I just recently watched Disney's Frozen and learned of this shipping and I love it. I love it so much. Probably as much as my Hatsunecest shipping. This story is unbeta'd by the way. If there are problems I'm sorry. If you are waiting for an update on 'Confession of Two Teal-Haired Twins' don't worry I'm working on it right now! You know how writing is, writer's block sucks. I have the plot line written, but actually writing is totally different.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
"J-Jack?" The white-haired spirit turned towards the soft voice that called out to him. He extended his arm to reach her whispering a soft reply.
"Yes? Elsa?" he smiled his charming smile that made her icy heart melt.
"C-can I become like you?" Elsa asked taking his hand in hers pulling him down from the air in throwing herself into his arms.
"What do you mean?" His voice was barely above a whisper he knew exactly what she meant, but wanted to hear it himself.
"A spirit… a wanderer, a free person. I-I always feel so alone… but- but when I'm with you-"she was cut off as his ice cold lips were pressed against hers. Sighing happily she kissed him back tangling her fingers in his soft snow-white hair.
They pulled away and he pressed his forehead against hers "I wouldn't wish this upon you…" he said turning his face away from her his voice breaking "seeing people you love die, being invisible to almost everyone… being alone for so long not knowing when you'll finally have someone to talk to." Tears escaped his eyes before she grabbed his cheek forcing him to face her.
"I don't need anyone to see me. I won't ever be alone… Not as long as you stay by my side Jack. I only want you to see me. I'll always be by your side too." She kissed him again on the forehead and kissed his tears away and finally kissed his lips the salty taste of Jack's tears lingered as her tongue trailed itself into his mouth. She nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck "I won't ever leave you…" she looked up at him with love-filled eyes "And we will never have to be alone again…"
He stood there holding this wonderful girl in his arms. Struggling with inner turmoil, he knew this would ruin her life, her sister's life, but was it wrong for him to be selfish just this one time? She wanted this, he wanted this, but- but what was the right thing to do? He looked back at her; her eyes were closed as she lay contently in his arms. He smiled he loves her.
"O-okay… if this is what you really want. Moony owes me a favor anyway." He told her pressing his lips against her temple stroking her soft platinum blond hair.
"Elsa, I love you."
"I love you too, Jack."
He cried silent tears pulling her closer to him. He wasn't alone anymore.
She cried into his neck a soft sob escaping her lips- tears of joy and happiness. She wasn't alone anymore.
The lonely Snow Queen of Arendelle and the lonely Winter Spirit weren't alone anymore because they had each other; thawing each others' frozen hearts with love.
Just a short Jelsa fanfiction. I hope you learn to love this coupling as much I have have.