Welcome to another chapter of Amnesia! Prepare for OOCness and filler! X3 Alright let's get on with it! :D Oh yea something is coming back into this chapter that we haven't had in a while! :)

Disclaimer- …Do I even need to say it?

Rook's POV

I had no idea how I was going to explain the situation. Albedo did not know Ben had amnesia and because of that, Ben did not remember Albedo was an ally. This was so hard for me. Albedo is worried about Ben, yet Ben thinks he is still bad. I knew Ben would not trust him right away because of his condition, although he was the one who originally trusted Albedo in the first place. I guess I would need to start with telling Albedo what happened to Ben.

"Before I start explaining everything." I started to say, "Ben do not freak out and both of you save your questions until the end."

They both just shook their heads in response.

"Alright." I said sighing. "Albedo, Ben got amnesia a few days ago and cannot remember anything from the past year."

Albedo looked like he was about to say something but stopped.

"That still doesn't explain why he's here." Ben said irritated.

"I am getting to that Ben." I said rolling my eyes at him.

"That explains why he didn't remember me." Albedo said trailing off.

"Can I continue?" I asked.

They both shook their heads again.

"Now to your question to why Albedo is here." I started to explain. "A few months ago you two made a truce. Then, for whatever reason I am not sure, you invited Albedo to live with you. You never told me why you trusted him, and I did not pry on that, but for your sake I trusted him." I finished explaining.

I looked at Ben and he was shocked.

"Blonko, we've been over this. It was a personal matter that you didn't need to know about." Albedo said a tad bit annoyed I brought that up again.

"Anyway…" I sighed. "Albedo was off on another planet helping with the Plumbers for a few weeks and he just came back today and wanted us to meet him here."

"Why would I trust him?" Ben asked. "He caused nothing but hell for me for months on end!"

"Ben, does it really look like I'm lying to you?" Albedo desperately asked.

"Well…no…" Ben said trailing off a little. "How do I know you didn't put Rook up to this?"

"Ben, do you really think I could make Blonko do anything bad to you?" Albedo asked. "I see how much he loves you and I wouldn't take that away from you."

We stayed silent for a while. I knew this would be a good time to order smoothies for the rest of us. I got up and went to the counter. I got regular ones for Albedo and I, and got some random flavor for Ben since he likes the random ones. I got back to the table and gave them the smoothies. Then we all started drinking them.

"How long is he going to be like this?" Albedo asked breaking the silence.

"They are not sure." I said before drinking my smoothie once again.

'Liar. They gave estimates.' I heard Ben's angry thought in my head.

'Estimates that pretty much are not specific, so not sure.' I sent back getting annoyed.

Ben just looked at me and rolled his eyes. I just wished that he would stop acting like a brat.

'I heard that.' I heard Ben think.

'You were supposed to.' I said looking at him and smirking.

"Are you guys talking to each other telepathically?" Albedo asked.

I looked at him shockingly. How did he figure it out so quickly yet Gwen and Kevin could not?

"To answer your unspoken question Rook: With me being in Ben's body and having his DNA structure, I am able to hear the unspoken words you guys share when you guys have your minds open. This is why I was able to know you guys were talking telepathically." Albedo explained.

"So you can read out thoughts?" Ben asked a little calmer and curious.

"Kind of." Albedo started to explain. "Because of me being kind of a clone of you I am able to have the same, and sometimes horrible, habits that you have. Apparently since, somehow, you guys have this mind like I'm kind of a part of it as well because of me being a copy of you." He finished explaining.

Ben had a confusing look on his face.

"Dumb it down to Ben logic." Ben said.

Albedo and I just facepalmed.

"Because he is, technically speaking, a clone of you he is like you and has the ability to talk telepathically with us." I explained in a lot less words.

"Oh." Ben said.

"I still think my explanation was better." Albedo said crossing his arms.

"I couldn't understand it." Ben spat back.

Albedo just rolled his eyes at him. I was just happy that Ben did not do anything bad to Albedo. I thought that he would have exploded at him when he came to the table.

"Anyway… So Blonko how have you been?" Albedo asked.

I just shrugged. I did not know what to say. It has been stressful for me. I hated that Ben could not remember me. It was stressful being the one to take care of a fragile kid. Not that I am complaining but it is rough.

'I am not fragile and I would appreciate it if you would stop thinking about me like I'm not here!' I heard Ben complain in my head.

'Lay off Ben, Blonko is just trying to help.' I heard Albedo scold in my head.

'I would appreciate it if you two would get out of my head.' I said annoyed at our silent conversation.

'I know you love it.' Ben thought while snuggling himself against my arm.

I just rolled my eyes and smiled.

'That may be but I would prefer if I could just read my own thoughts thank you very much.' I thought.

He just continued to snuggle himself against my arm. I did not have the heart to push him off me. He looked so cute doing it.

'You got that right.' I heard him think and snicker.

I just rolled my eyes at him and laughed a little. I moved my arm off of him and moved it by his waist and pulled him closer to me. I felt him get stuff for a moment but then he relaxed. I was still confused on this whole thing. We never had this ability when Ben did not have amnesia, but suddenly we get this ability. Albedo's theory explains why he is able to communicate telepathically but that does not explain how we got the ability. Another question went through my mind: Would we still have this ability when Ben gets his memory back?

A soft snore startled my thoughts. I looked down and realized Ben was snuggled up to my waist and was fast asleep. I smiled at him.

"He won't awake if we continue to talk right?" Albedo asked.

"No, when he is asleep not much will wake him up." I said.

"Alright." Albedo started saying, "Do you think there is another way for him to get his memory back?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well since the three of us, for some odd reason, are able to communicate telepathically maybe there's a way to use that to our advantage." He explained.

I put a finger up to my chin and thought about it for a moment.

"Would it be possible?" I asked.

"Who knows?" He asked, "I mean who knew it was possible to communicate with someone telepathically…"

We just sat there quietly. The only noise was the soft snoring of Ben.

Ben and I were on the Ferris wheel that was at the carnival we were at. We were sitting right next to each other with my arm around him.

"So what made you change your mind?" I asked.

"Excuse me?" He asked.

"You know about planning on telling Max about us." I said.

"I realized that we shouldn't hide this anymore." He said smiling and looking up at me. "I mean he probably already figured it out by now."

"And what about your parents?" I asked.

"Don't push me." He said annoyed.

"We are going to have to tell them eventually Ben." I said sighing.

"I know, I know." He said. "Let's not think about that and just enjoy the rest of the night."

He put his head on my shoulder while we watched the night sky from the cart we were riding on. When we got to the top of it, it stopped.

"Look a shooting star." I said using my other hand to point to the star in the sky.

I closed my eyes and made a wish. The wish was that our families would accept us and we would not need to hide our relationship from them.

"What did you wish for Rook?" He asked.

"I thought it was an Earth custom not to tell or it would not come true." I said.

"Oh yea…" He shyly said.

"Rook." Albedo said interrupting my thoughts. "We'll help Ben get his memories back. I promise."

I just shook my head. I looked back down at Ben and saw that he was still sleeping. That kid can sleep through anything, anywhere, and at any time…

Yea… I hope you guys are happy with this chapter! :D It shouldn't have taken me this long to finish it… XD Please tell me if Albedo was in character! I could use the feedback! :D If the reason why Albedo was able to communicate with them telepathically was confusing to you guys, I'm sorry. :( I hope it was a good idea to have that happen. :3 Spoiler: That is going to come into play later.

Okay listen up guys. I don't know if I'll update this for a little while. I got exams coming up in a few weeks and I can't get exempted. :P Why? I was absent from school for more than 15 days and there's a rule that if you're absent that long you can't be exempted. Not that I have the good grades to get exempted but still… -.- And there's still something I need to do before school ends so yea… So yea I have to take all my exams, which brutally sucks.