I realize now is probably an inopportune time to start a new story, what with two others in progress. Though this idea's been jumping around in my head for a while and it refuses to go away until I type it. Due to a shortage of ideas, this will probably take the place of AHM as one of my main two stories (Sorry AHM fans!) And I looked it up; reptile blood really is slightly green!

A woman walked down a sidewalk, swinging her purse freely. She was in no hurry, just enjoying the sights, as much sights as you can see from a thick crowd of New Yorkers in the darkening twilight. Suddenly, a whole section of sidewalk cleared and people began running away screaming. The source of their terror, a small silver robot with a little red lump on its head. It looked toward the woman, giving her an eyeless stare. It opened its crushing jaws wide and showed its glowing red mouth in the form of a cutesy, innocent yawn. "Aww." The woman said, reaching out to pet the head of the little droid. It quickly snatched the little Italian purse right out of the woman's hand and ran away with it, making little robot cheers as it stole off with its prize. "Hey!" the woman shouted, trying to run after it. Unfortunately for her, the robot was fast, and she was wearing high heels. She pointed at the escaping robot and yelled, "Help! That little robot stole my purse!" The little robot swiveled its head and continued to scamper off. The gamma chip on its head, now with a small high-res camera, showed a green figure hiding in the shadows of a building. Its green eyes focused on the little bot thief and it stole after it, little fragments of red sneaking out of the shadows.

Meanwhile, another small droid stole a wallet from a businessman. One M.O.U.S.E.R took a set of keys from an unsuspecting soccer mom. Every kid on Main Street lost a toy or a ball or a piece of candy to a clan of androids. One bot with a bit of a cracked microchip (if you know what I'm saying) attempted to drag the briefcase of a CEO back to its master. All over the island of New York, M.O.U.S.E.R.S stole items from random people and carried them all back to one location. The cameras on the robots' heads caught glimpses of frightened men, scared women, terrified children, and the occasional aggravated mutant.

All the footage recorded by the little bots' cameras appeared on a series of screens set up in a semi-circle, all surrounding one conniving, clever, and egotistical focal point. Said focal point spun around in a wheeled office chair without a care. He stopped randomly and looked at one screen. It displayed people dashing about in a panicky fashion, waving their hands frantically and yelling at each other to call the police, the SWAT team, and other organizations they believe might rescue them from the techno-terror that was the M.O.U.S.E.R.S' invasion. Glimpses of an olive-colored figure with mahogany eyes and a purple bandanna occasionally appeared. The man laughed maniacally, a hearty Dr. Frankenstein-style laugh. "Well done, my pretties!" Baxter Stockman exclaimed, "You make such perfect turtle bait it's almost as if that's what you were modified to be! Oh wait, you were!" He executed another evil laugh and spun around in his chair. Like the brilliant idiot he was, his chair slid out from under him and he crashed face-first into the floor. "Ow." He moaned, making the perfect end to an AFV-worthy clip.

As Baxter Stockman planned, his army of M.O.U.S.E.R droids came filing into his evil headquarters, carrying an assortment of odds and ends deemed valuable by their little microchip minds. They deposited their treasures in a heap at their creator's feet. The items ranged from handbags and wallets to cell phones and change purses, from watches and Bluetooth headsets to priceless gold and silver jewelry, taken right off the wearer's necks and wrists. Other less valued objects like toys, shoes, and scraps of clothing torn off the owners were intermingled within the pile. One robot, the aforementioned one who attempted to steal a briefcase, dragged a trash can lid behind it and dropped it on the pile, scattering many of the items. It looked up expectantly at Stockman, wanting praise for its amazing find. A stray housefly buzzed off the lid and crawled around on the little bot's face. "Uh…." Baxter Stockman said, lightly patting the droid's head, "Good mouser. Good boy, #209." It made a beeping noise and scampered off to join the crowd. "I really should dismantle that one." He thought to himself.

Just then, a quartet of mutants ran into the building. While three of them stood calmly, one began randomly beheading the robots. "Raph…." One of the turtles said, "Raph….RAPH!"

"What, Leo?!" Raph shouted, an M.O.U.S.E.R head lodged on the sai's tip.

"You have to wait for us!" Leo exclaimed, drawing a pair of katana. The remaining two turtles bared a Bo staff with a small naginata blade sticking out of one end and a pair of nunchuks.

"Let's bash some bots!" Raph exclaimed.

"Destroy some droids!" Leo added.

"Clean some closets!" Mikey shouted. When he received odd looks, he quickly corrected, "Mash some mousers! I meant to say 'mash some mousers.'"

"Greetings, turtles!" Baxter Stockman exclaimed, "How do you like my new and improved M.O.U.S.E.R.S?"

"How are they improved?" Donnie asked, slicing one straight through the neck, "They're just as easy to break."

"I have to agree with Dr. Dorkulus over there; looks like the bots need a little more work, Speckman." Raph declared, taking out a quintet of tiny robots.

"Stockman! Baxter Stockman!" Stockman shouted, "Ugh. Never mind. The M.O.U.S.E.R.S were just bait. They aren't even the pinnacle of my work. I present to you, my R.U.F.R.O.D.S!" A section of the floor dropped into a slant, and up it scampered a throng of bots. They looked very similar to their cousins the mousers, with the exception of front legs. Their large round heads looked quite disproportionate and made them look like the stuff of cartoons. They had two little devices on their heads that looked quite like the small gamma readers on the mousers, except they were transparent and positioned like a pair of ears. They looked like someone had hacked the tips off the guns the police use to read speeds or the pricing guns from insurance commercials. They had an antenna for tails and bore an uncanny resemblance to dogs. "Meet my R.U.F.R.O.D.S! Robots Used For Retrieval Of Data Samples!" Baxter Stockman declared, sweeping a hand toward his mechanical servants. He grinned devilishly, obviously proud of his handiwork.

"What is it with you and acronyms?" Raph asked. Stockman ignored him and continued a long rant about the skills, power, and excellent handiwork of his R.U.F.R.O.D.S. Raph rolled his eyes and continued working on beheading the mousers. "I'll deal with those rufrods later." He thought.

The lead robot ran up to Mikey and beamed at him. It barked cutely and wagged it antenna tail. "Aww! It's so cute!" Mikey exclaimed, reaching down to pat its head. It hissed robotically and opened its mouth wide, exposing a needle for a tongue inside its blood red mouth. At hiss, the rest of the R.U.F.R.O.D.S stuck out their needle tongues and squealed. "Not cute! NOT CUTE!" Mikey shouted, running from the oncoming army of rufrods.

Leo and Donnie yelped and took off running, hacking off the heads of any robot that came too close. Mikey continuously screamed and kicked at the robots chasing him, repeatedly crying, "Go away! Leave me alone! I'm too young to die! Aaaaaaah!" Raph stood his ground and stabbed at the robots. He held them at bay for a long time, taking out multiple robots with a single swipe.

"Ow!" he suddenly shouted, glaring at something behind him. One R.U.F.R.O.D stared up at him, his syringe tongue filled with blood. A greenish tint was in his blood. The clear nodules on its head turned bright red and the robot sprinted away before Raph could catch it. It trotted over to Stockman and looked at him expectantly.

"Nice job, #102!" he exclaimed, "Now get off to the lab and wait for the others!" The robot jogged off.

Meanwhile, Mikey continued to run around in a panic, kicking at robots behind him. One robot stuck its forepaw under Mikey's foot while he attempted to kick it and tripped him. Aforementioned robot took a sample of Mikey's blood from the bottom of his foot, turning the indicators atop his head bright orange. It ran off to join the other bot while Mikey cradled his foot in the fetal position.

"Good job, #69!" Stockman yelled to the R.U.F.R.O.D. It barked and vanished into the 'lab'.

Now all the remaining droids chased Leo and Donnie. Donnie, in a burst of intelligence (not that uncommon for him; now if we were talking Mikey….), found a thick pole, climbed up it, and hid in the rafters. A cloud of rufrods parked at the bottom of the pole and looked around for him. One glanced up at the ceiling and saw a pair of red-brown eyes with its sensors. Red crosshairs locked on his face. The R.U.F.R.O.D barked a series of commands and soon its group of followers started yelping at Donnie and attempting to climb the pole. Injecting their tongues into the metal, they slowly inched up the sides of the pole. Donnie nimbly hopped from rafter to rafter, ditching the little creatures. Suddenly, a roof beam broke and he fell through the hole, hanging by his knees from the adjacent bar. One of the androids following Leo looked up, jumped, pricked his palm, and scuttled off, its 'ears' glowing lustrous purple. "Well done, #23!" Baxter Stockman cried, "If I were paying you, you would deserve a raise for that!"

The only turtle yet to be 'pricked' was Leo, who had stopped running from the R.U.F.R.O.D.S and started chopping them. The other turtles joined him, realizing Leo was the only one the robots wanted, and swiftly destroyed a good portion of robots. Within a matter of time, all the R.U.F.R.O.D.S on the ground had been disabled. "Hey Sparkman! You ran out of dollies!" Leo yelled, "What are you gonna do now?!"

Baxter glared at the turtles, refusing to admit defeat. He worked his evil genius mind to the point of exhaustion trying to think of an idea. Just when he was about to dig up a syringe and chase Leo himself, the last R.U.F.R.O.D let out a screech and dropped from its hiding placed among the rafters. Donnie looked around wildly, checking for any rufrods that might have been lurking elsewhere. His eyes fell on the steel rod he had climbed to escape. Lines of needle holes ran up the sides. One line ran all the way to the top.

Meanwhile, Leo struggled to rip the robot off his head. The little creature stumbled and wiggled and nearly fell off every other second, but it clung on and eventually pierced its needle tongue into his forehead. It drew a syringe full of blood and turned the nodules on its head cerulean blue. It barked, released Leo, and ran barking into the 'lab'.

"Amazing #41!" Stockman cried, chasing after the robot, "Now I can put my devious plan into action!"

"HEY!" Raph shouted, chasing down Baxter with his brothers in pursuit, "What do you want with blood, Stickman?"

"Stockman! Baxter. Stockman!" he shouted before slamming the door in the turtle's face. Raph ran straight into the door and grumbled Japanese curses. He got up and pounded his fists on the door, yelling at Baxter to come out and stop hiding like a coward.

"Leave him be, Raph." Leo stated, laying a hand on Raph's shoulder, "He won this battle, though it wasn't really much of a battle."

Raph reluctantly left with Leo, with Donnie and Mike a little bit behind.

"What do you think he wants our blood for, Donnie?" Mikey asked.

"I don't know." Donnie answered, "But it worries me."

Baxter listened through the door and laughed maniacally when the turtles left. "Yes, finally!" Baxter shouted, "My brilliant plan can finally be activated!"

He ran through the white-walled halls of his laboratory into a room with a tall tube that looked vaguely like a cylindrical, futuristic elevator.

"Come in, my little darlings!" He cheered. In coursed the four successful robots, their ears colored correspondingly. Baxter scanned over the four robots, each eagerly panting. He pointed to the orange-eared bot and stated, "You. You can go first."

The robot barked excitedly and scampered over to a short pedestal in front of the elevator from the future. The pedestal had nothing but a round, deep slot, into which the rufrods stuck his tongue. The tinted blood drained from its tongue, and the tangerine orange of its ears faded to transparent. It yipped as a second machine beeped and glowed.

"Yes! It worked!" Stockman cried, dancing around. He suddenly turned serious and stood in front of the second machine, hand poised over a red lever. He said darkly, "Now I can finally have my revenge on those turtles, and Bradford, and Xever, and all who ever doubted the mind of Baxter Stockman!" He laughed demonically and fell into a coughing fit. He recovered and pulled hard on the lever. Lights and lasers sporadically glowed and zipped around the room. The elevator tube writhed in electric blue shock waves. He laughed like Dr. Frankenstein and shouted, "It's alive!"

The light show stopped as abruptly as it begun. The doors to the cylindrical chamber slowly screeching open, and clean snowy white smoke billowed out. Baxter watched the event closely, not even daring to blink. A small, skinny shape was curled up on the chamber floor. As the smoke cleared, Stockman caught the first glimpse of his creation. It had dark orange hair that hung straight down to its elbows. It has large cat-shaped eyes with large pupils and thick baby blue irises. It had a small shell that barely extended beyond its skinny frame. It had three thick fingers and toes, with bright green skin. Around its neck was a tangerine scarf matching the color of the R.U.F.R.O.D.S ears. It wore a matching headband. It looked cute, but strange. An alien creature, but expected to be a friendly harmless alien. It looked cartoonish, even. It tipped its head up and eyed its creator with suspicion and fright.

With a voice as adorable as its looks, she asked, "Father?"