So I realized that having an uneven 59 chapters bugged me, and I also have exciting news


Yes, it's called 'Mementos in Hoarfrost' and can be found under my name (of course). I want to thank everyone that reviewed, and sorry it took until today to get back to a lot of you. I basically knew I needed to put Jelsa away and work on a ton of other things for awhile (The Green Games, the Game is Called Death) and all and wrote two one-shots in between. Gosh, this is what I've been doing with my life before collge (GO BUCKY! Maybe some of you will understand that reference. If you get it, maybe I'll see you next year in red and white!)

Also, the way the chapters will be updated (the order) is totally up to you guys and you can read about that at the end of the authors note for the first chapter of the story.

Now to respond to those non-account reviews that people posted (or at least the ones I had comments to review back on):

Alliiiyyaa: Hey I checked out your fanfictions. I love Loki so I was happy to read it ;) Keep up the good work!

Guest: Thanks. Sometimes I worried that I was talking to no one and no one really wanted to hear about some stranger's day lol

WolfGodess: Yes Hans did show up at the wedding, and it is Hugo's son that has fire power! And Rin married the Chieftain descendant of Merida, his name is Kane. They had three children :) And about Elsa meeting Pitch? Not sure if that's going to happen; she may meet him in a memory of sorts (like going back in time, which is possible) but that would be a whole other story in itself.

I want to thank everyone else that reviewed, even if you weren't mentioned here, I still love you.

And not to break the rules of TOS, here's a little preface to get you all to go favorite, alert, and review the story:


Jack checked every room in the castle. First he checked their bedroom, then the kitchens, and even her least favorite place- the bowels of the school, but he could just not find his wife.

"Jamie- you seen Elsa anywhere?" He asked, rubbing his chin.

Jamie looked up, and ran a hand through his hair. "This morning, yeah. She left the castle. Haven't seen her since."

"Gosh darn it." Jack shook his head, "Where does she think she's going?"

"Oh, you didn't know?" Jamie sucked in a breath, "That's awkward."

As he spoke, the front door swung open, and Elsa walked into the room. She saw Jack and paused, but quickly regained her posture.

"Jack!" She purred, "Sorry I didn't tell you, but I had an errand to make today." She said, and kissed him.

"What kind of errand?" He asked.

"Oh, nothing important." She said, trying to get around him with a large and bulky satchel.

"Uh-uh. I know you better than that, dear." He said, and swiftly confiscated the bag. Elsa gave a long sigh.

"Fine, I took a little trip down to the castle to recollect some things of mine." She admitted with a shrug. Jack dropped the bag.

"You robbed the castle?" He gaped at her. Elsa narrowed her eyes.

"No. I moved my rightful belongings from one home to another." She said.

"And they just let you in the door to loot their displays?" Jack gaped.

"Well not exactly…" Elsa muttered, and Jack dumped the contents of the bag onto a little fainting couch near the entrance. He moaned and shook his head.

"These things aren't exactly inconspicuous items, Else." He said, but couldn't help laughing in spite of himself. This was something he would do and Elsa would be yelling at him for, in any other situation. The reversal was downright hilarious.

She had taken the linens that had previously been on their bed, right down to the throw pillows. She had taken an ornate and probably thousand-dollar egg that had been her grandmother's. Her silver set of brush and hand mirror. Heimdall's baby blanket. A set of wooden reindeer toys from her childhood. A little picture frame with her parents, herself, and Anna. And finally-

"Ohh! Is that a photo album?" Lila said walking by and picking up the large tome.

"Don't encourage it." Jack groaned, "Elsa just robbed the castle!"

"But it's a photo book!" Lila whined, and Jack sighed. They all knew her obsession with photo books. Her whole family did. Jack, upon their firs meeting, had sat through nearly four hours of leafing through photo books.

"This one is from the castle and our life." Elsa said fondly, her fingers running over the engraving of 'Elsa and Jack Frost' written on the front.

"That was on display right in front. Elsa, if they don't notice anything else, they'll for sure notice that gone." He twiddled his thumbs.

"They can get over it." Elsa said, "If they didn't photocopy the pages already then they're just idiots." She motioned for Lila to sit with her. Lila took the book in her hands, and then gave a wide smile, but did not open it.

"Jack, come sit with us." She beckoned to her ancestor. Jack gave a grumpy frown, but sat by his wife. Elsa squeezed his hand.

"Where to start?" Lila asked.

"This is a story that doesn't need to be told start to finish. We can begin anywhere you want."

Well, what are you waiting for? New Jelsa stories await!