So, there's this thing on tumblr I saw a while ago, and it was something where Cecil sent Carlos all these science pick up lines and Carlos, of course, got off on it.
So this is sorta based on it? Except not over phones and not really jacking off (although you can let your imagination roam afterwards).
Disc 8:
"Hey, Cecil," Carlos greeted his boyfriend with a kiss on the cheek.
"Good evening," Cecil smiled at the other, who had just returned from work. With a loud thud, Carlos dropped his briefcase onto the floor and crumpled onto the couch next to Cecil, tiredly running a hand through his chocolate brown locks.
"What're we doing tonight?" the scientist yawned. Fridays were date nights. They typically spent the whole day discussing what they would be doing over texts, but Cecil hadn't mentioned anything about it at all.
"Just watch TV, I guess," Cecil answered, crossing his legs underneath himself. "I'm being lazy today."
"That's fine with me," Carlos half-smiled, relieved. He was unusually tired today and wasn't particularly crazy about engaging in any unnecessary social interaction.
Time passed. The two made their normal conversation, along with complaints and praises for whatever they were watching. Positions shifted. Cecil ended up lying across the couch, his feet resting on the arm and his head in Carlos' lap.
"So," Cecil changed the subject. "You know how today was a slow news day?"
"Mhm," Carlos nodded. If you call the disappearance of twenty first-graders a "slow news day".
Cecil nodded back, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Yeah, so I was on the internet - "
"That's never a good thing."
"Shh. And I found some things I thought you'd like."
"Oh, really?" Carlos raised his eyebrows. "Enlighten me.
"Don't sound so sarcastic," Cecil grinned. "You'll enjoy yourself. Trust me." There was a flash of something in Cecil's violet eyes, and it intrigued the scientist.
"Shoot," Carlos demanded, more interested than he was before.
"Okay, so first," Cecil stared up at Carlos. "You know why men are so much more attractive than women?"
Carlos thought for a second. "Well, I hypothesize that it has something to do with an individual's DNA - "
"No, no, no!" Cecil shushed the other. "Let me do the talking, okay? Men are so much more attractive than women because you can't spell 'sexy' with 'xy'."
The scientist grinned and laughed. "Because chromosomes. Heh," he snorted, true to his inner geek. "Awe. You learned science jokes for me. How cute." Carlos squeezed Cecil's hand.
"Not jokes," Cecil corrected him. "Pick-up lines. Just wait. They get better."
Carlos felt a little flash go though him. This'll... this'll be good, he thought.
Cecil absently lifted Carlos' hand up and examined it. "You're hotter than a Bunsen burner set to full power."
"Thank you," Carlos grinned.
"Don't. Talk," Cecil warned, shooting a glare up at his boyfriend before going back to his empty-minded observing. "I'd be the photon to your electron and take you to an excited state."
Carlos went to respond, but Cecil stopped him with a finger pressed to his lips. All that came out of Carlos was a little squeak. The broadcaster sat up and crawled into the other's lap.
"What do you say we convert our potential energy," the radio personality wrapped his arms around the scientist's neck, "to kinetic energy?"
"Cecil..," Carlos' face was spread into a tortured-looking smile. "W-what are you doing?"
"Wishing I was an ion," Cecil pulled at the collar of Carlos' lab coat. "So I could form an exothermic bond with you."
Carlos swallowed. "Keep going."
"I must be a diamond now," Cecil loosened his own purple bow tie and tossed it behind him, unbuttoning the top few buttons of his shirt. "Because you just gave me a hardness of ten."
"Dios," Carlos exhaled. "Cecil..."
"Wanna do some math?" Cecil went on, shrugging off his shirt. "Add the bed, subtract the clothes, divide the legs, and let's multiply."
Carlos whimpered. This is way more attractive than it should be...
"You up for some DNA sampling later?" Cecil smirked at the other, pushing his lab coat off of his shoulders.
"I'm up for some now, but whatever," Carlos murmured, flushed.
"Well, let me just be a protein," Cecil pulled Carlos' shirt up over his head. "A DNA helicase, to be specific. So I could unzip your genes."
"God, Cecil," Carlos groaned. "Please keep talking."
"I would, but we have such great chemistry," Cecil answered, running his hand down Carlos' chest. "Why don't we do some biology?"
"If we don't, I'm gonna have to throw away these jeans," Carlos squeaked.
"Your reaction site's dying for a chemical reaction, huh? Let me be your enzyme."
"Cecil, I have never been more turned on in my life."
"I can tell," Cecil grinned. "Bedroom? Bring your stirring rod, I'll bring my beaker."
"You are so perfect."
And that, folks, is literally the second smuttiest thing I've ever written. And it wasn't even smut.
I liked this one. I enjoyed this.
Review and look for more! Love you guys!
Also, follow me on tumblr! Link's in the profile.