Author's Note:
This story happened before Percy and Annabeth started dating. Don't mind me! I am just giving you a warning so you won't be confused. Remember in the beginning of The Titan's Curse, Percy had said that Annabeth and Thalia had entered an all girl boarding school. I thought it is going to be a fun topic to write about, so ENJOY! :D
Disclaimer: I do not own the Percy Jackson series.
Author's Note:
This is my first chapter, enjoy!
Chapter 1: Pancakes
Lies. Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies. My life is full of lies. I'm mortal. LIES. I had a normal childhood. LIES. I have a boyfriend. LIES! As a child of Athena, I should be ashamed of using my wisdom for stupid lies like this. But then, it's not entirely my fault… It all happened one day when I was talking to my roommates in NYBSG (New York Boarding School for Girls)… Children, if your reading this, DON'T EVER, EVER LIE... I'm warning you...
"Thalia! WAKE UP!" I yelled.
"Just one more minute…" Thalia replied rolling over so her back is facing me.
"Thalia, in twenty minutes we need to get to class, and I want breakfast!"
"Go by yourself then."
"I heard they are serving pancakes today."
In five minutes, Thalia had shot up from bed, showered AND changed.
"What are you waiting for?! The pancakes will be gone!" Thalia screamed into my face.
I heard a groan from the other side of the room, Alayna Millers had just woken up.
"Shut up! Somebody needs five minute more of beauty sleep!" she hollered.
"And that somebody isn't you!" Thalia shot back, she walked over and easily ripped Alayna's blanket off her bed.
"Hey!" Alayna complained.
"Good morning to you too, Alayna," Thalia said ignoring her rude complaints, "Annabeth! Wake Christine up!"
"You know she won't listen to me," I said, which caused Thalia to sigh and start shaking Christine Rogers by her shoulders.
"UP!" Thalia screamed.
"Can't you wait a few more minutes?" Christine moaned.
Moaning and groaning Alayna and Christine slowly went into the bathroom we shared.
We are all wearing the boarding school uniform, which consists a white sleeved buttoned-up shirt, a dark blue vest, and a blue and red skirt (much to Thalia's horror). Some people, like Thalia, add things to the uniform to make it more unique. Thalia had a black hoodie jacket tied around her waist, a simple, thin silver necklace around her neck, Aegis wrapped around her arm, and a pair of black combat boots on her feet.
Thalia tapped her boot-cladded feet impatiently as she waited for the slowpokes to put on make-up. Thankfully I am already dressed, because she looked like she is ready to zap anybody that isn't going to let her have pancakes.
"HURRY UP!" Thalia screeched.
"If you are taking away my beauty sleep, you know I need more makeup to cover up the dark bags underneath my eyes!" Alayna said.
"Alayna, you don't have bags!" I said. Why did Thalia and me ended up pairing up with THEM for roommates anyway?
"Christine, do you think this is too much eyeliner?" Alayna asked. Even if I don't ever use makeup, I need to say Alayna looks fabulous. She is already pretty, with chocolate brown hair and bright blue eyes. Her name suits her perfectly (not that I will ever say that to her, her head does not need to get any bigger).
"I think you look beautiful!" Christine gushed. I rolled my eyes, Christine is Alayna's best friend, and sometimes she is such a stuck-up!
"Okay, Sleeping Beauties. Time for some breakfast," Thalia interrupted.
"Wait, not yet. I want some more cherry lip-gloss," Christine said, reaching across her dresser for her pink makeup bag.
But Thalia can stand no more, angrily she grabbed both girls by the arm and dragged them out the door, Christine and Alayna whining like little kids.
I chuckled to myself, I am so relief Thalia is backed. She was turned into a tree for seven years, and her tree had protected Camp Half-Blood. But on my last quest with Percy and Tyson (Percy's Cyclops brother) we turned her back to human with the Golden Fleece.
Now, Camp Half-Blood was safe from monsters once again. But this time, not from Thalia's life form, but the Golden Fleece. When she was back to human she did look older than 12 but if she was in there for seven years, it makes her around 19. But everyone knows she is NOT 19.
For starters, she looks too young to be that old. Chiron's guess was she was growing as a tree but much slower than normal kids.
Now, Thalia and I am attended NYBSG and she was in the same grade as me. She don't seem to mind being a 13 year old.
My thoughts was interrupted by Thalia's screaming.
I walked out our room and locked the door with my key. Being the most responsible of all my roommates it is always me with the keys. I rush down the hallway with girls from the other dorm rooms staring at me.
"Coming!" I called.
When I get to the bottom, Thalia was arguing with Alayna and Christine.
"You scratched my arm!" Alayna shrieked pointing to the teeny, tiny scratch on her pale arm. It wasn't even bleeding!
"It is YOU who is taking so much time!" Thalia argued.
"Christine! LOOK at this!" Alayna said turning to Christine showing her arm dramatically.
"Oh my gosh!" Christine exclaimed. Ugh, they are overreacting. Being the peacemaker I somehow was, I stepped in and said, "Let's just go and have some pancakes."
There are still plenty of pancakes when we got to the front of the lunch line. I took a stack of pancakes on the table. Thalia, unlike Alayna and Christine (who both had only took a bowl of salad), took the biggest stack, then added maple syrup on top along with whipped cream.
"You're going to get very fat," Christine pointed out to Thalia, flipping her wavy pale hair.
"I can do whatever I want with my body." Thalia replied glaring at her, one hand balancing the plate of pancakes and the other hand on her hips.
"Christine, don't talk to her!" Alayna said, staring angrily back at Thalia. "She doesn't deserve to be talked to." Thalia's eyes narrowed as she scowled at our roommates.
Being roommates mean we need to sit at the same table during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It was obvious we all hated that rule. At least our table is rectangular, which means Alayna and Christine can sit on one side and Thalia and me on the very end of the other side.
Alayna and Christine start talking about boys, pop stars and whatever their minds are thinking about. Thalia was stabbing her pancake with her fork and them splitting it into two four tall piles. She stuffed them into her mouth, not caring about how the other girls stare at her in disgust. Her hair bobbed up and down as she ate.
"Aren't you offended? You know, since maple syrup are made out of trees," I asked.
"Hmm? No, I am only offended to PINE trees. Maple trees are much different," Thalia answered. I decide not to argue with her since she had been a tree for such a long time. When she was human once again she ate a LOT. Probably because she hadn't ate for seven years.
"You seem hungry." I said, saying out loud.
"Hey, try not eating for SEVEN years! It's torture!" Thalia replied finishing up her pancakes and standing up from the table to get a cup of milk. Alayna and Christine stop talking for once and eyed Thalia, weirded out. I sighed and took out my book about architecture. As a half-blood, I have dyslexia and ADHD. So all the books I read are mostly Greek. But I didn't get as far in the book as I wanted.
DONG! DONG! DONG! The class bell is rang.
"Thalia! Let's go!" I yelled to her across the room. She gave me a wait-a-minute-motion because she was too BUSY making herself a cup of hot chocolate. I sighed and walk over to where she is standing, which is beside the lunch line.
"Annabeth wait a second…" Thalia said, I grabbed her arm and dragged her out the door saying, "You are NOT making me late for class!"
"Annabeth, it is JUST class!"
"AND I DON'T WANT TO BE TARDY!" Thalia started complaining about her hot chocolate and how good it was going to taste. This is going to be a LONG day.