"When was the last time you saw her?" The officer asked. It was a bright sunny day out and it was very hot, about 90 degrees. It was windy and it just blew more hot air on everyone. The Valley of Peace were all keeping themselves inside after hearing a ferocious master like Tigress went missing. The cop waited for an answer, staring at the panicked five.
" was yesterday." Viper spoke first.
"Yeah, we had all gone to bed last night, and when everyone got up, Tigress never came out." Monkey explained. "And when we checked her room, no one was in there."
The officer wrote it down and looked at them again, fanning himself off with his clipboard.
"And was there any sort of weapons or anything odd in there?" He asked.
"Yeah, there was a metal claw by her closet, but I didn't wanna touch it and mess up the fingerprints." Mantis said. The cop nodded.
"So, it's still there?"
"Yep, unless someone moved it." Mantis said. "Which I highly doubt."
"So, where's Shifu?" The cop asked.
"He's in his room." Po said, speaking for the first time since Tigress had went missing.
"Doing what?" The cop asked curiously.
"Meditating. Whenever something bad happens, he usually tries to find inner peace." Po looked to his right, where there was an alley along the side of the shops and houses. He wished for Tigress to come back soon. And if the cops didn't find her, he swore he'd find her himself. His stomach started to hurt and his head throbbed. Where could she be? Not far, he hoped. He just needed to keep wishing for her. He needed to continue to pray.