ichigo with his head dropped back and his eyes closed and Grimmjow between his legs.

"Starting without me? How rude." Starrk grinned, undressing himself as he approached them. He knelt on the couch seat behind Ichigo, pulling the younger man against his chest as he fondled the other's body, pulling at the nipples and tickling along his sides. He pulled Ichigo's head up, exposing his neck to his lips, and he sucked on the skin, leaving marks but there were no plans to leave the house the next day anyway. He ran one hand through their third's bright blue hair, drawing his gaze up, and he winked at the brunette as he continued to stimulate the noble. Starrk sent one questing finger south, down the lean back to the dip between his ass cheeks, pressing under until he felt the little pucker under the pad of his index finger. He knew he couldn't penetrate from this angle, but he could certainly play, teasing the outer muscle until Ichigo came with a scream into Grimmjow's mouth, the man swallowing him down. Grimmjow sat up and was pulled in for a harsh kiss by Starrk, the other licking all traces of the noble out of his mouth.

"Cumslut." Grimmjow grinned at the brunette who just shrugged with a grin on his face.

Ichigo was lifted, Starrk turning him so he could kiss the younger man as he carried him to the bed, throwing him down as they approached. Grimmjow was there in a heartbeat and the two older men worshiped their prince's body, Ichigo moaning out at the attention. Grimmjow pulled the younger man onto his chest, the pair lying entwined and exploring each other's mouths. Starrk didn't waste any time in drawing the younger man's hips up and getting his own tongue involved, his hands drifting over the two sets of balls under him as well as the stiff members. Ichigo hadn't been long in coming back again and he groaned into Grimmjow's mouth, the blue haired man using his hands to bring him pleasure as well.

Starrk was using three fingers inside him fairly quickly, the brunette eager to move things along, but knew his plan needed the younger man fully stretched. Ichigo had spread his legs out a bit so his dick was coming in contact with Grimmjow's as he thrusted back onto the fingers inside him. Starrk drew his little finger into the centre of his hand and twisted the hand round, sinking in till his knuckles were sucked in, stopping at his thumb joint and crooking them round. Ichigo buried his head in Grimmjow's chest, unable to think with the sensations in his body. Starrk judged him ready, pulling the noble up against his chest as Starrk aligned Grimmjow's dick with his entrance, Ichigo sliding down enthusiastically, moaning loudly as he hilted, circling his hips to adjust. That made Grimmjow grab at him his throbbing dick having to deal with the hot tight cavern around him. Ichigo remained upright for a moment, using his strong thighs to bounce on the dick under him, Starrk's arms around his chest as the older man nibbled on his neck. Ichigo was soon bent over, allowing Grimmjow to thrust up, the blue haired man gripping the narrow hips as tightly as he dared to get the stimulation he desired. Starrk knelt one leg either side of Ichigo's legs, rubbing a hand over his swollen member. He slicked it up before laying it on the smooth back in front of him, pressing it down to the filled hole in front of him. Ichigo cried out at the sensation, arching is back to bring his entrance up more, almost begging to be taken by the older man as well. Starrk wasn't one to refuse his lover and he gripped his member, pressing it in gently, sucking in a deep breath as the heat surrounded him. He could feel Grimmjow's dick throbbing next to his, and didn't need to look to know he'd be gritting his teeth. This position meant Starrk was doing most of the work; the other's unable to move under him.

Grimmjow came first, his jet hitting Ichigo's pleasure button sending the youngest man off which in turn drew Starrk's orgasm out.

They landed in a pile, all out of breath as they clung to each other. Grimmjow tried to stretch a bit, pulling out and he looked round to see a large grey head peeking round the arch, staring at the men with interest. Diesel had free reign of the house but spent time with his grandmother in Ichigo's room a lot and had taken to watching the men in their sexcapades, something that Ichigo disliked but didn't bother anyone else.

The men had a quick clean up, the sheets dumped in the corner of the room as clean ones were put on and they fell into their sleep, Grimmjow in the middle with his arms around his lovers. The two men were holding hands over his chest, Starrk fiddling with Ichigo's wedding ring.

He pulled something out from under his pillow, holding it in his clasped hand for a second, Ichigo sitting up and frowning at him sleepily.

"What's that?"

"It's the wedding present from your dad."

Ichigo's frown deepened, knowing it wasn't from Kisuke; he'd given them something much larger. "I didn't open the gift from Isshin."

"I know, we did." Starrk didn't have any regret or guilt in his voice. "We had this made for you." He held out the chain, the round watch spinning on the end. Ichigo looked like he wasn't going to take it for a second, but Grimmjow rubbed a soothing hand over his back and he reached for it. The pocket watch on the silver chain with the little fob at the end had the knot pattern on its door, Ichigo pressing the button to flick it open, eyes filling at the image of him and his mother in the housing. At the brunette's insistence, he closed the watch and flicked it over, seeing an inscription on the back.

"No one is ever forgotten, if they were loved"

Ichigo clutched the watch, the image inside in his mind as he closed his eyes, tears rolling down his face. He would never forget his mother; she taught him what love was, allowing him to love the men with him.

It's over! Please review, let me know if you you enjoyed it and what your favourite part was if you've got a minute. Thanks for reading!