Ryze and Fiora stood in front of a camera, "Welcome, Summoners! My name is Ryze!

"And mai name eez Fiorrrrrrra!"

They both said in unison, "And you're watching LoL Survivor!"

Ryze explained, "It's a reality show where a multiple contestants fight to be the last one left to win the prize money!"

Fiora spoke but it was really difficult to understand her with her accent, "Herrrrrre arrre deh rulz! Everrryday, you weell face a challonge! After deh challonge, you weell have tooooo eleemeenate at least one contestant! Deh weennerr of deh challonge gets invincibility making heem and/orrr herrr and/orrr dem safe from eleemeenation! You underrrstand? "

Ryze stared at her blankly, "Umm… No. Anyways, the rules are that everyday, our contestants will have to complete a challenge. At the end of every challenge, at least one contestant will be eliminated. Whoever wins the challenge gets invincibility and will not be eliminated from the competition. Understand?"

Fiora argued, "Dat's what I saieed!"

Ryze nodded, "Of course. Anyways, here are our 16 contestants! 1st off, we have Garen the Might of Demacia!"

Garen walked in screaming, "DEMACIAAAAAA!"

Ryze smiled awkwardly, "Anyways, introduce yourself."

Garen raised his chest, "My name is Garen DEMACIAAAAA and I love dogs DEMACIAAAAA, big sharp DEMACIAAAA things, and food. DEMACIAAAAA!"

Ryze forces a laugh, "Haha, you say Demacia a lot."

Garen looked puzzeled, "What? No, I don't. DEMACIAAAAA!"

Fiora turns towards the camera, "And now welcome deh Seeeneeesterrrr Blade, Katarrrreeena!"

Katarina walks on.

Garen stares at her in awe of her beauty.

Garen's Confessional

"She's beautiful… DEMACIAAAA!"

Katarina notices Garen staring at her, "What are you looking at?"

Garen turns his head a way quickly, "Not you, DEMACIAAA, if that's what you're thinking! DEMACIAAA!"

Katarina rolls her eyes and says sarcastically, "Sure…"

Katarina's Confessional

"What a weirdo…"

Ryze introduces the next champion, "Next we have Jinx the Loose Cannon!"

Jinx runs on laughing and talking to her two guns Pow Pow and Fishbones, "HEY LOOK, POW POW! WE'VE MADE IT! GASP! FISHBONES! HOW COULD YOU SAY SUCH A THING! HAHAHAHA, POW POW! YOU'RE HILARIOUS! Fishbones, we'll talk about your attitude later."

Ryze looks away nervously, "Anyways, we've got Evelynn the Widowmaker."

Nothing happens.

Ryze looks around, "Umm… Evelynn, where are you?"

Evelynn speaks, "I'm right here."

Ryze responded, "Well, I can't see you…"

Evelynn giggled awkwardly, "Haha… Yeah, that's a habit." Evelynn appeared out of nowhere. "Sorry."

Fiora clapped, "Now, welcome Tweesteed Fate deh Carrrrd Masterrr!"

Twisted Fate walked in flipping cards, "How's it going?"

Ryze nodded, "Good, thanks for asking. Finally, we have a normal person. Anyways, next is Ezreal the Prodigal Explorer."

A man covered in gems walks on carrying Ezreal. Together they walked on, "Hi guys!"

Ryze hesitated, "Hi. Who are you?"

The bejewelled man spoke with confidence, "I am Taric the Gem Knight!"

Ezreal jumped out of Taric's arms, "And I'm Ezreal, but my friends call me Ez."

Evelynn slowly leaned over to Twisted Fate, is Ezreal a girl or a boy? I can't tell…"

Twisted Fate whispered to Evelynn without turning his head towards her, "I don't know… But if Ezreal is a girl, I'm free on Saturdays."

Evelynn laughed, "Haha, you're funny."

"Thank y-," Twisted Fate looked at Evelynn for the very first time and was infatuated by her… Umm… (Non-existing) Beauty…?

She held out her hand, "I'm Evelynn. You?"

TF froze, "Uhh…"

"Uhh…? What a… unique name…" Evelynn said awkwardly.

Twisted Fate Confessional


Fiora spoke, "Next, we have Teemo deh Sweeft-"

Ryze corrected her, "Swift."

"Dat's what I saieed!" She continued, "Sweeft-"

Ryze corrected her again, "Swift.

"DAT'S WHAT I SAIEED! SWEEFT!" Fiora rolled her eyes. "Aneewayees, Teemo deh Sweeft Scoot."

Teemo huddles in, "Hi! I'm Teemo!"

Ryze smiled, "Ok! All of the mentioned are Team 1. Now for Team 2. 1st, we've got Ashe the Frost Archer."

Ashe walked on smiling with a man following her, "Hi guys! I'm Ashe, and this is my husband, Tryndamere."

Tryndamere spoke up, "I am also known as the Barbarian King. So, obviously, Ashe is my queen."

Ashe added, "But don't treat me any differently than you treat others."

Fiora nodded, "Oof coorse! Next is Sona deh Maveen? Ryze, dis one is too compleecateed. 'ow do you pronounce dis?"

Ryze sighed, "Please welcome, Sona, the Maven of the Strings."

Sona floated on, "… :)"

Ryze looked confused, "Ok?"

Fiora smiled, "Next is Wookong, deh Monkeh King."

Wukong strolled in eating a banana, "… Hey."

Ryze sighed, "How many people are there? God. Too many. Anyways, welcome Akali the Fist of Shadow."

Akali walked on and simply nodded.

Fiora introduced the next contestant, "Now it is Sheen deh Aye oof Twilight."

Shen shook Fiora's hand, "What's up?"

Fiora looked at the sky all confused, "What is oop?"

Shen laughed thinking it was a joke, "Haha!"

"No, seerioosleh, what is oop?"

Shen stared at her, "Nevermind."

Ryze laughed, "Next, welcome Soraka the Starchild."

Soraka walked in smiling until everyone gasped.

She sighed, "Yes, that's a unicorn horn on my head."

Everyone just stared.

Soraka rolled her eyes.

"Finally," Ryze announced, "Ahri, the Nine Tailed Fox."

When Ahri walked in, all the men, including Tryndamere, all ran to her screaming, "KISS ME! YOU'RE SO HOT! I WANT YOU TO HAVE MY BABIES!"

Ahri simply smiled, "Thank you, I try!"

Fiora clapped her hands, "And dat is Team 2! Shall weee beegeen deh challonge?"

Author's Note: A new chapter will be made every Sunday. Anyways, message me or comment which character you want to be eliminated in the next chapter. Whoever has the most votes loses. I never get to choose who's eliminated unless it's a tie between two champions. All good? I hope you enjoyed reading. Here are the teams if you forgot:

Team 1:









Team 2:







