Holy crap guys, I'm not dead! I just wish I was. Not really but wow was this chapter a fight to get done from the get go. I think I had somewhere between 3-4 rewrites and who knows how many scenes had to be cut, re-worked, or moved around. I almost had to draw out an actual time line just so I could keep track of what happened to who and where. But finally it's done, and coming in at over 16,500 words (Before the intro and outro) it is officially the longest chapter I've ever written. So I hope you're ready for the action packed part 2.

Disclaimer: RWBY is owned by Rooster Teeth Production...if I owned it there would be more people who fought with Dust.

Professor Arch groaned as he slowly began to regain consciousness. Before even opening his eyes years of instinct pierced through the fog muddying his thoughts and his brain was already hurriedly trying to process any and all information it could receive. Firstly he recognized the dull throbbing ache in his face as the familiar sensation of a broken nose being slowly mended by his Aura, he could only pray that it would heal properly. The thought of having to re-brake it made him cringe. Secondly the cold biting sensation of metal chains digging into his wrists told him his hands had been bound and the accompanying ache in his shoulders told him they'd been suspended above his head and had been so for some time. The next thing he noticed was the presence of a breeze, specifically the presence of a breeze over his arms, legs, and midriff. He paused in his assessment, this couldn't be right he rationalized to himself if only because the implications of what this meant deeply mortified the seasoned Huntsman. Still he had to see for himself. Slowly he opened his eyes, cringing as the light stung at his sensitive eyes. Once his vision had adjusted he looked down to find that he had indeed be stripped of his clothes leaving him in only his modest boxer briefs which drew a faint blush to his cheeks as the calm air rustled the plumage of grayish feathers along his upper arms. But he had no time to linger on the humiliation, quickly looking about the room to continue getting his bearings. He seemed to be in a dimly lit warehouse of some kind judging by the large number of crates and shipping containers packed in organized rows. He looked up to examine his bounds and was disappointed to find that the chains around his hands were secured by a padlock behind them so even if he found some means to pick the lock it was still out of his immediate reach. Undaunted by this set back he returned to visually scouring the room. Several feet to his right was a small table where his clothes had been strewn in a messy pile, this new discovery actually annoyed him possibly more than the fact they'd seen fit to strip him, they could have at least had the decency to fold them. A few yards in front of him were two guards who stood at silent attention, he wasn't sure is they'd actually noticed him regain consciousness but they didn't seem to care much if they had.

Once he was certain that he'd gathered at least all of the immediately pertinent information about his situation and surroundings he began formulating a list of viable escape methods. He hadn't gotten far into his plans when a door at the far end of the warehouse opened and a tall burly figure stepped in. "Ah, I see you're already awake." They said in a deep gravelly voice as the figure began marching towards him. "That makes this somewhat easier." The guards snapped to attention and saluted the figure as it stalked menacingly forward. "General!" They barked in unison. "At ease men." The figure ordered with a dismissive wave as the man came into the light. Now more visible Professor Arch could make out the figure more readily, a hardened and grizzled looking old man by the look of him. He was tall and well built in spite of his age, which if the professor had to hazard a guess would be in his sixties, with dark orange hair broken up by streaking black stripes and patches of white playing at his temples. He was a feline Faunus judging by the pointed ears atop his head and the yellow slitted eyes and was dressed in a long white and gray coat that vaguely resemble the uniform worn by the generals of the Atlesian military but with slight changes here and there, most notably the White Fang emblem embroidered above one of the breast pockets. The man smiled at professor, "Ah Silva Arch. Your reputation proceeds you. It's truly an honor to meet a Huntsman as illustrious as you." The man's tone dripped with mock courtesy as he bowed to his captive.

"The honor is all yours." The professor replied back sharply. "Though I'm not the only one here with a reputation." He continued fixing the old military man with a cold stare. "Sir William B. Khan, considered in Menagerie as a knight of the people and youngest soldier to reach the rank of officer during the Faunus Uprising. How old were you when you went to war? Fifteen? Sixteen?"

Sir Khan chuckled darkly. "Thirteen actually, I was tall for my age and we needed every able body we could get in those days." He said reminiscently before narrowing his eyes slightly as he turned back in Arch's direction. "Not that an Arch would know anything about the struggles of our people." He said coldly. When he didn't receive much more than a pointed glare from the captured professor Sir Khan moved towards the table where they'd piled Arch's clothes. Delicately he held up the jacket slowly trailing his eyes over it. "Your family has done well to profit off other people's labor in the Dust trade, but still even I must marvel at the craftsmanship on display here." He said turning and holding the jacket up to the light now. "Weaving Dust into clothing truly is an art? Have you named it like an actual weapon?" Sir Khan asked smugly.

"It's called Opal Echo." Arch bit back. "And my family got to where it is through hard work, dedication, and moral business practices. But then I wouldn't expect you to know anything about that General." The professor smirked turning Sir Khan's earlier words back on him.

Sir Khan seemed unfazed by this as he gently placed the jacket back down on the table. "The title of General is honorary I assure you, much like the title of Sir I earned in our last war. But that which has given me the right to lead these men is the blood and sweat I have tirelessly shed in the name of our people." He chuckled darkly as he prowled slowly around the chained Huntsman. "I don't imagine your family can say the same, not when you've been blessed with what so many Faunus would consider traits…" He paused to pluck a single feather from Arch's arm, grinning at the wince this drew from the man, "So easily concealed. I imagine you've never even felt the shame or degradation like so many of our brethren."

"I've never hidden who or what I was from anyone!" Professor Arch shouted struggling against his bonds.

"Hmm, that might be so, but still I won't let you stand in the way of what we have created here." Sir Khan said running his thumb and forefinger over the feather in his hand. "And for that matter I won't let any of your students get in our way either." The professor's eyes went wide. "Oh, perhaps you thought I'd have overlooked them?"

"Leave them out of this Khan!" Arch yelled once more trying to pull himself free from the chains even as they bit into his wrists. "They have nothing to do with this!"

"Oh but they do, whether they like it or not."

"They're just children! One of them is even a Faunus herself!" Arch begged. "You already have me, what more do you need!?"

"Well then perhaps after we have secured them we can persuade the girl to join our cause, but we'll still need to make examples of the rest and if she decides to stand with the humans then, well I'm sure you're familiar with the term acceptable losses." He smirked snapping the feather in his hands watching as a sliver of blood oozed out of the broken quill.

"Bastard!" Professor Arch growled once more fighting against his chains, this time with renewed energy. "I won't let you get away with this!"

The General stalked up to their captive and seized him by the throat with one massive hand. "I don't think you've grasped the direness of your situation Professor."

Professor Arch gritted his teeth as he felt the hand tighten around his neck. "I'm not afraid of you."

"How brave, but I'll still take pleasure making you tell me everything you've learned about our operations here. And by the end of that…" Khan flexed his free hand prompting long sharp claws to protrude from his fingertips. "You'll have learned to fear me." He growled before sinking them into the professor's side. The guards couldn't help but flinch at the screams.

A few miles outside the base….

Perry sighed before attempting to readjust his glasses over his mask again. He really wished whoever came up with the idea for these masks had thought about people who needed prescription eyewear.

"Damnit Perry, keep focused!" His partner Dan berated a few feet ahead lowering his gun.

"S-sorry." Perry apologized jogging up to meet his partner. "But I'm not really sure I'm okay with all of this."

"What are you talking about?" Dan hissed not bothering to look towards his partner as he returned to scanning the woods for their targets.

"I'm just saying I signed up stick it to the Schnees and fight against inequality, but now they've got us hunting a bunch of kids. This is some morally ambiguous shit here Dan." Perry explained.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me." Dan sighed reaching under his mask to pinch the bridge of his nose. "Well this just in Perry, it's too late to be worrying about that now. The General said he wants these kids brought in. But hey if you want to walk up to Sir Khan and tell him you disobeyed a direct order because you had some moral reservations then fine, be my guest." He shrugged before smirking and stroking his chin. "Hey maybe after you're court marshalled they'll reassign me with one of those cute new recruits from Mistral." Dan joked.

Perry paled at the thought of just what would happen if he tried doing what Dan had suggested and hurriedly tried to then push the thought out of your mind. He got queasy thinking about all the blood. "I guess you're right, sometimes things like this happen when you go to war." He rationalized moving to follow his partner's lead and scout the woods for signs of movement.

"Yeah, plus it's just a bunch of humans, so screw'um I say." Dan added before a scream cut through the quiet of the woods. "You hear that? C'mon it's probably them!" Dan said as the pair rushed towards the direction of the noise.

After a bit of running they found the source of the noise, a young Faunus girl kneeling against a tree clutching her leg with a sword at her side. When she saw the two of them she looked relieved. "Oh man, I'm so glad someone was here. I was just attacked by Grimm and I hurt my leg trying to get away."

"Don't move!" Dan cried drawing his gun.

"Whoa man take it easy!" Perry said grabbing his partner by the shoulder. "She's one of us." He said pointing to the now very nervous looking girl whose feline ear were twitching.

Dan shirked himself out of Perry grasp. "Are you an idiot, she's probably one of the—AGUH!" Dan was cut off by a chain wrapping around his neck followed by a pair of boots that collided with his chest as Eris came bursting out of the treetop above. Perry didn't even have time to lift his rifle before the pair of Robin and Dae came rushing at him from behind a nearby tree and tackled the startled White Fang soldier to the ground.

After a few minutes of brief struggling Team RDCP had managed to properly subdue their would-be captors and tied them up with the ropes Professor Arch had seen fit to pack for them in their survival gear. "Well, that went better than expected." Robin said triumphantly dusting off his hands.

"You two owe me ten Lien." Peizhi gloated as she finished tightening Dan's restraints making Eris and Dae grumble to themselves.

"Wait, you guys didn't think this plan was going to work?" Robin gasped watching as Piezhi collected her winnings.

"It's not that we didn't believe in your plan Bunny." Eris tried to explain while placing a ten Lein card in her partner's hand.

"It's just, when has our luck ever been that good?" Dae finished shrugging lamely.

"All things considered it's still not that great right now." Peizhi pointed out while slipping her money into her pocket.

"Okay, okay, I get it." Robin conceded rubbing his temples. "Can we just get on with the rest of the plan please?"

"Oh, I totally forgot." Eris said playfully smacking her head before she harshly kicked Perry onto his back and mounted his chest pulling one of her Apples from its holster and hovering it just over his throat. "We want to know where you creeps have got our professor locked up and we want to hear it fast." She hissed pressing the blade into his skin, not enough to cut, but just enough for him to feel it.

"Go ahead, do whatever you want to us, we'll never tell you anything!" Dan proudly proclaimed fixing the group of students with a steely gaze.

"No, no, no, don't listen to him." Perry squeaked trying not to move too much under the blade. "I'll definitely talk."

"Damnit Perry! If you say one word I swear I'll-mmmph" Dan was cut off as Dae smoothly stuffed a sock into his open mouth and then quickly tapped it shut.

"There's no need for such negativity here." Dae said in a dramatically soothing voice patting Dan on the shoulder as the older man tried to yell obscenities through his gag.

"Wait, was that one of my extra socks?" Peizhi asked with mild irritation.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I just figured we'd need it for something like this and what do you know here we are." Dae said abandoning his previous tone as Dan angrily grunted and struggled against the ropes. Peizhi just glared at Dae expectantly. "Alright, alright, I'll buy you another pair when we get back home. Can you just gimmie a minute here?" He asked gesturing between the two White Fang captives until Peizhi sighed, rolled her eyes, and walked over to where Robin was standing. "Thank you." Dae said taking a deep breath before moving over to where Eris had Perry pinned. Eris peered up at Dae with a look of confusion and a bit of irritation before he made a shooing motion with his hands. Her look morphed into one that wordlessly asked "Are you serious?" but Dae just returned the look by repeating the motion more aggressively. Finally with an annoyed huff Eris removed her knife from Perry's throat and dismounted the terrified Faunus. Dae smiled now and leaned down to help Perry back up to a sitting position. "There we go, sorry about that, you know how it is." He said brushing grass and leaves from Perry's shoulders while re-adopting his fake calming voice. "But if you don't, let me just spell it out for you real quick. Me? I'm the good cop. I'm nice, cheery, and personable. I believe you met my good friend Eris already." Dae motioned towards his violet haired teammate who for effect smiled sweetly and waved back with the hand still holding her knife. "She's the bad cop. And my other two friends, well they're sitting this one out and hoping they don't have to watch Eris be the bad cop. She gets messy when she plays bad cop. You ever try to get blood out of a mostly white outfit? Takes forever and so much club soda." Eris' smile grew more sinister as she stared down the captured White Fang member who was now shaking in his ropes. "Now I believe you were about to answer a question for us, right?" Dae urged. Perry quickly proceeded to tell them everything the team needed to know and quite a few things they didn't even ask for, so much so that Dae had to get the somewhat frantic soldier to slow down several times just so they could keep track of all the facts. All the while Dan was glaring daggers at his partner while mumbling into his gag angrily, several times Dae had to send a silencing kick in his direction which did little to further endear any of them to the more zealous of the White Fang members. "Wow Perry, that was…informative. You really didn't skimp on the juicy details." Dae said a little theatrically as he stood up and dusted off his pants. "Now I'm gonna go confer with my buddies over there about what our next move is going to be." He said before getting up and sauntering towards his team. "Don't you two go anywhere now." He called back glibly over his shoulder.

Once Dae was done he rejoined the team as they moved a little ways away so their captives couldn't hear them talk. "That was fun, we should do the whole role play thing more often." Dae joked.

"You know I was just telling Bunny that the other night." Eris added making their leader blush.

Dae just slapped his forehead in disappointment. "You did kind of walk into that one." Peizhi pointed out while Dae sighed.

"Yeah I know, honestly by now I should have seen that one coming."

"Guys I'm really glad you're all back to making jokes and everything, but please can we just focus on the plan." Robin pleaded with his team before turning to his partner. "Let's run through it one more time."

"Okay." Dae nodded unslinging Dynamic Fulcrum from his back and setting it on the ground before pressing a few buttons on his wrist display and then pulling a small metallic disk from one of his pouches and setting it in the grass. "Dix pull up the map."

From the disk a blue holographic figure popped up startling the rest of the team for a moment until a familiar computerized voice spoke. "Very well Daedalus, but even with this newly acquired information I can only estimate the odds of your collective success at…"

"Dix what have I told you about telling people the odds?" Dae cut off while popping open Fulcrum and reaching inside.

"That it evidently makes people nervous to hear anything below a ninety percent." Dix replied.

"And how much worse are our odds compared to that?" Dae asked rhetorically as he pulled out all of Fulcrum remote charges and carefully piled them up on the grass.

"Considerably." Dix answered back.

"Then keep it to yourself and just pull up the map." Dae nagged closing Fulcrum and slinging it back over his shoulders.

"Very well, I will keep you appraised in any changes in odds of success." Dix assured with a bow before dematerializing.

"Of course you will buddy." Dae sighed as a holographic projection of the base's layout that the professor had uploaded to their Scrolls earlier in the mission was projected up between them. "Okay so between the last coordinates I could pin down on the ear piece and Perry's info it looks like Professor Arch is here." Dae said pointing to a warehouse near the center of the compound causing the building in question to turn from blue to red. "This actually is really good since according to the tracer I slapped on that truck thing I'm pretty sure this is their motor-pool." Another larger building not far across the base highlighted itself. "This means we can get out of there fast as long as you can get us a ride." Dae said looking to Eris who'd fished a purple bandana out of one of her pockets and was tying it around her neck.

"Y'know Matchstick it sounds like you're questioning my ability to hotwire a car." Eris said pretending to sound hurt. When this earned her a concerned look from Robin and Peizhi she just sighed. "Don't worry, I'll get us a ride after I plant those charges of yours, just be ready to book it when I do. People tend to get real suspicious when a car that's not supposed to have the keys in it starts up, you got me?"

"Yeah I don't think any of us are gonna stop to enjoy the scenery of this abandoned military base full of radical extremists." Dae replied sarcastically handing Eris a pair of charges which she clipped to her pants.

"Ha ha, very funny." Eris retorted rolling her eyes at Dae.

"Yeah well while Eris is doing that I'll be planting the rest of the charges around the base and scouting for escape routes before moving towards the warehouse." Robin interjected trying to keep his teammates on track as he pointed to a few key locations he'd planned to place the explosives.

"Sounds good, now I'd bet my entire X-Ray and Vav collection that this is what they're using to jam our communications." Dae said pointing to a large broadcast tower near the back of the facility. "If what Perry said is true and they're also using it to send out encrypted messages to Vale then maybe I can piggyback on their signal and send out a distress call. It's a longshot, but even if it doesn't work I still have a nasty little surprise planned for them." He said grinning wickedly patting one of the pockets of his lab coat.

"Okay, now Peizhi you have the hardest job out of all of us." Robin said with a serious tone as he looked across the hologram to her. "You've got to infiltrate the warehouse and free the professor. Are you sure you're still up to it?"

"Yeah, don't worry Robin, I've totally got this." Peizhi said puffing out her chest with confidence.

"I hate to be the one to say this." Eris interrupted. "But how exactly is Whiskers supposed to get through all those soldiers without getting caught? I mean even tweedle dee and tweedle doofus over there were able to figure out she was with us so she can't just waltz right in there."

"You know I was thinking the same thing, but I think I have a plan for that." Dae said with a confident look on his face as he turned to Peizhi. "So hey Peizhi what are your measurements?" Once Dae had managed to avoid being slapped and hastily explained his idea the group actually agreed it wasn't all that bad so he sauntered over to where Dan had managed to get himself back to a seated position and removed his gag.

"What do you want human?" He growled spitefully. He wasn't prepared for Dae's answer.

"Your clothes, given them to me." The young explosives expert would have been lying if he said he didn't immensely enjoy the look on Dan's face.

A few minutes later Dan was left in a sleeveless t-shirt and his boxers tied to a tree with Perry. "Perry?"

"Yes Dan."

"I want you to know that I hate you." He said bitterly.

Perry sighed in resignation. "I know Dan, I know."

"You know that's not a bad look on you Whiskers." Eris joked as they watched Peizhi pull on the last of Dan's White Fang uniform over her clothes and slipped on the mask. Peizhi rolled her eyes, but none of them could tell with the mask on.

"Okay, I think this is the most ready we're gonna get guys." Robin said as he finished fixing the last three of Dae's charges to his belt. "Now I know you guys aren't super big on my speeches so I'll make this brief." He paused as they all turned towards him. "This is probably the craziest thing any of us have ever done, even for Eris."

"He's got a point." She said with a nod. "But not by much if you'd believe that."

"Either way no matter how insane, or stupid, or weird any of this is right now, we're all still training to do stuff just like this by the time we get out of Beacon. Now they took one of the people who is training us to do just this sort of thing, so I can't think of a better way to get an A than by saving him from these creeps."

"I bet if it was Goodwitch we'd still only get a B-." Dae chuckled.

"Ssssssh, I think he's just getting to the good part." Peizhi hushed.

"So just stick to the plan, keep in radio contact, and try not to do anything too crazy." The rest of the team gave their leader a "You're pushing your luck" look. "Okay, don't do anything crazier than usual…seriously how do we keep getting into stuff like this?"

"Your guess is as good as mine bro." Dae said with a shrug.

"Hey Bunny, there's something I need from you before we head out." Eris said strolling up to the red capped boy.

"Sure what do you…" Before Robin could finish his sentence he was pulled into a kiss by the taller girl making his partner's eyes go wide and Peizhi squeal in excitement.

The kiss wasn't exactly anything special, but still Eris savored it for a few moments before pulling back from the very stunned boy. "For luck." She said simply before pulling her bandana up over the lower half of her face, secretly glad she could hide the small hint of blush on her cheeks, and then hurried off into the forest towards the base.

While Robin stood there with his mouth agape as everything that just happened was busy sinking in Dae turned to Peizhi with an expectant look only for her to hold up a solitary finger and say, "Don't even think about asking." She then fixed Qilin to her hip and grabbed one of the discarded rifles before following after Eris.

This scene was enough to shake Robin out of his stupor as he moved to console his partner. "Well that just happened."

"You know I hope we survive this just so I can see you deal with that once this is all over." Dae said trying to preemptively shut down any smug jokes from his partner. "But seriously how are you the one who gets all the luck with the girls?"

"Honestly I have about as much a clue as you do." Robin said realizing Dae was right and he was going to have to figure out this whole kiss thing later. "But hey who knows, maybe when we get back to Beacon we can try to get that Sienna chick to kiss you." He said giving his partner a playful shove.

"I'm fine with only one suicide mission this month thank you very much." Dae moaned sarcastically. "C'mon, let's go do something crazy." He said before jogging off ahead.

"I thought I said not to do that!" Robin called after his green haired partner.

Dan and Perry watched as the last of the young teens disappeared into the forest leaving them alone, in silence, and tied to a tree. After a few moment Perry, unsurprisingly, was the one to break that silence. "Dan?"

"What Perry?"

"I have to pee." Perry said sounding very apologetic.

Dan took a deep breath as he stared bitterly into the distance. "Perry, if the Grimm find us out here I pray they eat you first."

Later In the base's command center…..

"General on deck!" A guard shouted over the commotion of the bustling information center prompting a standing salute from every member not preoccupied with a more pressing task.

"At ease men." Sir Khan ordered with a dismissive wave of his hand. He looked out over busy control hub with a feeling of proud satisfaction. A mere few weeks ago this control room had been in a state of disrepair so severe that they'd originally believed it to be completely unusable, but with the effort and dedication of their more technologically inclined recruits they'd managed to re-outfit and cobble together a fully functional communications network as well as a fully operation radio jammer to mask their presence. For a moment he pondered what the Faunus War would have been like if they'd had these kinds of resources when fighting the humans, but he pushed the thought aside. They had it for their war now and that's what mattered.

"Sir, how did the interrogation of the prisoner go?" His latest aid Aubrey asked after hurriedly rushing to his side. Sir Khan questioned if the young canine Faunus had what it took to truly make it as a Member of the new White Fang, but she was eager and fiercely loyal, so he could at least settle for that for the time being.

"Nothing, yet." Sir Khan answered offhandedly as he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and began rubbing some dried blood from his claws, he noticed Aubrey flinch at this but continued on. "It would seem Arch's reputation as a Huntsman was well earned after all, he weathered my interrogation with admirable fortitude. A shame he can't be persuaded to see the righteousness of our cause. But I will pry the information I need out of him soon enough." Khan grinned. "Status report." He order prompting Aubrey and the various technicians to tense.

"Y-yes sir. Your personal Lieutenants radioed in while you were questioning the prisoner. They completed their mission with no complications and have secured the package. They're in route to one of our secured locations in Vale as we speak." Aubrey reported.

"Very good, I want you to contact them and tell them to await further orders." He directed. "And what about our latest acquisition from the bastard Schnees?" He asked directing his gaze towards one of the technicians.

"We're actually ahead of schedule sir, our team has managed to reprogram the asset and it will be ready for testing by tomorrow." The techie boasted proudly.

"Excellent." Khan almost purred. The thought of what this latest acquisition could do for their overall force of might made him almost salivate. "Now what's our status on finding those children?" He asked the room, his tone darkening.

Another technician rose from his seat and audibly gulped before answering. "Our teams haven't reported any sighting of the students so far Sir Khan sir, I mean Sir sir Khan, I-I mean General." He stammered cowering under the man's intense stare. "But um, one of them teams has gone silent. We've dispatched two more teams to check their last known location."

Sir Khan's eye's furrowed tightly at the news and began wringing his hands, his knuckles cracking from the intensity of his grip making everyone in the control room uneasy until he finally exhaled loudly. "I want all the teams we dispatched on high alert, these are not mere children we are tracking, but Huntsmen and Huntresses in training. They are not to be taken lightly, but still I want them brought in now." He ordered with a suppressed growl in his voice. "And I want them brought in alive, let's see how strong the professor's will is once we have his precious students in our custody."

"Yes sir!" The entire room echoed in unison before quickly returning to their work with renewed purpose.

Across the base at the motor-pool…..

"This sucks." Garry complained openly to no one in particular. "How come I got stuck with tire duty?" He wondered as he finished checking the pressure on the tires of the last of the jeeps. All the rest of the mechanics and engineers had been pulled from their usual positions to go run checks and diagnostics on some big new package that the techies had just finished fixing up. So that left Gary, the most junior of all the mechanics, on with tire duty. "Oh, well." He sighed as he moved over towards where the APCs were parked. "Least when I get done with this crap I can take an early lunch." That was when something out of the ordinary caught his eye. "Hey, who left the door open on this thing?" He called angrily to the empty garage moving to close the door only for his eyes to go wide. Someone had pried off parts of the interior and pulled down the wiring harness the connected to APC's ignition. "Holy crap if anyone see this they'll kick my a—hggkh!" Garry was cut off as a chain was looped around his neck and tightened harshly.

"Sssssh, it's okay big guy. Just go to sleep and it will all be over soon." Eris purred through her bandana as she fought to subdue the struggling mechanic. Unfortunately Garry wasn't going down without a fight, grabbing a wrench from his tool belt and wildly swinging behind him. The blow grazed just over Eris' eye and only served to anger the girl. "I said go to SLEEP!" She yelled pulling back on the chains before slamming the poor mechanic face first into the side of the armored vehicle knocking him unconscious. "Yeesh, well that could have gone better." Eris mumbled to herself grabbing the now subdued enemy and dragging him behind some nearby crates. "Can't believe I almost got caught, am I starting to lose my touch?" She wondered aloud as she snuck back towards the APC and slipped into the cab, this time being sure to close the door. She went back to work cutting a few wires with one of her Apples before pressing the receiver in her ear. "Okay, I planted those charges and I'm ready to go with the truck so hurry up, I don't know how long I have til the rest of the gearheads show back up." She whispered peering up over the dash to check for any signs of danger.

Across the base…..

"Good job Eris, hold your position." Robin radioed over the comms channel. "I'm almost done setting the rest of the charges."

Dae gulped listening to his friends through the ear piece as he slowly and cautiously made his way around the back of the main building occasionally gazing up at the imposing structure of the radio tower. He really hoped that the junction box he needed to find wasn't perched up at the top of that thing. Ever since he started attending Beacon he'd developed what he considered to be a very reasonable and rational fear of high places that was currently screaming at the thought of scaling the looming tower. "Oh thank Dust." Dae gasped in relief as he rounded the corner to see a large junction box situated at the base of the tower behind the building. "Okay guys I found what I was looking for, gonna go radio silent while I crack into this thing. Wish me luck." Dae informed and he jogged over to the relay. He grimaced to himself when he found the junction was locked by a large heavy padlock. This posed a bit of a problem, he couldn't just blast the lock of with one of his grenades for fear of alerting any nearby guards and when he'd been prepping his tool belt he hadn't thought to bring a nice handy pair of bolt cutters. With his options limited he was just about to throw caution to the wind and prep a grenade when he remembered something Eris had told him. Deciding there was no time like the present to try something reckless he reached into one of his belt pouches and pulled out a small vial full of light blue-ish Dust. Carefully he sprinkled a small pile into the palm of his hand, cringing slightly at the sudden feeling of icy coldness that filled his hand. "Well, here goes nothing." He muttered under his breath before blowing the pile at the lock watching as the Dust carried through the air sparkling as its elemental properties came to life freezing the lock solid. "Holy crap, I owe Eris for this little trick." He chuckled pulling a small hammer from his tool belt and cracking the lock off with one well placed swing. Once the broken bits of the lock had crumbled away Dae hurriedly pulled open the junction and set to work. "Okay Dix, you know what you have to do." Dae said plugging his wrist display's wireless adapter into one of the junction's ports. "Please let this work." Dae pleaded as he began typing away on his display. After a few minutes of frantically trying to discreetly boost the broadcast signal and trying a handful of different frequencies Daedalus was beginning to lose hope until at the last moment the familiar sound of a transmission connecting cut through the buzz of static in his ear followed by a voice.

"Hello? Who is this and how did you get this number?"

"Yes! We did it!" Dae cheered on the verge of joyous tears pumping a fist in the air before quickly pulling it back once the fear of being caught set back in.

"Wait, is that Verde?" Came the unmistakable bark of Sargent Rlee's gruff voice on the other end of the transmission. "Boy what are you doing on this channel?!" He demanded.

"Oh my gosh, I never thought I'd say this but I've never been so happy to hear your yelling Sarge." Dae gasped thankfully. It sounded as if Rlee was about to go off on the young explosives expert, but was silenced by the other voice on the line which Dae now recognized as Professor Ozpin.

"Mister Verde what is the meaning of this?" The headmaster asked, his voice stern and serious. "Where's Professor Arch?"

This snapped Dae out of his celebration. "Well to put it in a way Sargent Rlee can understand our mission has gone completely FUBAR sir. We ran into these crazy White Fang dudes who took over this old military base and they captured the professor and now we're on like a suicide mission to try and brake him out so y'know if you could send some back up like a few teachers, some Huntsman, and I dunno maybe the National freaking Guard that would be just swell!" Dae cried letting some of the stress that had been pent up inside him bubble towards the surface.

"Mister Verde where are you?" Professor Ozpin questioned earnestly when a sound caught Dae's ears.

"I think I heard something over there." Someone called a little ways away prompting the young explosives expert to fly into a rush.

"Crap, I think they heard me, listen I transmitted our coordinates to you guys already." Dae explained while stuffing the surprise he'd been hiding in his pocket into a small nook inside the junction box. "I've gotta go and try not to die, hope to see you guys later." And with that Dae pulled his adapter from inside the junction box ending the transmission before slamming the box closed and sprinting away towards a collection of smaller building. Just as he rounded the corner on the opposite side of the main building he caught a glimpse of a small group of guards heading towards where he had just been. Fearing they'd find his trail soon he acted on instinct and began looking around for a place to hide settling for a decently sized shed with a few crates stacked outside leading to an open window. Mustering all the physical skill and agility his time at Beacon had given him he leaped up and scurried over the crates and into the window only to fall unceremoniously down onto his head once he'd made it inside.

"Ah, damn that hurts." He cursed rubbing his skull as he rolled around on the floor of the dark room. "Dix, any idea where we are?" He asked as he tried to get his eyes to adjust to the lack of light.

"Negative, there is nothing in the data on this base's layout for me to ascertain the exact nature of this particular building." Dix explained as Dae finally picked himself up off the dirty floor.

"Great, well guess we'll have to check this out the old fashioned way then." Dae grumbled pulling a pocket flashlight from his belt and illuminating the room. There was a brief pause as Dae surveyed the contents of the room. He had to blink a few times just to make sure his eyes weren't playing tricks on him but once he was sure what he was seeing wasn't some kind of mirage he started rubbing his hands together with joy. "Dix, I think we just hit the jackpot." He muttered before he began cackling to himself.

Moments ago back at Beacon…..

Professor Ozpin and Sargent Rlee stood stock still in the headmaster's office staring at the screen where Daedalus' transmission had been playing through just seconds ago. "Sargent I want you to gather a team and head to those coordinates immediately." Ozpin ordered.

Rlee's military instinct took over in an instant as he snapped to attention and saluted the headmaster. "Sir, yes sir!" He barked before turning and sprinting across the room to the elevator.

"And Sargent." Ozpin called across the room as Rlee frantically pounded on the elevator's call button. "I want you to bring our people home." He added intensely.

Rlee just turned and grinned as the doors slid open. "Ozpin, I've never left a soldier behind in my life. I'll drag them back through the fires of Hell if I have to." He proclaimed proudly stepping into the elevator and heading down to the main building below.

Ozpin just paused and turned towards the window looking out over the school below. "I just pray it doesn't come to that."

Earlier back at the base….

Peizhi had never been more nervous in her entire life. Sure when Robin had asked her if she was up for the job of sneaking through the base and rescuing the professor she had said it would be no problem, but now that she was here watching as White Fang soldiers drilled and bustled around through the base it was taking everything she had to not stand out and draw any kind of attention to herself. She'd never thought she would be thankful for the day Sargent Rlee had substituted for their gym teacher and spent the entire class drilled how to march into the entire class. Thanks to that she felt like she didn't stand out too much. That was one problem solved, but now came the other. She had no idea where she was going. On her way through the woods she'd tried to memorize the base's layout on her Scroll but it all looked so different up close with all the White Fang soldier running around. That was when she heard Eris chime in over the radio.

"Okay, I planted those charges and I'm ready to go with the truck so hurry up, I don't know how long I have til the rest of the gearheads show back up." She called to the team making Peizhi nearly jump at the sudden noise in her ear.

But her partner's words did serve to light a bit of a fire in the young Faunus. Eris had managed to get her job done and from the sound of the rest of the team they were just about done with their jobs too. Now all that was left was for her to complete her mission. She could totally do this, she'd killed half of a King Taijutsu, survived gun toting gangsters chasing her down on two separate occasions, and even managed to not hurl while being forced to spend two different kinda-dates with Djack Scratch. She could totally handle this. Unfortunately for Peizhi, she'd been too distracted by her own mental pep talk to notice the equally distracted person on a direct collision course for her. The crash into each other served to pull the both of them from their thoughts as they fell back onto the paved base tarmac.

"I'm so sorry!" Peizhi pleaded as worst case scenarios played on fast-forward through her mind only to come to a screeching halt when she realized the person she'd bumped into hadn't suddenly discovered her as a clever intruder because they were also busy frantically apologizing for not looking where they were going.

"Ooooh, why does this keep happening to me?" Aubrey moaned as she picked herself up off the ground. "Are you alright?" She asked offering a hand to Peizhi snapping the younger girl out of her stupor.

"O-oh, yeah. I'm fine." Peizhi accepted the hand quickly rising back to her feet.

"Again I'm super sorry about that. I'm just so busy running errands for Sir Khan I completely forgot to look where I was going." Aubrey continued to apologize as her canine tail began to droop between her legs.

"Oh no, you're fine." Peizhi wasn't sure what compelled her to try and console the White Fang member, but she couldn't help herself. "Really it was my fault I was too busy trying to find my way around." As soon as the words left her mouth Peizhi wanted to slap herself. How could she keep blowing the whole stealth thing like this?

"Oh I know, it's so confusing trying to get around here." Aubrey agreed seeming to move to a more energetic mood. "Anything I can do to help?"

Peizhi was suddenly very glad for her mask otherwise this strange girl might have seen her eyes wide with utter disbelief at all of this. "Um, can you point me towards Warehouse Eleven?" She asked hesitantly.

"Oh sure!" Aubrey smiled as her tail began to wag. "Just keep going this way until you pass hangar bay seven then take a right and head straight up the alley and you'll be right there." She explained happily pointing down the way.

"Oh, thanks a lot." Peizhi replied nervously as she began walking away.

"Any time!" Aubrey happily called after her while waving. "Oh no I'm going to be late again!" She squealed realizing how distracted she'd become. She had to get the descriptions of the students she'd received from the soldiers who had helped capture the professor back to Sir Khan at once. He said they were of the utmost importance.

Inside Warehouse Eleven…..

The sound of the door opening drew Professor Arch's attention. He looked up through his non-swollen right eye to see a small feminine White Fang soldier approaching the guards. "Aren't you a little short to be a White Fang member?" He joked watching the somewhat nervous looking recruit come into the light. That was when he noticed the sword sheathed at her side.

"Shut up back there!" One of the guards hollered back at him.

"Yeah, if you're feeling chatty maybe we should give the General a call." The other added snidely. When the professor didn't answer he laughed. "Ha! That's what I thought. Anyway what do you want kid?" He asked turning towards the girl.

"O-oh, right. Sorry." The young girl apologized, obviously distracted by the sorry state of the professor. Even now it was taking most of his Aura to heal the various wounds Sir Khan had inflicted upon him earlier. "I'm here to like, um, relieve you guys. Y'know, for your break."

"Nice, bout damn time." The second guard said with a smirk.

"Wait, I didn't hear anything about us getting a break for this shift." The first guard said eyeing the girl suspiciously.

"Dude who cares, you're telling me you wanna stick around for another sessions worth of screams when the General comes back?" The second cut in earning a concerned squeak from the girl which piqued his own suspicions.

"No, but still I think I'm gonna just call this in and check." The first said reaching for the radio at his hip.

That was when the girl launched herself forward leaping into the air and delivering a lariat kick to the first guard's head taking him off his feet and to the ground hard. "What the hell?!" The second guard gasped pulling his gun on the girl only for her to close the gap between them before he could fire and deliver a powerful palm strike to his chest. The guard doubled over trying to suck in the air that was just driven from his lungs, when he looked back up at the girl she was already swinging her rifle by its butt straight at his head. The blow connected and the guard hard and the guard was unconscious before he even hit the floor.

"Well so much for everything going according to plan." Peizhi said removing her White Fang mask and jacket. That's when the professor coughed and drew her attention. "Oh my gosh, Professor!" She gasped quickly searching the guards for the key to his chains before hurrying over to free him. "Are you okay?"

"Tip top shape all things considered Miss Bagheera." Professor Arch lied if only to put up a brave front for his student. "But what are you even doing here?" He groaned as Peizhi helped lower him down once his hands had been freed. "I ordered you all to fall back and retreat."

"And we did, but there was no way we weren't coming back for you." Peizhi grinned helping walk the professor over towards his clothes.

Just outside the warehouse…..

Robin crouched low behind a stack of crates waiting for a small group of soldiers to pass by. Once they were clear he reach up and tapped the receiver in his ear. "Alright guys, everyone ready and in position?"

"Ready when you are Bunny." Eris signaled from the motor-pool.

"Just give us the signal." Peizhi chimed in sounding very proud of herself.

"I'm ready to light this candle!" Dae announced with wicked delight.

Robin gulped, this was the moment of truth. "Alright, on my mark. Three…two...one…"

Moments earlier in the command center….

"Very good." Sir Khan said as he finished with a briefing. "Now I think it is time I pay our prisoner another visit and see if he decided to become more compliant with our demands."

"Wait sir!" One of the comms technicians called, his voice frantic with urgency. "You're going to want to hear this!"

"What is it?" Sir Khan growled. "This had better be good."

"Putting them through now sir." The technician hurriedly typed away at his console before bringing up the transmission on the command center's main monitor. "Perimeter team go ahead."

"Repeat, this is perimeter team Delta, we investigated some strange noises coming from area surrounding the communications tower and found the junction relay tampered with." One of the guards explained over the radio.

"What do you mean tampered with?!" Sir Khan barked loudly making all the technicians cringe.

"We're assessing that now, but from what we can tell someone seems to have used Dust to pry off the lock and get inside. We're checking for damage now."

"Quickly, run a full diagnostic on the radio jammer and the comms array! And I want a log of every transmission off this base in the last hour!" Sir Khan almost roared to all of the technicians who dropped what they were doing and began following their new orders like their lives depended on it, because if things got any worse they just might.

"S-sir, I think I've found something." One technician meekly said standing and turning towards the General. "It seems that only a few minutes ago there was an unauthorized message sent out to Vale?"

"Where to?!" Sir Khan snarled eyes going wide with anger as his claws began to bear from his fingers.

The lone comms officer gulped in terror as he felt his mouth go dry. "B-B-Beacon sir."

"Sound the alarm! Those damned students have managed to breach our defenses! I want them found and brought to me this instance!" Khan bellowed only to be interrupted by the Delta squad leader.

"Wait, we've found something. It seems to be some kind of Dust device…wait, it's started beeping… Hit the deck!" As the transmission cut out there was distant sound of an explosion followed by a surge of electricity that tore through all the computer consoles in the command center frying them into static or black screens.

"Status report! Someone tell me what the Hell just happened now!" Sir Khan yelled over the clamor and commotion in the room.

"Sir it seems like some kind of rudimentary electromagnetic pulse was just set off, comms are down across the board!" One of the technicians managed to get out before they were rocked by another series of explosions from all across the base.

"I want manual radio reestablished immediately! All soldiers are to be given orders to shoot any and all intruders on site! Bring the Schnee weapon online if you have to! Those children are not to leave this base alive!" He ordered before storming out of the room. He would handle this personally if he had too.

Back outside the warehouse…..

"Well if they didn't know we were here before they sure do now!" Robin joked as he fired on a small group of unsuspecting guards who rounded the corner towards the warehouse.

"Mr. Cappson!" Robin turned to see Professor Arch make his way out of the warehouse door hastily dressed in only his jacket, shoulder cape, and pants leaning on Peizhi for support. He looked like even with his Aura working to heal his wounds that he'd need to see a doctor soon. "I see your team still has a flair for stealth operations!" He laughed.

"We worked with what we had sir, get down!" Robin yelled as a large group of guards came around the corner of the adjoining warehouse, but before he could even get a shot off in their direction they were sent flying by an explosion. While the rest of them blinked in confusion Dae to came running into view cackling like a madman brandishing a rotary grenade launcher of all things along with a bandolier of grenades over both shoulders. "I am become death, destroyer of worlds!" He yelled back the way he came before firing another grenade.

"Dae, stop being crazy and get over here!" Robin called to his partner.

"Dude you'll never guess what I found!" Dae beamed running towards them. As he grew closer they could see that his belt pouches and pockets were stuffed to bursting with who knew what.

"A grenade launcher." Robin deadpanned.

"And oh so much more." Dae giggled excitedly. "But this isn't just a beautifully seductive grenade launcher, it's my new baby and its name is Minos."

"Mr. Verde I very happy you found such a…special weapon, but I think we should really be escaping." The professor urged.

"Don't worry professor, Eris is on her way. We just have to make it to the front of the hangars." Robin explained as they began making their way to the rendezvous point with Dae leading the charge ready to rain more death on any who dared get in their way. Luckily they managed to make it down to the front of the hangars without running into any resistance. "Eris should be here any…" Robin was interrupted by the sounds of chaos as they saw a large APC come barreling through a stack of crates with Eris leaning out the driver side window screaming obscenities and swinging one of her Crazy Apples by the chain at anyone foolish enough not to run for cover. The rest of the team actually had to jump back to avoid being hit by the truck as Eris came swerving up to them kicking open the passenger side door.

"Hey there good look'n, need a ride?" She joked down at Robin as the rest of the team picked themselves up.

"Good timing Eris!" Robin grinned. "Peizhi, you and the professor hop in the cab, me and Dae will try to give us cover from the back." He order as he grabbed Dae and ran around the back to the personnel carrier.

"Alright, hold on to something guys, this isn't going to be a pleasant ride!" Eris cried. Once everyone was inside as she slammed her foot down on the gas. Eris hadn't been kidding about the ride as she wildly dodged and swerved to avoid groups of troops who fired on them. Robin and Dae did their best to keep the White Fang off their backs while holding on for dear life.

"I hate to complain, but do you think you could drive in a straight line!" Dae yelled towards the cab while firing a grenade at an incoming jeep causing it to swerve out of control into the side of a nearby building.

"You wanna come up here and try to do better!?" Eris yelled back flinching as she watched bullets bounce off the reinforced windshield.

"I think I can see the entrance! We're gonna make it!" Peizhi cheered from the front seat.

A look of horror played across Dae's face. "Please tell me she didn't just…" Before he could finish his sentence a hulking mechanical form crashed down in the middle of their path forcing Eris to bring the APC to a screeching halt.

"What the hell is that!?" Eris yelled as the dust began to clear revealing a large multi-legged robot with four large cannons. Its armored shell began to glow red as it brought the cannons around to bear on them.

"Everyone get out now!" Professor Arch screamed shoving both Peizhi and Eris out of the front cab. The droid opened fire just as everyone managed to jump free of the vehicle, the blast tore through the armored truck engulfing it in a fiery explosion that the rocked the team off their collective feet.

"Everyone okay!?" Robin shouted as he forced himself back to his feet.

"Define okay." Dae grumbled before turning towards the massive droid stalking towards them. "Oh no, not one of these things again."

"Again? You've seen one of those things before?" Eris growled in disbelief clutching her side as she moved to join the two.

"Yeah, and spoiler alert I had to drop part of a building on it and slap a charge right on its head to take it down. So unless you guys have any bright ideas I think we're good and boned." Dae said picking his grenade launcher off the ground and wondering if it would have even the slightest effect on the spider droid.

"Students stay back!" Professor Arch yelled as he and Peizhi ran to meet them. "I'll handle the droid, hold the line and see if you can't find us another escape vehicle!" The professor yelled as a pair of pistol manifest in his hands as he focused the whole of his Aura from healing his wounds to defense and charged the droid. "Over here you over engineered piece of scrap!"

"You heard the professor, stay tight and keep your head on a swivel!" Robin ordered as the team split up to face the waves of White Fang members charging their position.

Even as chaos erupted around them Team RDCP could only marvel as they caught glimpses of the professor in action. One would hardly believe he'd been subject to horrible torture mere hours before as he strafed around the machine firing at its hull. As the droid swiveled around its upper half in his direction he threw down his guns and summoned a long chain hurling it around one of the droids cannons. The Spider mech pulled him off the ground but he went with the force and soared into the air releasing the chain. As he spun through the air the professor manifested a katanna and dove down driving the blade deep into the droids shoulder. The robot bucked to dismount the professor but he was already flipping back leaving the sword lodged in the droid. Summoning his bow while still mid flip Professor Arch fired a short volley of arrows at the machine before even touching the ground forcing it to reel back from the force.

"Wow, so am I like the only one impressed by all that?" Dae called over to Peizhi who was in the process of dispatching three White Fang goons at once. That was when something caught Dae's attention out of the corner of his eye and almost made his heart stop. "RPG!" He screamed at Peizhi throwing down his grenade launcher and sprinting towards her. Time slowed down for the young inventor as he watched the soldier fire and the rocket propelled grenade hurtle towards his friend. His brain raced as he made it to Peizhi and threw her down behind him, this was insane and would probably get them both killed if he didn't pull it off just right, but he didn't have any better options. He threw up his hands and cupped them together focusing all his Aura on his Semblance just as the tip of the projectile hit his palms. The explosion forked off in two directions in twin pillars of fire and force leaving the two just barely untouched.

"Dae!" Robin cried firing on the soldier before he could load another grenade then rushing to his friends' side. "What did you just do!?" He asked as Dae huffed and puffed with exertion still shrouded in the faint greenish glow of his Aura.

"Redirected…the…blast." He panted before quickly reaching behind himself and drawing a grenade and chucking it at a pair of White Fang soldier charging at them a few meters away. "Never handled one that big before."

"Peizhi are you okay?" Robin asked helping the cat-girl back to her feat.

"Yeah, get back out there we'll be fine." Robin just nodded and ran back into the fray. "Thanks for the save, but Dae if you ever do something that crazy again I'll kill you." Peizhi chided stepping in front of Dae to take on the net wave of enemies.

"Don't worry, I hope I never have to do that again." Dae replied readying more of his grenades.

Over a few yards away Eris was tearing her way through an entire squad of guards. "C'mon, you guys want a piece of me!? Come and get it!" She laughed twirling her blades by their chains. "I could do this all –augh!" She cried dropping to the ground clutching her arm as blood trickled down from the freshly cut wound. Behind her a foot long blade stood embedded into the asphalt.

Sir Khan stalked forward with an outstretched hand, his sleeve pulled back to reveal a modified black and silver wrist mounted fletchette launcher. "I don't know what brought you here humans." He snarled as he raised his arms and flicked back his wrists three times shooting blades into the air only for them to come spinning back down for him to snatch out of the air by the tang of each blade. "But for what you've done here I will make sure none of you will leave this base alive!" He roared charging Eris with his metal claws. Just before the blow could connect a familiar blast erupted to their side as Robin came hurtling full speed at the General forcing him to break off his attack and leap back as the young man took up position between him and Eris.

"Don't you lay a hand on her!" Robin yelled pointing his guns at the intimidating foe.

"So, you want to be the first to die boy." Sir Khan snarled gripping his blades tightly as he began to circle his prey.

"I'm not afraid of you." Robin bit back following Sir Khan as he stalked them.

"Then you will die braver than most!" And like that the General lunged at them again. Robin threw back his guns and blasted himself forward meeting Sir Khan's charge with his own buying Eris enough time to get away. Once Robin was in striking distance Sir Khan slashed one of his bladed claws at him but the younger fighter had already brought his guns around firing another pair of blasts at the ground sending him flying backwards into the air firing a volley of shots back down on his opponent. Sir Khan deflected the shots with series of lightning quick swipes of his claws not taking his eyes off of Robin waiting until he landed before throwing out his arm and flicking his wrist back and firing a blade right at the young gunman's head. Robin narrowly avoided the shot rolling out of the way and focusing his Aura before firing off another pair of blasts hurling him forward with Semblance enhanced speed surprising the General and forcing him to go on the defensive. This only spurred Robin on as he swung one gun up to fire on Sir Khan and change his course with the other not even bothering to see if the shot landed before readying the next. Sir Khan could only hold his guard as the boy rocketed around him striking from hard to predict angles as his Aura weathered the rain of gunshots.

Across the field Eris charged the robot firing widely to get its attention. "Professor!" She cried.

"Miss Eristone what are you doing!?" Professor Arch chastised leaping back and firing more arrows in an attempt to keep the droid off balance.

"Listen you need to go help Robin!" Eris yelled dodging under a swipe from the machine's cannon arm. "I've got a seriously bad vibe about the guy he's fighting!"

"What!?" The professor turned to see Robin a ways off still blasting and hopping around Sir Khan. "No!" Professor Arch cried, but it was too late. Sir Khan had grown tired of enduring the young Huntsman attacks and threw back his head releasing a roar so powerful it shook the air with its force. Robin was caught off guard and knocked back skidding across the tarmac wincing from the deafening pain in his ears. When he looked up Sir Khan was already upon him sending a hard kick to his stomach knocking the boy off his feet and sending him flying backwards onto the ground. Robin was stunned by the blow unable to will himself up quickly enough before Sir Khan stamped his booted foot down on his chest drawing a scream from the boy.

"You fought well human." He growled raising one of his claws high preparing the final blow. "But you will not stand in the way of what we've built here today!"

"Khan!" The shout pierced through the din of battle drawing the attention of the two upward to see Professor Arch hurtling through the air towards them already in mid-swing of a partially materialized weapon drawn from his shoulder cape. As he completed the swing a wave of fire blasted forth forcing the General to leap back to avoid the brunt of the searing wave. Once he'd landed Robin looked up to see the professor wearing a look of unrivaled anger as he stared down Sir Khan now brandishing a glowing ruby and orange scythe with flames wreathing the long curved blade. "On my honor I will not let you lay another finger on these children!" The professor yelled jumping through the flames twirling the heavy blade like it was weightless as he closed on Sir Khan. The General growled as he narrowly dodged another wave of flame and fired a pair of blades at the enraged professor, but Arch batted the shots away with a sweep of his blade following up with a horizontal slash sending yet another blast of fire which caught Sir Khan in the shoulder igniting his uniform. The

"Whoa man you okay?" Dae asked rushing to his partner's aid while Robin could only stare in awe of the raging battle between Arch and Sir Khan. "Hello, anybody in there? We don't have time for this man!" Dae chided shaking Robin by the shoulders.

"R-right, sorry, lost my head there for a second." Robin apologized getting to his feet.

"Yeah well you almost lost it for realsies back there. And avoiding death by crazy tiger man is about the only the good news." Dae said. "Bad news is Peizhi ran off to help Eris taken on the Itsy Bitsy Death Droid so that means we have to deal with them." He said pointing back towards the base where a horde of easily fifty White Fang reinforcements were quickly closing in on their position. "So you had a plan B right?"

Just as Robin was going to answer a horrible avian cry pierced through the air. As the boys looked up they were greeted by the terrible sight of a flock of Griffons descending from the sky. Luckily for them though the Grimm swooped right over them heading instead right for the White Fang soldiers. Their windfall was short lived though as the White Fang began firing wildly upon the Griffons, Dae and Robin could already hear the sound of more Grimm trampling through the perimeter fences and overrunning the base.

"Seriously!?" Dae cried in disbelief as he began hurling grenades wildly at the incoming Grimm. "This can't be happening right now!"

"Actually." Robin called ducking under a swipe from a lunging Beowolf. "This was part of the plan." He explained while putting a well-placed shot through the back of its head.

"What?!" Dae screamed almost fumbling his next toss mid-throw.

"Yeah, I kinda didn't mention that part cause I thought you wouldn't go along with it." Robin admitted sheepishly as he gunned down a pair of charging Creepers.

"Oh, you think!?" Dae snapped falling back to Robin's position as he readied a few more grenades.

"I figured all the commotion would get their attention and we could use them to cover our escape." Robin explained firing off a few shots to cover Dae's retreat.

"Well mission freaking accomplished dude, we officially have all of their attention! So unless you also planned for a miracle you didn't tell me about I think we're pretty good and screwed." Dae cursed as he lobbed his grenades at a pack of Boarbatusks.

That was when a large shadow descended over them drawing their eyes to the sky. Hanging in the air above them was the unmistakable sight of a Bullhead with another fast approaching on the horizon. But what really caught their eyes weren't the planes themselves, rather it was the black streak that shot out of the first Bullhead's bay door with a loud explosive crack and flew through the sky towards where Eris and Peizhi were battling the Spider Droid.

"Here's Jackie!" The blur of black cackled as it flipped through the air and landed with both feet slamming down on the robots head before firing off another pair of blasts flipping back into the air.

Robin just turned to Dae while the rest of the battlefield was still temporarily reeling from the latest distraction. "Well it's not what I'd call a miracle, but…"

"Oh just shut up and let's try not to die." Dae griped fighting back a small grin as hope started to return to him.

Just then a deep bellowing roar drew the two's attention as an Ursa lumbered towards them with its claw pulled back ready to strike. That was as far as it got though before it was stopped by Sinclair landing between the Grimm and its prey. That brief pause in the beast's judgement was all the white-haired warrior needed as he dispatched Ursa with three swift slashes severing both arms and the neck. As the now dead Grimm fell Sinclair turned to Robin and Dae. "Sorry we're late." He said simply trying to give a reassuring smile.

"We're just glad you made it." Robin said letting his shoulders sag with relief.

Sinclair nodded and turned back towards the battle sinking into a readied stance. "Anything I should know about the situation?"

"Everyone and everything is trying to kill us." Dae retorted simply pulling a few grenades he'd pilfered from the munitions room out of his pockets and throwing them towards some charging White Fang soldiers.

"Fair enough, let's not let them do that." Sinclair said with a smirk before racing to meet a pack of Beowolves head on.

"Easy for him to say. He just got here." Dae joked.

Back on the other side of the field Eris couldn't believe her eyes as she watched her friend hop and twirl through the air hurling blasts at the bot while laughing and taunting it like this was some kind of game. "Jackie what the hell!?"

"Hey Eris." Jackie called waving while summersaulting through the air. "Don't look so worried. I'm just the distraction." She assured nimbly landing on one of the mech's cannon arms. Before Eris could even ask what she was talking about another madly laughing streak came plummeting through the sky, only this one mostly green. Perciva came crashing down imbedding Ballista into the droid's shoulder with enough force to stagger the hulking machine prompting Jackie to flip from her perch to safety.

"Ha! Ride'um cowgirl!" Perciva cheered as the droid jerked and bucked trying to dislodge her.

"Wow, I never thought I'd be so glad to see you two." Peizhi said to Jackie glad to finally have a chance to catch her breath.

"Yeah, yeah, don't read too much into it." Jackie dismissed turning to Eris. "No way, is that your old lucky bandana? I thought you got rid of it a long time ago."

"Nah, just retired it for a while." Eris said finally pulling the bandana down to her neck to give her friend a smile.

"Then what do you say we go raise some hell like the good old days to celebrate it coming out of retirement?" Jackie grinned pointing towards another fast approaching wave of Grimm.

Eris just smirked and began twirling one of her Apples by the chain. "Just try to keep up." And like that the two charged off with reckless abandon.

"Wow, well I guess I'll have to ask her about all that later then?" Peizhi mused only to be pulled from her thoughts by an irritatingly familiar voice.

"Heads up pussycat!" Djack cried from behind her prompting Peizhi to spin around in time to see Djack come flying in on Candlestick just in time to deliver a kick to the face of a White Fang Soldier readying to take a shot at the distracted girl.

"I thought I told you to stop with the cat names!" Peizhi snapped angrily as Djack hoped off his trusty broom and sent another swift kick right between the stunned soldier's eyes knocking him out.

"Sorry about that, heat of the moment." Djack coyly reassured before something caught his eye. He stepped over to the now unconscious soldier's discarded rifle and kicked it up into his hands and quickly looked it over. "Hey these aren't the guns we sold you guys, you've been double dealing on us?!" He growled.

"What!?" Peizhi yelled snapping Djack back to attention to see a very angry cat-girl stalking up to him. "You mean this is what your dad meant when he said you were doing business with the White Fang? Selling them guns!" Peizhi angrily questioned while jabbing Djack in the chest with an accusatory finger.

"H-hey now, in our defence we didn't know they were up to something like this." Djack tried to explain. "We just thought we were empowering a disenfranchised minority."

"You sold guns to terrorists!"

"Mistakes were made, but we won't be selling to these clowns anymore." Djack said looking serious now as he threw down the rifle and turned back towards the battle. "They went and broke two of the Scratch family's biggest rules, first you never double deal on us." Djack said making Peizhi roll her eyes as he switched Candlestick into combat mode. "But most of all nobody tries to kill a friend of the family and gets away with it!" He yelled before charging at a small squad of White Fang men.

"Oh sweet dust I don't need this right now." Peizhi sighed before reluctantly following after him to give the boy aid. "Maybe if I'm lucky they'll put one of us out of our misery."

While all this was going on the second Bullhead finally made it to the scene and its occupants quickly jumped down to the battle led by Sargent Rlee with both his Shotgun Hatchets at the ready. "Alright Team BRBL listen up! Dente and Reese I want you handling those White Fang, prioritize any with heavy artillery or anti-air weapons, I didn't come all this way on a rescue mission to be blown out of the sky!" He barked.

"Aye aye sir!" Blue-Jay chirped while Rideat snickered and gave a mocking salute before the two ran off towards the White Fang combatants.

"Good, De Lis you're on round up duty!" Rlee continued yelling at the trench coat wearing girl. "Help pull Team RDCP back here!"

"Roger that." Fleur said with a nod before hurrying out onto the field.

"Alright Green, your job is to hold this position and fight off the Grimm, we can't lose this ground!" Bojack just lit a cigarette with a look of stoic determination in his eyes.

"What about you sir?" He asked as he turned to face the latest incoming horde of Grimm.

"I'm gonna find Arch and make sure to he makes it back with us even if I have to drag him here by my damned teeth!" Rlee yelled before storming off to the one spot of the battlefield that all parties, even the Grimm, were doing their best to keep away from. The one currently strewn with blades and partially on fire.

At that moment Daedalus was beginning to worry. Actually he'd been worrying for most of the last day and a half, but right now his worries were less general and more focused on just how few grenades he actually had left to defend himself even with the surprising amount he'd stolen from the White Fang earlier. If his math was right he only had a small handful of actual grenades left inside Fulcrum as well as his flash and smoke grenades and less than six stolen grenades. This didn't bode well. "There's one them, open fire!" And now he was being shot at…again.

"Verde get down!" A distinctly feminine voice from behind him. Deciding to follow his instinct rather than question this strange voice Dae leapt at the ground and covered his head. As he hit the deck Dae could see Fleur De Lis of all people come up from behind him holding out her arms as a pair of mechanical arms from inside each of her coat's sleeves assembling two simplistic automatic pistols into her waiting hands. She opened fire on the few White Fang in the front causing the rest to scatter. Fleur just threw aside her now spent pistols and pulled one arm back while stretching the other forward prompting the mechanisms in her sleeves to each produce one half of a slim bare bones assault rifle. "Daedalus, cover the left side!" She ordered firing in short controlled bursts on the soldiers circling around to their right.

"Got it!" Dae said hopping back to his feet and hurling a pair of ice grenades at their attackers freezing them in place.

"You know," Fleur began pausing her assault on the White Fang to cave in the skull of a stray Creeper with the butt of her rifle. "When I wished you luck the other day I didn't expect you and your friends to get into this much trouble."

"Yeah, that's kind of our whole thing by now. Honestly I'm more surprised you actually remember who I am." Dae joked slipping one of his grenades into the now mostly useless bandolier of grenade launcher rounds and hurled it at a herd of Grimm, watching as it went off like an overcharged chain of firecrackers a moment later.

"Then do me a favor and try to stay alive so I don't regret remembering you." Fleur retorted grimacing as the stock of her gun fell to pieces from the impromptu melee. A little ways away a small group of White Fang were moving to assist what was left of the squad attacking them so Fleur threw down her rifle and pulled open her coat revealing an arsenal of disassembled or collapsible weapons and complex mechanisms, but what caught Dae and the approaching White Fang men's eyes were the three barreled tubes on each side of the lining. With a press of a discreetly hidden button a series of grenades erupted from the tubes raining down White Fang Soldier forcing them to disperse and run for cover. Dae just stood there awestruck for a second prompting Fleur to check on him. "Verde you okay?"

"I think I'm in love." Dae absentmindedly blurted out.

Fleur just rolled her eyes and sighed. "Great, another fanboy. Listen I'm going to need your help rounding up the rest of your team so we can make it back to the evac point."

"They should still have their comm links on, I can radio them that we're getting ready to pull out." Dae offered surprising the senior student.

"Really? Perfect! I'll cover you and signal my team, head back there now and make the call!" Fleur ordered flicking her wrist prompting the mechanical arms in her sleeve to produce a small sword-grip which with a press of a button sprang forth a blade and crossguard. With weapon in hand Fleur sprinted into battle giving Dae time to make his retreat.

"Ha, and Robin said I didn't have a chance with her." Dae grinned before quickly radioing the rest of his team as ordered. While running back he had to marvel at the sight of the rest of Team BRBL in action, not far off from the path he was taking Rideat and Blue-Jay were taking it to the White Fang like a two-man army. Even across the field Dae could hear the blotchy skinned hyena Faunus cackling and berating the soldiers. "You know it's guys like you who give us former White Fang activists a bad name!" He proclaimed as weaved through the crowd of soldiers slashing at them with the blade extended from inside his prosthetic arm and keeping others at bay with his shock baton. Blue-Jay on the other hand was the opposite of her partner, foregoing any kind of battle trained finesse for all out collateral damage as she cocked the lever on her very large and intimidating battle-axe prompting the large emerald colored Dust crystal in the blade to glow brightly as she swung summoning an enormous twister that sent any soldier not fast enough to get away flying. "I'm now really glad that they're on our side." Dae laughed nervously to himself.

Moments earlier….

Professor Arch was at the end of his rope. Had he actually thought before leaping into a battle with Sir Khan he would have come to the unavoidable conclusion that this was the height of folly. He was exhausted from torture, battle, and the high tax these things had placed on his Aura and truthfully the only thing that had given him an edge over the enraged Tiger Faunus had been his weapon's reach and elemental properties, both of which were beginning to diminish from over use, an unavoidable weakness in weapons crafted from Dust. Still he could not back down at this moment so he gritted his teeth and swung the scythe sending another wave of flame out at Sir Khan. But this time the General surprised him by, for the first time in the fight, leaping through the flames rather than dodging them. The professor did his best to react pulling the scythe around for a counter swing but Sir Khan was ready for it blocking the sweeping blade with one claw as the other came swiftly down slashing through the weapon's shaft causing it to lose all cohesion and shatter like glass. Arch was sent reeling from the sudden loss of his weapon and Sir Khan capitalized on this bringing down another powerful slash before the professor could summon up a new weapon. The blow raked across his chest and with it went the last of Professor Arch's Aura as he collapsed to the ground. "You did well to last this long Arch." Khan huffed tiredly, his once proud uniform now covered burns, scorch marks, and slashes. "But this is where it ends." He pulled back his one of his claws ready to deliver the killing blow when a loud inarticulate battle cry drew both their attention as Sargent Rlee came jumping through the still roaring flames around them swing down one of his hatchets. Sir Khan back pedaled and threw up both hands catching the blade of the hatchet at the last second between his claws. "Who in the blazes are you!?" He roared angrily for the interruption.

Not to be out done Rlee matched Khan's gaze with one with almost dwarfing intensity and bellowed. "Son I am every soldier's worst nightmare! A pissed off drill Sargent looking for an ass to kick!" As he yelled he pulled his weapon free spinning around for a slash with his other hatchet which Sir Khan narrowly dodged while Rlee continued his spin and switched his first hatchet into shotgun mode and fired a blast at one of the General's claws surprising him when the shot incased his hand in ice to the wrist.

"Ice?" Arch marveled having still not seen the Sargent ever battle in person.

"Arch I was born and raised in Atlas where the only thing there tougher than the soldiers is the cold!" Rlee shouted back charging the still stunned Sir Khan. Rlee was like a violent storm as he slashed and blasted in sporadic intervals keeping the Faunus General perpetually off balance as he tried to continue the fight one handed and avoid any more freezing blasts from the shotguns. Still Sir Khan's fury fueled him at this point so he would not let this human beat him. Steeling himself he leapt back and fired several shots from his unencumbered fletchette launcher at the Sargent forcing him to pause his attacks to avoid the flying blades. Sir Khan seized this opportunity and rushed Rlee sending a clawed slash straight for his throat. Before the strike could connect Rlee threw up one of his hatchets stopping the strike short. He grinned at the anger overflowing from Sir Khan's eyes as he tried to power through with the attack, but Rlee swiftly brought up his other weapon already in shotgun form and fired of another shot freezing the hand solid. The General stumbled back roaring in pain and frustration as Rlee switched both his weapons back into their melee forms for one final strike. Taking a running start Rlee leapt into the air letting his body spin before bring down his hatchets one after the other in powerful arcs across Sir Khans chest knocking him back and off his feet shredding what remained of his once proud uniform. "Ha! And don't let me ever catch you messing with our kids again or so help me I will bust your ass down so low past basic soldier you'll need a telescope to see rock bottom!" He taunted before turning to where Professor Arch had been sitting watching the battle. "Arch, can you still walk?"

"Yes, I think I can still manage that much." Arch groaned with exertion as he pushed himself back up to his feet despite painful ache from just about every muscle in his body.

"Good, cause we still need to make sure these kids get back home safe!" Rlee barked as the two started making their way to the evac point.

"No, stop!" Sir Khan ordered as he began struggling back up. "Don't you dare run! Come back and face me cowards!" He screamed as he forced himself back to his knees. As he readied himself to give chase a series of screams caught his ear. Looking back some ways away he saw an Alpha Deathstalker laying waste to his men. With a growl of resignation he slammed his hands down on the pavement shattering off the ice and then rushed the monstrous Grimm. When the Deathstalker saw the General on his approach it abandon the soldiers and gave a chittering screech as it brought its tail down to impale the charging Faunus. Sir Khan countered letting loose a semblance enhanced roar of his own which stunned the beast long enough for him to fire one of his blades at the Deathstalker's face, watching the blade embed itself in the Grimm's hard bone like mask before leaping at it and slamming his boot down hard on the blade's tang driving the blade into the creature's brain. "Everyone fall back and retreat!" He boomed over the sounds of battle to his remaining troops. "Secure the wounded and save what you can! We're pulling out!" He snarled moving to aid his soldiers as they began their own evacuation.

Back on the other side of the battle Arch and Rlee were just about back to the extraction point where Bojack was holding off the onslaught of Grimm single handed. Strewn at his feet were numerous discarded cigarette butts smoking like spent shell casings. He quickly lit a new one and blew a fresh plume of smoke which took shape in the air as bow. With another breath he produced a slew of arrows as he drew back the string before letting them fly where they found their marks in a pack of advancing Beowolves. "Ah, I see your control of ambient Dust is still as impressive as ever Mr. Green." Professor Arch complimented moving alongside the boy. "But you must always remember, that when using Dust in such a way," The professor paused materializing a bow of his own and aiming towards the sky where an Alpha Griffon was fast approaching the hovering Bullheads. "Quality always trumps quantity." He said forming an arrow and firing it with a loud crackling pop of electricity as it tore through the air and blasted a hole through the Griffon's wing sending it spinning out of the air and off into the forest to crash.

Bojack just grimaced at the Professor Arch's admonishment throwing down his cigarette and pulling a cigar from inside his vest and biting off the tip and spitting it to the ground. He lit it with practiced speed and breathed in the thick smoke with and impressively long drag. When he finally let loose with the smoke it formed a large four chamber rocket launcher. He grinned as he watched both teacher's eye grow wide with shock before firing on the remaining Grimm blowing most away or forcing them to scatter back towards the forest.

"Well," Professor Arch laughed nervously. "I guess there's something to be said about creativity as well."

"Professor you're okay!" Robin called with relief as he and the rest of the students began converging on the rendezvous point.

"Yes, yes Mr. Cappson, thanks to the Sargent." Professor Arch assured looking over all the student and happily finding that they were all in one piece.

"Alright, is this everyone?" Rlee asked doing a mental head count.

"Not everybody!" Perciva called from a ways away drawing everyone's attention. "Could use a hand if you're all not too busy standing around!" She huffed angrily.

The group turned towards where Perciva had been battling the droid and both seemed to be on their last leg. Despite the toll of fatigue it seemed Perciva had given the mech a fierce fight putting several impressive dents and holes in its thick armor and removing at least one cannon on each side. "Alright kids, that hunk of scrap is the only thing standing between us and our ride home! All ranged fighters form up with Gawaine, the rest of you keep this landing zone secure!" Rlee order signaling for the Bullheads to make their descent as Professor Arch led the rest of the students to aid Perciva. The students took positions around the battered sentry mech and opened fire with wild abandon as it staggered and sputtered trying to figure out where to attack or how to defend before finally the inevitable toll of the barrage ran its course and with a pitched synthetic cry the Spider droid collapse forward and burst into flames prompting a cheer from the students. "This ain't no time to be celebrating, get your ass on board now! Double time people, move, move, move!" Rlee barked hanging out the bay door of one of the Bullheads which were now hovering mere feet off the ground waiting for pick up. The student heeded the Sargent's orders and rushed to the waiting transports hurrying inside just as another wave of Grimm began descending on the chaos engulfed base. "Alright that's everyone, pilots get us out of here!" Rlee yelled prompting the Bullheads to take to the skies.

Once they were in the air everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Robin slowly made his way over to one of the rows of seats inside and collapsed into the first vacant one he saw. He lazily scanned over the rest of the passengers and realized most of the teams had been separated in the ensuing retreat. Right now it was just him and Eris sharing the Bullhead with Djack, Jackie, Blue-Jay, Bojack, and Sargent Rlee. While somewhere in the back of his mind he knew his teammates were okay, he still felt the unshakable need to check for himself as he tapped the receiver in his ear. "Hey Dae?" He radioed to his partner over their comms. "You all okay over there?"

"More or less man. Professor Arch is pretty beat up, but Fleur and Rideat are doing their best to patch him up til we get to Beacon." Dae reassured sounding just as drained as Robin at the moment.

"That's good, now I think I'm just going to pass out over here for about a week." Robin joked tiredly.

"I hear that man, looks like Peizhi already konked out for her own little catnap and I think I'm gonna join her. We'll see you when we land." Dae said before closing the channel.

Robin now finally left to his own thought let out a deep beleaguered sigh. This had been easily the hardest day of his life, but he made it through and managed to keep his team safe. It felt the heaviest weight in the world had just been lifted from his shoulders. He was pulled from his reverie by Bojack as the senior student plopped down in the seat beside him with a freshly lit cigarette already perched between his lips. "Here." He said producing another smoke and holding it out to Robin. "It looks like you could use one of these right about now."

"Hey now!" Eris interjected marching up to the pair. "Just what kind of nasty habits are you trying to get my Bunny to start?" She demanded snatching up the cigarette and placing it between her lips before lighting it with a battered zippo from one of her pockets. "He's too innocent for this stuff." She smiled down at him as Djack and Jackie made their way over to the group.

"Ah c'mon Eris." Djack cajoled as he sat down on the other side of Robin and produced his own cigarettes from his satchel. "Let your boy live a little." He said offering Robin a new cigarette.

"Scratch is right, for once." Rlee cut in walking up to the small group of students with a fat stubby cigar clenched in his teeth. "Cappson managed to take charge and lead you kids on a successful rescue operation. Far as I'm concerned the boys earned it." He said between puffs.

Robin felt a little uneasy under all this attention. When Bojack had offered him the first cigarette he'd planned to just politely turn it down, but now with everyone surrounding him with expectant stares he felt obligated to partake. "Well, just one couldn't hurt I guess." He said taking the cigarette from Djack and lighting it with Eris' lighter. He breathed in the warm smoke, and then immediately began coughing violently much to the amusement of everyone in the cabin. "Why do people even do this?" He gasped.

Later that night in Vale….

"Report." Sir Khan gruffly ordered Aubrey as he paced back and forth through the office of the abandoned warehouse the White Fang had secured for their safe-house. He'd done a poor job concealing his rage as he waited for his subordinates to assess the damages to their forces and he refused to wait even a second more.

"We-well, um, it seems that we lost a t-t-third of our vehicles and over a fi-fifth of our forces are either wounded or currently missing in action." Aubrey stuttered feeling incredibly frightened to be the one to deliver the news to Sir Khan.

"Damnit!" Sir Khan roared slamming his fist through an old dusty table. The room was silent for a few moments as Sir Khan tried to calmly collect himself and Aubrey was much too terrified to speak. "Alert my Lieutenants, I want them here within the hour." He began to order. "Now I must prepare to inform our leader that the base is lost, inform the men I am not to be disturbed under any circumstances. Is that clear?"

"Ye-ye-yes sir!" Aubrey saluted and quickly began heading for the door.

"Wait, cancel that." Sir Khan said, his voice taking on a darkly calm tone. "Tell me Aubrey, was the Captain who first encountered those students among the men who made it to this safe house?"

"Oh, um, I think so sir." Aubrey answered feeling now even more uneasy than she ever thought possible.

"Good, have him report to me as soon as possible for some…disciplinary actions." Sir Khan said smiling wickedly as he flexed his claws. He had a feeling their meeting would prove, if anything, to be very therapeutic.

And wow, what ride huh guys? This whole chapter has existed as an idea in some form or another since I came up with the first idea for this story near the end of Volume 1. It went through so many changes and evolutions as we found out more about the world of RWBY it's hard to believe it was originally going to be something more like the fight with Roman at the docks if you can believe that.

Also I wanna thank some of the awesome people to submit OC's to the story. With Potentialauthor18 being the one to create our beloved Professor Arch and The Baz who submitted Rideat Dente who helped round out Team BRBL, expect to see them and more characters when we come back and start down the long and crazy road of the VYTAL TOURNAMENT ARC!

Stay tuned for more Coco and Honey coming soon and be sure to review and vote in the poll.

Also don't forget if you haven't already OC submissions are still open.

Til next time