I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians nor do I own The Hero's of Olympus.

Note: Some parts of the mythology used in this story have been made up by myself. This story also references different parts of the books even though the story itself has nothing to do with them.
Note: Language and sexual references are used.
Note: This is a Percy x Nico fanfiction.

Summery: Everyone know's the danger's of the seas, Pirates, monsters and the Sea God's wrath. Among these dangers is the Huntress, a ship said to have been raised from the bones of each person lost at sea. It's Captain and crew are feared far and wide, and their reputation grows with each voyage they take. When the Prince of the Sea is given a prophecy he doesn't waste time in getting what he wants.

Part One: Chapter One: The Prince of the Sea

Everyone knows of the dangers of the sea. Pirates, monsters and the Sea God's wrath if it follows you. Many people don't venture off into the sea for fear in coming in contact with the Huntress. The Huntress is a Pirate gang made up of some of the most feared Pirates out there. The Sea Prince, or Prince of the Sea, roomered to be the son of the Sea God himself. The Oracle, who can twist your mind with simple words and the Hunter, someone who can kill you in a hundred ways but is famous for their bow in arrow tactics. Though just three of their members, people fear them far and wide.

"Perseus Jackson!" The yell echoed through the entire ship as everyone's favorite Aries daughter Clarisse La Rue stormed into the Captain's quarters. The boy she was looking for was looking at a map, though considering his parentage, he didn't need one. Clarisse was dressed in a sailor's mark, white shirt and black pants. Strapped to her back was her famous spear and a sword tied to her belt. Her long light brown hair was tied back with some cloth and her dark brown eyes glared at the man at the desk.

"Clarisse," Perseus addressed her, not looking up from his work. Perseus is handsome, many people have told him this over the years, he has jet black hair that covered his bright sea green eyes. Though shorter than Clarisse he's still tall and strong. He was in similar clothing to Clarisse, a white shirt and black pants, the only difference they had, was the black coat hanging from just his shoulders. This, marked him as the Captain.

"Where the hell are we going?" She demanded of him. "Why the hell is an England Port getting closer to us?"

"Because we need to gather supplies." He responded looking up at one of his trusted advisers. "Is that a problem?"

"The hell it is!" She marched towards him and grabbed his shirt and pulled him close. This didn't seem to bother him though, even with the obvious fact that Clarisse could beat him to a pulp and has done so on numerous occasions. "We're sailing right into Port Sleas! Marked pirates like us should be going to a port of our own!"

"We can't get what I'm looking for at one of our own ports." He responded calmly. "We don't even have to dock, I can head over privately and find what I need then we can head out again."

"Oh yes, the crew will be glad to get rid of you. No I'm not letting you get of this ship and head to certain death alone." She hissed at him, letting go of his shirt. Perseus fixed his shirt and straitened up.

"Do you think so little of me?" He smiled lazily at her. "Will you miss me if I'm caught? Don't think Chris will like hearing that." She scowled at him, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Don't you dare forget who you're talking to Jackson." She hissed.

"It's funny, you seem to forget who you're talking too quite often." He responded lazily. She grabbed him by the shirt again and threw him right through the door. Everyone on deck stopped to see what had happened as their Captain picked himself out of the pile of wood.

"Oh common I just fixed that door!" One complained as Clarisse stepped out and over to Perseus as he picked himself.

"Shut it Valdez." Clarisse snapped at the Imp of a boy. Perseus turned to look at Clarisse.

"Are we done, have you vented enough? I have some things to do and it's important I get them done before we port." He said to her. Her anger only flared with the comment.

"I don't understand why I put up with you." She growled.

"I saved your life." Perseus reminded her. "Actually if I remember correctly, I save a lot of lives. Leo from drowning, Silena from hanging, Rachel from slavery, Thalia from her hell of a mother." He paused, "I sent tribute to Dionysus and asked him to cure Chris's madness for you, if I'm remembering correctly. And Reyna would still be hypnotized on Cerce's island if I hadn't found her in the Sea of Monsters."

"Oh we get it, you contradict yourself daily by being a Pirate and Hero." Clarisse spat at him but everyone could tell she was giving in. "Freaking hero types." Even as she said it a smile was coming to her lips, one of those rare things that only Chris or Silena, and every few months Perseus could get out of her.

"What do you have against Port Sleas?" Percy wondered.

"It's were I grew up." She responded, crossing her arms again. "Port Sleas is my home."