Hey here's the next chapter leave a review on what you think should happen next and who you want me to pair up

Yuki-chan: dally-nee does not own fairy tail

Grays pov after explosion

'Ugh my head what just happened'

I look around panicked 'where is Lucy and Erza?' I struggle to stand due to my injured leg but force myself to get up I dont if this place safe or not.

"Lucy! Erza!" I yell hoping for some sort of response. I stand in silence waiting for a response but nothing 'where are they' I start to walk away when my ears catch a small whimper. I turn on my heels and trudged toward the small whimpers and find my blonde friend curled up in a fetas position. I kneel down beside her and see her turn and scoot away from me in fear. I can't help but feel a bit heart broken

"Luce it's me" I say softly

She blinks and focuses her gaze on me and she launches herself at me crying her eyes out.

"G - gray is it really you? " She says apart defeated

"Yea luce its me" I whisper into her ear

After a few minutes she finally calms down. 'I'm not sure how to deal with crying girls especially if it's lucy she's always smiling' I awkwardly place an arm around her hoping for her to stop crying and talk to me it seemed to do the trick because she stopped her heavy sobs and began speaking

"G-gray where is ever-everyone"

"I don't know and there's so sign of battle its like nothing happened" i whisper to her

She places a hand and caresses my cheek and i revel in her soft touch but then she stops abrubtly and her face pale

"Whats wrong Luce?"

"My mark its glowing and so is yours" i look to where both are marks are supposed to be and see thats she's right

"but makes no sense"

"that's not true our magic is what sustains the mark that's why only mages can join a guild"

I let her words sink in and I try and understand what she's trying to get at, apparently she could tell how confused I because she started talking again

"Gray I tried to use my magic but it's very unstable my magic is adjusting but this place is different from home. We need to fix you up and fast you're losing too much blood"

I just nod stiffly and shift my weight so that I'm laying on flat on my back. I felt a weight lifted off my chest I feel my grip slipping and my vision blurring and then everything goes black

Lucy's POV

I let out a sigh of relief and a sense of hope that we'll be alright that gray I will be able to treat him. I feel so strange I can't use my magic properly. It's so weird the magical energy is so raw and overwhelming it's like the magic has never been used. 'Curious' I place my hands over his chest and my magic swells old round us it didn't take long for me to heal both myself and him.

Finally im done. ... Gray is saved. ... We're the last conscious thoughts before the world turned black

Somewhere deep in the forest of earthland

"Hello fire breathe How's your son? "

"Hello to you too metal face. My son is fine unfortunately he, and I assume it is the same for your son, has felt the pull off his mate to be"

"Yea my brat has been very irritable lately I've been working my ass off trying to locate her but she seems to be in a different world?"

"How is that possible? My son's mate to be is located in a place called earth"

Both dragons look at each other with shock and fear

"Does that mean that our sons have the pull on the same female? How is that possible? "Yells the fire dragon

"I don't know fire gecko but she seems to have more than one possible mate"

"It doesn't matter my sone will get her first. Natsu a always wins"

"No my son will win unlike your son gajeel knows how to use his head" growls the iron dragon

The two dragons growl at each other as a act of dominance When the said sons came crashing into the cave fighting "stupid Pyro stop running away and let me pummel you into the ground" growled gajeel

"You wish iron bastard" yelled natsu

"Boys shut it" yelled their fathers

Both slayers stood up and glared at each other "Tch he started it"

"Yeah well I'm ending it" roared metalicana

"Iron gecko why is hit head and the fire gecko here?" Gajeel growls

"Yea Igneel why are we here with them " shouts natsu pointing at gajeel and metalicana

"Boys we need to discuss with you about your mate to be. We believe that both of you are drawn toward the same female" starts Igneel

The slayers start growling

"Fuck no that can't be possible I don't intend to share my mate" screams gajeel

"And you won't have to we believe both of you feel a pull for the same female is because she has a powerful and strong spirit that any dragon would want to claim. It's sort of like a game your inner dragon enjoys the game of courting ones mate" finishes metalicana

"Tch like pinky can get my girl" sneers gajeel "and anyway how are we supposed to find her huh pops?"

"Yea how will we find her?" Asks natsu who is completely oblivious to the seriousness of the conversation

"We tracked her but there's a problem...you see... She's not exactly here in Earthland..." mumbles Igneel

"What do you mean she's not on earthland?" Shouts natsu who is dumbfounded by the information

"It MEANS THAT SHE'S NOT IN THIS WORLD!"roars metalicana "We found her to be residing a world called Earth and we may be able to bring her to earthland but it will take time"

"Boys your training is done go out into the world and join a guild. Hopefully we will be able to get her here soon. Then I guess we can let the games begin" chuckles metalicana

The slayers let the information sink I'm and nod in agreement leaving to find their new home