Happy holidays guys :D I decided to publish this story because of my New Year resolution which includes finishing the stories I started to write. I have a problem with that because I don't finish things I start doing. Blame it on lazinnes XD

I am still writting this story but hopefully I will finish it soon. The pairings are not decided yet, for now this is a friendship fic with some romance. I am experimenting with writting style, if there are any problems with reading, please tell me. I appreciate when people tell me when I do something wrong. Don't be scared, I don't bite :D

Have fun reading :)

Three girls were sitting at their usual meeting spot at Shakky's bar. The raven head was reading a book while the blunette was busy typing messages and the blonde was writing her homework. Once in a while they would stop and exchange some simple words, like how their day was, and how today the weather nice was. They didn't need to talk to understand each other, sometimes silence said more than words could do.

The silence was interrupted with a loud crash coming from the front door. The girls raised their heads knowingly smiling.

"She doesn't change, does she?" – The blue haired smiled.

The door suddenly opened and a very pissed off orange haired girl came in. - "Robin, Kaya, Vivi, where are you?"

"Nami, we are here!" – Said Vivi while waving her hand. – "What happened?"

"That damned piece of shit! I am so done with him!" - She was angry, really angry. – "He cheated on me, and now he tells me it was all my fault!"

"Calm down. Don't waste time on him. There are a lot of other guys."

"I know but he gets on my nerves. I want to break his neck every time I see him." – Nami's eyes shone at the thought.

"Well, we can't do that. It's illegal." – Kaya said as she sweat dropped. – "There are other things you can do."

"Like what?"

"A girls' night would be perfect." – Vivi and Nami squealed.

"Yes, yes. We could do that. I don't remember what the last time was we hung out together." – Nami turned to Robin who was giggling at her friends' antics. – "You are coming too. No more excuses. We are going to celebrate my breakup and I expect you to support me. "

"Fine, I'll go if it is for you." – The raven haired beauty replied.

"Hell yeah, we are having a party tonight!"

Loud cheers echoed through the small bar, and no one complained. After all, weirder things had happened there before.

The four girls stayed for long time chatting and exchanging their experiences. They were together in high school and stayed good friends since then even though they are going to the different universities now.

Nami was the heart of the group and the one who brought them together. The orange haired girl radiated with warmth and happiness. There were times when her bossy and cheeky attitude came out but nobody minded that. She made their conversations livelier with her explanations and complaints about her boyfriends.

While Nami was a harsh person, Vivi was a lot calmer. Her family was a rich one and she had troubles finding friends. Nami was the first one to befriend her not because of money but because of herself. She and Nami soon became like sisters.

Kaya came along as the third one. The young medicine student met Nami and Vivi in the cafeteria and kept hanging with the two girls. She would often laugh when the two other girls would start bickering about some stupid things. The blonde was the sanest of them and would stop them doing something reckless; like that time when Nami and Vivi tried to pierce some guy's tires because he called them noisy brats.

Robin was the last one to join the group. The tall mysterious girl was always sitting in the library safely hidden behind huge pale of books. She didn't have any friends at that time, but that changed one morning when Nami spilled coffee on her notebook. The notebook was forgotten as she managed to make friends. Although she didn't share Nami's enthusiasms about partying and getting drunk, Vivi's obsession with social networks or Kaya's interest in soap operas, they got on pretty well.

"So we are going out tonight?" – Asked Kaya to confirm their plans.

"Yes, we are."

"In that case, I'll need to go shopping."

"Let's do it now. We can all go." – Vivi suggested.

After all girls agreed, they collected their things and left. That would be their first night out after 5 months. Last time was a disaster, Vivi got dumped in front of everyone, Nami punched the poor guy and broke his nose, Kaya was too drunk to notice what was happening and Robin was busy holding Kaya. Probably tonight everything would go right.

The group entered a shop, and started the search for perfect piece of clothing. Then, after 2 hours of exhausting search, they finally found what to wear. The shop assistants were overjoyed when the girls finally decided what to buy.

"We can go to my place to get ready. It's the closest. You can sleep there if you want." – Offered Vivi. The girls nodded and decided to meet at Vivi's place in one hour after they get everything they need.

Robin sighed as she made her way to the apartment. She wanted to spend the night reading a book but ended going to a party. Maybe it was time for a change; she hadn't gone out since they parted their ways. A little bit of socializing didn't kill anyone, did it?