A/N: I was busy last week and didn't manage to publish this part. The exams were killing me. At least the worst part is over, now I can breath again.

Have fun reading :)

"Finally someone answers her phone!" – A female voice was heard on the other side of line. – "I have been trying to get in touch with you guys since this morning! And you don't answer! Do you know how scared I was?!"

Robin looked at the anticipating girls. This would disappoint them. – "Nami it's your sister Nojiko. Wait a second I'll put you on the speaker."

"Fuck! I forgot to call her!"

"Are you alive? How was it? Did you lose anyone? Where is Nami? Dii she get drunk again? Where are you now?." – Nojiko was shooting questions at the girls.

The raven head thanked God that it was only Nami's sister calling.

"Slow down. We are at Vivi's. Nami turned off her cell as did Vivi and Kaya. We are fine, more or less."

"Nami we will have a talk when you come back home. I was worried for you and you forgot to call your only sister!" – Her voice was too sweet for Nami's liking. - "I am so glad you answered, Robin. I know you are the only one I can trust"

"I am sorry that we made you worry." - Robin answered and continued to change the flow of the talk. – "Nojiko, when did you change your phone number?"

"Few months ago. I lost my old phone at the sea." – Nojiko said nonchalantly. – "Uh, I must go now. See you guys at the café shop in ..!" – And the line dropped.

The girls looked at each other. Confusion was written all over their faces.

"And I thought that was the black haired guy!" – Nami broke the silence.

"Yeah, I kinda expected him." – Vivi continued.

"I also." – Kaya added.

"Well I am happy that it wasn't him. What should I tell him? I don't remember a thing from last night."

"Robin, it doesn't matter. You had fun last night, hadn't you?" – Kaya spoke.

"Yeah." – Robin muttered.

"So, what are you worrying about?"

"She is right, Robin. What happened, happened. What would you do that you danced with the most boring guy in the club." – Nami emphasized the word dance and smirked at Vivi.

"Oh, please. At least he was hotter than your date." – Vivi replied with a smug look.

"Oh yeah? – The two girls started an epic showdown.

"Yeah. Who has spiral eyebrows anyway?"

"Your guy had sunglasses and long blond hair!"

"Yeah, I know. I danced with him for five minutes! I think I am going to cry now." – Vivi hid her face behind her hands and begun sobbing.

"Don't cry. I will find you someone." – Nami patted the girl on the back.

At other side of the table, Kaya and Robin were giggling at the sight of their friends.

"Yeah, Vivi, Nami will find you a guy like that last time." – Kaya added.

"Oh, please, don't. Just don't. I don't want to remember it." – Vivi was disgusted at the memory.

"Why? His hair was perfect."

"Who wants to have a boyfriend whose hair is prettier than your own?!"

Robin was giggling when her phone rang. She immediately picked it up. – "Hey Nojiko, at what time will we meet?"

"I hope that Nojiko is a woman." – A deep, masculine voice spoke.

A pause followed. – "Hello? Is anyone there?"

"Yes, yes. I am here." – Robin finally regained her composure.

"Did I scare you?" – The male was chuckling.

"No, rather surprised me. I was expecting a friend's call."

"You must be disappointed then because I called you."

"I thought that too but I am not."

"At three o'clock tomorrow at the square."


"That's when we will meet."

"Oh, ok then."

The male smiled. That was easy. – "See you then, Robin."


When she hung up, her face was red as a beetroot. Soon she was met with a sheepish grin from her friends.

"Talk. Now."

"He wants to meet and I said yes."

"That's all?"


"What was his name again?"

"Order?" – Nami suggested.

"Law, for goodness' sake!" – Robin said.

"Ahh, so you know his name." – Vivi smirked at the blushing raven.

"I remembered it when I heard his voice." – And again they were smirking at her. – "Urgh, forget it. I am going to bathroom."

After Robin left, Nami turned to the rest. – "Ok, now that we have his name, we can stalk him some day."

Vivi nodded her head in approval.

"No, we won't do that." – Kaya screamed.

"Oh yes, we will and you are coming with us. But not today, my head still hurts." – Nami casually said. – "We will need some information about him if he wants to date our Robin."

"True, true." – Vivi nodded again.

"And I know who can help us."

"Nami you are scaring me. What do you have on mind?"

"You will see, you will see." – The orangette's evil laugh filled the room but soon cough and lack of oxygen replaced it.

Vivi was laughing her head out and Kaya hurried to help her friend as every medicine student would do. Nami was cursing under her breath when Robin came in.

"What happened here?" – Her voice was full of concern.

"Uh, nothing. Nami chocked while drinking water." – Kaya said the most logical thing that she could think of in the moment.

"I hope she won't die because of it." – Robin's face was expressionless while Kaya and Vivi shivered at the thought.

"I forgot how morbid you can be sometimes, Robin."

The said girl smiled. – "Nami, your sister texted me; she said she would be waiting for us at the café shop in one hour."

After hearing her sister's name, Nami regained her breath. It would be better to listen to Nojiko if she wanted to live. – "Let's go then. We will be there in time if we get ready now."

After the meeting with Nojiko, Robin went home. A long walk was in front of her for her apartment was on the other side of the city and she didn't want to take a ride. The walk was perfect chance for her to order her thoughts or so she thought.

Soon she found herself at the big building. A sigh escaped the raven's lips. The time flew faster than she could imagine.

Her footsteps echoed through the empty hall. In a few minutes she will be safe in her small apartment. A bath and warm bed sounded nice. Having entered the elevator, she pressed the button for sixteenth floor.

The young woman didn't like elevators but her apartment was too high to go there with the stairs. Finally arriving at the wanted floor, Robin was greeted with boxes of all size. At first she was confused then remembered that the housekeeper told her that somebody was moving in the apartment next to hers.

"Oh, hello there! You must be my neighbor. I am sorry for the mess. I will clean it, don't worry."

Her eyes widened at the newly discovered neighbor. – "It's you!"


With whom do you want Nami to end up with? I can't decide. So please, let me hear your thoughts. And can you guess with whom Vivi was dancing?