The wound was fairly large, almost the size of her palm to be exact, and it was bleeding a LOT. "Cloud, what happened?" she asked. "Yazoo happened." he told her. "Ooooo, ouch." she replied. "I'll call Tifa, to tell her you're here, she needs to come home with the kids anyway. She picked up her phone and dialed Tifa's number. She got her voice mail. "Hi, this is Tifa, sorry I can't come to the phone right now please leave a message." "Hey, Tifa. It's Raven. You've been gone for a while so I think it's time for you guys to come back." "Well?" Cloud asked. "She didn't answer, I'm calling Vincent." Vincent Valentine was a close friend of theirs so whenever something went wrong he was closely updated. She dialed and Vincent picked up on the first ring. "This is Vincent." "Tifa and the kids went to the old church and haven't been back for a while." she told him. "Raven, good to know you're alive." he said sarcastically. "Good to hear you to." "I'll head to the church." "Good, I'll meet you there." "Bye" he said quickly as he hung up. "Come on I'll fix up those wounds." After wiping down the wounds with a warm rag and bandaging it, both of them went outside and got on Cloud's motorcycle. Raven wrapped her arms around his waist and hey tore off down the road toward the old church. They reached the church in3 minutes tops, Vincent was waiting by the door. "I'm not liking what I hear in there." Vincent said. Raven pressed her ear against the door of the church then stepped back. "I don't hear anything Vincent." she told him. "Exactly." he told her. "I'm going in there." she told them. "Ray, I don't think that's a good idea." Vincent told her. "I agree with Vincent." Cloud said. "Ok, Cloud, shut up, and Vincent I have two things to say to you." "1, don't call me "Ray", and 2, I'll go where I please, when I please, Vinnie." Raven walked into the church and felt something hard hit her on the back of the head. She fell to the wooden floor with a thud. "AH. FRICK!" she yelled as she propped herself up on her elbow and looked behind her. Yazoo stood there holding his gun. "Damn it Yazoo, that hurt." she said annoyed. She rubbed the back of her head as she sat up. By then Vincent and Cloud came in to see what the noise was about. Kadaj, and Denzel emerged from the shadows. Kadaj walked over to Raven and pulled her to her feet. "Having fun, "Ray?" Kadaj said using her pet name to annoy her. Raven moved so fast all anyone saw was a flash of black and next thing they knew there was a red handprint on the side of Kadaj's face. "Having fun, "Daj"?" she asked using his pet name. "You can't do that!" he said in awe that she actually retaliated. "Yes I can." she said. "Can't." "I said I can!" she yelled. "Sephiroth's behind you." he said smoothly. She turned around and drew her knife. Realizing he was messing with her she sheathed her knife and whipped around to face Kadaj. "I hate you!" she screeched. "You know what, I don't care what you think, I don't care what any of you think I..." she never finished because in one smooth motion Kadaj wrapped his arm around her waist, pulled her close and kissed her.
Kadaj wrapped his other arm around her waist and pulled her closer. Raven wrapped her arms around Kadaj's neck. They stayed that way for at least two minutes. When Kadaj pulled away, he and Raven just looked into each others eyes. Kadaj ran his hand under her chin just to annoy everyone else. "Can I ask, why you did that?" she said. "To shut you up, and to see what it's like to kiss someone." Kadaj said keeping his arms around her waist. "Uh huh. So, I just have one question." raven told him. "And it is?" "Why, the hell are we all here?" she asked. "We need "Mother" and you, and Cloud are the only ones who know where she is." Kadaj said. "Kadaj, I told you earlier, we have no idea where she is." Raven told him getting frustrated. "Raven, that's not entirely true. Kadaj, what you're looking for is in that chest over there." Cloud told him nodding his head toward a pillar in the corner. "Yazoo, Loz take them outside and proceed with plan "A"." Kadaj told them. The line outside went something like this, Loz, Cloud, Tifa, Marlene, Denzel, Vincent, Raven, and then Yazoo. Before Raven could step outside Yazoo grabbed her by the collar and drug back into the church. "Ow, Yazoo, let go." she hissed