"So this isn't the proper time, but something doesn't add up..." I started.

Konoha's 10 (give or take few) turned to listen. Even Shino, whom I was starting to think didn't like me; then again...he knew I hated bugs.

"Your voices. They're made by voice actors so they're technically not yours." I finished.

Kiba frowned; Akamaru whined. Tenten, Temari, Kankuro, and Shikamaru looked slightly annoyed. Ino's expression was one of embarrassment. Presumably, her embarrasment for me. Gaara, Hinata, Sai, Sasuke, Shino, Lee, and Choji remained neutral.

Kiba scratched his head. "But...my voice is my voice."

"I understand what you're saying, it's just weird." Shikamaru added.

"I guess it's my fault for thinking you were going to say something relevant." Sasuke muttered.

Soon the only ones around were Sasuke and I, as everyone left to find the wounded or get healed themselves.

A few yards away, the ground swirled and distorted into a portal. Sakura landed in front of Kakashi and looked visibly shaken. "Kakashi-sensei I..."

"How did she...?" Sasuke asked aloud.

"She was in Obito's dimension." Kakashi answered.

Sakura looked up at her Sensei. "What happened to your left eye?! Let me see!"

Kakashi was pretty mellow about the whole thing. "Madara stole my Sharingan. Where's Obito?"

"That's just it; Madara went to the other dimension using your Kamui! One minute I was there and the next I was here." Sakura explained.

I took a few steps forward. "We can't let him get both eyes this time."

Sasuke grimaced at those last two words.

I shut my eyes and mentally flipped pages in Chapter 675. Madara admitted to creating darkness in Obito's heart with the death of Rin. He considered it the best form of manipulation; kinder people being easier to control once they fall into a depressive slump.

So much crap could've been avoided if that never happened! I opened my eyes.

"I'm back! Kakashi-sensei, let me see your eye!" Naruto had finished sealing Madara's shadow and was feeling triumphant. He cupped Kakashi's empty socket with his hand.

"Nice sun tattoo." I commented.

Naruto laughed. "Oh, thanks!"

When he pulled his hand away, Kakashi's eye was back. Well, his regular eye.

Sakura seemed to choke on air. "How did you do that, Naruto-san?!"

The blonde paused. "I don't really know. I just... did it."

"Sasuke, what's your current dream?" Kakashi questioned. Sasuke was silent. "You mentioned wanting to become Hokage. What does that mean to you?"

Sasuke still didn't answer.

"It's touching to see you four interact so casually." Another portal opened, bringing Madara with it. He was now sporting two Rinnegan. Sakura had begun to change. Red lines sprawled out over her face and she looked just like Tsunade.

"I'm done waiting!" Sakura broke into a run towards Madara, who stabbed her with his staff. The wound would've been fatal had it not been for Sakura's body regenerating on it's own. She swung her fist towards him.

"A-a wall?" The pinkette's hand had struck something solid yet transparent.

Sasuke didn't seem to have any regard for her safety as he aimed to stab Madara. She looked like her heart had broken. Naruto pulled her away and supported her while she caught her breath.

"Naruto. Asahi." Sasuke retreated once he realized what was going on.

Naruto had risen into a stand now. "Yeah, there's four shadows now!"

"I see them." I replied.

12 black balls levitated above Madara's hand. They grew in size until they had amassed a center of gravity. Large rocks were pulled around each one until huge earth-cocoons formed. Naruto braced himself.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

The miniature planets began to fall down. Sasuke took over.

"Naruto, take care of the Shadows. Asahi, use senbon to get rid of some of those formations."

"Stop bossing us around!" I yelled. I still did what he said though.

Madara began to float until he neared the moon. He hadn't gotten any slower, either. Too preoccupied with the shadows and asteroids, no one could do a thing. You could barely make it out from here, but a third eye had appeared on Madara's forehead.

"It's starting..."

Omniscient P.O.V.

The alliance could see pieces of earth falling down where Team Seven was. There were cries of confusion and wails of desperation.

Kiba was the first to notice how the moon had changed. "Look! The moon looks like... a Sharingan!" He alerted everyone else.

The meteors stopped in midair as something glowing bright had hit them. No one could be sure, but they looked like Rasen-shuriken. The God-Tree had disappeared as well.

There was something so alluring about the moon now. It was almost...hypnotic.

No one said anything else, anywhere in the world.

Asahi P.O.V.

The first thing I noticed was how dark it was.

"Don't go out yet, the genjutsu will get you too. Stay in my Susanoo." Sasuke grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the purple walls of chakra.

Sakura looked just as dumbfounded as me.

"There are roots everywhere. Every person and animal is caught in it." I said. I found myself near tears, which was odd seeing as I didn't cry when I read this earlier.

"Then...Sasuke-kun, what can we do?" Sakura asked.

"What does it matter to you? You can't do anything." Sasuke didn't even have to try and sound hurtful on that one. Sakura looked downward and grabbed her arm in a defensive position. She looked like she was about to cry too.

Kakashi frowned. "All of us want to know that, not just Sakura. We all need to come up with a way-"

"Just shut up. You're not the leader anymore. I am." Sasuke interrupted.

"Sasuke, we have to use teamwork!" Naruto cawed.

I rolled my eyes. "You're such a jerk."

"A jerk that saved your life." Sasuke spat.

"I didn't ask you to do anything for me." I bit back.

"It doesn't matter what I do for you, you're clueless anyway. Almost a year and you still haven't figured anything out." He didn't glare. He didn't even look upset.

I turned on my heel and muttered quietly, "I can never understand you."

"The same can be said of you." The Uchiha said.

"Why are almost all of my favorite characters mentally disturbed?" I asked Sakura quietly.

Her eyes had dried but her nose still looked red. "Like Sasuke-kun?"

"Unfortunately." I huffed.

Naruto P.O.V.

Sasuke and Asahi really hate eachother! The only weird thing is, I can't sense any negative emotions from either of them.

Asahi walked as far away from us as she could with Sakura. Sasuke didn't make this stupid thing very big though.

I smashed my fists together. "Just wait til' this is over, I'm going to kick Madara's butt!"

Sasuke shushed me, pointing to the backs of Sakura and Asahi.

"Why are almost all of my favorite characters mentally disturbed?" Asahi questioned.

Sakura-chan still had her back to us. It was getting harder to hear their conversation. I wanted to yell at them to speak up. "Like Sasuke-kun?" Sakura asked.

It hurt each time she called him that. Why does she still like him?

Asahi sat down and put her head in her hands. "Unfortunately."

"Why are you listening to their conversation?" My lip twisted upward in confusion. Sasuke narrowed his eyes and shushed me again.

I grumbled, "I'm going to kick your butt too."

Sakura had sat down too now. Both of them looked upset. "Asahi, have you ever really liked a boy?" I guessed she was thinking about Sasuke.

"Yeah." Asahi replied.

"I mean, one in this dimension." Sakura chided.

Asahi took her hands off of her head. "Here? Two."

Sakura waited for Asahi to continue.

Asahi looked like she was blushing. "Well...Gaara is one."

Woah, really? She liked Gaara?

I ran over to the both of them and almost tripped. "I knew it! I knew you liked Gaara! Haha, not so tough anymore! You want to be the next Kazekage wife!"

Maybe that wasn't my best idea. Asahi got up and started making senbon. "H-hey. I was kidding, ya know! Relax!" I backed up, but I couldn't back up very far.

Kakashi-sensei laughed. Then Sakura and Asahi laughed.

"I'm not mad, Naruto. I couldn't get mad at you after all of this." Asahi said.

Ohhhhh. It's me! I'm the second one she likes! I can't blame her. I'm about to become Hokage soon and everything. But I have to let her down easy.

"Listen Asahi, you're really nice! It's just...I like someone else." I said quickly.

Sakura hit me.

"You're not the one she likes, idiot." Sasuke groaned.

Her loss then. Asahi looked as red as a tomato. "If it's not me, then who?"

She got even redder! Her eyes got really big.

"It doesn't matter right now! Everyone's having their own personal dream. Some of them are pretty funny." She replied.

Asahi P.O.V.

"Right. It looks like we won't be able to leave until morning." Kakashi advised.

I gleamed. "Sleepover with Team Seven!"

"You don't seriously think you can sleep now, do you?" Sasuke miffed.

I sighed.

Sasuke spoke again. "This genjutsu was caused by a Rinnegan. I'm betting it can only be destroyed by one."

"So you or Asahi have to do it." Sakura agreed.

"Why can't I go outside and let you all handle it?" I wearied.

Naruto's smile grew large. "You just want to go see Gaara!" While that was partially true, it was still upsetting. I don't think they'll be forgetting that anytime soon. When will I learn that I can't whisper around them?

"The Kazekage is weak anyway. Pathetic." Sasuke turned his nose up angrily.

"Still upset about the Chunin exams?" I pestered.

Sasuke's neutrality never fails to irritate me. "Nope." He replied.

That was one of my favorite episodes. "Remember when Shikamaru pretended to be asleep? He's hilarious without even having to try."

I could've sworn a light-bulb appeared above Naruto's head. He pointed a finger at me. "The second one is Shikamaru!"

For the love of..."No, it's not. I think intelligence is a plus though."

"Is that some sort of fetis-"

I put a hand up to silence the blonde. "No."

I grew tired of the conversation and fell asleep standing up. Hopefully I'll be prepared for tomorrow.

"I'm going to release the Susanoo now." Sasuke's left eye twitched.

"Madara has changed though. His shadows will be on all four sides." I warned.

Kakashi sighed. "Right. Well, what are we up against?"

"It's not Madara we have to worry about anymore, it's Kaguya." I responded.

Naruto looked puzzled. Sasuke explained, "The woman the Six Path Hermit mentioned."

A crazed-eyed Madara landed, upsetting the already unstable ground. He claimed he was about to finish things once and for all. Calling himself the 'Savior of the World', he began to amass chakra. I could see it clearly now, leading me to think my eyes were getting better.

Madara was paler now. His hair was longer and ragged. He looked overly cocky. At least, until Black Zetsu's arm shot through his chest.

"I can't move! What is this?!" Madara cried.

Black Zetsu chuckled. "After all the times you've used people, what makes you think I wouldn't do the same? You're not exempt."

Madara was still unmoving as Zetsu's opal arm slowly pierced his chest even further from behind. "You're my will. I own you!"

"That's all an illusion as well. I'm Kaguya's will."

With that, Madara began to fall to his knees. All of his shadows disappeared and he cried out in agony. It was blinding and disorienting. He had more chakra than I had ever felt or seen in my life, even more than the tailed beasts.

It was terrifying.

Waves of blue flowed out from the bloody hole in Madara's chest. The colors mixed into a disgusting gunk.

I tried to grab onto something as I was forced backward by all the rubble. The chakra seemed to be moving on it's own and taking us with it. I landed on my shoulder blade. I heard various exclamations of pain all around me.

"Asahi, what the heck was that?!" Naruto called. Madara was still screaming.

"Can't you sense it? All the people in the Infinite Tsukuyomi are being drained of chakra. It's all flowing in and out of Madara." I was surprised my voice was so calm.

That was short lived. Madara bloated. His clothes rippled and his abdomen inflated.

"This is our chance! Go Naruto!" Sasuke drew his sword and sliced the Madara-Balloon.

Instead of air, blood streamed out.

"Don't get too close, he'll take your chakra too!" I called, still trying to regain my footing as chakra flowed all around me.

The warning came too late. Sasuke and Naruto were grabbed by a distended appendage. Sakura and I leapt closer but Kakashi got in front of us first.

"Wait! You can't just go rushing in." He scolded.

"If we don't stop this, everyone will die!" Naruto yelled.

Zetsu waved away his concern. "I won't kill them. Kaguya cast this genjutsu on her people as well. They became her soldiers."

Sakura was appalled. Zetsu went on to explain that wrapped in these cocoons, people would be turned into White Zetsu.

He continued, "It happens to everyone trapped in Infinite Tsukuyomi." Zetsu was talking and Madara was still expanding.

"He's huge!" Naruto commented.

However, the person in front of us wasn't a he anymore. Kaguya emerged with red, flowing hair. On the center of her forehead was a Rinnegan and she sported two Byakugan. Her eyes seemed to stay stuck in an eternal frown. To top it off, her white cloak was way too big for her.

Her chakra levels were so massive they were visible. Or maybe that was just because of my Rinnegan.

Her hair proved that it was more than just full of volume when it grabbed Naruto and Sasuke.

"You're her children's reincarnations, remember? Hagoromo and Hamura. Then Ashura and Indra. Don't give up!" I screamed.

The two boys landed on the ground with a thud.

"Her chakra is unbelievable..." Sasuke noted.

Naruto agreed, "She shouldn't even be real!"

"Let us stop fighting here. This place should not be damaged any longer." Kaguya's voice was assertive and smooth.

I summoned my winged friend before Kaguya could switch dimensions on us. Obito was unconscious, so I scooped him up first. Sasuke did the same with a hawk. He and Naruto landed safely on it. After everyone realized they weren't on the battlefield anymore, they looked at me.

"It's real lava, not a genjutsu. Sakura-san, Kakashi-sensei, need help?" I guided my summon down to the pair. Kakashi had tied a scroll to a kunai and wedged himself to Obito, who he had stabbed through the hand. He and Sakura dangled dangerously close to the lava. Kakashi apologized, but at least the three of them were unharmed.

"How was that scroll supporting both of you? That makes no sense." I complained. I found a ledge and dropped Kakashi, Sakura, and the half-dead Obito off.

"Naruto. Your Yang power and my Yin can seal her. We can't die." Sasuke started. "The only reason Sakura, Kakashi, and Asahi escaped the Tsukuyomi is because they were next to you."

Naruto nodded. "I get it. It's up to us."

"Asahi, can you whip up some of those seals for us?" Naruto called. The lava was almost peaceful, slowly bubbling and popping.

I began to realize I might be overdoing it a little. My eyes bled as I gathered chakra into my index finger.

"Ew, what's up with your eyes?" I pressed the first seal into Naruto's arm after moving that glowing cloak of his.

Sasuke held out his hand and didn't break eye contact. A brief sizzle and I had branded him too. "It means she's overusing her Rinnegan. We'll handle this, you don't need to try anything more."

Well now I understand why Sakura always feels so useless around these two.

"She has a Byakugan too. Be careful." I gave a small smile and still hadn't broken eye contact with Sasuke.

Naruto gasped. "The second guy you like, It's-!"

Sasuke glared. I glared. Naruto stopped mid sentence.

Senbon struck Sasuke's hawk and my eagle.

"She hit their vital points, they're useless now." Sasuke said.

Well maybe his was, but the Rinnegan's summons heal after being released. I could whip my winged-pal back out in no time. Looking down, I noticed unfamiliar senbon stuck in my arm. Thanks, Kaguya. The land-bridge we were resting on began to crumble and I lost my footing. There was no land in sight to pull over to myself. I couldn't absorb the lava because it wasn't chakra. Falling doesn't feel like flying at all, where did that analogy even come from?

Something caught me. It was a tight grip and it squeezed my chest, but it was better than drowning in lava.

"Naruto, you can fly?!" Sakura asked.

"Uh... I guess so! Madara was floating too when he got this chakra." The Uzumaki answered.

I panicked and started flailing as I watched the lava a few feet below me. "Pull us up! Pull us up!" I pleaded.

Naruto did so. "Sorry!"

"Pull." My eye started bleeding again as I yanked a stalagmite upward. It felt like I was in a pool of blood at this point. It stained my wrist as I wiped it away.

I ignored the feeling. "Push." I pushed dozens of stalagmites towards Kaguya to stall briefly.

"Chakra does not belong to you. I'll blend all chakra into one, once again." Her voice resonated around the landscape.

We found ourselves spinning out of control at Kaguya's attack. I grabbed the first floating thing I saw, which happened to be Naruto's left leg. Sasuke grabbed his right.

"Huh? What are you guys doing?!" Naruto struggled to drag all of us toward the footfall Sasuke had created with his chakra.

"Asahi, you're getting in the way. Your eyes obviously are being strained." Sasuke seemed annoyed.

"Okay, I guess I won't tell you that Kaguya is about to teleport right behind you. Whatever." I shrugged and bounded away towards Kakashi.

Both boys turned around suddenly. Kaguya grabbed their chins and tilted them upward to face her. Her eyes softened. She began to cry.

"What is this?" Sasuke and Naruto asked in unison. They couldn't move and Kaguya was slowly draining their chakra.

"Asahi, explain." Sasuke commanded.

"Asahi! You can't just leave like that!" Naruto called.

Black Zetsu slowly leeched on to their bodies. His tone was sickening. "You two remind Kaguya of her sons. They're the ones that sealed her. It's so sad. I too am a child of Kaguya. I've been recording everything since the dawn of shinobi. Until now, when I could finally revive my mother." Black Zetsu acknowledged.

"He already explained! Listen to the story, geez." I mumbled.

Black Zetsu spun the tale of Kaguya. The Ten Tails was sealed and became the moon. The Sage of Six Paths created ninjutsu. The Uchiha's were descended from Indra and became the perfect clan for Zetsu to manipulate. He changed their stone tablet to say that Infinite Tsukuyomi would save the world.

"I approached every transmigrant and tried to get them to awaken the Rinnegan. When Indra was reincarnated into Madara, I knew he could do it." He continued.

I scoffed, "Except Madara lost to Hashirama."

Black Zetsu chuckled. "Yes, that was a setback. But when Madara lost, he used his Mangekyou to create a technique that would activate after a certain amount of time."

"Even Sasuke can't do that yet." I teased. Sasuke still couldn't move, so for the time being I was safe. He could only scowl.

Black Zetsu was smiling. "Madara sacrificed his right eye and used Izanagi to rewrite history. He resurrected himself. He vomited the piece of Hashirama's skin he had bitten off in battle and implanted it in his wounds."

I gagged.

"He completed the summoning of the Gedo Statue. I began the Akatsuki, I manipulated Kabuto and Obito. And finally..."

Kaguya was still crying, her cheeks glistened.

"My mother was revived." Black Zetsu finished.

"Well...You're not the only one who was apart of shinobi history! And what kind of mother hates her sons!?" Naruto and Sasuke broke free of Kaguya's grasp.

Sasuke signed the Seal of Confrontation and created a clone from my seal. Naruto did the same.

"These won't die as easily as a Shadow Clone, we can create an opening with them." Sasuke explained.

The cavern I was in felt like gravel.

Naruto sounded confident. "Looks like we have to use that jutsu."

Kaguya's tears had begun to evaporate, likely due to the heat all around us.

I yawned, getting bored. "How can you be bored at a time like this?" Sakura asked incredulously.

"To be fair, I know what's going to happen." I replied. That's what was bothering me though. The series was ending soon. What would happen to the characters? To me? Maybe that last part was a bit selfish.

Sasuke spoke easily. "That sounds stupid. If it can create an opening however, I say we try it."

Zetsu shook his head and laughed. "Whatever you're planning, my mother can absorb any jutsu. It won't work." Kaguya demonstrated this by absorbing the two clones.

Kakashi noted softly, "She's...God."

That certainly conflicted with my religion, as if the whole concept wasn't confusing enough.

Suddenly Kaguya's white cloak became wrapped in black. Amaterasu's flames were quickly absorbed by her. Naruto did what he does best.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

"Does he honestly think that's going to work?" Sakura questioned irritably.

"Reverse Harem no Jutsu!"

I wasn't exactly expecting that.

12 very...free males appeared. There was no censorship except for a cloud covering their lower regions. Kakashi seemed excited when he heard the word 'harem'. Now, not so much.

"Is that...Gaara?" I looked closer.

"That's Sai too! Naruto, you idiot!" Sakura raged.

"Yeah, it is! Do you like it?" The blonde asked.

Did I have a cold? My nose began to run. I tore a piece of my pants and blotted it. It was stained red.

"Dang it, Naruto! I wanted my first nose bleed to be normal! Why couldn't you have just hit me with a rock or something?!" I felt so unclean. Suigetsu, Juugo, and Kabuto could clearly be seen among the group. I noticed Sakura's nose was bleeding as well. Sasuke only furrowed his brow.

"You're not that upset, Asahi. You haven't looked away yet." The Uchiha sounded livid, spitting out every word.

Naruto landed a punch that sent Kaguya flying backwards.

"It worked?!" Sakura and I exclaimed.

"You may have been the first person to use chakra or something, but not even you can counter my sexy jutsu!" Naruto gloated.

The two transmigrants readied to seal Kaguya. Sasuke's Moon and Naruto's Sun neared her from both sides.

I knew it wouldn't work, unfortunately.

It was very cold now. Naruto and Sasuke were frozen in place by ice. This new dimension Kaguya summoned made my goosebumps rise all over. I bit my lip and shivered.

"She's gone." Sasuke's voice was shakey; I could've sworn I heard his teeth chatter. Kaguya had escaped through a black portal, leaving Naruto and Sasuke encased in ice.

Sasuke's left eye summoned black flames and melted the glaciers around him.

"Thanks, Sasuke! I'm sorry my plan didn't work though." Naruto lamented.

Sasuke seemed unaffected. "I didn't think it would anyway. Now let's try my tactic."

I started to run over to the duo, slipping and sliding around the ice like I was skating. The slipping wasn't so fun when I came crashing down on all fours.

"You should've known by now not to break a fall with your wrists." The ever-caring Uchiha commented.

"It's instinctual!" I argued, wiping water off my palms. "She's about to separate you two into different dimensions. Divide and conquer or whatever.

Something yanked me back. "You forget that you're a complication as well. Divide and conquer indeed." Zetsu snickered.

I landed in sand. There was a small, aggravated groan next to me.

"Your warning was late."

The universe had dumped me in the same dimension as Sasuke.

"Meanwhile, Naruto is stuck in the ice-place." I sighed.

"The term is tundra." The brunette rolled his eyes.

Well if anyone knew about cold things, it was Sasuke.

"Obito has recovered. Hagoromo is talking to the previous Hokage." I gave a status update.

Sasuke wiped the sand off of his clothing. "I don't care."


"We just need to get out of here." He added.

I laid down in the sand and let in run through my fingers.

"Haha, I'm the Kazekage." I joked, throwing sand at Sasuke.

He wasn't amused.

*683! I'm guessing I'll be finished within the next few chapters.

Happy (early) Valentines Day :3

Gaara is one of my favorite characters...if you couldn't tell.