Alright! Hey everyone this is my first Shingeki no Kyojin fanfiction so please go easy on me :O This chapter is much shorter than what I normally pump out (and a bit rushed...) but I promise the next chapter will be longer and more in depth, think of this as the prologue :) Well, please enjoy!

Year 850: Infiltrating Wall Maria

This is disgusting, utterly repulsive. Look at everyone, look at all these people risking their lives for me, in the hope that my basement holds the answer to saving not only themselves, but humanity. I can't help but feel the urge to vomit at the thought that I'm about to leave all my friends behind to try and make my way safely to the crumbled remains of my home. It's selfish and despicable and I can't help but think I shouldn't leave them behind, corporal however says they know this is their job and that I just need to trust him on this.

Yet, all I can think of is how I saw every member of the previous Special Operations Squad die because I trusted them and didn't act on my own…I could turn around-I could still make it, I-


I shook my head and just like that I was back in the present situation. To my left was Mikasa, Armin to my right and Corporal was leading us. The surroundings seemed familiar, aside from the fact that the roads were covered in an array of different sized rocks, showing hints of old blood still stained into random crevices.

"It's going to be okay."

I turned to Armin to see a rather encouraging smile on his face and I couldn't help but smile a little back at him. He was right, I should trust in my friends. They're all incredibly strong people, constantly taking on death. We all are; I shouldn't doubt their abilities, I'll just hope that they try their damn hardest to survive.

"It's right around the corner."

Mikasa spoke up for the first time since we'd set out. I think she's been lost in thought too, about what though I'm unsure. I'm a bit unsteady about the fact that we're returning to our old home, maybe she's remembering everything too? That day five years ago is still fresh in my memory, and it's the driving force that keeps me going. My mom won't have died in vain, I'll be useful, and I will save humanity. I just hope that what we need is in that basement…

"We're coming up on the entrance."

All of us pulled the reins on our horses and ceased right as we came around the corner. The sight pulled at my heart and I started feeling that pain again. My house is still destroyed and I can see my mother's blood is still splattered all over the cobblestone. I have to hold back the bile and keep my vision forward to avoid heaving all over myself. Thankfully, however there doesn't seem to be any Titans in sight.

We're getting closer to the door and I can visibly see all of us getting more and more tense. Everything rests on what is behind this door. Will this save us, or throw us back even more? I can only hope that my father, wherever he may be, left behind something useful. Armin, Corporal and Mikasa pause on either sides of the door and look to me with this kind of hope that is rarely seen. Hope that we may be able to end this finally, hope that we may finally be able to live outside the walls, and hope that maybe one day we'll be able to see the oceans of fire and everything else the outside has to offer us.

I pull the key from my neck, and with an unsteady hand slowly unlock the door. I pause and I can see Mikasa and Armin smiling a bit unsurely at me, Corporal raises his eyebrows a bit but I can feel he is trying to assure me that things are going to be okay. Inhaling slightly I turn the key and brace myself for whatever is on the other side of that door…

"What in the actual fuck…?"

Corporal cursing is the last thing I remember before I lost consciousness.


What…? This voice sounds familiar…


What the hell, who is this?


I could feel my eyes slowly opening and my consciousness returning. The image in front of me was beginning to gain shape, starting to resemble something human. With one last blink my vision had returned to me and I could see-


Without much thought my arms were around her squeezing for dear life and I could feel the tears springing from my eyes. My mother was right in front of me, she was solid and definitely not a hallucination. I could feel her cooing softly under my grip, her hands rubbing up my back in a soothing manor.

"What's wrong sweetheart? Did you have a nightmare? You're a bit old but…" She continued to go off about me being too old to cry about my nightmares but I didn't even care, just the fact that I could hold her again made me feel so good inside. This didn't make any sense though, why was my mother here?

I opened my eyes after a few minutes of serene bliss and noticed Mikasa staring blankly in my direction. She looked like she was trying to contain something that I didn't quite understand yet, however, I had to raise a brow at the questionable outfit she was wearing. Some weird skirt and socks with a sweater, button up shirt and her usual scarf. This doesn't look like anything I have ever seen…

"Alright Eren, that's enough. If you don't get up now you're going to be late."

"Late? Late for what?"

"Ha, very funny, Mikasa already tried that. Hurry or you'll be late for school."

School…? We're going to school? My mother left my grasp and stood, pulling my ear a little before she left. Mikasa and I just sorta stared at each other in equal confusion before I finally spoke up.

"Do you know what's going on here?"

She proceeded into what I assumed was my room and over to a wardrobe nestled in the corner, pulling out a weird looking sort of suit consisting of khaki pants, a white button up and a khaki colored brown plaid tie. This was a sort of odd combination of colors I hadn't really seen before…

"No idea, especially when your mom came into wake me up-put this on."

She laid out 'my' clothes onto 'my bed' and I just sort of stared at them as if they were the most peculiar things I had ever seen in my life.

"We're actually going? But we don't even know what's going on-"

"We have to find Armin and Corporal; if we're lucky they may be there."

Shit, she's right. I was too caught up in the moment to realize they weren't here…Wherever here was. Mikasa left me to get dressed and I couldn't help but notice all the strange things that were here, things that I had never even seen.


My mother screamed for me and I quickly threw on the rest of the outfit, not even bothering to check myself out. Upon opening the door Mikasa was right in front of me, holding up a strange little black box and pointing to it.

"Take this thing with you."

I cocked my head at her and slowly turned back into my room, finding a similar black box next to my bed.

"What is it?"

I eyed the strange thing from bottom to top but still couldn't quite decide what it was. I followed after her not paying much mind to my surroundings.

"I'm not quite sure, but this thing called "Contacts" has all our friend's names."

This caught me by surprise.

"All of our friends?"

She nodded as we made our way down the steps, upon reaching the bottom all we could do was stand there and look at everything going on around us. There was another box, much larger than the ones we were holding that displayed a moving picture; people were talking on it about things like the weather and daily news.

Both of our heads shot toward what we assumed was the kitchen when we heard a popping noise, and my mother rushing out holding what looked like dark bread.

"Alright, here's some toast kids, get your shoes on and hurry or you're going to be late!"

She was shooing us toward the door and the only thing I could think of was-

"Are we going to be safe?"

She looked at me as if that were the oddest thing I had ever said to her.

"Why wouldn't you be? Unless you walk down some dark alley or talk to suspicious people…"

She genuinely looked confused and Mikasa and I just eyed each other.

"What about the Tit-"

Mikasa's hand was over my mouth before I could finish my sentence.

"Bye bye, we'll see you later."

She dragged me toward the door and it pissed me off slightly. Why didn't she let me finish? I would have struggled harder, yet when she opened the front door and I saw it…Well, I couldn't do much but gawk.

Things looked…real, and when I say real, I mean I couldn't see walls anywhere. We were outside, like really outside. When I looked at Mikasa I could see her eyes were widened and her grip on me had lessened, so I managed to pull myself out and we both just stood there in silence and took in how beautiful and free everything looked.

I wondered where we were, where we were going, and how we got here in the first place. Yet, as I dipped my hand down to pet the grass, or jumped up to try and pluck a leaf off the tree, I acknowledged how liberating it felt to know I was no longer in a cage. Was this the future, a future where we managed to defeat the Titans? No…No this couldn't be the future… Whatever it was, for one thing I could be sure, this has to be a stepping stone that would lead us to a future like this.

Okie Dokie! That was the first chapter! I have big plans for this and I'm already typing up the next chapter, but please please please review because that is literally what keeps me going, and what lets me know that you guys are interested and want to read more! I really appreciate what you guys have to say! So please, drop a review :) Next chapter should be up soon!
