Notes: I always wondered why Sam and Dean never just shared a bed in motels to save money, and this came to mind. Thanks for reading! :)

Dean lay on the bed, wide awake. He was so tired his eyes were desperate to slip shut, but he could not for the life of him fall asleep. Not because the bed was uncomfortable or he was cold. Oh no, it wasn't that. He couldn't sleep because of his goddamned brother.

As if to prove his point, Sam gave a loud snore from beside him, and Dean swore it echoed. They had been forced to pull over for the night at perhaps the worst motel they had ever stayed in. All the double rooms were taken, so they had been left with a single room with a queen bed. Dean had wanted Sam to sleep on the floor, but the younger brother had collapsed onto the bed and passed out immediately. And Dean would be damned if he was going to sleep on the floor, so he crawled in beside him, unhappy but ready for sleep.

Little did he know, he was not going to get any sleep. At least, not with the constant snoring, moaning, and sighing happening to his right.

"Jeez, Sam, move over," he whispered, trying to elbow his brother away. Dean only had about an inch left before he would fall over the side of the bed. Meanwhile Sam was in the middle of the bed, spread out and comfortable in his rest. "Move," he insisted, pushing against his giant roommate who didn't seem to budge an inch.

"Mmm," Sam sighed sleepily. One of his arms stretched up into the air, and it seemed to Dean that his brother was about to comply with his request. Then, suddenly, the arm flopped down onto Dean's face with a loud slap.

"Are you serious?" Dean groaned from underneath the large palm covering his entire face. A finger poked him in the eye, while another slipped into his mouth. Angrily, he spat it out and shoved the hand away. With more passion than before, Dean placed both hands on his brother's side and shoved with all his might, grunting with the effort.

"Quit it," Sam mumbled sleepily, batting away Dean's hands. He tried again, and Sam groaned, rolling over.

Dean saw him rolling closer, but he didn't have enough time to react. His moose-sized brother turned over on top of him.

"Sam," Dean sputtered, his arms flailing. He gasped for air, trying and failing miserably to escape. Desperately, he started to smack the back of Sam's head, trying to wake him up.

With another groan, Sam shook his head and rolled off of Dean, letting him suck in a precious gulp of air. Dean took a moment to catch his breath, then looked over at his sleeping brother, equally jealous and furious with him.

"Bitch," he muttered.

Suddenly Sam grabbed the covers and pulled them over to his side, leaving Dean with nothing to cover up with. When he tried to pull them back, Dean was met with an unfair and unwinnable game of tug-of-war. He shivered and wrapped himself in his arms.

"Jerk," Sam mumbled, snuggling up in his abundant blankets.