2014 January 1. The day was suppose to be cheerful time of the year it was anything but cheery, it was the day when the rose from the grave and outnumber the living. A group of people find themselves stuck in a island resort with nothing but Item from a sports shop can these guy survive?
*several cameo from the walking dead,HOTD and TWD,Clementine*

10 OC slot available
Pm only!





personal Info
History:(please give me a detailed one)

Personality:(like history,please give me a detailed one too)



Skill point allocation: Please allocate the points between each of the categories with going over or under the total points limit. 0 is lowest, 10 is highest. Perks are awarded for having 8 or more points in one stat.

Total skill points: 100

Offensive Combat Skill Tree-

Strength: Just what it sounds like, how strong the character is. 8+ strength grants access to heavy weapons.

Speed: Character's top speed. 8+ unlocks slide, a good technique to get under and around zombies.

Agility: The time it takes a character to reach top speed. 8+ unlocks quick recovery.

Dexterity: Ease at which on at which one operates their weapon without clumsiness. 8+ unlocks dual wielding.

Awareness: The higher the characters awareness, the quicker they can see critical factor on the battle field or weakness in an enemy. 8+ increases rear perception.

Coordination: A higher coordination decreases your chances of tripping and falling down, especially in pressure moments. 8+ turns your trips into slight stumbles.

Gunsmanship:skill with handling guns +7 for 80% chance 9+ for quick reloading

Skill: Prior experience with the weapon type or combat is represented by this stat. 8+ increases the chance of a critical strike and gains a launcher technique to hit enemies into the air.

Jump: Effects jump height, the ability to gap jump and access to air combos. 8+ gains access to basic parkour.

Defensive Combat Tree-

Toughness: How many hit can your character take and can they cope with injury. 8+ greatly reduces flinch when hit.

Block: Self-explanatory. 8+ allows access to a shield type item in off hand.

Dodge: Self-explanatory. 8+ allows access to a dodge roll.

Parry: Using an offensive strike to counter the enemy's attack. 8+ stuns enemies when you parry them.

Elusiveness: Ability to weave through enemies in combat with getting hit by a stray attack. Useful when hordes attack. 8+ greatly increases breaking a zombie's hold on the character on their own.

Stamina: How long they can run and fight before tiring. 8+ for no cost on stamina for blocking, dodging or jumping.

Non-combat Tree-

Leadership: Amount of authority the character has in the group. 8+ the character is able to lead a 3 member team

Teamwork: How well the character works with others. 8+ to be able to coordinate attacks with another character that has 8+ teamwork.

Luck: Self-explanatory. 8+ find a weapon out of the blue when unarmed easier.

Recovery: How fast injuries heal and stamina recovers. 8+ to start each new day with stamina full.

Persuasion: Ability to convince others to do what they want. 8+ greatly increases how trustworthy others think you are.

Preference Weapon(s): what your character want to use but they will begin with a baseball bat. Also ask for a weapon that your character doesn't have the stats to use (gun, heavy, dual wield) without the appropriate stat in place

crush :what they look for in their lover