Hi guys! I'm sorry, but this isn't a chapter.

I was wondering, do you guys really, truly like this story? I'm asking this because I haven't even seen the anime and I've only watched 2 episodes of the drama, Boys over Flowers, so it's a bit hard to write up the chapters for the story, if you know what I mean. XD

If not many of you really like it, I'm thinking of putting it on hiatus for a little bit so I can focus on my other stories, because this one consumes most of my time. But I'm only putting this story on hiatus, that means I will get back to it eventually! (:

So please tell me, should I continue or should I put it on hiatus so I could focus on updating my other stories?

Oh and I'm veryyy sorry for the long wait, but I will be updating my story Hey Hey you you I don't like your Girlfriend, today!(:

Lots of love,
