Disclaimer: Adventure Time doesn't belong to me and I am making no profit from this work of fiction.

Author's notes: Second or third attempt at the 100 Themes Challenge. I decided to try this one because I didn't feel like I had a very good grip on the characters so I wanted to write this to see if it didn't help getting them nailed down. Rated for F/F, sexual situations and some language. Marceline/Bubblegum. Marceline/Finn. These prompts are from a pre-determined list I found on a writing site. The prompts are not chronological. Some take place before the show, some take place during, etc. Most chapters are real short, between 100 and 350 words, some are a bit longer. Reviews are ALWAYS welcome. I seem to be having a bit of a difficulty getting the dialogue right. But anyways, enjoy!


/1/ Introduction

The singer's voice rose into a crescendo, the last of her lyrics fading into the cool evening air. She played a few more notes on her bass, but they were swallowed by the applause of her fans.

Marceline floated just above the small stage, plucking away on her guitar. The red instrument stood out against her grey t-shirt and tattered jeans. Her hair, amongst other things, was what caught Bonnibel's attention. Her hair was jet black, and seemed to swirl around the vocalist's body in an ethereal manner. The Princess found herself captivated, watching this woman, whom she'd only heard rumors of, move effortlessly to her own music.

Marceline finished her final song of the night and thanked everyone for coming. The candy Princess found herself in no hurry to depart as the crowd thinned from the wooded clearing. She made her way to the makeshift stage, gathering her pink skirt in her fingers as she walked.

"Excuse me?"

Marceline looked down at the sound of an unfamiliar voice. She eyed the Princess, cocking an eyebrow at her. She couldn't have been older than fifteen. "What? You lost or somethin'?" She plucked a few notes absently.

"Certainly not. I would like to introduce myself. I am Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum." She straightened her shoulders and extended a hand to the vampire. "...and I just wanted to say, I thoroughly enjoyed your concert. It was quite... enthralling." She smiled.

Marceline shouldered her axe-bass, but didn't reach for Bubblegum's hand. "I'm Marceline. ...The Vampire Queen."