Note: Hey guys! Sorry for taking so long to post a chapter, but no internet for 2 weeks, ( Got in trouble hehe ) but i got a new job! YAAY FOR ME! That means less time for me. BOOO FOR ME!

Any ways, i guess i will post one chapter every week, so yeah, kinda sucks. BUT ENJOY!

Disclaimer : I dont own the anime or manga! Just this story


What´s the problem? Is L alright? Did they come too late?


Only that L is unconscious, and bleeding alot. Yup. Everything was going just great.

Light thought of something. Something that he horribly didnt like, but it was the only way. The only way to save L.

¨Who is it?¨ A voice said from the intercom. It was late at night and nobody was around the apartment buildings, Light had L on his back,like giving him a piggyback ride. ¨Ryuuk¨ Light was in no mood for Ryuuk´s horrible humor, so he was going straight to the point.

¨Light? Haaaahahaa!¨

Light´s left eyebrow twitched. ¨Ryuuk, i need a favor i need to ask you, its urgent, can we come up?¨

¨Hmmm... perhaps...whats so urget to come to MY help?¨

¨I have evidence of a paranormal being.¨


¨Im not lying Ryuuk, i have the being with me.¨

¨WHAT! Why didnt you say so? Come on in! Come on in!¨ So now Ryuuk is being nice to him? Jackpot,

¨Nice one Light¨ Raye commented. It was hard to get Ryuuk´s help unless it had to do with something paranormal. They both knew about Ryuuk´s obsession with that type of stuff.


¨AaaHAHA! Light! How are you? Where is the being?¨

Light just scowled and closed the door. It was hard to bring L in the lobby, but luckly Raye distracted the receptionist. They were now in Ryuuk´s apartment, on the 5th floor.

Of course Light wont let Ryuuk get even close to L. He is mine after all, Light thought.

¨Ryuuk, i-¨ He was interupted by Ryuuk suddenly grabbing L from his back and taking in his arms.

¨Hey!-¨ Raye was also nervous, he didnt trust Ryuuk.

¨Let him go !¨ Light shouted. Ryuuk just ignored him and unwrapped ( XD ) L from the long coat. Light started running towards Ryuuk. L was naked.

¨WºW~! its a NEKO!¨ Ryuuk was holding L by his armits up in the air, just dangling on his birthday skin. Stark naked. Raye looked away, respecting L. Light was glad. But.

Light was not just mad because Ryuuk just grabbed him like no care in the world, but Ryuuk is ignoring L´s INJURIES!

¨Dammit Ryuuk! Dont you see he´s dying! SAVE HIM!¨

¨Oh SHIT!¨ Ryuuk quickly but carefull carried L tothe hallway. Light followed after him. Ryuuk entered a large bathroom, with a big tub and shower. He was already fillinf the tub with warm wáter. Light quickly helped Ryuuk with L.

¨Where the fuck did you get him!? This is awesome!¨ Ryuuk studied L´s body, stopping at his ears and tail. Light suddenly felt sick. Sick at people looking at L.

¨That is none of your buisness, Can you help him?¨ He said seriously, friend or not, Ryuuk has to help L.

¨Yeah i can, but what happened to him? ¨


Ryuuk went silent. He also went to highschool with Light, and almost everyone at senior year knew about what Mikami had done. So, it was no surprise Ryuuk looked angry too.

¨That son of a bitch deserved to be in jail a fucking long time ago!¨

¨He is now¨

¨ people know about this thing?¨ Ryuuk pointed to L.

¨HIS name is L. He is not a thing¨ Ryuuk gulped, scared of Light.

¨Light, Ryuuk, what can i do to help? ¨ Raye came in the bathroom with his head bowed down. ¨Yeah, In my room, two doors from here, at the right side of this hallway has a closet next to my bed at the right, get all the bandages and first aid kit, also a black box please.¨

¨Right, i´ll be right back¨ Raye quickly went to get the things.

Once Raye left, Ryuuk took L from Light. He was hesitant at first, but L looked paler than he looked. They both scrubbed the blood off L carefully. Ryuuk got a towel and wrapped it around L. Raye came back once they were done, and they both followed Ryuuk to the other side of the apartment to a guest bedroom, L in Light´s arms.


It was painfully to see Ryuuk clean and disinfect L´s wounds, and L kept moving around, in more pain than he was before. Light was at the point of crying when L woke up in tears.

¨Light! Light make him stop! What is he doing to me! AAHH! NO! STOOP! *SOB* STOP!-¨

¨L , its ok, its ok, shhhhh.¨ Light had a really hard time calming L down. Telling him its going to be alright, when deep down he knew it wasnt. L calmed down, ters still falling down his cheeks.

¨L was it? Hi im Ryuuk¨ Suprisingly, Ryuuk was being polite for once, and he said it in a calm voice, knowing the situation. L nodded, then telling him to stop. ¨Please Ryuuk-san, stop it, it hurts.¨ Ryuuk just shook his head softly and continued to sew his wounds. L was now a ball of crying mess. Light was with him all this time, kissing his hand, his palm, brushing away his tears, anything to make him feel better. The blood started to seep out of freshly sewn wounds and Ryuuk asked him to cover them with the bandages. Only when Light was away, it seemed that L only cried harder, Crying out his name. Ryuuk almost looked ashamed for doing this just to get a better look at the neko.

It was a long night, and it came to the point to give L sleeping pills forcefully when the stiching was done. Light came in with a crushed sleeping pill in his mouth and strawberry flavored juice - L´s favorite- and drank a bit but not swallowed until the pill dosolved completly and gave it mouth-to-mouth to L, seeing that he cant and wont get up because of the pain. Ryuuk borrowed L one of his old shirts that reached up till his knees. Light dressed him when he was sure he was asleep, and stayed in the room, a chair next to the bed, and L´s hand in Light´s big one.

Light didnt sleep all night, too tired to fall asleep, and worried L might wake up in the middle of the night, crying for the pain to stop.

He didnt.

When a few hours till morning, Light began to doze off, but he kept awake until the sun came up and Ryuuk came in the room to check on both of them to see Light asleep, his arms on the bed, and his head on them. Ryuuk quickly closed the door quietly to not disturb them and went to prepare breakfast for the three of them, and little L´s medicine.

¨Light sure cares about him, how the hell did this happened, and who is L? Where is he from? ¨

Ryuuk never thought of ever seeing a paranormal object so close yet so far.

¨But that doesnt mean i wont give up¨ Ryuuk smirked. Satisfied with his plan


Well,tht is it! Its short, i know, and u guys probably want to strangle me or something, but...

I..dont... care...i love it~~~

Haha, any ways, i have job, so i wont have alot of time to update, but 1 chapter every week is good, so

Laterz! REEEEVVIIEEWWW! And anyone have any suggestion for the next chapter, im verrryyy creative nowadys.. (notice the sarcasm)

See ya!