A lot more of this story is written than what's posted (mostly late middle and towards the end scenes), but it's out of order so it will take a bit before the next chapter is posted. I welcome input if there's something you'd like to see, might help the beginning flow.
This goes without saying, but I do not own My Sweet Prince or any of its characters. From time to time parts of the story will match the game, but the expansions on those scenes are my own.
I will also mention that I have only finished the main stories of Alvah, Chezem, Lambert, and Jun; the others have been done bit by bit so I write their personalities the way I imagine them, feel free to correct me if you see a glaring error.
Ivan hurries me along down the hall. "This will be taken care of quickly."
I'm starting to get very nervous. It was bad enough the police didn't believe me, but this situation seems to have risen far above the letter of the law, at least the law that I am familiar with. I have no idea what is about to happen. At the very least, it doesn't feel like anything good.
"Can you please tell me who we're going to see?"
Ivan shoots me a bitter look. He has clearly already judged me and found me guilty. "We are going to see the king."
The king?!
"Oh my..." I look down at my clothes. "I'm not dressed properly to see the king!"
Why I'm worried about my looks above everything else right now is beyond me. My nerves seem to have the better of me.
"Miss, if I may, that should be the least of your worries."
He's right, of course. I look at this man they call Ivan. He damn near scared the pants off me when he arrived at the police station and escorted me into that black Rolls Royce, I thought he was a pimp or worse. When he introduced himself as the palace butler, I felt only marginally better, but at least it explained the car and his appearance.
I've never met a butler before, but this is exactly how I imagined one. Sturdy, no nonsense, distinguished looking, he has it all. Even at the pace we're walking now, he holds his posture perfectly. The king must trust him dearly to put him in charge of a matter such as this. I look at the bracelet in my hand. It's clearly very expensive, but based on the way they are acting, it seems more important than that. Maybe it's a royal heirloom?
We reach a large, red double door. Ivan looks at me before opening it. "His Majesty is on the other side. He is in charge of your fate. Prepare, and don't lie."
I gulp, then nod solemnly. I have nothing to hide, I hope he believes me.
Ivan opens the door. Before I can take in the grandeur of the ballroom, I see the king. He's sitting on his throne, which is gold and red, and he looks as if he hasn't a care in the world. He looks at me with stern eyes. Slowly, we approach him. He's pretty handsome for an older gentleman, I'm guessing he's in his fifties, and he's donning a decent amount of jewelry. Maybe that's why this is so bad? He loves jewelry?
We stop in front of the stairs leading up to his throne. I feel like peeing my pants. He looks down at me. "I am King Tamir, and you must be the young lady that stole the succession bracelet."
I don't really know what to do, and Ivan is giving me no hints (not like he would). I do the only thing that makes sense: I bow, and in a split second, I decide to speak.
"Assalamu alekium, ya saheb as-samu."
The king's eyebrows shoot up, and Ivan looks surprised as well. I can't blame them, who would guess I had been studying Arabic phrasebooks for weeks? It only seems fitting to give him the standard Arabic greeting, it's the national language and I am a guest in this country. I think about all the words and phrases I shared with my friends, and laughing at the ones I thought I'd never need. I certainly never thought I'd have to use the words "your highness" seriously, I'm glad I joked with my friends with the phrase for so long.
King Tamir's expression softens and I see the hint of a smile on his lips. "Wa alekium assalam."
I stand up from my bow and can't help but smile. He returned the greeting! This is a good start.
He nods. "You can speak our tongue, I'm impressed. We don't get a lot of Americans around these parts, and the ones we do only speak English."
Okay, so far, so good.
His expression goes stern again. "Tell me why you have that bracelet. If I believe you, I shall be lenient."
I look at the bracelet. Here we go. "I am here on vacation your Majesty. I was returning to my hotel room after having a meal in the hotel's restaurant, and my room had been ransacked. At first glance, it looked like everything I owned was gone. I started to panic, and began going through the wreckage to see if I could find anything. As I flung things around and searched in every crevice, a sparkle from under the bed caught my eye. When I looked, I found this. I assumed it had been left behind by the previous guest, so I decided to go to the front desk. I figured I'd return the bracelet and report the theft in one shot. I thought about going to the police first, but my passport was taken, and at least the front desk knew who I was." I look up at the King. "When they called the police, I thought it was over my missing items, I had no idea they thought I was a thief! I tried to explain, but they weren't having it. Then, Ivan picked me up, and here I am."
The King contemplates this. "The bracelet was already in your room?"
"Yes sir, under the bed."
"And you have no belongings at all? If the hotel is contacted, they will confirm this?"
I nod sadly. "Yes sir. I don't know how I'm going to get home."
He rubs his chin and studies me. He looks over at Ivan. "The police said she tried to return it?"
"Yes your Majesty, but they didn't believe her."
Just like Ivan doesn't. I hope the king can see the truth.
I still feel like peeing my pants, and now that I've had time to rehash my situation, I feel like crying too. Of course, none of it matters if the king doesn't believe me, I'll apparently be killed on the spot (I really hope Ivan was kidding about that, but he doesn't seem like the type to kid).
The king looks back at me. "You have honest eyes. I choose to believe you."
I perk up instantly. Thank God! "Oh Shukran!"
He nods and smiles. "You're pretty. Tell me, how'd you like to be the 100th woman in my harem?"
I gasp. It's impolite and I know it, but I can't believe what he just said. Harem? 100 women? Me? ME?! I just got invited into a harem?!
I have no idea what to say. I had no idea the king had a harem, or that it was such a large one. I don't want to join, but I don't really know how to decline politely; he did just pardon me after all.
"Your Majesty!" Ivan says, almost in a scolding tone.
King Tamir chuckles. "Alright, perhaps that's a bit sudden. However, since you're here, I insist you stay. You have nowhere to go anyway, and you'll be safer here."
I gawk. I'm at a total loss for words. Stay here? In the palace? Me?!
The king nods at the bracelet. "There's a reason for this. That bracelet you're holding is no ordinary bracelet. You heard me call it the succession bracelet, that's because whomever holds it will pick the future king of this country, or be king themselves. That is why we were so worried when it went missing, in the wrong hands it can be quite dangerous."
I stare at it in awe. This decides the king? No wonder stealing it was punishable by death.
"I am getting older, as are my six sons. It's time for one of them to start running this country. In one month, one of them will be the owner of that bracelet, and I shall finally be able to relax."
Six sons? There are six princes around here somewhere?
He nods at the bracelet. "Every king this country has ever seen has worn that bracelet. You may be wondering why my oldest doesn't just assume the throne. My country learned long ago that birth order is no way to decide who is best suited to be king. This time around, since you are holding the bracelet, you shall decide who will become king."
My jaw drops. "Me, your Majesty?" How am I going to do that?
Ivan shakes his head. "I can understand you pardoning her sire, but I cannot understand this. She is not even from this country."
Me? Pick the king? Stay here a month? Live in the palace? Oh my god...
The king waves off Ivan's comment. "You're not from this country either Ivan, and look at what amazing service you give it. Besides, if a prince cannot win favor with a stranger from another country, he is not suited to be king." He nods at me. "You shall choose the king, and let me know if you change your mind about being in my harem."
"Oh, you should meet my sons while the servants ready a room for you. I'll make sure you have everything you need to be comfortable, I'll even have the closet furnished for you. What are you, a size 6?"
Oh he's good. Then again, with 99 women to please, he probably should be.
King Tamir claps his hands. "Ivan, summon my sons. I know they're all here right now. Have the others ready her room."
Ivan does not look pleased, but he bows anyway. "As you wish."
Next thing I know, six men enter the ballroom and line up on the first step in front of the king. They all bow, and after the king nods, they all turn and face me. I do my best not to gawk again. Oh my god, these princes are so hot! They seem to be standing in birth order, the oldest on the left and the youngest on the right. The oldest looks like he's in his late twenties, and the youngest must be a teenager. Every single one is studying my with a different expression: flirty, annoyed, happy, severe, indifferent, and excited. These expressions seem to give away parts of their personality right now, and I still cannot believe how hot they all are. These are my housemates for the next month? Sweet Georgia Brown, how lucky can one girl get?
The king speaks. "This is our guest, boys. She found the succession bracelet, and she shall decide who will be king. She'll be with us for a month, and she will work hard to get to know you all during that time. No matter her decision, I expect you all to accept it and respect it. Please introduce yourselves to her."
The oldest smiles and, with great flourish, walks up to me. "I'm Melchiorre. I have no interest in being king, but I have every interest in getting to know you." With that, he puts his arm around me, pulls me in close, and kisses me.
Only in my childhood dreams and wildest adult fantasies did I ever think I'd be kissing a prince, let alone a prince I've just met. I'm surprised by his boldness, and am too surprised to do anything beyond return the kiss (and resist the urge to run my hands through his sandy colored hair). Damn, he sure can kiss.
He leaves my lips and smiles, arm still around me. It takes a decent amount of restraint not to swoon. I touch my lips and look at the others. They're all wearing varying degrees of surprise. I don't really know what to say.
"Ummm...if you're all going to do that, I should probably put on some lip balm first."
The youngest two look embarrassed, then the third oldest busts out laughing, as does Melchiorre.
"You sure roll with the punches, I like that." He pats my back then motions at his brothers. "Well guys? Introduce yourselves!"
Oh my, that IS the standard greeting?!
As if he read my thoughts, the blonde prince who was next to Melchiorre shakes his head. "That's just his way of greeting, certainly not mine. I'm Prince Lambert, and I will be the next king."
Such confidence. I bow.
Melchiorre laughs and keeps his hand on my back. "Don't do that, he'll get used to it and become insufferable."
Lambert glares at Melchiorre, and the fiery haired prince next to Lambert walks forward. "Nice to meet you, just call me Alvah; I never much cared for the prince title."
I've only met three so far and already they're so different. I smile. "Nice to meet you too, Alvah."
He smiles, then the prince with long, braided maroon hair next to Alvah kind of glares at him. He looks much harsher than the others, and then he shoots me a firm glance. "I'm Prince Jun. Ignore Lambert, just because he is older than I am doesn't mean he'll make a better king than I."
Despite his appearance, I smile at him. "Nice to meet you Prince Jun."
He gives me a curt nod then looks me up and down. The next prince has long, lilac hair and looks a bit shy. He seems to be trying to figure out what to say. I smile to encourage him, but this only seems to make him shy away more. Maybe I need to speak first.
"Hello, it's nice to meet you!" I say enthusiastically. He nods.
"So that is the standard greeting in America then?" he responds.
Interesting comment. "Well, it's one of them. We don't have an equivalent of Assalamu alekium, but I wish we did, it's so much nicer than anything we say."
He seems to take an interest in this. "Really? Perhaps we can discuss this further later on, I'd like to learn more American English; we were taught the British form."
I clap my hands. "I'd love to! Perhaps you can teach me more Arabic in the process." I'm actually surprised they're speaking so much English, is it because I am or is that the main language in the palace?
He blushes. "I would be happy to teach you."
Well, looks like I already will have something to keep me busy...besides picking the next king of course.
Melchiorre laughs. "You two sure are hitting it off, too bad you don't know each other's names."
Oh my, I forgot to ask his name! He blushes again, then looks at the ground. "I'm Prince Chezem."
Once again, before I can respond, the next and final prince (who has short black hair) steps forward. Instead of stopping, he walks up to me like Melchiorre did and gives me a big hug. "Hi! I'm Prince Nagit."
I hug him back. "It's nice to meet you as well."
The king applauds. "Now that you've met my six sons, you may get settled into your room. Ivan will show you the way." He looks over at the princes, who have assumed their original positions. "Treat her well, boys. You are all dismissed."
Ivan, who had been standing beside the king, walks down the steps and stands next to me. "This way, Miss." He begins to walk towards the main door. I look at him then back at the princes. Alvah and Nagit wave, and Melchiorre winks. Oh girl, what have you gotten yourself into?