Okay guys I have decided to not continue this story for right now as I have no inspiration at the moment. However, I am considering rewriting it. I looked back over it and saw how many grammar mistakes I made and realized that I could make it so much better, so I am. Hopefully this will get some response. If I do get at least five people saying that I should continue this during the time I am revising, I might. A BIG emphasis on might. But like I said, I just have no inspiration at the moment. Sorry guys. I know that some wanted me to but I have no idea where to go. I've got point A and point B but now I have to get to those points. That's the hard part in every story. You guys know how it is. Anyway, just thought I'd let you all know. Hopefully I'll get a better response this time around. Also, check out my current story, Purity of the Heart. It's different from this one but written a lot better than this one so I think you'll like it. I also have a Fictionpress account that I'm starting on but not a lot of people get on it so I'm trying to get a bigger response. Okay I think I've talked long enough.
Love you all!