Sorry for the delay! Computer got busted and I had to basically rewrite this and type it up at the library boo hoo poor me excuse excuse. Also to the concerned anon, I am not currently planning on writing any orgy scenes. ;) - FFL

Chapter 4.

That night Vi slept on a table in the board room of an empty office building across the street from the station. It was cold and drafty, all brick and gappy wooden doors. Nonetheless, Vi was exhausted and slept like a log. The soreness from her match was starting to hit her. How did Caitlyn and all them do multiple matches every weekend? She had thought she was in shape, damn. Many others had come into the designated quiet zone with her, but if Caitlyn had ever come in to get some sleep, Vi had missed it.

The next morning, they were ready. They finally had a plan. The stakeout was elaborate: from what Vi gathered, the Patrol was lurking in the tunnels, in case Jinx attacked from below, while the Sheriff's people were keeping an eye from the sky on the whole city. Caitlyn wasn't convinced the station was really even a target. They all went out in turns before the sun was up.

Vi's post was on the roof of the office building itself, looking west, lurking beside a crate turned on its side. She could crawl inside and pull a tarp over herself is she thought she was going to be spotted.

She and Caitlyn had argued earlier on what their strategy would be once Jinx was in sight.

"You catch her, and then you back off, and I'll net her," Caitlyn had suggested.

"Back off?" Vi had said. "Are you crazy? Net us both while I've got her down, and that way she won't dematerialize like last time."

"If you can get her adequately stunned, she won't be able to-"

"Don't worry about it, Cait," Vi had said. Caitlyn had rolled her eyes like Vi was back on the whole don't tell me what to do thing, which Caitlyn had apparently misunderstood on an epic scale. Treating Vi like a bratty teenager was possibly even more annoying than telling her what to eat and all that. Vi understood perfectly what it meant to look out for someone without being their mom. Isn't that what she did everyday?

"Symbiosis," Vi said to herself, relishing the 'S's in the word. Ezreal had taught it to her a while back. She kept her binoculars trained on the street below, trying to ignore the cold ache in her elbows, propped on the icy stone ledge of the roof. It was already nearly noon, six hours of the same dizzying activity. She would check the intersection at 12th, then 13th, then 14th, and repeat. First she would check at ground level, then she would look around at the airways and windows. "Symbiosis," she repeated softly.

She hazarded a glance at Caitlyn, crouched at her post in the opposite corner. It was a good thing she wore shorts under that tiny uniform skirt, on her knees like that. Vi had a great view. She bit a little smile off her face and returned to her scanning. Nothing, no disturbances.

But down on ground level, she did see something. Someone with blue hair, sitting on a sidewalk bench outside the flower-shop, some tulips across her lap. She didn't have Jinx's signature braids, and it wasn't unheard-of in Piltover to have blue hair, certainly there were more than one but... the combat boots and the wiry frame.

Vi pressed her button and said softly, "I need another set of eyes here on Brews between 12th and 13th."

Vi heard a shuffle as Caitlyn army-crawled toward her. She peered over the ledge with her binoculars.

"In the pink shirt," Vi whispered.

Caitlyn let out a controlled breath. "It does look a bit like her," she whispered. She pressed her communicator button and said, "Eyes out the window on Brews between 12th and 13th, girl on the bench, do we get a positive I.D.?" She looked back down. "But why is she buying flowers?" she wondered out loud.

"I don't kn-oh, shit."

The blue haired woman had suddenly looked directly up at them, directly at their double binoculars, flashing a wicked smile and magenta eyes. She made her hands into the shape of a heart and held it up for them.

They had ducked quickly, but not quickly enough.

"She's seen us, don't hesitate," said Caitlyn in Vi's ear.

"I can't jump from here, I'll break my legs!" Vi protested in a panic. It was coming back to her, the feeling like she had no control over the situation. She hated Jinx. "Shit, where did she go?"

Jinx had disappeared.

"We've been sighted," Caitlyn said into her microphone. She stood up. No good hiding now, apparently. "All ready for combat. The target is in civilian clothing."

"Boss-?" came Henry's crackling voice, but whatever he had been about to say was drowned out by a BOOM and the crackle of falling rubble. Vi and Caitlyn rushed to the front of the building, in time to see their personal office reduced to a smoldering black crater.

"Shit!" Vi shouted. "Goddamn it! Come out, you little weasel! Fucking psycho, just let me hit you, goddamn it..." She slammed her hand down on the ledge, trying to hear or see Jinx somewhere.

"She might have planted the bomb," Caitlyn suggested, but she was wrong.

Jinx swooped around the corner, firing into the windows of the office building below them. Vi didn't hesitate. She locked on, pounced on Jinx like a cat, catching her and crushing her to the ground. And her ankle. She might have crushed her own ankle.

Vi didn't wait for her to say anything, but clawed at her weapons, tossing the fish-gun and little gun and little clipper-clapper things as far away from Jinx as possible. Jinx wriggled violently as Vi struggled to disarm her by batting clumsily at the ammunition and knives held in Jinx's many belts.

"Oh, Fathands!" shrieked Jinx lasciviously. "My daddy's gonna kill you! Ah, ah..." She moaned with mock pleasure and ground her pelvis into Vi's armored thigh. "Mmm... harder, fatty fat! Oh, ah, Hatlady's gonna be jealous now, isn't she? Mmm..."

Caitlyn hadn't launched a net yet. Vi glanced around and saw her on the sidewalk, pointing her launcher at the two of them, holding fire.

"Don't look at her!" Jinx whined. "I thought we were girlfriends now. I brought you flowers!" She gestured vaguely at the bouquet of charred tulips.

"Shut the fuck up," Vi snarled. She pulled Jinx unceremoniously to her feet and flung her in Caitlyn's direction.

Pop! Jinx collapsed on the ground, caught directly in Caityln's net. The other officers swooped in to restrain her and take her to the station's holding cells to await conviction.

Vi limped back to Caitlyn's side of the street, strongly favoring her her untwisted ankle. It wasn't broken, but it didn't feel good. "You should have just netted us both," Vi said.

Caitlyn looked at the ground. "Sorry, I just couldn't," she said.

Vi inhaled the fresh spring air laced with burning rubble. "Well that was quick," she observed. "It was almost like she got caught on purpose, I mean..."

"What did she say to you?" Caitlyn demanded. "When you had her on the ground, I saw her talking."

"I don't remember," Vi lied. She moved toward the door to go back in to the office building. Caitlyn followed. "She was just taunting me I guess." The two of them walked back upstairs to collect their essentials from the board room - the lift cage was turned off, so they had to use the narrow brick stairwell.

"Cait," said Vi, pausing on the steps. She wasn't sure what she wanted to say in that moment but-, "We had good teamwork back there, right?"

"Yes, I think so," said Caitlyn with a curious half-smile. She fidgeted with the sunglasses hooked on the front of her shirt. "Everything alright?" she asked, so quietly that Vi couldn't have heard it from a foot further away.

Vi released her right gauntlet and scratched her neck where her uniform was itching her. She averted her eyes. "Does everyone think I'm like a lesbian or something?" she asked awkwardly.

Caitlyn paused. She raised a hand to her mouth and chewed thoughtfully on one of her fingernails. She kept eye contact with Vi, (Vi's stomach flip-flopped), but she seemed anxious for some reason. "I don't know," she whispered. "I mean... I sometimes think some of them think we're," she made a little hand gesture between them, rolling her eyes and sniffing awkwardly.

"Weird," said Vi, though her whole body deflated a bit at Caitlyn's dismissal of the idea.

"Isn't it?" said Caitlyn, chuckling nervously. "I mean, I'm way too old for you." They heard some voices at the foot of the stairs and silently agreed to resume walking up.

"Seriously!" said Vi. "You'd be such a cougar," she teased, elbowing Caitlyn in the ribs.

"Ow!" Caitlyn whined, rubbing her ribs dramatically.

"Oh sorry, Grammy," said Vi with mock concern. "Did I break your frail, fragile ribs? Here, let me just-," and she scooped Caitlyn up and over her shoulder, carrying her light frame easily up the stairs.

"Oh my god, put me down," Caitlyn said, laughing. She slapped at Vi's back.

"What, afraid they're gonna see your panties? What are these, hmm?" With hands preoccupied and gauntlet-laiden, Vi nipped with her teeth at the hem of Caitlyn's blue spandex, which were conveniently close to her mouth.

"Holy shit, oh my god!" Caitlyn scrambled out of Vi's grasp, still laughing. Her face was magenta and she was trying to hide a smile.

"Mm, you see?" said Vi smugly. "You may be too old for me, but I'm way too strong for you."

"Oh, shut it," said Caitlyn. They had reached the floor where they were all camped out. "Now you've got to behave," she said, pointing a finger in Vi's face.

Vi made her best deeply-hurt face. "I always behave, cupcake!" she whined.

"Ah, so that just now was behaving, was it?"

"Of course," Vi agreed. "I was helping an old lady up the stairs! How kind of me, right?"

Caitlyn pinched Vi in the bare midriff and they entered the board room together, repressing smiles like they had a secret.