So a quick notice for those who are reading this or have read the story; this story is not an OP story involving an OC character and there is no bumblebee kind of thing. This story will actually have it's own story involving Skylar and his quest to regain his memories, so please enjoy the story for when i can update! I won't be able to update as frequently as i would like thanks to the service, but i will continue this story and have at least one more follow-up story/stories for you guys and gals! I hope you keep on reading! :)
Chapter 1
Where am I? I thought. My eyes were closed, but I felt a soft breeze and a few leaves that fell on me. I opened my eyes and I was lying against a tree on the outskirts of a clearing. The forest around me seemed pretty normal looking. I sat up and looked at myself seeing what I am wearing. I saw that I was wearing combat boots, jeans, a black shirt that has white rune symbol on it, and a chest rig (with pistols). Why do have these weapons? And why am I here? I pondered this for a minute before getting up, my hand instinctively grabbed two items; one was a satchel bag with some throwing knives, and bullets. The other item was a black katana like sword with a pistol styled hilt; I also noticed that it was a little bit shorter than a katana. I looked at the gear I had and I threw the satchel on and the sword on my back so it fit snug in a spot on the chest rig that seemed to be modified to fit the sword. After I had everything ready to go, I started heading off in a north-ish direction. The forest showed that it was full of life but I saw no animals anywhere. As if on cue, I heard a loud, thundering roar behind me. I turned around and I saw two huge bear-like creatures; they were black with white bone-ish looking plating on them, some of it looked like it was part of the bear's spine.
"Ursa," I uttered with a sudden hostility before I even could think. Wait, how do I know what these things are? I wondered. Next thing I knew was I had my sword in my hand ready to fight. The Ursa on the left charged suddenly and my instincts kicked in; I rolled to the left and then I charged the right Ursa from its side. I jumped up in the air and I slashed down on the Ursa's skull, the Ursa dropped dead almost instantly. The Ursa that charged had crashed into a tree and fell down from its momentum. I turned to face it as it was getting up, I walked over towards it. I sheathed my sword and I pulled out my pistols pointing down at the Ursa's skull. I unloaded the pistols and the Ursa's body twitched with each round being shot into its skull. I soon got out of the area and I started to climb into the trees so I could travel via treetop. How do I know how to fight like that? I questioned myself as I jumped from tree to tree. I eventually got to another clearing with a temple ruin in the center. I decided to hold off on exploring the ruins until I scoped out the area. After a few minutes, I heard a scream and I quickly climbed to the top of the tree so I had the time to see about twenty four people flying through the air; well except for one that looked like they were falling. All of the people landed from the looks of it safely, except for the one that was falling. Suddenly I saw a spear fly through the air towards the falling guy (by now I could see that it was a guy). The spear pierced his clothing and from the sound of it, he was pinned to a tree.
"Thank you!" I heard distantly from the guy. I then heard a female's voice which sounded as if she said sorry.
"What is going on?" I said out loud. First bear creature called Ursa and people flying through the air? I climbed back down onto a comfy tree branch. I looked back at the ruins more closely and I saw there were chess pieces in a half circle shaped formation on pedestals around the ruins' walls. "I bet they are here for those chess pieces, I guess I'll wait for some of them to come by before I give my position away," I planned. I got myself comfortable and waited. After an hour or so of waiting, about sixteen of the people showed up and grabbed a chess piece. I decided to wait a little longer before I went down to the ruins. After another hour or so, I noticed two girls that came from out of the forest. One had long, black hair with a black bow, while the other had long blonde hair.
"They seem friendly enough," I said. I hopped down quietly and I made my way towards them. I got about thirty feet away, when suddenly I stepped on a twig. The black haired girl stopped in front of the blonde girl.
"What's wrong Blake?" asked the blonde girl.
"There is something behind us Yang," said the girl named Blake. I froze on the spot; I was surprised she heard the twig being stepped on. I saw that Blake was slowly reaching for her sword on her back, while the girl Yang started to crouch into a fighting stance. This is going to be a thing, I thought. Suddenly, Yang turned and charged me with some kind of gauntlet. I backed up a little to parry her punch, but I noticed an opening around the wrist part. I realized it was a firearm of some kind and I rolled to her right just before the round went off.
"Watch it!" I yelled. Blake eyebrows rose up with interest.
"How did you sneak up so close to us without me knowing?" inquired Blake. I shrugged and walked up to Blake and Yang, holding out my hand.
"Nice to meet you, I'm….." I started. What is my name? I wondered.
"Yes?" asked Yang.
"I don't remember my name or anything about me at all," I said. I then explained everything that happened to me since I woke up. Blake and Yang took pity in me, Yang putting her hand on my shoulder in support and Blake just stared at me quizzically. I put a hand in my pocket and felt a piece of paper. I took out the piece of paper and unfolded it.
"What does it say?" asked Blake with curiosity.
"It says 'name is 'Skylar' that's weird, so my name is Skylar?"
"That's so cool!" said Yang. "It makes you seem all mysterious and stuff."
"Plus your ability to take down two Ursa without a single scratch and sneak up on me so quietly," added Blake. I shrugged nonchalantly and I saw Blake's eyebrows burrow. There was a sudden loud, roar coming from the forest nearby.
"Where is it coming from?" I asked getting serious. Yang looked at me with interest to see what I can do. Then as if on cue, an Ursa came barging into the clearing in front of the ruins. I got my pistols ready in an instant, but the Ursa then fell to the ground exposing a girl on its back.
"Awhhhh, its broken," said the girl looking at the Ursa with a childish, mischievous tone of voice. A guy came from behind the Ursa panting.
"Nora, never do that again," panted the guy. The girl Nora smiled and gave a little salute to the guy. Blake and Yang at this point went to the ruins and grabbed a white knight chess piece. I looked at them trying to figure out why they took a chess piece.
"It's our school's initiation; we were launched into the emerald forest which is this forest, the object of the mission was to come to this forest temple and grab a relic and bring it back safely. Our teams for the next four years were also decided on who we made eye contact first with, which happened to be Yang here." explained Blake while pointing on cue to Yang. Suddenly, Blake looked up and said "Uh, Yang" pointing up.
"What?" said Yang looking up. I looked up, and saw a girl falling out of the sky.
"WWWWWAAAHHHH!" yelled the girl. I was about to run under and try to catch her, but as I moved forward something else threw the air and took out the girl into a tree.
"Uh, Yang, wasn't that you're sister falling out of the sky?" asked Blake. Yang didn't look like the girl, but I really wasn't too concerned about that. I saw a giant scorpion chasing some redheaded girl.
"There's a Deathstalker chasing that redheaded girl that's coming this way!" I called out. Blake, Yang, Nora, and the other guy hurried to my side ready to fight.
"YANG!" yelled the little girl after she came out of the tree.
"Ruby!" yelled Yang happily. I looked up and saw a girl in a white outfit falling from a giant bird. Then some blonde guy jumped out of a tree to catch the girl. He was successful, but he realized he was now falling too from twenty feet up. As they fell, the guy fell to the ground first and the girl fell on top of him in a nonchalant manner.
"My hero," said the girl sarcastically.
"My back," gasped the guy.
"I told you we would be fine Weiss!" said the girl Ruby. The girl Weiss look pissed. The guy she fell on came up to me and introduced himself.
"Hi, I'm Jaune Arc nice to meet you," said the guy.
"Nice to meet you, my name is supposedly Skylar," I said. Jaune looked confused. I gave him the "later" look and turned to the other guy. He was next to Nora who seemed extremely excited. I turned my attention to the Deathstalker, I took a step forwards to take it out, but Ruby rushed ahead of me.
"I got this!" exclaimed Ruby confidently.
"Ruby, No!" called out Yang. Ruby pulled out her weapon, a scythe and her scythe launched a sniper round from the sound of it backwards in which launched her forwards at a high speed. Ruby swung at the Deathstalker, but the creature blocked her strike and sent her back a few yards.
"Don't worry, I still got this," called out Ruby sounding a little panicked. About that time, some giant looking bird circled around and launched giant, razor sharp feathers at Ruby as she ran away. Ruby maybe got about sixty yards before her cape got caught by the bird's feathers.
"Get out of there Ruby!" Yang screamed looking frantic. I knew she was stuck, so I took another step forward; and once again, someone else beat me to it.
"For the love of…" muttered the girl named Weiss. She shot forward with a cool looking rapier in her hand in a gliding manner. Her rapier then glowed near the revolver looking hilt and shot an ice wall at the Deathstalker's stinger that was about to hit Ruby. Wow I thought that was cool, literally. Weiss then scolded Ruby, but then changed her attitude after a minute or so. So when Ruby finally got free, Yang brought Ruby into a tight embrace relieved for her sister's safety.
"Uh, guys," said Jaune "That thing is circling back again," I looked up and saw the bird once again.
"It's a Nevermore," I said "They are a little tough for you guys, so you would have to work as a team to take it down." I thought over on what I said; it sounded as if I could take it down alone no problem, and I felt as if I could. Luckily, no one noticed that comment.
"Look, we have to get the relics back we don't have to fight," said Ruby.
"Run and live, an idea I can get behind," replied Jaune relieved.
"Then let's go before things get anymore out of hand," I said. So we headed south towards some cliffs with Ruby leading the way. Yang looked at Ruby with a look of awe with a bit of an untold joke that she had.
"What is it?" asked Blake.
"Nothing," said Yang. When we got to some ruins next to a cliff in which had a giant crevice between the cliff and the land we were on while the ruin was built above the crevice. We took cover behind a giant pillar.
"Well, this is a thing," I said casually. The other guy next to Jaune nodded. "So what is your name anyways?" I asked.
"My name is Lie Ren, you are?" He replied wondering who I was.
"The name is Skylar," I said. I then quickly explained to everyone who hasn't heard my story what I'm doing here. Everyone looked perplexed at my explanation, except for Nora.
"So you took down two Ursa without being touched?" exclaimed Nora looking intrigued. The redheaded girl looked at me like Blake did, like she was trying to figure out something.
"By the way, my name is Pyrrha Nikos; pleasure to meet you," said the redheaded girl. I shook her hand and smiled, she seemed like an honorable person.
"So now that we have our little meet and greet over with," interjected Weiss. "We can now get out of here right?" I looked around for any signs of enemies, I saw that the Nevermore flew in and perched on top of the ruin by out exit out of the forest.
"Well, this complicates things a bit," muttered Blake.
"Not as much as that," I said pointing at the two Deathstalkers that came out of the forest. Everyone jumped at the sight of the two giant scorpions racing towards us.
"We got to move now!" yelled Jaune. We all started running towards the cliffs where the Nevermore was perched in front of. As we ran across a bridge, Ren, Blake, and Pyrrha stopped and tried slowing down the Deathstalkers. The Nevermore flew in and collided into the bridge, making a large gap between everyone and the trio defending against the Deathstalkers.
"I'm going to turn the tables over there!" I yelled. I ran and jumped across the gap, barley making it and landing into a barrel roll strait towards the left Deathstalker that was about to hit Pyrrha from her left flank.
"Man we gotta get over there! They need help!" I heard Jaune saying. Then I heard a loud boom and Jaune's scream; then I heard Nora soaring across the gap towards the right Deathstalker with a giant war hammer. I turned my focus on the Deathstalker in front of me and I let my instincts take over. I slide under the Deathstalker's claws and delivered an upward kick under the Deathstalker's armor. The Deathstalker started going upwards headfirst, but then I pulled out my sword and stabbed it through the bottom of the Deathstalker's head and through the armor on top of its head. I then finally did a spinning kick and sent the now dead Deathstalker across the clearing between the cliffs and the forest. I stopped and looked on how well the others were doing. I saw that Blake somehow was now fighting the Nevermore with Ruby, Yang and Weiss; while Nora and Jaune took her place with Pyrrha and Ren. Ren shot at the stinger of the Deathstalker nearly shooting it off, but the Deathstalker swiped at Ren and sent him reeling to the side probably knocked out from the blow and hitting a stone pillar. "Pyrrha!" yelled Jaune pointing at the stinger.
"Done!" she replied and without hesitation, she threw her shield at the almost chopped of stinger and slice threw the weakened flesh of the tail connected to the stinger that was now barley through the armor of the Deathstalker.
"Nora, nail it!" ordered Jaune. Nora jumped on top of Pyrrha's shield that somehow returned to her like a boomerang, and fire some explosive round from her war hammer. As Nora went flying up, she turned around and shot herself at the Deathstalker at an incredible acceleration. Her war hammer slammed on top of the stinger, making it go right through the armor and the head of the Deathstalker. The impact was so great that, it caused a small crater in the ground under the Deathstalker's corpse. The group seemed extremely exhausted, except for Pyrrha who still seemed to have worked up a lot of energy.
I turned my attention towards the Nevermore; it was going strait towards Yang. Yang jumped at the bird's mouth and kept it open by pure strength one handed; she then started firing rounds into the Nevermore's mouth. Yang then jumped out and landed a back flip just in time to see the Nevermore crash into the cliff and landing on a patch of rock. Yang ran towards Blake and Ruby, while Weiss glided forward and launched an ice strike at the Nevermore's tail; making the bird stuck to the rock patch. Blake threw her weapon towards Yang with a ribbon attached to it. They ended up making a makeshift slingshot by the looks of it. Ruby then set herself up on the slingshot while Weiss held the slingshot still, fully back, with her circle glyph thing. She then launched Ruby towards the Nevermore.
"I see what they did here," I said to myself out loud in approval. Ruby used her scythe's gun which sounded like a sniper rifle, to propel her forward at a faster rate. As Ruby's scythe was around the Nevermore's neck, she landed vertically on the cliff; Weiss then used her glyphs to keep Ruby on the cliff and to go up from the way they appeared. Ruby then ran up the cliff with the Nevermore in her scythe, and firing rounds to keep going faster up the cliff. At the top she jumped up and used that force to decapitate the Nevermore, its head landing next to her on the cliff's edge while the body fell down the cliff and into the crevice.
"Wow," I heard Jaune say in awe. I turned around and saw Jaune, Ren, Nora, and Pyrrha looking up at Ruby with awe. I looked for Blake, Yang and Weiss who were looking up to Ruby also, except for their back were towards me so I couldn't see their faces.
"Well that was fun," I said half jokingly. So we all gathered at the top of the cliff and talked about our little adventure, piecing together what events happened when.
"Wait," said Pyrrha looking at me suspiciously. "So you're telling us that you took on that one Deathstalker single handedly and not a single scratch was on you?"
"Well, yea I mean that isn't bad right?"
"Or course not! It's just I never heard of anyone our age being capable fighting on the caliber, never mind other hunters and huntresses."
"What? What are hunters and huntresses?"
"You don't know what those are?"
"Don't you remember? I don't anything, except what I know now and my supposed name."
Right, sorry about that." Apologized Pyrrha. She was really sorry, so I shrugged saying its all good. After another few minutes, two strangers walked up. One had a coffee mug in his hand and the other had some kind of cape to her outfit.
"Who are you?" asked the woman.
"It's a courtesy to state your name first," I retorted wary of her riding crop, I had my hand reach to my lower back where I didn't have a weapon. I pulled my hand back wondering why my hand instantly reached for that spot.
"Fine, I'm Glynda Goodwitch, now who are you?" the woman said with more hostility.
"Whoa whoa, turn down the hostility," I said with my hands raised. "My name is Skylar, pleasure to make your acquaintance. I take it I should address you as a professor from what these people with me have told me on why they were in that forest." Goodwitch looked at me with a surprise.
"Well, yes…I'm a professor," she said a little taken back by my formality. The male with the coffee mug stepped forward right up to me observing me in a sense as if he was peering into my soul.
"Hhhmmm….." said the male. I looked at him closely, and I noticed his hair wasn't grey but silver; his eyes suggested that he had either brown or black hair sometime ago. I could smell the coffee in his hand; it smelt of a medium roast coffee brewed strongly with a couple of teaspoons of sugar. I guess I know coffee I thought.
"So, uh a medium roast coffee with two teaspoons of sugar huh?" I asked kind of uncomfortable with the male staring at me.
"Close, you forgot the splash of milk though," said the male. I had to smile at that, this guy seemed like an alright guy. "My name is Professor Ozpin, I'm the headmaster at Beacon Academy; do you want to join my school?"
"I never heard of your school before, but if it means fighting those creatures like those in the forest then sure, I can't see why not," I said. Ozpin looked at me for another moment and turned around.
"It's settled then, welcome to Beacon," said Ozpin as he walked away with Goodwitch giving me one last look of questioning before walking away with the headmaster. I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders suddenly and saw that Yang had wrapped her arm around me.
"Alright!" Yang cheered. "Way to go on getting accepted to Beacon!" I smiled and I saw everyone was smiling except for Weiss who looked at me with her eyebrows burrowed and her arms crossed.
"Uh, Weiss," I said curious why she looked so angry. "What's wrong with you?"
"It's just that you just so happened to be asleep in the Emerald Forest with no memories and somehow was able to take on two Ursa and a Deathstalker all by yourself," peered Weiss as she rattled off facts as if she was a detective of some sort. "AANND you had your gear on you with your 'name' on a piece of paper that was in your pocket,"
"Well, I really have no idea why I was in that forest and your observation of my story here is well thought up but it wasn't pieced together at all; what is your point then?" I said looking at her with a smirk, knowing she just had a weird feeling about me because she has never heard of this happening to anyone ever.
"Well I have my eye on you! So you better be careful what you do," she said trying to sound superior. I just smiled and gave a thumb up to her. So everyone walked back to the school together all happy with laughter and joking around. I noticed Pyrrha was always close to Jaune but kind of just being there was good enough for her; while Nora was all over Ren but it seemed as if they were childhood friends. Ruby and Yang were talking with Blake, or at least trying to. Blake wasn't one for conversation that much; she seemed more excited to read a book by the looks of her. She is cute, I thought. I shook off the thought though because there was no way she would be interested into a random guy like me. Weiss was off to the side of Blake staring at Yang and Ruby, obviously not wanting to talk to them, while giving me the occasional "evil eye" look over her shoulder. We finally make it to the school's front gate and I halt as soon as I cross the gate.
The campus and the buildings were beautiful; it was as if I stepped into a part of society that was rich. I regained my bearings and I saw that Blake gave me a slight smile in my direction, as if she knew why I stop. Well I wish I could sketch this scene, with everyone walking to the school across the beautiful campus, I thought. I somehow had the thought of drawing in my head. I guessed I could draw since I don't remember anything. I walked behind everyone as we entered a huge building, which I presumed was the auditorium for ceremonies and such. When we walked in, I did a double take; the whole room was crowded with other students and staff. I was confused why we were surrounded by all these people.
"What's going on?" I asked ready for a fight. Weiss looked at me like I was crazy; Yang laughed and pulled me closer to the group.
"No silly!" crackled Yang. "We are about to have our teams formed, Blake and I are a pair already and we will find out who the other pair is to be on our team."
"Oh, that's a relief!" I breathed, relaxing my body. I watched other groups of four walk up and have their team names formed.
"Cardin Winchester, Russel Thrush, Dove Bronzewing, and Sky Lark," I heard Ozpin say. "The four of you retrieved the black bishop pieces. You will work together as team CRDL, led by Cardin Winchester." I looked at the guy on the left, who was named Cardin and he looked like he had some raw strength, if nothing else. "Jaune Arc, Lie Ren, Pyrrha Nikos, and Nora Valkyrie The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces; and from this day forward you will work together as team JNPR, led by Jaune Arc."
"Huh?" I heard Jaune say with confusion. "Led by..."
"Congratulations young man," Ozpin said to him. Pyrrha gave a good job punch to the shoulder of Jaune; as expected, he fell to the ground. Pyrrha gave a lighthearted smile.
"Blake Belladonna, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, and Yang Xiao Long the four of you retrieved the white knight pieces, and this day forward you will work together as team RWBY, led by Ruby Rose." I gave a loud cheer from the crowd.
"I'm so proud of you!" yelled Yang giving Ruby a hug congratulating her.
"And finally, for the first time in our academy's history," said Ozpin. Everyone grew silent, team RWBY took their place in front of the crowd. I was to their left, closest to the stairs.
"Thanks to a special case, we have implemented a support role between teams RWBY and JNPR; this role is to be filled by a strong student who is to provide support in combat as a fighter or a medic if needed; now Skylar Auditore step forth. I looked around; no one made a move forward, so I guess that Auditore was me. Ozpin then looked at me and said "Skylar Auditore, please come forward." I nodded and walked up the stage; I heard shocked whispers and mutterings from a few of the crowd. I glanced over to everyone and saw that Yang gave a thumb up, Pyrrha and Blake gave a nod, Ruby was wide eyed like a child, and Weiss was looking furious. So when I walked up to Ozpin he gave a slight nod.
"You have shown your combat ability in the forest, collecting no relics and supporting teams RWBY and JNPR as they made their way to the cliffs. I hereby officially welcome you to Beacon; looks like things are shaping up to be an interesting year." announced Ozpin. The crowd was silent for a few seconds, then I heard everyone applause. I think I'm going to like it here, I thought with satisfaction.