Author's Note: I'm baaaack! I'm SO sorry for being absent for so long! Unfortunately, I recently lost someone very near and dear to me this year so it was difficult to do much of anything for awhile. Still, I'm healing, and writing always does make me feel better. I mean, who wouldn't feel better immersing themselves into the lives of Mash, right?! :) Anyway, I hope there's still at least some of you still out there who love Bash and Mary together as much as I do! I've got renewed inspiration once more, so I hope to be back here with the next chapter soon. Also, a very special thank you to all of you who have continued to read and review over my long absence! You really are the reason I'm back and continuing this story! Thanks, guys! I'll PM you all soon, but I wanted to say thank you first right now.
They had been riding for hours. Mary inhaled deeply, allowing the salty air to fill her lungs. They were finally nearing port, one big step closer towards getting them to Scotland.
"We'll stop over here," Bash indicated, finger pointed towards a lake. He steered the horse to stop beside a thicket of trees. Dismounting first, Bash turned around to help Mary down. His arms lingered around her waist after her feet touched the ground, his gaze held hers. "We're getting close." He smiled, eyes twinkling.
"We are," she said in such a way it made Bash frown.
He quirked a brow. "Second thoughts?"
"I'm worried. What if we're discovered seeking passage? Do we tell them who I am and hope they help without divulging the secret? Or do we hide our identities and hope we can even find someone willing to transport us?"
Bash brushed his fingers across her cheek. "We'll be alright. We've made it this far, haven't we?" Mary nodded, eyes watering. "Besides," he continued, "I have a plan."
Mary leaned forward and brushed his lips with a kiss. Smiling, she pulled away, her gaze locked on his.
"Not that I'm complaining, but what was that for?"
Her smile grew fonder. "For having a plan. For coming with me. For risking your life to protect mine."
Bash answered with a roguish grin. "You're right, I am rather wonderful. It's about time you took notice."
Rolling her eyes she turned from him and brought her eyes to rest on the rippling water. "It will be so good to bathe and get clean again."
Bash's eyes lit with mischief. "Mm, yes, won't it?"
Mary coloured. "I meant privately."
Bash's grin grew before he let out a little laugh. "I know that, Mary. We aren't in that place with other – yet."
Mary stepped closer so she could palm his cheek. "You have to be the most patient man in all of France."
"Not really," his lips quirked, "I just know you're worth waiting for."
A pleased glow blossomed across her cheeks as she turned to look at the lake once more. "I shall bathe there, in the nook by the trees. You can stay closer here by the bank."
"Yes, your Grace," Bash responded with a wink. He began to strip, seemingly unaware of Mary's lingering gaze. He tossed his tunic to the ground without glancing at her, but he couldn't suppress his smirk any longer. "Now who's testing the boundaries?"
Slack-jawed at getting caught, Mary sputtered before she twirled around and made her way to the grove. Positioning herself for maximum coverage, she began to peel off layers of her clothing, all the while keeping her eyes on Bash. He was naked now, she caught a full glimpse of his body as he plunged himself into the water. Blushing like mad, she finished undressing and dove into the lake. Closing her eyes, she bobbed beneath the water a few times before she broke back through the surface. Her gaze immediately sought out Bash. She coloured when she saw him watching her. He threw her a bold wink.
"Would you object to my joining you over there? The water looks so much more inviting on your side."
She laughed at his cocked brow and comical come-hither gaze. "I thought you said we weren't at that point yet," she teased, heart racing.
"That was before I saw you all wet," he responded as rakishly as possible.
With all the bravado she could muster, Mary shrugged one shoulder. "Alright, then."
Bash froze.
Widening his eyes, jaw agape, brows sky-high, Bash muttered, "Wha – what?"
Reveling in the affect she caused, Mary's courage grew. "You're free to join me if you like."
Bash only hesitated for a fraction of a second before he burst out of the water, rushed across the small bank, and dove right in beside her. She blushed at his bare skin. Her previous courage melted away, she dipped a bit further beneath the water so it covered her up to her collar bone.
"You're beautiful," Bash held her gaze, "you're so beautiful, it never ceases to amaze me. I feel as though I can never quite catch my breath when you're near me."
"Oh," Mary breathed, forcing a light smile, "I've seen you with your fair share of beautiful women."
"None like you."
"You know how to flatter a girl."
"It's not flattery in this case, it's the truth."
"Bash," she whispered as he moved closer to kiss her. The kiss was soft, at first, but it quickly grew in intensity as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her flush against him. She felt her slick body mold to his as their embrace grew more heady.
"Oh, Mary," he moaned into her mouth, his hands leaving her cheeks to allow him to slowly explore downward. He brushed his fingers across the hollow of her throat before he bent down to kiss below her chin, along the front of her neck, to the valley of her breasts...
"Bash," she barely let out, her heart was beating too erratically to say much else. He felt his way further down her chest, allowing himself to lightly caress her nipples before moving his fingers across the top of her abdomen. Gripping her waist on both sides, he pulled her closer and nibbled his way down her neck once more, kissing every inch of skin that he could without going beneath the water.
"Do you need me to – do I need to stop?" He stilled his fingers on the sides of her thighs, his lips hovered an inch from hers. "It's alright if we stop, I understand."
"Mm," she sighed, opening her eyes and meeting his searching gaze. "No, I don't want to stop."
Bash's eyes grew brighter, his smile widened. "Are you sure?"
Mary nodded. "Yes, it's time. I want to be with you."
Bash kissed her once more, his hands moved further down to reach their ultimate destination. "Oh, Baaash..." Mary bobbed in the water, so she could position herself for him to have greater access. When she was ready, he whispered, "I love you" before he joined them together as one.
Mary lay on the grass, dressed in only her shift. Bash drew lazy circles across her shoulder. Her stomach growled, making Bash laugh. He kissed her once more before he jumped up, removed his britches again, and ran back into the water. He bent down, cupped his hands below the surface for a few minutes, before he suddenly yelped. "Almost got it that time," he muttered.
"What on earth are you doing now?" she laughed, thoroughly sated and eager to replenish her body.
Bash turned around, his pale skin glistening in the sun, as he grinned back at her. "I'm going to catch us some trout."
"I see." She sat upright and curled her knees to her chest as she watched him. "Would you like some help?"
Bash looked at her inquisitively. "Are you going to tell me you helped catch fish at the convent?"
"Hm. Thank you for the offer, but I want you to relax." His grin turned cheeky. "Besides, this will give me another opportunity to show off for you." She laughed as she watched him continue to try to catch the fast little swimmers. It took nearly an hour, but he finally caught one for each of them. He padded his way up the bank to where she sat watching. "Milady," he offered the raw, stinky fish to her with a bow.
"You're so," her words were cut off by the sound of hooves in the distance. "Bash – "
"I heard it, too," he whispered, all signs of levity gone. "We have to go, we have to go now." Dropping the fish, he rushed to pull on his britches. Mary jumped up and grabbed her dress off the grass. She was about to begin the tedious process of putting it back on when Bash stilled her hands. "There's no time." He threw his tunic and boots into the saddle bag, along with Mary's dress and boots. "We need to leave instantly," he said as he tossed the saddle onto his horse, bothering only to cinch the necessary securing buckles. Hopping into the saddle, he reached for Mary's hand and helped her mount the horse behind him.
"This is insane, I'm not even dressed," Mary whispered, mortified at her state. Although not quite sheer, her shift hardly provided suitable coverage regardless of propriety and usual dress decorum.
"We have no time," Bash repeated, already pushing the horse to a run. They wove their way through the trees, but whoever was behind them seemed to be getting closer rather than further away.
"You're certain they're the royal guards?"
Bash didn't answer. He continued to move them as quickly as his horse could take them. Mary grew a bit queasy at their breakneck speed. She looked over her shoulder and instantly regretted it, the blur of leaves making her stomach roll. They rode on, the riders behind them still in the not-so-far distance. They eventually neared a port, Mary could see the tops of sails through a break in the forest. They seem to have gained some distance from their pursuers, although they were sure to not be too far behind. Bash slowed the horse when they approached a small trading village. He hopped off, helped Mary down, before he scanned the area and called to the nearest man about ten feet away.
"You there. Do you want a horse?"
"What's that?" A peasant turned to stare at Bash, his young son stood beside him. He took in their unusual appearance, gawking at the shirtless Bash and the embarrassed Mary still in only her slip. "Look here. What's your story?"
"No story. I can no longer care for my horse. I want him to be in a good home. Will you take him?"
The peasant continued to frown for another beat before he gave Bash a toothy grin. "Sure as rain, I will. Yes, sir. I ain't gonna look a gift horse in the mouth. Thanks be to you, stranger." The peasant's son eagerly pet the horse's mane, he was already in love. "You ain't askin' for nothin' in return?"
"There is one thing. We're looking to leave France. Do you know of a ship we could gain transport on?"
The peasant pursed his lips. "I'm not sure, but you could try Liam. He's captain of The Zephyr, you'll know the ship by the blue sails. Don't know if he'll take you, but he would be your best bet."
Bash nodded to the man before he grabbed the bag from the saddle. Pausing a moment, he whispered a few words to his beloved horse before he said goodbye.
"Are you alright?" Mary put her hand on Bash's shoulder.
"We have to keep moving," he answered, taking her by the hand and swiftly leading them down the road out of the village.
Thanks for reading! I would love it if you could say hi and let me know what you think if you have a moment! :D