s: because she knows that with every New Year there's a new beginning and this one might be the best yet.

a/n: excuse my tardiness, I was on a New Years trip. Decided I'd like to be part of this glorious month and thus this was created, I'll try to hit every prompt, crossed fingers for that one. Alright, enjoy.

1| New Years, New Beginnings

Hinata knows that with every new year there is new possibilities.

Gripping her small styrofoam cup a little tighter she swirls the brown liquid around watching it slosh one way and almost slip out of the cup. She sighs softly as she looks up to the night sky, the stars seemed brighter tonight and she can only assume it's all because of the "magic" that comes with this time of the year.

A small smile worms its way on to her lips as she continues to look at the twinkling stars that seem more like far away lights. She's not sure how she ended up alone, she had arrived her with Neji-nii but he had ended up running off to find his girlfriend. His only instructions were to stay put for a few minutes and that he would return shortly.

That had been almost two hours ago.


She feels her breathing stop and she knows that it's because of that voice, the voice that's always made control slip. She lowers her eyes to the cup in her glove-covered hands and tries her best to keep her voice intact.

"Naruto-kun," she finally speaks when he stops right next to her.

She's determined to stare right into her cup so she doesn't end up looking like a complete fool in front of him like always. She watches out of the corner of her eyes that he's got his own small cup nestled between two large hands, and despite the harsh cold he's grinning and looking every bit like the Naruto-kun she knows.

"I figured you'd be here," he tells her, "saw Neji wandering about and decided you wouldn't be too far off, seems I was right."

She nods her head but doesn't respond, mostly because around this boy her voice fails her completely and she turns into this stuttering, incoherent mess.

"Hm, I still think New Years is overrated," he sighs.

She turns her head and watches as he brings the small cup to his lips, eyes trained on the night sky, before he takes a smalls sip. When the cup comes back down he finally turns to look at her, a large smile makes its way to his lips once more.

She's always liked his smile, she muses, it's the most beautiful smile she's ever seen. To her his smile is his best feature, that beautiful, blinding smile that's only been able to turn her into complete mush. The same smile that she's grown fond of and often finds herself missing on those random sleepless nights.

"R-Really?" she asks softly.

"Yeah, I mean why does someone need the year to end to decide to become a better person or to make something happen?"

She finds herself giggling softly because that's something only he would say, "I g-guess so."

"The only good thing that comes of this day is the free food," he smirks.

She smiles.

"So Hinata-chan, have you made any resolutions or any wishes?" he asks looking at her with a small smile.

She nods her head once, "I-I h-have."

"Good luck then," he chuckles.

She mutters a quick "thank you" before looking up at the sky once more, he does the same shortly after and they stand together admiring the night sky. There's a small buzzing and she looks away to find Naruto bringing his cell out.

"Hmph, that's fine then," he grunts, "assholes."


"Sorry Hinata-chan," he chuckles, "teme and the other assholes ditched with their dates."

"Y-You d-don't h-have o-one?" she asks timidly.

She shakes his head before chuckling, "nah, most of the girls I know are problematic, besides I think I like your company most Hinata-chan."

She finds herself squeaking before looking away from him as quickly as she can. She silently curses in her head as she feels her face heat up, leave it to Naruto to say something like that.

"You okay, Hinata-chan?"

She nods her head frantically but keeps her eyes on the cup in her hands.

"Hey, have you gotten an oracle yet Hinata-chan?"

She looks at him and shakes her head, "N-Neji-nii s-said I s-should w-wait h-here for h-him."

He grins before taking her cup from her hands, she watches as he walks to the nearest bin to throw them away before taking her small hand in his and leading her away. She looks down at the joined hands and can't help the smile that's slipped on to her lips.

And he keeps their hands intertwined until they finally gotten their oracles. She watches him open his with a large grin on his face, his blue eyes skim over the paper before he chuckles.

"Seems I'll be having a good year, Hinata-chan," he chuckles, "I got a 'Middle-blessing' and 'a person being waiter for', dattebayo!"

She finds her eyes widening at his second fortune but before she's given the chance to properly freak out about the situation he's looking at her expectantly. She smiles before quickly reading over her now opened fortune.

"Well?" he asks impatiently.

"I-I g-got 'Great-blessing'," she smiles.

"And the second part?" he grins.

She chuckles nervously before reading over the fortune, "I-I got, 'one's wish or d-desire'. "

He looks pensive for a moment before nodding his head, "seems yours is right."

"Huh?" She blinks looking up from her fortune.

"Ichiraku should still be open, Hinata-chan," he tells her excitedly, "wanna go?"

"N-New Y-Years isn't h-here yet, N-Naruto-kun," she tells him softly.

He shrugs, "who cares, I mean you're here, that's all I need."

She grips the paper tighter and mentally curses once more when her cheeks begin to burn with that familiar heat.


In the end she allows him to take a hold of her hand and lead her to that famous little ramen stand he loves to go to. They sit as he orders miso ramen for two and when they get handed their bowls and the fireworks begin to explode in the night sky he turns to her with the biggest smile in the world.

"Happy New Years Hinata-chan," he grins.

She's about to reply with the same thing before she's pulled into a breath-stealing kiss. She's not sure where it's come from and she's not sure why Naruto has even dared to do something so bold and something that's only going to make her faint but nonetheless he kisses her and when his hands come to rest on her hips, hers come to rest around his neck.

All of her doubts go flying out the window and she finds that her oracle seems to have been right. She allows every drop of timidness that she posesses to slowly leave her body as she smiles into their kiss.

A New Year and a wonderful new beginning.

ES: Typical Shrine visit cause that makes for very kawaii shit. Adios.