He had been training in the Far Frozen over the weekend. He used to train at home, but his parents had upgraded the defense tech in the house and lab and hadn't given him the override password, because "why would you need that".
As usually Danny hadn't been paying much attention when Frostbite had mentioned something about some ghost cold that was going around his people. He really should have been paying a lot of attention to that, seeing as Frostbite had said it is a special kind of ghost sickness that only affects those with ice cores. Even though Frostbite himself shrugged it off as nothing to worry about, comparing it to a minor human cold, and it gets less intense the more you catch it. But the first time is the worst.
He really should of paid attention to that.
As it was, by the time he got back into the real world, which was pretty much almost Monday morning, Danny was starting to feel a bit under the weather.
At first, he figured it was just his lack of sleep catching up to him. So he went straight to bed, phased right up through the ceiling into his bedroom. Luckily using his intangibility and invisibility are such low energy using abilities that they didn't even bother the scanners throughout the house.
Danny woke up late the next morning to his sister pounding on his bedroom door. "Danny! Danny! You're going to be late for school again if we don't leave right now!"
"Five more minutes Jazz..." Danny murmured from under the perfect warm cocoon of his covers.
His sister popped her head in. "When did you get back last night anyway?"
Danny mumbled some number to indicate time but it was so jumbled and incoherent Jazz had no choice but to shrug it off and just assume it was rather late.
"Well come on if we leave now you could probably make it in time. I'll let you wake up in the car." She added to sweeten the deal.
Danny nodded and slowly got out of bed. Mostly because he was starting to remember Lancer had threatened to call his parents if he came to school late again. As far as they knew, he was at school on time every day.
Usually a few hours of sleep was all Danny really needed anymore, but today he still felt exhausted. It was almost like he hadn't slept at all.
"Maybe it was all the training?" he tried to reason with himself out loud, unaware he was talking out loud as he slipped into the passenger seat of his sister's car.
"What was all the training?" his sister asked as she put the already running car into drive and pulled away from their house.
It took a moment to register that she was asking about what he had been thinking about to himself and that he had also talked aloud for the last bit of his own conversation. "Oh, I was just thinking about how I'm still tired. Usually I can make it fine just a few hours of sleep without too much trouble. But today I still feel beat. Guess I was training harder than usual?"
Jazz took the opportunity the stoplight gave her to look her brother over to see that indeed, he looked like crap. "Are you sure you aren't sick?"
The light turned just as he was going to say 'no', only to sneeze. It wasn't just a normal sneeze. A normal sneeze would have only slightly startled the two. It would have simply proved Jazz's hunch correct and they could have moved on.
But Danny didn't catch an average cold, he had caught the ghost cold. And with the ghost cold came ghost symptoms. Danny had sneezed ice. Ice that seized up the car in the middle of its turn. Ice that caused the car to crash.
Danny was fine. He was startled into self preservation. He phased himself right through the entire accident. His sister on the other hand didn't have that ability.