The Heart Won't Lie
A Fan Fiction by Lizzie D
The gang are sophomores in high school. Same settings as on the real show except that I made Mr. Simmons a lot younger. Old people are no fun lol. So Simmons is in his early 30s here. Olga's boyfriend's name is Dave. You will find out more later! (*evil grin*)
Welcome to my new story!!! This one will be Arnold/Helga to change things up a bit from my last story: There's Always Something. Thank you to everyone who will read what I write because it really means a lot to me to know that I'm affecting someone's life even if it is affecting you in a miniscule manner. Just to know that you took the time out of your day to read, it makes me love writing even more.
Honk! Honk! Helga woke with a start as she heard the streets bustling with citizens rushing to work. A number of buses and cars were honking at each other over a red light. What the hell! Helga thought as she rolled out of bed; now a fifteen year old blonde. She certainly was not looking forward to another day in school. Maybe school wouldn't be so bad, if Miss Perfect wasn't my French teacher. Ugh. What a ditz. Helga made her way towards the front door. It seemed as if she was trying to avoid.
"Olga! Get the hell away from me!" Helga grunted and trudged out the door.
"Oh, Baby Sister! I don't like your cussing, but I could easily drive you to school!" Olga smiled as she optimistically looked at the insane traffic jam.
"We'll never make it, Olga! I'll be late!" Helga began to hasten away from her chirpy older sister; now in her mid twenties. Much to Helga's surprise, Olga wasn't married by 18 like she had predicted. Although Olga had been engaged three times by now, she had left her groom at the altar every time. "Something just didn't feel right" was her excuse. Lame, Helga thought and she pitied those poor guys who had fallen in love with her sister. Then again. Why should I feel bad for them??? I have to LIVE with her! Crimeny!
"Late? No problem! Since, I'm your French teacher, everything will be fine. You're never deemed late as long as I'm around!" Olga grabbed a reluctant Helga by the arm and got her in the car.
"Gee, Olga what would I do with out you?" Helga mumbled sarcastically in a Lila-like tone as Olga pulled out and got on the road. She managed to continue the conversation with Helga.
"Well, now that you mention it, Helga. I would be awful unhappy if you weren't my beautiful baby sister!" Olga cheered as she took her hands and eyes off the wheel to give Helga a hug.
"Damn it, Olga!" Helga grabbed the wheel and released herself from Olga's loveable grasp.
"Oopsies! We wouldn't want to get in an accident. That just wouldn't be good!" Olga replied blissfully and began to focus more on driving. How the hell did she get her license again? Helga thought.
Helga sighed and figured that as long as Olga was happy, she might as well go along with it. Her nightmare had finally come true. Her peppy ditz-of-a-sister had finally managed to become her teacher. Helga didn't even have to try in that class. Olga refused to give 'her baby sister' below an A.
Olga continued to babble about nonsense as Helga had the sudden urge to jump off a bridge. Olga was the most infuriating, one-dimensional person she has ever come across. Oh god... somebody PLEASE shoot me...
"So then, then--- then he said, oh it's too funny! I can't even say it with out laughing!!!" Olga then started a laughing fit and cried without end. She went on and on for five more minutes of nonsense and then finally gained composure. This must be what hell is like... Helga thought and actually directed her attention to Olga's dimwitted small talk.
"Okay... he said- he said... 'Do you want fries with that?" Olga went into hysterical laughter. That has to be the funniest thing like ever!!! She thought bubbly. Helga thought she would die herself if she had to listen to this any longer. Thankfully, they arrived at the school. Only five minutes until homeroom. They weren't late, but she wouldn't have known. Those few minutes in the car with Olga had seemed like hours. Ugh, good thing there wasn't a bridge around here. I would jump off it if I knew I had to listen to anymore pointless Olga gobbledygook. Helga ran away from Olga as soon as she parked the car.
Everything was a blur around Helga. It seemed like tunnel vision. Too early in the morning to move too much. She finally got to her locker. I hate these lockers! God damn it! I had to be stuck with a damn bottom locker! The piece of shit locks every damn time! UGH! Completely ignoring everyone around her, she accidentally slammed her head against the top locker which was left open.
"Helga! Helga!" the owner of the locker above her helped her up.
Rubbing her forehead, Helga looked back at her football headed counterpart, "So you're the moron who has the locker above me!!??!"
"Gee, I'm sorry Helga..." Arnold felt terrible, and couldn't help but notice an overweight Harold coming towards her. Arnold tried to motion to him that it was a bad time. No one should mess with Helga when she's in a bad mood! he thought as he also saw that the fat and grotesque boy ignored Arnold and approached Helga with his minions.
"Ha Ha! Oh look... it's HELGA PATAKI!!! YOU'RE SO STUPID AND UGLY. You have the big caterpillar eyebrow and the monkey face! Hahahaha!" Harold cackled at Helga.
"Shut up, fat-ass! I can't be surprised by your stupidity. I ditched the eyebrow and NO- I DO NOT look like a monkey. Of course you wouldn't know because all of your fatness takes up the space that once inhabited your small brain!" Helga smirked and grabbed her books and walked off towards homeroom.
"Uh..." he scratched his forehead, "what'd she just say?" Harold turned to his cronies: Stinky and Sid. Arnold shook his head as he watched the morons. Sid still wore the same white boots, although he had to buy a size up since he had grown. Stinky was still very tall and hasn't grown all that much since the 4th grade. Harold on the other hand. He's just fat! Arnold thought as he went to homeroom to see Helga.
"Hey!" Arnold caught up with her in homeroom. He didn't know why he actually wasted his energy to track her but he just had to talk to her. On the outside, what he was doing contradicted his whole beliefs. He told himself years ago to stay away from her. Something in his heart just clicked in those few minutes they shared that morning. Through the bickering, he saw something in her eyes that was actually real. On the inside, he just felt something. Something different.
"Yes, football head?" Helga looked up from her book. She was once again reminded of her secret devotion to Arnold as she took a quick glance at him. Before he could notice her affection for him, she quickly looked back at her writing. He's so sweet. Always caring for others before himself. My Arnold. He is so strong. Oh, Arnold, my love!
"Uh... Helga?" Arnold nervously, tried to talk to her. It seemed like she was in a trance or in her own world for a few seconds.
"Oh Arn..." she slapped herself and changed back to normal, "Yes, Arnoldo? Just talk already!" Helga grunted and looked back to her writing. No damn, these words don't rhyme. Hurrying, Helga managed to erase her error and slammed the book shut. She looked up at Arnold expecting him to say something. When he didn't articulate one clear word, she become frustrated. He was just standing there for five minutes trying to say something. "Just speak, god damn it, Arnold! I don't want to die waiting for you to talk!!!"
"Oh... I... uhh..." Arnold still couldn't talk. Why am I having so much trouble... wait. Why am I here anyway? Why did I chase Helga down the hallway just to talk to her? I must have wanted something or to at least talk. I have to cover this up so I don't look like such an ass! Think, Arnold! Think! "Uhh... I ummm... I think that Harold was way out of line back there, Helga. I would like to apologize for not standing up for you..." What a save! He was relieved with his cunning small talk. Helga seemed surprised.
"Thanks... Arn- I MEAN: I don't need your help, football head! I can take care of myself!" Helga shouted at the object of her warped affection. Ugh. My chance to actually be nice to the guy and I screw it up. Damn, I'm so dumb!! Helga, you suck! she told herself.
"Whatever you say, Helga..." Arnold sighed and walked to his seat. I wonder what the hell her problem is. Sure, she is just using this bully persona to hide her true feelings and insecurities; but how many insecurities can someone have? She's just being cruel! Arnold slouched in his seat and didn't pay much attention to the class. Mr. Simmons was going on and on about a poem that some student wrote. Why did that guy have to follow our class to high school??? What a weirdo... Arnold thought to himself as he began to doodle in his notebook.
"Entitled, 'Heartbreak'. It's signed: Anonymous..." Mr. Simmons grinned and quickly glanced at Helga as he began to read the poem. "Why don't you love me... you mean so much," Mr. Simmons continued reading. He seemed very enthusiastic yet he couldn't help but notice that Arnold wasn't even listening. Finally the period was over.
"Arnold! Arnold!" Mr. Simmons continued calling his name, "the bell rang 3 minutes ago..."
A dizzy Arnold broke his trance with his notebook scribble fest. "Oh, sorry Mr. Simmons..." Arnold gathered his books and began to start out of class. He looked faint and he didn't have much energy.
"Are you alright... It's not like you to act this way..." Mr. Simmons asked with a concerned look upon his face. Noticing that Arnold wasn't about to respond, Mr. Simmons broke the silence. "Well, I'll write you a pass to your next class..." After Mr. Simmons scribbled a pass for Arnold, he strolled to the Teacher's Lounge to relax and ponder the events of the last class.
"Why, hello Olga," Mr. Simmons smiled. A beautiful girl, he thought. Mr. Simmons still wasn't married. It was quite depressing. Thirty three years old and without a girlfriend. He had always loved love but no one seemed to come around.
"Oh, why hello Mr. Simmons," Olga looked up from the French text and chirped in her wispy voice. "Or shall I say, *'Bonjour Monsieur!'" Olga giggled and finally put down the French book in hopes of engaging in small talk with her baby sister's English teacher.
Olga and Mr. Simmons really hit it off. They seemed to be so much more similar than anyone they had previously met before.
"Yeah there was this one time. I did something really just too dumb. I went to this supermarket, and I went in the line..." Olga blushed recollecting her memories. "Instead of giving the cashier a twenty, I gave her a ten!!! I was so embarrassed when I found out she was right. I can't believe I did what I did." she giggled at Mr. Simmons who seemed to be reasonably amused with her chitchat.
"It's not that bad!" he suggested. She is so adorable, he thought.
"No! That's half the story! I was convinced that I gave her a twenty dollar bill! So I actually protested right there and forced her to show me. I looked really ridiculous!" she resumed with her chronicle of what took place. "It was so devastating."
"It wasn't that bad, I've done worse, myself!" he joked.
"I was so embarrassed though! Oh, Mr. Simmons, that was so mortifying!" she blushed at the sound of his name.
"Olga, call me Rob! That shouldn't be too hard," Mr. Simmons joked.
"That will take some getting used to, Mr. Sim-" Olga quickly remembered what he said, "I mean: ROB!" Olga reddened.
The couple went on giggling crazily for the rest of the period. The time just seemed to slip through their fingers. What had seemed like a five minute discussion was actually 45 minutes.
"I better get to my class... where are you going?" Olga smiled.
"I have a study hall to monitor. Oh joy!" Mr. Simmons smiled engagingly.
"Oh... it was nice talking to you. **Au revoir!" Olga walked out the door. What a sweet guy, she thought. I've connected more with Mr. Simmons- Rob in 45 minutes than ***Dave and I have clicked in our whole four years together! This could be the start of a beautiful relationship. Friendship. Yeah. A friendship. Olga smiled as she continued to her classroom; starry-eyed.
* "Bonjour Monsieur" means "Good day, sir" in French. Since Olga is a French teacher, I thought it'd be cute!
** "Au revoir" means "Goodbye" in French also. Same.
*** Dave is Olga's boyfriend for everyone who didn't bother reading the first A/Ns lol.
So that's the start to my new story! I hope you liked this so far. Olga's boyfriend, Dave, will be discussed in the next chapter. Don't jump to conclusions about this guy. We've just begun. (*more evil grinning*)
R/R because I love you. I am very loveable. (*goofy smile*). Maybe not cute, but loveable! Hahaha.