For those who have NOT read Reaching Across Time to which this is sort of a sequel. While it is not necessary to read that to understand this - there is a brief summary given below and I would appreciate you skimming through it before moving on to the chapter.

Having lost both Ron and Harry to the battle of Hogwarts, Hermione Granger finds herself thrown back to the Marauders era. Determined to stop the war before it rakes up innocent victims, she initially begins her quest for the Horcruxes alone. However, falling in love with a certain Sirius Black drags the Marauders and the Black's both deeper into the war. Also, her presence in their timeline alters events enough to change the prophecy which now makes Sirius the chosen one. On the Halloween on 1981, Sirius and Hermione Black defeat Voldemort, killing him for good. Their problem now is to ensure that the younger version of Hermione who initially travels back in time stays undiscovered before having to go back again on the 2nd of May 1998... The second time Hermione returns is where this story starts...the events of course are once again altered, this time because of her memory loss... Read ahead to find out how the first wizarding war plays out a third time...

AGAIN, It is not necessary to have read the previous work for there will be very little that's related.

For those of you who have followed Reaching Across Time - Thank you for actually sticking around for the sequel! Please move directly to the first chapter. The portion of the story posted below is a repetition of the scene of Hermione's arrival at Hogwarts, which I think you might already remember and the Prologue is the snippet of the sequel I had posted at the end of Reaching across time. The story begins at Chapter 1 and there will be NO REPETITIONS WHATSOEVER, so you don't have to worry about that part.

Just please skip on to chapter 1. Thank you!

On another note - A big shout out to Lisa, Karen and the 13th heart for your support! I wouldn't have done this without you and i'm hoping I don't fail your expectations now! This is to all three of you...

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, September 1978

A week into the school year and the great hall was already just a babble of voices. Students chatted away loudly on all four tables and even the professors were engrossed in their own conversation.

"You are the head boy!" Two voices chorused loudly from the Gryffindor table. Remus Lupin sunk a bit lower into his seat.

"Exactly why we shouldn't be doing this" He said quietly to the two eager dark haired boys staring at him indignantly.

James and Sirius narrowed their eyes at him. Peter shrugged helplessly from the side but whatever argument either boy had to make was lost when a crash sounded from somewhere in the Ravenclaw table.

Every head turned towards the source of the sound, curious to see what was going on; but the screams of terror managed to turn casual interest into frozen horror as a hush fell upon the entire hall. The Ravenclaw's backed out of their seats and stumbled in an attempt to get away.

Sirius and James exchanged brief glances before quickly getting on the table and looking towards the cause of the chaos. Whatever they had been expecting though, it was not the sight that met their eyes and the blood drained from their faces.

They silently pulled at their fellow Marauders, tugging them up while their eyes stayed locked on the bloodied mess that was now the broken head of the Ravenclaw table. Remus and Peter neither of whom could control their curiosity couldn't help but clamber to the top of the table before they too froze in horror.

They watched in silence as the teachers rushed in, clearing the crowd and hurrying towards the body on the table. A few seconds passed as McGonagall checked the pulse, a couple of glances were exchanged before a stretcher was summoned out of thin air and an extra sheet to wrap the body in.

The hall was still as stone, no one daring to even breathe as the headmaster proceeded to levitate the body out of the hall. By the time they had exited the hall, the sheets had turned red with blood and then they were all gone.

A good fifteen minutes passed before whispers finally broke out of the crowd. Students started to talk in hushed whispers as filed out, all appetites lost to the horrifying sight.

No one even bothered to comment on the four boys standing on their tables and not even Remus had enough sense to get down right then. James and Sirius were looking at each other again, their minds racing.

One nod later they jumped down in unison; dragging their fellow Marauders and hurrying out. They walked in silence, pushing past the crowds and finally reached an abandoned corridor.

Wordlessly James pulled out his cloak, Peter transformed and climbed on Sirius's shoulder and the three boys slipped under it before making their way to the hospital wing. They reached the doors without incident only to realize that the entire place had been warded off.

Another glance and Remus could tell that they were about to camp right there until they got more information and maybe it was morbid curiosity or genuine horror or maybe both but of course he was proved right because together, they walked a few feet away from the doors and crouched down.

They still waited in silence, each thinking of the same bloodied body until Peter transformed back. "Why are we still here?" he whispered.

The other three rolled their eyes at him not bothering to answer such a stupid question.

"Just change back wormy" Sirius suggested.

Peter looked like he was about to protest when Remus spoke hurriedly. "Its more comfortable than crouching this way Pete" he said soothingly.

"But Remus, what is the point of waiting here and trying to get closer to a damn body? I want to go back and eat" the stout little boy said almost angrily.

"You are hungry after seeing that?" Remus asked in shock.

"You don't know she's dead" Sirius said at the same time.

James just looked strangely at the blond before turning away. Peter seeing that he had no support turned back into a grey rat and stayed put.

After what seemed like an hour the teachers began to file out, all of them whispering amongst themselves. They caught Slughorn walking towards them in all his walrus glory, shaking his head in disbelief.

"I simply don't see how she is still alive" he was saying to Pomona as they walked past the boys.

James and Sirius both grinned in triumph and Remus too could help but smile with them. They waited a little bit longer but when they realized that the wards weren't going to be taken down anytime soon, they made their way back to the dorms.

Once safely inside, they pulled the cloak off and fell on their respective beds, trying hard not to think about the sore spots they got from an hour of crouching.

"Do you have anything to eat?" Peter asked no one in general.

James didn't seem to be listening and Remus shook his head in a negative but was surprised to see Sirius jump out of his bed and head towards his nightstand.

Peter looked hopefully at the tall marauder who was rummaging through his things and groaned loudly when he turned back, holding a parchment in his hand. The other two inhabitants of the room too looked at Sirius questioningly until their eyes fell on the treasure he was holding.

James jumped out of his bed, moving eagerly towards his brother, and within seconds both of them were on Remus's bed, the map lying open in front of them. They watched as the little inked names appeared on the sheet and finally all their eyes settled on one name.

'Hermione Granger'


The first time Hermione woke up was four days after her unexpected arrival.

She was in pain. Every inch of her body hurt. Her mind could register nothing except the pain. When she had managed to will her eyes open, she had seen the matron bustling around.

The woman had immediately sent for Dumbledore before giving her patient some water. Hermione's parched throat welcomed the drink but she had been sucked back into the darkness almost instantly and when the headmaster arrived, it was once again to an unconscious girl.

The next few days had passed in similar fashion, Hermione would wake up every now and then for some water but her eyes never stayed open for long. After the first couple of times, the headmaster had decided that his conversation could wait till she was out of bed.


In the two - or maybe it counted as three - lifetimes that Hermione had already lived through, her crossing paths with the Marauders had been inevitable and finding her name through the map was the first of the many incidents that would once again bring their lives to be intricately woven in with hers.

But as far as the unsuspecting boys were concerned, it started as natural curiosity. The same curiosity that had the entire castle buzzing about the woman who had fallen out of the sky.

It had been a week since she had arrived in Hogwarts and there was no news about her whatsoever. The first two days were spent in speculation and the whole castle was filled with rumors.

Some seemed pretty possible. She could be an auror, or a member of the order of the phoenix, her body could really have been sent as a warning to Dumbledore, she could have even been a way to let Hogwarts know that it's no longer safe.

But the others were ranging from delusional to absolutely crazy. There were rumors that she had been attacked by dark creatures, most probably a werewolf.

That particular and rather popular rumor made Remus highly uncomfortable and he even snapped at a Hufflepuff saying that the night she arrived was not a full moon.

Though when the days passed and they had nothing more to say about the mangled girl, not even a name to go by, the students as one decided that she was dead. Some like Lily Evans even mourned her death, for whoever she was, she did not seem to deserve what had been done to her.

The four boys in their final year of Hogwarts couldn't agree more. No one deserved what had been done to her and somehow, over the week, being the only ones that knew her to be alive and knew her name, they grew concerned and somewhat possessive even.

She was a secret they guarded, just like Moony. One that only the staff knew but didn't know they knew. So they checked the map regularly and when it didn't look like she had even woken up yet, they started to grow worried.

The only thing that did was make them increase the frequency with which they checked the map, trying to make sure she was still there. And she was. The dot that was her name never moved from where she was kept in the hospital wing.

It was a little cordoned off area at the very end of the hospital wing where Remus would generally rest after every moon and one that they fondly - or not so fondly, depending on who you asked - referred to as 'Moony's corner'.

While that meant access was strictly restricted and chances of getting in ranged from zero to nothing, they saw an opportunity in the fact that, tonight was at long last a full moon.

They hadn't been so eager for it since the first time they had accompanied him there and even Remus had grudgingly admitted that he was rather looking forward to the next morning.

'What happened to you Hermione?'

It was the one thought on their minds and frankly, the night couldn't have gone any slower, they were all distracted and both Padfoot and Prongs had been hurt quite a bit due to the lack of concentration, but the distraction did pay off because come sunrise, Remus was transferred right into the bed next to Hermione in "Moony's corner".