Boys Over Roses

Disclaimer: I don't own May and Drew(:

The PokeNews:

"Good morning and welcome to PokeNews! Today, we will be talking about a school world wide that has everyone wanting to go! The school is called Rosemary Academy. Everyone is buzzing about trying to get into this prestigious school! This school only allows the highest of them all and wealthiest! Although you could get in with a scholarship, people say it is very difficult! Once you get in while your in kindergarten, you will keep moving up a grade, no turning back! I'm pretty sure no one will want to turn back anyway! Students will receive letters to let them know if they have made it or not, so keep an eye out for your letter!"

~~Boys over Roses~~

May had been listening to the radio while doing her chores. She had wanted a scholarship in that school and tried out for one, but still didn't receive anything back...yet. She was hoping she could get in to help her family. There family wasn't exactly poor where it's like Cinderella's food she eats, but still not on the wealthy side, so she was hoping that with the help of this school's intelligence, she will be able to do something big and grand! Like go to the Olympics! Technically though, she had to get her letter first. May had heard from Leaf herself, that she got in, oh! How lucky! She'd also heard from her other best friend, Dawn, that she got in, more or less, from her wealthiness. May was sure of it that she had passed, yet she still had this uneasy feeling in her stomach that she might not of made it... or it could've been from this morning's breakfast... ugh!

At Rosemary Academy, a girl nervously opened her locker, hoping that she would receive what she hoped that she received. As soon as she opened her locker, she fainted, she had gotten their usual signature card and a rose from their leader, Drew Hayden. That meant one thing, he had rejected her, yeah yeah you think that when Drew gave this young girl a rose, that it was a sign of love, but no, everyone in the school, even the kindergarteners knew what Drew's roses meant. That's what he's known for. Now back to the rose, it wasn't your typical red rose, no! It was a withered rose! As Drew passed by the crying girl(She had recovered from passing out) he smirked at her, and walked away, not even turning back, or looking at her.

~~Boys over Roses~~

"AHHHH!" screamed May,making a humongous ruckus upstairs trying to get ready for school. You see, right after May gave you a little background information of her life, she received the best news of her life! She had made it in the school! She was more than happy! She zoomed into her mama's room and shouted out the good news all over the house! Now, we're back to May and her clumsiness for forgetting time just like that! May quickly brushed her teeth while grabbing her uniform and shoving it on herself. The uniform consisted of something very sophisticated and some very precious and very expensive fabric! May didn't even know if her uniform was made of fabric, considering that it was a little heavy, for all she knew, it could be made out of flattened out gold with some silk on top! She started brushing her "bedhead" and decided to make it look nice for the first day. She obviously wanted to make a good impression on the wealthy, not including Dawn. May also clipped on the only thing expensive in her whole family, it was a 16 karat gold necklace passed down for generations, it had a lovely heart with roses, the necklace was given to her from her dad right before he died from an unknown sickness. It was so special to May that she wore it almost every single day. May glanced at her reflection for one last time before heading out of her room, grabbing her pokeballs and shouting at the top of her lungs that she was leaving, then she ran up to the school's bus stop, and found Leaf and Dawn waiting for her.

"What took you so long?!" shouted Leaf.

May was still panting. "Sorry guys! I uh, sorta overslept.. heh heh..."

Leaf and Dawn both rolled their eyes before all of them stepped into the bus.

When they arrived at Rosemary Academy, they quickly thanked the bus driver and jumped off the bus and ran to school. As soon as they got there, they were almost immediately pushed aside as all the girls began screaming their little heads off. May, Leaf, and Dawn all plugged their ears. May stopped a passerby and asked what was happening, and just as her luck wasn't going so well, it just so happens that it still wasn't over yet.

"Uh, do you mind telling me what all the noise is about?!" yelled May over all the screaming girls... and even some boys.

The girl rolled her eyes. That's the second time someone rolled their eyes at me! What's up with people today! "You guys must be first years then, if you don't know about the absolutely gorgeous yet trouble-making boys at our school!" Right after she said her last few words, which might I add that I couldn't really understand her last few words considering they were a blur to May, the squealing girl rushed over to the big crowd gathered around a group of boys that May and her friends couldn't exactly see. May, Leaf, and Dawn were pushing people out of the way to get a better look, not like they actually wanted to see how gorgeous they really were, they were just a bit curious.

~~Boys over Roses~~

Drew, Gary, and Paul were the main attraction at the school, they were known as the "Rose Threats" considering that they reject almost every girl with a withered rose. Drew was looking at the crowd like it was no big, Gary was taking a liking at some girl, and Paul stared at everyone with his cold, stone-hard eyes. A small but pretty looking girl came up to Drew. All of the students leaned in to hear what she was gonna say.

"Um, um, uh D-Drew I-I would l-like to give this cake that I made myself to you!" said the girl, looking up at Drew while anxiously waiting for the answer.

Drew just stared at the cake, not amused at all. "You say that it's homemade?"

"Uh yes sir!" said the girl. Then unexpectedly, Drew shoved the cake into the girls face. May and her friends were shocked! Especially May, she did not tolerate with his behavior!

Another one of those snotty girls(I guess you could say that, by the way she looks) perked up. "If you must know, Drew never eats anything besides what is made by his personal 5-star chef!" The girl was in tears as she raced out of the room in humiliation.

Drew didn't really care at all for what he has done, he simply plucked out a handkerchief from the snotty girl's pocket and started wiping his hands with it, then he simply dropped the piece of fabric and it was almost like a atomic reaction! Everyone dove for the handkerchief except for the three girls as you all know, May, Leaf and Dawn. May and her friends all looked at Drew disapprovingly.

Then all of a sudden, May shouted out to Drew, definitely not in a loving way! "You freaking bastard!"

Drew looked up to her in surprise. "Hm?"

"Don't act all innocent and pretend you didn't hear me! I saw what you did to that poor girl! That was so rude and disrespectful!" By now, every single pair of eyes were on May and Drew.

Drew raised his eyebrow. "Like I care. And are you sure your talking to me? No one has ever spoken to me like that before, because the consequences could be dangerous." Gary and Paul both smirked at May, Leaf and Dawn.

May snorted. "You think I'm scared? Ha! I'm not, in fact, why don't you start punishing me?! I'm not afraid of some guy that acts all tough, cause you know what?! A guy that may act tough, could actually be scared of a tiny spider!" With that said, May flipped her hair, hmphed at Drew, and left the scene. Leaf and Dawn quickly followed May, but not before smirking at the boys, who were indeed in total shock!

"You go girl!" said Dawn pumping her fist in the air.

"Yeah! That was so cool on how you dealt with those obnoxious loser boys!" laughed Leaf giving May a high five.

"They deserved it! The poor girl's probably crying to death from what Drew said so rudely to her!" May was shaking her head.

"But you totally taught them a lesson! Ha!" retorted Dawn.

~~Boys over Roses~~

However, back with Drew and the others, he was not impressed. Drew grit his teeth. Oh that girl was totally going to get it!

"Dude! Did that girl seriously diss you like that?!" asked Gary laughing while slapping Drew on the back.

Drew smirked and flipped his hair acting as if nothing ever happened. "It's not like that one girl can actually stop me!"

"Hm." was all Paul said although you could tell that he was a bit impressed at May's courage to stand up to Drew.

~~Boys over Roses~~

May, Leaf and Dawn were all swimming in the school's indoor pool. Their classes ended about an hour ago and they all decided to have some fun. They were laughing and splashing water at each other.

"May, come on and have some fun!" shouted Dawn while dunking Leaf into the pool. May was swimming laps across from them. They had also let all their pokemon out. May brought Wartortle, Milotic and her Dragonair out, Leaf didn't bring any of hers out since she only had grass types, and Dawn let out her Finneon, Buizel and her Piplup. They only brought out three of their pokemon even though they have all six with them. May had her Blaziken, Wartortle, Delcatty, Milotic, Dragonair, and Glaceon, Leaf brought Leafeon, Tropius, Scisor, Turtwig, Leavany, and Meganium, and Dawn brought her Piplup, Buizel, Finneon, Togekiss, Ambipom, and her Mamoswine.

While they were having fun they didn't notice three shadows lurking about.

Once they all changed back into their clothes, they went for some ice cream. As they were eating their ice cream, they saw a girl trip off a ledge and land beside Drew, Gary and Paul. But what was really embarassing for the little girl is that her ice cream landed on Drew's expensive looking shoes. May decided to eavesdrop on them.

"Oh my gosh! I-I'm so sorry Mr. Drew! I-I'll do anything to pay you back!" begged the girl.

Drew thought for a moment before placing a smirk on his face. "You said you would do anything right?"

The girl hesitantly nodded.

"Well then, lick the ice cream off my shoe." said Drew, his smirk even wider when he saw her horrified look.

May thought it was time for her and her friends to but into this.

"What in the world do you think your doing?!" shouted May. The little girl quickly dashed away from the scene.

"UGH! You get back here!" yelled Drew. "Great now I lost her! And I just simply told her to lick the ice cream, since she said she would do anything."

"You are too despicable!" screamed May.

"Fine, since you butted into this, why don't you lick the ice cream off my shoe?!" said Drew.

May narrowed her eyes. I really hate this guy! May started lowering her head down to Drew's shoe... then suddenly she shot up, with her ice cream in hand and smashed her ice cream in his face! Drew, shocked by the sudden force, fell to the ground. Gary and Paul, plus Leaf and Dawn were all snickering. May smirked at Drew. "You really think I'd give up my pride that easily?! No freaking way! Give up my ass! You are such a disgrace to actual cute guys!"
Before May left, she said one last thing. "By the way, my mint ice cream really goes with your hair, mint head!"

~~Boys over Roses~~

Drew by now, was furious, so furious that he started ranting on and on about how May was such a disgrace to her kind! Gary had to go up to Drew to calm him down.

"Dude, she's a smart one, better be careful." stated Gary.

"I already know that stupid!" shouted Drew.

"Why don't you do what you usually do, place our signature card in her locker to let her know that we're coming after her?" Gary shrugged his shoulders but not after Drew started giving Gary a manly hug.

"Dude you rock! That's so smart! We are gonna teach her a lesson she's never gonna forget!" Drew's smirk got wider and wider on his face, if it got any wider, he would've looked like the grinch!

She is so going to pay!

FIN. By the way, my other story, "Hey hey you you I don't like your girlfriend" is on Hiatus until after I finish this story, sorry guys! I have writers block with that story! But I promise the story's not abandoned!(; I hope everyone's enjoying the New Year so far! Don't forget to check out my New Years One shot, New Year's Confusion!

Make sure to Review! They are most definitely welcome! :{D

~Purity Moon