hope you enjoy! I have recently went back and fized most of the spelling and story errors! CATION THIS IS A VERY PERVERTED STORY!

"Makino I have filled out the paper work and I finally meet the age limit of 18 what else would you call me here for?" ace was at the orphanage in one of the private offices talking to Makino. Makino had called him back because as he filled out his paper work to adopt his younger brother, who was still there at the age of 15, he didn't meet one of the requirements of the state to officially adopt Luffy. At least that's what Makino told him...

"Will you meet all the basic requirements but since we have such few kids here we have to make sure they get adopted by good people..." Makino was trying to think of what to say next and trying to rethink her words more carefully so ace wouldn't be so mad at her.

"I understand that but the only problem I figure is the house. But I finally got an apartment." ace was sitting there. Not angry but upset that he didn't know what he had to do differently to be Luffys guardian.

"Will ace you see..." Makino trailed off a bit double thinking her words again.

"Without a steady income I'm worried you won't be able to keep up with all the money issues. I know you only got that apartment so on paper you can look better so you can become Luffys guardian quicker. But I still don't know where the money is coming from or even where your job is ace!" Makino voice was rising as more of her emotions were coming out. "I know you may hate me for putting you in the horrible man care but I didn't know..." ace then quickly cut her off.

"SHUT UP WHAT WOULD YOU KNOW OF WHAT I WENT THROUGHT FOR LUFFY!" ace yelled at the top of his lungs trying to not hear Makino said the rest of that story to him. He knew full well what happened.

"Sorry..." ace then composed himself again as he continued to talk."Look I told you I got a under the table job and I have told you it's noting illegal. since were bring up the past you know after everything I have been through I wouldn't do something like that just when I can finally get Luffy." ace then looked at Makino sitting across the desk in front of them sitting on a old chair. As ace could feel the tension in the air he leaned back into the old couch he was sitting on and toke a deep breath in.

"Look I know you worried about me but don't be ok." ace gave a slight smile to Makino as she smiled back.

"So other then you being worried about money way cant I take Luffy." ace was getting to the main reason he was here right now. Makino's sweat dropped a bit before she told ace it was a lie.

"You can have him." she then looked at the huge grin on aces face appears and she couldn't help but smile innocently remembering all of his innocent childhood moments and memories.

"However if for some reason I find there is a money problem then I'm ordered by the state to remove Luffy. Okay ace?" she smiled at ace as she reached out to hold his hands that where on the table.

"I know but YAHOOO! I CAN HAVE LUFFY WE CAN BE ONE BIG HAPPY FAMILY!" ace then got up and shouted with pure joy as Makino laughed at him with a kind smile as ace ran out of the room to the old room that ace and Luffy shared till a few months ago.

"Luffy I got custody!" ace screamed as he flung open the door, to what is now only Luffys room. Suddenly he soon noticed Luffy was fast asleep on the bottom bunk of his bed.

"Oi wake up Luffy." ace walked over and started to rock the younger boy awake. Suddenly Luffy, with his eyes still shut, couldn't help but grin at his older brother trying to wake the pretend sleeping boy up. But Luffy sucked at faking sleep, and lying.

"Oh? So that's how you're going to be? sleeping beauty needs to wake up." ace then quickly looked over his shoulder to see if Makino was in the hall way before he kissed Luffys pink lips. Luffy quickly wrapped his arms around ace and kissed back. It was short and not very sexual; not like they ever gave what they did much though.

They were brothers and only had each other in their lives. Kissing on the lips wasn't unusual with them. Of course it was a silly game they played as kids when Luffy watched the movie sleeping beauty. It was nothing more than a childish thing that neither of them tokes seriously. Will Luffy at least. Ace began to confuse his feelings when he turned 15 towards the younger boy. But ace either pushed it out of his mind as much as possible or tried to spend more time with Luffy. Seeing as how he only thought about whenever Luffy wasn't around to occupy his mind at the moment.

"So come on let's get you packed and out of here!" ace then got up and when straight to open a now empty closet.

"Ha ha I was so excited about you coming; I had them packed for a while now." Laughed Luffy. 'Luffy laughs so innocently' thought ace as he smiled at the younger boy sitting on the lower of the bunk beds laughing at him in his white old t shirt and his ,not so blue, blue jeans wearing his famous old timey sandals.

"Well what ever since it are not that much you carry it." ace then threw Luffy his old suit case Makino gave him.

Ace then walked out of the door and said goodbye to Makino and the others as he and Luffy left to their apartment in the lower part of town.

please continue! and thank you 4 reading!