I want to thank you all so much for the great reviews! It was amazing to wake up and read them all! They really motivate me to write and get a chapter out quick for you guys!

So I had someone ask why Kayla was nice in the beginning of the first chapter and not at the end. Well I thought it was obvious but I'll explain! Her character is nice when it's just her and Alex because well it's her and Alex. Now when she's presented with other people is when she changes. Meaning she clearly cares more about her friends and her surroundings more than her own girlfriend. Also it's showing that maybe Alex is right when she doesn't think her girlfriend is what she wants. Alex isn't put into a situation with her to realize this until she meets Kayla's friends. Her selfishness is hinted in the first part of the chapter as well, like how she tells Alex she will be more considerate and call but Alex knows she won't do that. And before they get to the diner Alex prepares herself because she knows Kayla makes her uncomfortable in public situations. It's character build up hope I didn't confuse anyone else! I really didn't think it was that hard to understand so I am sorry for anyone who is confused! Questions are always helpful! I like getting them and clearing things up, or challenging my writing, so keep them coming guys (:

Just to make sure there is no confusion italicized sentences are texts!

It's been over a week since the diner. I plugged Mithie's number into my phone the night she had given it to me, unfortunately I haven't had an excuse to use it. There was a few times I clicked on her name to send a text. I sat there thinking of how I could spark a conversation. Or at least have an excuse to say hello, but I couldn't really think of one. Not that you need an excuse to say hello to someone, but the thought of texting her made me nervous. As crazy as that sounds being nervous was a very prominent feeling of mine most of the time, so texting someone like her out of the blue was far from something I was comfortable with doing. For a few nights I hoped maybe she would text me. But then the realization hit that she didn't have my number, I only had hers.

Kayla and I hadn't really spoke about the night she went to the boy's house. There wasn't much to say. I wasn't one to start a fight and she wasn't one to give up one once it started. She had asked me how the ride was with Mitchie, and like I promised I never said a word about what Mitchie had told me. I kept it vague, 'it was fine'. I did ask how her night went, and her response was just as vague as mine, 'fun.'

Kayla did send me a few drunk texts that night at the boy's. Considering I had fallen asleep way before the messages poured into my phone I never got to responded, which I was thankful of. She sent a text calling me beautiful. She also apologized for not driving me home herself. By the time I had read the texts she had sent another saying she was drunk and sorry, so I didn't have to respond. I wouldn't have known what to say anyway. I can't really accept that apology knowing she was only saying it out the influence of alcohol and guilt. But at least I knew she was guilty. It made it feel a little better to know she had some remorse for practically ignoring my wellbeing that night. Maybe that's exaggerating but she didn't care enough at the time to get me home safe. But again she never did mention the fact she ignored my existence at the diner. So I myself am still attempting to figure out if she had even noticed she paid more attention to the boys then her own girlfriend.

We're sitting in science class now, alone at a black table top in the back. I find it funny that a lot of people in school don't know we're dating. Were usually together like this. We sit alone together, she flashes smiles at me and I do the same back. We don't kiss in school. I never objected to it, but she has. Her father is a very traditional man, he doesn't see eye to eye with anyone once he has an opinion. Her mother left when she was very young. So being the only child to a man like that keeps her from acting like my girlfriend in public, just in case it gets back to him. My parents don't technically know I'm gay but I'm not exactly hiding it either. I think they have their ideas, they see Kayla all the time and I'm shocked if they haven't noticed something strange between us. They haven't questioned me so I don't bring it up, I just keep it this unspoken thing between our family.

I look over at Kayla, she's laughing at her phone and twirling a pencil in between her fingers. We hadn't spoken much since she sat down. Something seemed a lot more interesting on her phone. Every once in awhile she'll look up and give me a smile, probably just to ensure I'm still here.

"Hey babe?" She asked out of nowhere, I turned to face her just to see she hadn't taken her eyes off of her phone to speak.

I looked back down at my notebook, seeming too interested in what she had to say felt wrong considering she didn't even look up at me. "What's up?'

"Do you have anything planned for tonight?" She placed the pencil that she had in her hand in her mouth. She let it hang slightly while she kept her hand securely underneath just in case it dropped.

"Well its Friday night, we usually do something. I'm not sure, but other than that I don't think I have anything planned. Why? What were you thinking?" I asked not knowing she was up to. Truth be told I had absolutely nothing planned. I never do. Usually I just wait for Kayla to explain what our night will consist of and I just go along with it, it's extremely easier that way. I kept my response unsure because I am unsure of what she could have planned. If I tell her absolutely nothing that I might just force myself into another night of watching glee for eight hours followed by an old movie from the 50s until I finally kick her out complaining I'm too tired. When in reality I'm never too tired, just sick of doing exactly what she wants every night.

"Well the Nate just texted me, the boys are having people over again. They wanted to know if we'd both like to go." She said finally glancing up at her phone to look at me.

I thought for a second. Suddenly I realized something I could do. "Um yeah that sounds great. Don't respond yet. I need to ask my mom how late I can stay out tonight."

She nodded. I took out my phone quickly and pressed on the contact I had been waiting to hit all week, Mitchie's. Quickly I typed, 'Hey Mitchie its Alex. Kayla just informed me the boys are having people over tonight. Are you going?' My heart jumped a little before I hit send. I'm not sure why but something about her made me nervous, but at the same time a little excited. The chance of seeing her again tonight was exciting in itself. I shouldn't get excited about another girl, especially not while I'm pretending to text my mom in front of my girlfriend. But Mitchie is cool. It's not wrong of me to get excited to see someone I want to be friends with, right?

My phone vibrated pretty quickly. Her name popped up on my screen, 'it's about time I got a text from you! I waited. And hmm as intriguing as that sounds, you know being in a room with your girlfriend all night. I think I'm going to pass. The sight of her sort of makes me sick.'

I sighed. 'Well I was hoping you would be there so I didn't get ignored the whole night! But I totally understand being hesitant about spending time with Kayla.' Again I sent the text.

Before I could even look up from my phone it vibrated again, she's a fast texter. 'Then why don't we ditch her and the boys and have a party of our own? We can get to know each other better, I need some new friends.'

I could help but let a sheepish smile form across my face, she wants to be my friend? 'Sounds like a plan. How's 6 sound? And can we keep this to ourselves, I have to think of an excuse to get out of Kayla's grip for the night. The last thing I want is for her to not trust me and be on my ass more then she already is. '

'You've got it, see you around 6.' I held back another smile before responding. "Bad news." I said looking back up at Kayla.

She raised an eyebrow. "What's that?"

"My mom said no going out, I have to help with my cousins birthday diner were apparently hosting at our house tonight." I lied. The lie was great, I would have been proud of myself if I wasn't lying to my girlfriend.

Her mouth formed into an O shape. "Alright, well like do you mind if I still go?" she asked.

I nodded quickly. "Go ahead, it's not like we could be together tonight anyway."

She smiled widely. Before she could speak the bell rang signaling it was time for our next class, the last class of the day. Kayla had math while I had art. It was a good separation between the two of us. Art was my favorite subject it was a great time to have it after spending time with Kayla right before. If we had gotten in a fight or anything I got to leave and clear my mind while doing something I enjoyed.

I walked down the hall to the art room. My mind was fogged with a million thoughts. Seeing Mitchie tonight was something I had wanted to do since the day she dropped me off. But the constant thought that Kayla would find out was ruining all the excitement. Guilt played a large part itself. As I sat down in the art room I couldn't shake the feeling. Is it wrong to lie to your girlfriend? Of course. But what I'm doing isn't wrong. Mitchie and I are just friends. Of course she was Kayla's friend first causing me to feel like it she should know about this. But even Mitchie said herself, Kayla and her only pretend to be friends.

Did the fact that they secretly hated each other make this more wrong then it would have been if they didn't? Probably. But again, Mitchie and I are just friends. We would have been together at the boy's party if she decided to go anyway.

The bell rang signaling the end of art. I looked at my paper to see no progress from the class before. I hadn't touched a pencil or even pulled out a single supply. I put away my paper then walked out the door. I walked my normal route over to Kayla's locker, she was always my ride home. She greeted me with a hug then walked towards the double doors.

"What's wrong?" She asked once we were half way through the parking lot.

I shook my head then turned my attention to her. "Nothing's wrong. Why would you think that?"

"Well you haven't said a word the whole way out here. Listen, are you mad that I'm going to that party tonight? Because if you are I don't have to go."

"I'm not mad Kayla." I kept it short and simple. The last thing I wanted was for her to feel guilty and decide not to go. If that happened god only knows if she would attempt to invite herself to my cousins "Birthday party", I wasn't prepared for another lie.

The drive home was relatively silent. We spoke about our day for a few minutes but after that died down there wasn't much else to say. I could tell she was in deep thought, and I was in the exact same state. Of course we were thinking of different things, but they both caused us to be withdrawn into our own thoughts.

At the traffic light before my house she turned to look at me. "What do you think I should wear tonight?"

"Is it like some sort of formal drinking party?" I asked not really understanding why the outfit she had on for school wasn't good enough for a party with friends.

"No, I just don't like this outfit much." She said pulling on the bottom of her shirt.

"Well I think it looks fine but if you are really uncomfortable change your shirt. The jeans look nice on you, I wouldn't change that." I told her honestly. I found it funny she was so worried about what to wear because I felt the same way. The whole ride home I was planning outfits in my mind. It's not that I wanted to look good for Mitchie but don't you just want to impress someone when you first start off being their friend?

We pulled up to my house. "You're right, I like these jeans."

I nodded. It was a little confusing that she decided to say that instead of a formal goodbye, she must really be deep in thought about her clothes. "Yeah they look good. Well goodbye Kay." I quickly leaned over the center of the car to give her a kiss.

I quickly rushed into my house. I didn't even make my way into the kitchen like I normally would for an afternoon snack. I wasn't very hungry today. My mind was racing about what we would be doing tonight. Mitchie did say we should have our own party, did that mean she wanted to drink? I assumed so but at the same time I'm not even sure if she was a drinker. I turned to my phone. 'Hey Mitch, just curious do you want to drink tonight?'

As I waited for a reply I started to pull pieces of clothing from my closet it and laying them on my bed. I grabbed my favorite shirt and laid that next to a pair of pants that I had yet to wear. Before I could keep grabbing them my phone went off. 'It's up to you. That sounds like fun and I have an easy way of getting alcohol so let me know what you want to do.'

'Yeah that sounds fun, let's do it. I'm curious though, what's your easy way?' I sent the text more curious than ever. I mean I'm assuming that means a fake ID but you never know.

'Don't worry about that. I'll explain when I get to your house. See you in like an hour.' Quickly I ran back to my closet. I didn't realize how much time I had let pass just by pulling out clothes.

I grabbed my favorite shirt and threw it over my head. I took a look in my mirror and smiled. The shirt was a crop top, it was just plain black but something about the fit made me love it. Next I grabbed the new pair of pants. They were different, they were high waisted and had a pattern on them. They weren't tight they were meant to be baggy. If I had to say so myself they seemed pretty fashionable. I slipped off my jeans from school then put the new pants on. I smiled when I saw them in the mirror, they looked perfect.

After putting my outfit together I ran into the bathroom. I ran my hair through my fingers. It looked good enough for casually hanging out with a friend. I moved on to makeup. Instead of going all out with my makeup I decided to just touch it up. Again I didn't want to look like I tried too hard for her. Being that I still had to clean my room before she got here also didn't give me enough time to do a whole lot with it either.

I ran back into my room to check the time. 5:37, not even a half hour until she gets here. I started to hang all of the clothes I had previously taken out. After that I looked around. I couldn't think of anything embarrassing that may be out but I had to check for it. Nothing would be worse than an old journal from 7th grade being read or anything along the lines of that. I shuffled through the stuff on my desk. On the corner was a frame that held a picture of Kayla and I. Quickly I picked it up and put it in my desk draw.

After I cleared the room of any embarrassment I sat on my bed and checked the time on my phone again, 5:51. Suddenly it beeped and message from Mitchie appeared, 'on my way.'

That's where I'm ending it for now guys! Again thanks so much for the reviews I really appreciate them!