I don't own D. Grey Man in any way, shape or form. I'm just a fan of the series.

Hello everyone! This is Nonumaru for those who don't know me. I'm starting a new story that I hope all of you will enjoy. I kind of used the idea of sponsors from the T.V. show Elementary in a different light. The song I use in this chapter is Happy byPharrell Williams. Enjoy, read and review always!

Speaking: ""

Thinking: ''


It was one silly little ball's point of travel. That is what would determine the winner of five hundred dollars. Five long slender fingers set the cue into position. Almost simultaneously a deep, smooth voice spoke, "Upper right pocket." The audience fell silent. Everyone in the billiard room watched as Yuu Kanda got ready to make his final shot of the game.


The audience blinked. Kanda let out an exasperated sigh and took the disruptive phone out of his jean's pocket to take the call. "What?" was his usual greeting.

A woman's voice on the other end exclaimed happily, "Oh good thing you did pick up. Kanda, I need to talk to you about something very important."

The Raven-haired man rolled his eyes. To Lenalee, everything was the bomb diggity, important or whatever the hell she called it. "Give me a minute," he replied, "I will put you on hold." Because no matter how rude Kanda was, he could never hang up on a girl.

In a matter of seconds the samurai was in position. The audience held in a breath. In the blink of an eye the ball hit the pocket dead center and sunk right in.

Kanda put the phone to his ear and held out his hand to collect his winnings from his opponent.

The friend of the loser of the game shook his head. "That is what you get for asking Kanda Yuu to a game of pool I suppose."

They both sighed. "Oh shit and I just lost five hundred bucks too!"

Kanda made his way out of the bar. His strides were long and confident. "So Lenalee, what do you want?" He said while taking out his ponytail.


Allen, oblivious to the world around him, began to sing while making his way to the kitchenette of his unusually large apartment. "It might seem crazy what I'm 'bout to say~"

Taking out utensils he pretended to play a set of drums. "Sunshine she's here, you can take a break~"

With a flourish, the flour, sugar and milk were set on the counter. "I'm a hot air balloon that could go to space. With the air, like I don't care baby by the way~"

There was a light knock on the door before it swung open with a slight creak. This did not faze the white-haired young man. "Because I'm happy~ Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof! Because I'm happy~ Clap along if you fell like happiness is the truth!"

Lenalee rolled her eyes and shook her head in amusement. "Oh geez, he's at it again." Kanda scowled, "You didn't tell me he was a nut job."

The smell of freshly made pancakes wafted to their noses as Allen continued, "Because I'm happy~ Clap along if you know what happiness is to you! Because I'm happy~ Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do!"

Kanda sighed and thought, 'He's actually not that bad of a singer. His voice is soft and inviting.' Even though he would never mention it to anyone, he was dying to put the voice to a face. The tune was soulful and absolutely wonderful in every way possible.

Kanda and Lenalee made their way into the kitchenette from the front room. Through the doorway they could see Allen in a red waist down apron. He was wearing a light blue long sleeved button down shirt and slacks. His shoes were shiny and bright. One could tell he was very easy going because the first of his shirt buttons were undone; it was as if it was put on spur of the moment. The Raven-haired man really started to wonder how this kid could ever have been Lenalee's friend in the first place. She always tried to fix people.

Lenalee nudged him. "Hey Allen."

He continued to sing relentlessly, "Here come bad news talking this and that~"


Dishes clattered around and flour went flying all over the kitchenette. Lenalee facepalmed. The white-haired man heaved a sigh of great relief. "Oh hi… Lena. I just… was… oh who is this?" He smiled to mask his obvious discomfort.

"Allen, this is Kanda. Kanda this is Allen Walker. Kanda, Allen will be your new DDL or Destroy Depression League Sponsor."

Allen smiled and waved, "Hello Kanda. I'm glad to be your new sponsor! I hope I can help you through this hard time in your life." It was really hard to take him seriously with the spot of batter perched on his nose however.

Kanda bowed his head slightly. "You are quite the moyashi aren't you? Wait. Sponsor? Lenalee, I didn't sign up for this shit. I thought you were taking me to one of your old friends to talk to." His eyes turned to menacing slits and his hands balled up into fists.

The whitette raised his eyebrows. His eyes went wide in surprise.

Lenalee giggled awkwardly. "Well he is an old friend of mine. I'm sure you guys will get along just fine. Your first session will be next week Friday after work. Does that sound good for both of you?"

A 'Che!' and 'Okay' were heard. Of course the samurai wouldn't say anything else to the guy. But, he really didn't sign up for this. And he really didn't want to scare away the guy.

"You guys can switch meeting houses each week. Also, I'll make sure you get each other's phone numbers." Lenalee clapped her hands in joy. "This will be fantastic!"

Once they left Allen cursed. His pancakes were burnt.


Reluctantly on Friday evening Kanda made his way over to Allen's apartment. It was highlighted by one small streetlight for it was on the edge of town. He went up to the door and rung the doorbell. "One moment please!"

There was a sound of hurried footsteps before the door swung abruptly open. Kanda was shocked. Allen dressed really nicely for the average guy. He wore white button down shirt with black not to skinny jeans and large leather boots. The previous day he hadn't noticed the gloves donning the boy's hands. They were a pure white color, but not too flashy. His face was a very light cream color. However, something seemed false about it…

"Ahem." Apparently Kanda didn't notice he was staring at the guy. He flushed slightly in embarrassment. Are you kidding Kanda doesn't blush! "Um… do you want to come in?"

He answered with a casual, "Whatever."

They made their way to the living room silently except for the sound of music in the background. 'Is that Awolnation?' he wondered.

"So…" Allen started, breaking the silence. "Let's start with introducing ourselves. How about this, I will say something about myself and you have to say something back about yourself."

Kanda crossed his arms and legs. "Whatever."

Allen chuckled, "Is that the only word in your vocabulary?"

The samurai smirked. "Apparently." When he saw the white haired man wasn't going to take that as an answer he replied, "My name is Kanda Yuu. But just call me Kanda."

Allen beamed. 'Finally. I made some progress with this guy.' "Okay, so… My hair is naturally white."

The Raven raised his eyebrows. He really didn't expect that one. "I am trained in many types of martial arts."

Allen clapped his hands. "Oh cool! I've always wanted to learn. I mean, if you would be willing."

"We'll see."

"Okay… um I never knew my parents. I've had two guardians since then. Mana and Cross."

Kanda frankly was surprised. Him and this kid had a lot in common. He sighed, "Me neither. Wait a second. Do you mean Cross Marian?"

Allen scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. "Um yeah. Why?" He tended to get a lot of either lewd or nasty comments about his old guardian.

"I owe that bastard one really tough left hook."

"Kanda, so do a lot of people. But I would advise against it."

The samurai blew a fuse. "Why the hell not?!" He unsheathed his sword. There was severe bloodlust in his eyes.

Allen had his hands up in defense. "Whoa there partner."

"I'm not your fucking partner Moyashi. I barely know you. You have no idea how much he screwed up my life."

Allen chuckled sadly, "Oh yes I think I do BaKanda."


"Yes," the white-haired man stated firmly, "Now sit the hell down! You obviously have a problem just like I did. The reason you are frustrated is because of the depression. I've learned to get over all that. You just need to find out what your secret weapon is."

"Stop changing the subject." The samurai was still standing. "Where did you come up with BaKanda?"

"Not until you tell me where you came up with Moyashi or whatever."

Kanda laughed, "Well first of all you're fucking short."

"No I'm not! I'm five feet nine inches thank you very much."

A loud knock interrupted their argument. Allen raised an eyebrow. "I wonder who that could be. I wasn't expecting anyone today besides you."

Kanda scoffed as Allen made his way to answer the door. Who was on the other side of that wooden plank would surprise him out of his wits.


*Hope you guys liked it. Tell me what you think, even if you hate it. You can even guess who is behind that door XD*