Rose was running through the corridors in the Tardis. she was running for her life. she had to get away. had to stay safe she was tired but she knew if she slowed down she would get caught and she could not be caught. "Rose when I catch you" yelled the Doctor. it was not her fault the Doctor should not have pushed her in the water. she was just going to read and lay out by the pool she had her tea and fell on the Doctor. she was running through the corridors freezing in her pool side outfit. he kinda deserved it for throwing her in. it was his fault the tea got on him. but here she was running for her life from the oncoming storm. she knew this would make what she was going to do easier. but right now she would have to survive how she was freezing and her skin turning blue.
she turned down a corridor it was a dead end. "Rose" he was coming she had to hide but which door she turned to a magenta tint door on her right side. the Tardis was nudging Rose's mind to enter the door. Rose opened the door ran in and closed it. she looked for a place to hide. she felt saw a light below. she felt the floor it was loose Rose dived in to the hole and closed it up above. she herd the Doctors foot steps at the door she heard it open and herd the footsteps above her head. she prayed he would not find her. Rose felt blast of air and fell down a tube the trap door closed behind her.
she was not sure if she should scream or stay quiet. she saw a light and she plopped on the ground with a thud. "ow not m best landing. the door that she fell from closed. she would not have known it was there if she did not fall out from it. she dust her self of stood up and opening the door a crack. making sure the Doctor was not out side. she emerged from the room only with being reassured the Doctor was not around. she crossed the hall to a light teal colored door and opened it. the room was a whole resort planet. then a piece of paper landed at her feet she picked it up it was folded it said to Rose from Tardis Rose thanked the Tardis and opened the paper it said
this is a room I have always kept hidden from him.
he does not know this place exist
from reading your thoughts you are right this room contains a consistency of two whole resort planets it is run by me and has more shops then you could imagine it has exactly 990,876,988 shops. you have a room the size of two foot ball fields. you can hide here from him for the time being. have fun exploring
"thanks Tardis. now girl you tell me if the Doctor lands." Rose said 'because I am tired of him and my heart breaking no matter what planet we land on I will get off and not come back. any place is better then my heart being broken by an alien who does not love me like that' Rose thought. "Tardis where exactly an a disc appeared with a control panel on it. Rose stepped on the disc which was the same size as the Tardis looked outside. she saw the control panel had different buttons labeled. reading from the top down the first row which had 10 buttons labeled next to them were the rooms. she saw bedroom button and pushed it the disc hovered of the ground then disappeared then it lowered on to Rose resort bedroom. the room was beautiful she opened the door across the hall and found a magnificent bathroom she hurried back to her room. she was freezing and she was planning to take a nice long hot shower. she went to the closet to see if there were any clothes in there she could change into. Rose opened the door and on the hanger there were some of the clothes from the wardrobe room that the Tardis picked out for Rose. Rose pulled a robe off a hanger then Rose took a white dress with had t-shirt sleeves off its hanger. this dress was perfect to wear for the spa and shopping. "Tardis do we have any more of these dresses?" she asked the ship. then 20 more of the white dresses appeared on hangers in the closet. "thank you girl." Rose said Rose grabbed the outfit and went to take a shower.
unknown to Rose was the Tardis had heard Rose's thoughts and was alarmed that was planning to leave. this would break the Doctors heart if Rose did this. the Doctor did love Rose. the Tardis knew she had to warn the Doctor of Rose planning to leave them when they landed no matter where they landed. the Tardis knew this would not work she needed a plan to show how much the Doctor loved Rose. then a brilliant plan came to her. she knew what to do.