A/N: I've written this "series" of "Almost Human" - they are John/Dorian, but not EXTREMELY slashy yet... more kind of friendship. The stories are NOT betaed, so I hope, they are not all too bad... and I'm not even sure I'm gonna post all 4 of them - depends on the feedback - but so far I've written 4 of them... it was meant as a one-shot but then I got one idea after another and yeah... so I wrote more than just 1 "chapter", but they are all playing in the same universe... A friend of mine already read the story and gave me some feedback... we'll see what I can make out of it, I have to sleep over it, but I still wanted to post the first part already! =)

Feedback is always very nice - and just for your information: English isn't my first language, so I hope, the errors aren't too extreme! =) I tried to find a beta-reader but didn't, so yeah... it's not proof-read! Only by me

Almost Human?

1. Questions

It had almost become a ritual for John and Dorian to celebrate after they had closed a case and the bad guys were behind bars. Just like tonight. Dorian actually really liked it, even though he mostly just sat there watching John eat and drink something.

„I've been thinking…" John said taking a sip of the beer bottle that was standing right in front of him.

The tone in his voice made Dorian grimace. Conversations that started like that didn't turn out to be the most pleasant ones and Dorian wasn't even sure he wanted to know what this was all about. Still, he was way too curious not to ask the next question.

"About what?"

"You remember that morning when you proved to me just how different you are from the MX's?" John wanted to know, looking at him.

Dorian raised an eyebrow. "You mean when I showed you my cock?" he gave back without hesitation, making John gulp.

"Why do you always have to be like that?" he complained.

"I don't have to…" Dorian replied. "…but it's definitely funnier that way. Besides; you can call it cock, because that's what it is. No one's gonna care."

For a while there was silence between them until Dorian spoke up again. Obviously John wasn't about to go on talking otherwise.

"So… what about my cock? It must have really fascinated you if you're still thinking about it."

"That's not what this is about!" John clarified. "But I can't really wrap my head around the fact that you even have one."

"Why? Because it's bigger than yours?" Dorian smirked, causing John to roll his eyes.

"No, but I can't help wondering what you can do with it…" John stated and now it was on Dorian to roll his eyes.

"What I can do with it?" he repeated. "What do you think I can do with it? Shoot bullets?"

"You think there are synthetics that can do that?" John looked at Dorian in surprise.

"Hell, no!" Dorian blurted out. "I was joking."

"Oh!" John commented, holding onto his beer bottle.

"But if you really have to know…" Dorian started again. "I am not sure I can do anything with it. It's probably just there for the sake of looking more human."

"Okay," John gave back, taking a large sip of his beer. For a while it looked like this strange conversation was over and John was satisfied with the answers he had gotten. Until he spoke up again.

"So you can't have sex with it? You're not capable of getting it stiff?"

"I'm a synthetic," Dorian stated matter-of-factly. "Why would I wanna have sex?"

"Doesn't everyone want to have sex at some point?" John asked curiously. "I mean, you were the one telling me you were built to be able to connect with people and to feel what we humans feel. Desire for sex is a common emotion for humans."

"Well, it's probably not for me. To be completely honest with you I've never even thought about having sex with anyone," Dorian admitted. "Not until you had to bring it up just now."

"So this is my fault now?" John raised an eyebrow.

"Of course it is, and if I wake up in the middle of the night wondering what I can or can't do with my synthetic pal down there I'm going to blame you," Dorian announced. "And if I feel like I have to go ask Rudy about it I'm gonna tell him that you brought it up and that I'm innocent. Simple as that."

"You know what?" John sulked, looking like a kid that had done something wrong. "Forget that I even asked. This conversation is over now and if someone asks, I'm gonna deny it ever happened."

"If you say so," Dorian replied casually, turning his head away from John.

Damn. Now he was the one thinking about things he probably shouldn't think of.

Being a synthetic – while definitely having its perks – wasn't always a good thing. Especially not in a situation like this. John might be able to erase this conversation from his memory – just like it had never happened – but Dorian knew that would be impossible for him and that at some point it probably would drive him crazy. It already started nagging on him. He knew he would get to the point where he would want answers to all the questions John had just asked; where he probably needed them.

Because he was a very curious guy.

Sex had never been a part of his life so far – but thanks to John now it probably would.