Well, I have finally decided to make a new story for Naruto. Not just ANY story, though… this will be a X-OVER! Actually, I plan on making more in the future, but this will start it all off. Naruto is transported into Earth-land, and will go to a magic guild after being trained. Most likely Fairy Tail, since I know most of the people there. HOWEVER: I said Naruto will paired... but I won't tell you until they meet. *trolled*!
Anyways... do not own Naruto/Fairy Tail.
KM: *sigh*... you won't leave me alone, will you?
N: No. Now tell me why I will not be with my beloved Bee!
KM: Not in this universe. You grew up in Konoha, and only met Bee after you came back from your 3-year trip. PLUS, he is older than you by about 5-10 years... so it won't work out in this universe.
N: Oh... but why do I still feel for him?
KM: beCAUSE you FOLLOWED ME FROM MY OTHER FANFICTION UNIVERSE! Now then... *pick N up and tosses him into a wormhole*. *whew* Glad that's out of the way.
Naruto woke up with a splitting headache. His eyes were hurting, and with good reason since he was in a blindingly white room. As soon as that thought crossed his mind, light seemed to fade until it became pleasantly comfortable to look around.
'Where the HELL am I?' Naruto thought.
"Why, you are in heaven," a voice answered. Naruto jumped at the unfamiliar voice, and looked around quickly. His eyes centered on a woman standing in the middle of the room. Honestly, he thought she was breathtakingly beautiful, and he could've fallen for her if not for... other things. The woman giggled.
"Awww... it's sweet of you to think that of me!" the woman said. He looked at her strangely for a moment. "Yes I can hear your thoughts," she answered to his unspoken question. "One of the few perks of being Kami!" Naruto gaped at her. He quickly stood up, if only to bow in her presence.
"An honor to meet you, Kami-san!" he said. She walked over, and righted him into a standing position.
"There is no need for that here. I, for one, am not a huge fan of formalities. On top of that, I should be bowing to YOU! The great hero of the Elemental Nations!" He chuckled weakly at that.
"Yeah, it wasn't easy though... especially if what you say is true, and I died..." he finished with a frown. Kami sighed with sadness.
"After all you did, you just didn't have enough strength. Chakra exhaustion was your undoing..." They stayed silent for a moment. Naruto brightened up suddenly.
"Wait, I'm in heaven, right?" Kami nodded to him. "Then... that means..." she put a finger to his lips.
"I am sorry, but you will only be able to see your mother."
"WHAT?! But why?" he asked, heartbroken.
"My brother has dominion over your father; Shinigami. He keeps a lock-and-key over each of his prisoners. He does not make them suffer though, so that is some small consolation." Naruto was fuming.
"WHERE IS HE?! I'LL RIP MY FATHER FROM HIS CLUTCHES!" he yelled in absolute fury. A shadow suddenly appeared in the middle of the room, right next to Kami. It looked extremely out of place in the bright white of the room. A black figure slowly rose from the shadow. When the entire body was out of the shadow, the black faded away to reveal a man. Naruto stared at the man, and was blushing like crazy. He quickly pulled Kami over to the side.
"Who is THAT? And is he taken?" he whispered furiously. She giggled at his ignorance.
"THAT, my dear hero, is the very being you were just threatening!" Naruto's blush disappeared, and was replaced with a look of horror.
"I can HEAR you, you know..." Shinigami yelled towards them, "... and NO, but I don't plan on it." Naruto was quickly becoming depressed.
"Great," he said, not caring who heard. "First the guy says, 'No.' and now I just insulted the very being who would allow me to see my father! Not good..." he sighed in annoyance. Kami and Shinigami both chuckled at the boy's antics.
"Oh, relax," Shinigami said. "I have great respect for you and your father. One little slip-up won't doom you for eternity." Naruto instantly brightened up.
"Sooo... you WILL let me see my dad?"
"Yes... and no."
"...huh?" Naruto deadpanned.
"*sigh* Kami was correct with what I do with my prisoners. However, depending on the reason for my summoning, the stay can either be very good... or extremely BAD." Naruto gulped as Shinigami grinned ferociously and began emitting a dark energy that made him look terrifying. The darkness stopped and he returned to his, 'Cool guy state'. "Your father only summoned me to stop the death and destruction in his village; a highly admirable thing to do. He was given five years in a prison-like room for summoning me. Also, because I like to psyche the summoners." Shinigami started laughing as Kami facepalmed at her brother's stupidity. "Anyways, after the five years were up, I gave your father a paradise for the rest of eternity. He could have had anything... and he simply asked to be able to see you and his wife." Naruto gasped at that, since he realized how much his father loved him. "He was given two mirrors. One which would allow him to watch over you, and one that would allow him to watch over your mother."
"So... he knows about my... preferences then." Both gods nodded. Naruto sighed. "Can't say this was the way I wanted to tell my parents. I mean, I had a whole speech planned for when I met my parents!" Both gods balked at that. They looked at the other, then they started cracking up at the blonde jinchuuriki.
After the two gods calmed down, and Naruto stopped glaring at them, Kami decided to tell him her offer.
"Naruto, I want to offer you something." Said boy looked at the goddess with interest. "I know what your life was like as a child. You suffered more than anyone ever should at that age. Now, I want to give you a second chance." Naruto stared at her, confused.
"What, you mean, like, a new life in the Nations?" he asked.
"Yes... and no." Shinigami answered.
"Okay, you need to stop with the yes-and-no answers," Naruto deadpanned. Shinigami chuckled.
"I'm not going to send you back to the Elemental Nations." Kami said.
"Where am I going to then?" Naruto asked, confused.
"I am sending you to a different dimension. The world there is filled with people who can use magic instead of chakra. Everyone can use it, though most choose not to. It is similar to chakra though, since people still need it to survive. Magic also can be used in different ways, with different types as well. All you have to do is figure out how you want to use your magic." As Kami finished her explanation, Naruto was amazed at this new world and could hardly wait to go.
"I would love to go there! Oh, but... I still want to see my mom and dad..." Both gods stared at Naruto in pity, then they sighed.
"Since me and my sister have the same idea, we will give you an alternative as well. We will give you two mirrors like your father. However, they will allow you to talk to your parents face-to-face. You will still be in different places, but the mirror will act as a window between the two of you." Naruto was speechless.
"Thank you!" he cried. Then he wrapped the two gods in a bone-crushing hug that made them struggle to free themselves.
"You can...*ack*... pay us back by letting go...*cough*" Shinigami choked out. Naruto's eyes widened and he quickly stepped back after freeing the two gods. Both took a moment to compose themselves, then stood up.
"Ummm... so, what about Kurama?" Naruto asked. Both gods paused, since they didn't consider this. Kami eyes widened suddenly, and she snapped her fingers.
"I know! He will become your familiar!" Both males stared at her in confusion, and she sighed in annoyance. "Some wizards have an animal companion that travels with them. Said companion can communicate with humans, and can also perform some magic of their own." Shinigami's eyes widened in realization.
"OH! So you mean like..." Kami nodded. "...and..." she nodded again. "Damm... never knew the cat was classified as a familiar(1)..."
"It is rare though, and quite unheard of... so don't get confused when people question you." Kami finished her explanation. Naruto grinned at the prospects of his new life.
"Sweet! Kurama is pretty happy to be able to stay with me some more, even if he's in another form. Just one more question... when do I start?" Both gods smirked, and at the same time said, "Right now!" Kami flicked his forehead, and he faded into darkness...
Naruto woke up with another headache. He saw something orange above him, but his vision was blurry and he couldn't make it out. He blinked a few times and vision cleared to reveal a tiny orange fox right in front of his face.
"WHOAH!" Naruto yelled. The fox yelled too and jumped away.
"Kit! Don't SCARE me like that!" the fox complained. Naruto stared at the fox, and slowly blinked once.
"Kurama?" he asked. The fox rolled his eyes.
"Well, DUH! What gave it away, genius? Me talking, my orange fur, or the fact that I have nine tails?!" Naruto looked at the tail area and... yep, there were nine tails.
"Sorry. A little jumpy, I guess." The fox smirked at the blonde.
"All the excitement comes from your current predicament, I suppose..."
"Wait, what are you talking about?" Naruto asked, unsure of why his voice sounded different.
"So they didn't tell you... well, I STILL think you should've figured it out by now, kit."
"What are you going on about you stupid fox!" Kurama glared at Naruto.
"Look in a fucking mirror you idiot!" Naruto suddenly gasped.
"The mirrors! Where are the mirrors?!" he yelled in fear. Then he felt something on his back. He reached around to find a backpack, which he quickly pulled off. He looked inside to find a white-framed mirror with an elegant design and a black-framed mirror with a gothic design. Also inside, he found a note with some food bars and bottles of water. The note said:
We don't know how long it'll take until you reach a safe place. So, we gave you this backpack.
It will remain stocked with food and water until you are in a haven that you can call home.
To use the mirrors, say 'Kushina' into the white mirror and 'Minato' into the black one.
Stay strong, and have a good life.
-Kami and Shinigami
"Huh... well that was nice of them!" Naruto said. Then he saw his reflection in the black mirror, and he screamed like a little girl. He was FOUR again! Why was he four?!
"Hang on, looks like the note has something on the other side of it..." Kurama noticed. Naruto flipped the note over.
P.S.: Do you REALLY want to start your life at 16? Plus, we had to make you able to defend yourself...
"Well... they have a point..." Naruto said. Then he heard the sounds of giant wings.
Three dragons land in a clearing. One was a light green, and had feather-like scales covering it's body. The second was yellow with black accents, and had scales with flashes of light coming from in between the gaps. The third was blue with aqua-green accents, it had fish-scales and webbing in between it's claws.
"Sisters... where is our prey?" the yellow dragon asked, irritated.
"Don't look at ME! I only led you to where I heard the shrieking! I can't tell you where it went!" the green one yelled. The blue one sighed.
"You two never stop arguing..." said the blue dragon. She began to walk away from her siblings, when she stepped on something. She raised her foot to see two mirrors stuck to the bottom of her foot.
"NOOOOOOOOO!" a voice yelled. The three dragons leapt away from the sound and prepared to fight... to see a young blonde-haired boy dart out from the bushes towards the blue dragon.
"You broke them! I never even got a CHANCE... not even a chance..." the boy collapsed to the ground and began to sob. The dragons were confused.
"Boy..." the yellow dragon began. The boy jerked a little, but stayed as he was. "...what is so special about these mirrors?" The boy's sobbing slowly quieted, until he could speak to them clearly.
"*sniff*... they were a gift from Kami and Shinigami... I could've talked to my parents... but they are broken now, and I blew my chance. If only I hadn't left them behind..." he began to cry a little. Meanwhile, the dragons were stunned. This, boy, actually met the two greatest deities of the world? The green dragon slowly reached out to wipe a tear away with a talon.
"There, there... it is okay. If what you said was true, then the gifts of the gods would not break so easily. Look..." she said, as she gestured to her sister. The blue dragon gently pried away the mirrors to reveal not even a scratch on them. Naruto stared at the mirrors, then yelled in joy. He grabbed them and hugged them desperately.
"Child... how did you meet those two gods?" the blue dragon asked. Naruto thought for a moment.
"It is a very long story. If you want to hear it, you might want to get yourselves comfortable..." he replied. The dragons glanced at each other, then laid down around him after deciding they had nothing else better to do.
"Before I begin... Kurama! We have company!" An orange blur raced out from the bushes and jumped onto the boy's shoulder. An orange fox with nine tails; the dragons were surprised to say the least. The fox raised a paw in greeting.
"Yo, I am this boy's familiar. Name's Kurama. Or, you can call me Kyuubi."
"Now then... are any of you familiar with the term, 'The Elemental Nations'?"
After finishing his story, from his land of origin, to his days as a child, to his adventures as a ninja, and to his part in the Great War, the dragons had a range of emotions. One: shock. Two: anger and pity. Three: respect. They could not believe the hardships Naruto went through, and how he simply overcame it all. Another thing they noticed was that he never blamed others unless it was obviously their fault. He blamed himself for his teammate's disappearance from the Leaf Village, for the death of his sensei, and for the destruction of his village. He even blamed himself when the blue dragon stepped on his mirrors. They were also surprised to learn that Kurama used to be a demon of hatred, and was also befriended by Naruto. All in all, they liked this boy.
"Now then, since me and Kurama have introduced ourselves, can I ask for your names?" Naruto asked. The three dragons stood up, and adopted a regal pose.
"I am Ventallia. Dragon of the Winds." said the green dragon.
"I am Elthun. The Lightning Dragon." said the yellow dragon.
"I am Melusine. Dragon of Water." said the blue dragon.
"And we are the Storm Siblings!"
"Now, we have judged you based on your past life. We wish to train you in the art of our magics. If you accept, you will become powerful, but will stay isolated from mankind until we deem you ready. Do you wish to join us?" Elthun asked. Naruto stared at the dragons in shock. He didn't answer for a little bit, so Kurama nudged him. As he looked at his familiar, the fox nodded in enthusiasm. Naruto grinned.
"I accept! Elthun-sensei, Ventallia-sensei Melusine-sensei, when do we begin?" Naruto asked. All three grinned evilly at the young blonde, and he gulped in fear.
That is exactly what the title means. Dragonslayer of the Storm. The Storm siblings train him, and he will combine their magics to make Storm magic. It will allow him to make attacks based off of the weather, like a tornado or a hurricane. I will work out the kinks later...
-desperately thinking as he posted this story on a whim:
Kage Musha