21 Questions with the Originals

Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Diaries or take any credit for it

Mischeifandmagic: Today were are doing 21 questions with the Original Siblings

"How long is this going to take?" Klaus grumbled.

"Don't worry Caroline will survive without you stalking her for ten minutes" Kol taunted.

"SHUT UP!" Klaus yelled, "Just get on with it"

Mischeifandmagic: Ok, first question then.

1, Do you regret your transformation?

"NO!" Klaus, Rebekah, Kol and Elijah shout.

"Yes" Finn said in a small voice.

"There's a black sheep in every family" Kol mumbled.

2. Who is your favourite sibling?

"I love all my siblings the same" Elijah says gravely.

"REBEKAH" Kol and Klaus shout.

"Me? Really?" the sister began blushing.

"Do I have to pick a sibling?" Finn asks.

Mischeifandmagic: Well that is the question.

"Then I pick Henrik" Finn caved.

"Cop out"

Mischeifandmagic: Let's move on shall we? This is aimed at Rebekah.

"What's your blood group?" Kol randomly asks.

Mischeifandmagic: Umm... AB...why?

"Just curious" Kol shrugs.

3. Rebekah, what's it like to be the only girl?

"Well sometimes I wish I had a sister but I kind of like being the only girl. You get more attention"

"Attention seeker" Kol moaned.

4. Finn, Rebekah and Kol what's it like to suddenly be in the 21st century?

"It was hard but I adjusted" Kol answered, "I'm a quick learner. You see I've had practise with all the times Klaus had done this. Let's just say it's not the first time this has happened!"

"Watch your tongue!" Klaus snapped.

"What are you going to do to me? Dagger me? Change the bloody record!"

"Well if-"

Mischeifandmagic: If I can interrupt, we don't have long so let's get on with the questions.

5. What do you think of the fanfiction that's been circling around?

"Clearly some people have got nothing better to do then write lies about us" Elijah said first.

"It bothers me" Rebekah sighed, "They make me do disgusting things"

"One fanfiction had me having a threesome with Kol and Elijah" Klaus complained.

"WHAT!" Elijah and Kol yelled.

"They know we're brothers right?" Elijah asked.

"Apparently it doesn't matter" Klaus shrugged.

"I'm not in many fanfiction's" Finn pointed out.

"That's because your only in three episodes" Kol snapped.

Mischeifandmagic: Anyway, on to the sixth question.

6. If you could go into the real world what would you do?

"I'D KILL EVERY FREAKING TVD PRODUCER OUT THERE WHO KILLED ME!" Kol threatened, "They couldn't even be bothered to give me a decent death! JERERMY BLOODY GILBRET! SERIOUSLY?"

Mischeifandmagic: Try to calm down Kol-

"I got my own show" Klaus boasted "The Original"

"For the last time it's the Originals! Plural!" Elijah reminded him, "It's about all of us!"

"Whatever" Klaus shrugged.

Mischeifandmagic: Can I continue with the questions now?


7. If you could sleep with anyone from the show who would you sleep with?

"Three, two, one" Kol said to himself.

"Caroline!" Klaus stated the obvious.

"Of course it is"

"I think I'd sleep with Hayley" Elijah confessed.

"Get your own werewolf!" Klaus cried.

"You just said you wanted Caroline!"

"Hayley is the mother of my child so-"

Mischeifandmagic: PEOPLE! Let the others answer the question.

"That Meredith chick was pretty hot" Kol answered.

"Matt" Rebekah said simply.

"Sage, obviously" Finn sighed.

Mischeifandmagic: Alright, next question.

8. Who in the show would you marry, sleep with or kill?

"I would marry Caroline, sleep with Hayley (which I've already done) and kill Katherina" Klaus answered.

"Marry Hayley, sleep with Elena and kill Damon" Elijah followed.

"Your supposed to pick girls" Klaus said.

"Ok then I would kill...Tatia"

"I'm not really the marrying type but of I did I think I'd marry someone like Bonnie. I'd sleep with Meredith and kill that Doppelganger slag!" Kol told.

"I would marry Matt, sleep with Stefan and kill Damon"

"Marry Sage, sleep with Sage and kill none"

"Finn, just answer it properly!" Kol groaned.

Mischeifandmagic: No it's fine, let's move on

9. Did it hurt getting turned?

"Our Father stabbed us with a sword! What do you think?" Rebekah answered sarcastically.

Mischeifandmagic: There's no need to be sarcastic!

"Then don't ask such stupid questions!" she retorted.

Mischeifandmagic: Fine! Tenth question.

10. Who do you think is the most popular Original?

"So your a shit stirrer as well then?"

Mischeifandmagic: Just answer the question

"Well obviously, I'm the most popular" Kol pointed out, vainly.

"How'd you figure that?" Klaus asked coldly.

"Have you seen how many fans I've got? They all love me! I'm the best character on the show"

"They killed you off!" Klaus reminded him.

"But I'll live forever on they're hearts" Kol stated proudly, "Apparently a lot a fans were appalled that they killed me off"

"He really does live in his own little world" Klaus mumbled.

"I'm still more popular then you"

"Are not"

"Are too!"

Mischeifandmagic: Next question.

11. Finn, do you love your family?

"A very good question" Rebekah said bitterly.

"I love them for what they were, not what they are"


"Let's move on"

12. When did you lose your Virginity?

"Who writes these questions?" Elijah gasped, horrified.

"Don't be such a girl!" Kol said, "I lost mine to a village girl when I was 14"

"You were 17!" Klaus corrected.

"Was not!"

"I'm not getting into another stupid argument with you" Klaus persisted.

"Oh, come on you know you want to"

"Mine was Tatia" Klaus said, ignoring his little brother.

13. Would you ever consider marriage?

"Are your crazy!" Kol cried.

"Only if it was Caroline" Klaus confessed.

"Not really" Rebekah shrugged.

"Only Sage"

"Maybe if I really loved her but I don't see it" Elijah said.

"Are we almost done!" Kol whined.

Mischeifandmagic: Only 7 more questions

14, Klaus, why did you keep daggering your siblings?

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Kol burst out laughing, "This should be good"

Mischeifandmagic: Well?

"If you want to make it out alive I suggest you skip the question" Klaus hissed.

Mischeifandmagic: (Hands up) OK!

15. Elijah, Why do you continue to believe in your brother?

"Because he always was an optimist" Finn answered for him.

16. What do you think of the Doppelganger?

"Hoe" Rebekah spat.

"A true soul" Elijah smiled.

"A murdering wrench" Kol answered.

"A means to an end" Klaus replied.

"I barely know her to be honest" Finn said honestly.

Mischeifandmagic: This one is just for Kol

"Give it to me lunch- I mean Mischeifandmagic" Kol smiled.

Mischeifandmagic: (Gulp)

17. Kol, Why did you get daggered?

"Which time?" Kol asked in a bitter tone.

Mischeifandmagic: The last time.

"Because I wanted my freedom"

"You annoyed me!" Klaus protested.

"That's hardly a reason! Control Freak"

18. What's more important family or money?

"Money!" Kol answered.

The rest of the family gave him cold glares.

"I mean family"

19. What came first the Chicken or the Egg?

"What a ridiculous question" Elijah complained.

"The egg, no the chicken, no" Kol said.

"He's confused now!" Finn noticed.

Mischeifandmagic: We are nearly finished.

20. If you had one wish what would it be?

"If I had a wish I'd wish for more wishes!" Kol said at once.

"Peace in my family" Elijah answered.

"For Caroline to marry me" Klaus answered.

"You don't need a wish, you need a miracle!" Kol chuckled.

"Shut up Kol!" Klaus roared.

"I'd wish for the ability the compel my brothers" Rebekah smiled.

"I'd wish for the last 900 years back!" Finn snapped.

"Good one Finn!" Kol backed him up.

Mischeifandmagic: Last Question.

"Finally" Kol rolled his eyes.

21. Did you enjoy this interview?

"Ran out of questions huh?" Rebekah sussed.

Mischeifandmagic: Just answer it!

"No!" she replied.

"I thought some of the questions were a bit personal but overall I enjoyed it" Elijah answered.

"A complete waste of my time!" Klaus spat.

"I rather enjoyed it" Kol grinned.

"It was OK" Finn shrugged.

"So are you gonna put this on your fanfiction thing?" Kol asked.

Mischeifandmagic: Yes

"Well I hoped you enjoyed it because that's all your getting" Klaus growled, "I warn you, if you put anything we don't approve of I hunt you down and kill you. Is that understood?"

Mischeifandmagic: Perfectly. I'm leaving right now. (I run out of the door)