Energon vampire

Chapter 2

Smokescreen's world was black, and he felt like he was floating in an empty void. Then he started feeling more aware, realizing he was laying on a soft flat surface. He opened his optics slightly, still feeling weak. As his optics focused, he found himself in a run down room. Broken furniture and objects layed scattered about. He looked to his right and found he was hooked up to an energon IV, with a field energon drip hanging next to him. He let out a sighed moan as temporary dizziness hit him, optics rolling back as he closed them. Primus, what happened to me?

Then the sound of peds caught his audios. He opened his optics hazily and saw a familiar bot walk in.


The young femme sat down next to him, checking his IV, unaware that he was awake, that is.. until he tried moving. He let out a weak grunt as he tried sitting up but failed and collapsed back onto the bed/berth.

"OH! Your awake! Take it easy, you don't want to do that yet!" she helped him lay back down. Smokescreen looked up at her with half lidded optics "wh-what h-happened? ….uhhhgh.. why do I feel…. S-so weak?" he inquired hazily.

Shadowfire blushed sheepishly rubbing the back of her helm. "um… you.. I uh …. It's uh.. complicated." She stuttered. Smokescreen only looked at her in confusion. Whats complicated?

"d-did we get attacked? Why am I hooked to an IV?" smokescreen asked, feeling slightly stronger and able to speak better. Shadowfire didn't answer him right away, she was still having trouble figuring out how to tell him without him freaking out.

"n-no, we didn't get attacked… I.. I drank your energon. I'm sorry, I needed refueling." she blurted out.

Smokescreen's optics widened in surprise and shock. She what?!

"y-you what? How- I-I don't even remember-" he stammered trying to make sense of what she just told him. He didn't even recall anything like that happening.

"I kinda hypnotized you into relaxing so I could drink your energon without you struggling" she explained.

Smokescreen just looked at her in astonishment. None of this was making sense. Was she here so long that she had to resort to syphoning for any energon she could get? How did she survive for so long?

"shadowfire, I was going to give you some of my energon rations. You didn't need to take mine."

Shadowfire sighed, knowing that it was more complicated then that.

"smokescreen, I'm afraid that wouldn't have done any good. I can't drink energon like you can. it has to be refined through a cybertronian body first. You see I'm …I'm a vampbot…"

Smokescreen's veins went cold. He was fed on by a-a vampbot?!

He had heard and read legends about these creatures while serving in iacon. These creatures were said to be ruthless and bloodthirsty, a monster without remorse, killing cybertronians as they fed. They were also said to be extinct along with the predacons, but here in front of him, stood (sat) a living breathing vampbot!

Smokescreen began to panic as he tried to shuffle away from her, terrified that she intended to kill him. Shadowfire saw the sudden fear in his optics and moved to calm him down, reaching out to keep him from hurting himself.

"no please no! its ok, you don't need to be afraid. I won't hurt you!"

"won't hurt me?! You already took a few pints of my energon already, technically, that counts as hurting me."

She knew he was right, but if she had a choice, she wouldn't have. How could she reassure him that she is not an enemy?

"smokescreen, please listen, I don't have a choice in how I drink energon. This is what I am. But I'm not all bad… do you remember anything from when I fed on you?"

Smokescreen only shook his helm, watching her carefully, in case she tried to attack.

"then please, let me help you remember. Relax.." she said soothingly as her optics began to glow. Smokescreen gasped as he felt her hypnotic power take hold. Her optics bore into his, forcing him to keep optic contact. He then realized he couldn't move, he was frozen in place by her stare. Internally He began to panic, his face remaining frozen in the moment he was caught in her spell. And not being able to move only added to his panic. She then drew closer, still holding his gaze. Slag! He fell for it! He let her trick him into letting his guard down. And now she was going to kill him right there.

When she was right in front of him, she cupped his cheek plate gently, trying to calm him down. "shhhhh its ok… relax…" she whispered seductively as she drew closer, Her face mere inches from his.

Oh primus! She's gonna bite me!

Then something he didn't expect happened. She pulled his lips in and kissed him tenderly. His optic widened as he gave a muffled gasp of surprise, then he started to feel oddly relaxed and tired. the odd sensation flowed through his body and mind, his mind growing hazy… his optics glazed over and rolled back closed, unable to fight the hypnotic influence.

She gave off a hypnotic wave of energy from her spark, making him submissive and relaxed. Once he was relaxed, she ran her servo down his chest, rubbing soothingly and seductively. the servo on his cheek plate slid around to hold the back of his helm as she kissed him deeper, her tongue pressing against his lips, requesting entrance. He opened without resistance, letting her tongue taste every inch of his mouth.

Smokescreen moaned into the kiss, enjoying the bliss it gave him. Why did this feel so familiar? Why did he like it so much?

Sudden flashs of memories went through his mind as he started to remember. It was all hazy but he could remember something… feelings… what he was feeling…

He remembered feeling relaxed and tired, but also feeling warm… and pleasure?

Then other sensations ran through his memory, pain... pleasurable pain… and a strange feeling of being drained, but oddly feeling… good.

It then occurred to him that what he was remembering was the feelings he experienced while being feed on. he… he enjoyed it!

His optics shot open in realization. He enjoyed being feed on?!

Shadowfire pulled from the kiss, looking at him.

"do you remember now?"

Smokescreen came out of his shock and looked back at shadowfire.

"I... I don't understand… why did... why did I like it?" he asked in confusion.

She blushed slightly and said "we vampbots… have a special pheromone in our fangs that decreases pain and gives off a stimulating sensation throughout the body. It makes the … victim… relaxed and calm while we feed."

Smokescreen's optic widened as he listened to her explanation. She made me enjoy it?

He couldn't believe it, a monster he has heard so many terrifying stories about, creatures said to rip your throat out and drain your energon without mercy, actually had concern about how their victims reacted while feeding?

She looked at him, seeing his surprise. "I don't know what stories your kind has told about us but we're not the vicious monsters you thought we were. sure in the beginning , we used to be coldblooded killers, but as time went by, we evolved along with the rest of cybertron. After the predacons died out, our food supply became scarce, and we had to preserve what little we had. And we learned that we didn't have to kill our victims when we feed. So through that we survived the cataclysm that wiped out the predacons." She continued explaining. "but because of the cataclysm, we had to take shelter deep under the surface of cybertron. We had been hiding down there ever since. But as the vorns rolled by, changes in cybertron began to occur and forced allot of us to resurface, but the world above became too dangerous and many were killed foraging for food. Many that stayed underground died out from energon starvation. I survived because my sire had come up with a way to preserve us, by building a stasis pod he had learned to build from his excavations up top. but he was only able to build one before the battles above started damaging our dwellings as well. he put me in the stasis pod just before a cave in destroyed the lab… "she paused, thinking about her last moments with her sire. " I had been in stasis for a long time, I don't know how long though. The pod was programed to reactivate only when the planet was able to sustain life again. I've been spending these past few Solar cycles finding my way to the surface and exploring the desolation. On my way up I discovered energon caves, which I didn't think could possibly exist here. Not that the energon would help me. But that's where I got the energon for your IV" gestures to the bag of energon dripping into the IV.

Smokescreen listened intensely as shadowfire told her story. Well that explains how she survived here all this time…

He was amazed at how wrong the stories were. these monsters weren't malicious at all, they were just trying to survive… just like how all of cybertron was trying to…

Smokescreen earlier fear vanished seeing that she was not going to hurt him. He then started to feel a little dizzy and held his helm, leaning back against the wall weakly. Shadowfire noticed this and helped smokescreen lay back down on the berth. All this excitement had mentally and physically took a toll on him, especially since he was already weak from energon and needed rest.

Shadowfire looked down at the resting bot and absentmindedly started to stroke his cheek plate. Smokescreen sighed, leaning into her touch, half hazy and tired, her touch felt relaxing, helping him to fall into recharge.

When she saw that he fell asleep, shadowfire blushed, thinking how handsome he looked. Without thinking, she leaned down and slowly kissed him on the lips. The reaction was instant, for smokescreen lightly moaned in his sleep, returning the kiss. Unaware of what was happening, but enjoying it all the same.

Shadowfire moaned, loving the taste of his kiss. It was like drinking energon but ten times better. If she could, she'd drink in his sweet affection forever. When she pulled away, she looked over him, watching his chest rise and fall as he recharged. She couldn't help thinking how peaceful he looked.

She sat back and continued to watch over him, making sure no harm came to him as he recharged.


Wow that took FOREVER! Sorry for the long wait. Things have been hectic and I haven't been able to get back to my stories. But I'll try to get to work on them and get them on here. Hope you liked this chapter. Later