"Today is the day..", she whispers to herself. She puts the final items into her old brown bag and drops it beside her. She slips on her large black hoodie over her gray t-shirt, which matches the color of her converse that were nearly fully covered by her large black pants. As she puts on her dark rimmed glasses, the world comes into focus. She throws the backpack over her shoulder as she walks out of her room, closing the door behind her.

"Susen Tobi! You are not leaving this house without running a comb through that mess of hair!", her mother scolded. Tobi winced at the use of 'mess' referring to her. She retreated to the bathroom nearby.

Her dark eyes met their reflection before continuing to examine. Her fluffy short hair was in a dark tangled mess. An odd noise emitted from her before grabbing the nearest comb and fixing the mess. she popped her head out to her mother with a questionable glance.

"Better?", she asked.

"Much. Now hurry or you'll be late for your first day!", she said handing Tobi her small lunchbox. She snatched it from her hand and gave her a nod before rushing out the door.

Today was her first day at Hope's Peak Academy. She was given a scholarship with the title: 'Super High School Level Writer'. She loves her writing but never thought it would do anything but bring her joy from her fans anonymously on the internet. Somehow, the head of Hope's Peak found her and offered her the chance at their academy. Anxious and excited feelings followed with her on her walk to the large school.

The image of the large tower came closer and closer, the more she walked. Tobi was fairly shy and anti-social, so she wasn't sure how she would fit into the school.

She pulled out the map of the school once her eyes met the entrance. She scanned it and the schedule she was given. She matched the room number from the two papers and made her way in. The school was quiet and seemingly empty. She glanced at her watch to make sure she wasn't late, or early. She was actually right on time. She pondered for a second then continued on her way to her class.

She murmured the name of the room to herself as she glanced at the various door signs she passed. Finally, one matched her schedule. She grabbed the handle, took a deep breath, and opened the door. Various eyes turned to her direction, a few said 'good morning' to the new stranger. She nodded at them in response, taking a desk near the back of the room.

Her eyes scanned the room, examining her new classmates. Most if not all of them were more colorful and elaborate than her. She was very monochromatic in her colors and choice in clothing. Others were in bright colors and accessories to help express themselves. She quietly pulled out her notebook and pen and began writing a rough draft of a new story.

Writing was not only a pastime, but also a calming activity for Tobi. She goes into a sort of trance as she writes, focusing on nothing but what she's writing about. It helps her in times of stress, sadness, and overall negative feelings. It helps her escape from the real world and replacing it with the fictional world, where anything can happen and there is always a happy ending.

'Will I get a happy ending?', she thought suddenly. She had never asked herself that. Her writing hand stopped. The thought had startled her so much that she froze. 'What if I don't?', her thoughts continued. She quickly shook her head and took a deep breath. She didn't like to wander on negative thoughts.

The bell rang to signal the beginning of class. All the students rushed to their desks, waiting for the teacher to arrive.

A slightly older lady walked at the front of the class, resting some papers on the desk.

"Good morning, class. My name is Mrs. Yukai. I will be your teacher. Today since it is the first day, we shall start with introductions. When I call your name, please come to the front and introduce yourself.", she said, lifting a paper closer to her face. "Togami Byakuya."

A large, round man rose from his desk and walked to the front with his arms crossed. He seemed displeased for some reason.

"I am Togami Byakuya. I am Super High School Level Heir.", he said plainly before returning to his seat. Most stared at him expecting him to conclude his statements. He simply glared back.

"Alright..Koizumi Mahiru.", the teacher called.

A narrow, red-headed girl stepped forward with a stride of confidence.

"I am Koizumi Mahiru. I am Super High School Level Photographer. I hope to get to know all of you!", she stated, although it sounded like bragging in a way to Tobi.

The writer returned to her notebook. She didn't want to listen to all the repetition of the introductions. Too much repetition annoyed her. She was back in her trance before she knew it.

She was snapped out of her hypnotism when the girl whom had sat in front of her stood up. Tobi watched her as her long blonde locks followed her trail.

"I am Sonia Nevermind, an exchange student from Novoselic. I am called Super High School Level Princess. Nice to meet you all!", she said with a smile.

A small sound of some sort emitted from the person next to Tobi. She looked over and saw a man in a light green mechanic suit and neon pink hair. He had a large smile on his face, exposing his sharp teeth, looking at the princess.

"So pretty…", he whispered to himself. Tobi giggled a bit to herself.

'Looks like someone has a crush.', she thought.

"Souda Kazuichi.", the teacher said, making the pink-haired boy stand and go to the front.

"I'm Souda Kazuichi! I'm known as Super High School Level Mechanic. Nice to meet you guys!", he said pleasantly, before walking back.

The shy girl was about to return to her story when…

"Susen Tobi.", Mrs. Yukai said. She swallowed her shy feeling and shuffled quietly to the front.

"I-I'm Susen Tobi-", she started quietly.

"Oi, oi, where's your energy?!", a larger man interrupted.

"Huh?", she hesitated.

"Say it again! With feeling! From the pits of your belly!", he said loudly, startling the girl.

"I am Susen Tobi! I'm Super High School Level Writer! Nice to meet you!", she said loudly, ending her words with a humble bow before hurrying back to her seat, hiding in her hoodie.

"Hey, Nidai, maybe you shouldn't have yelled at her. She looks scared to death!", a voice said nicely to the one whom Tobi assumed yelled at her.

"Ahahaha! Sorry! What else would you expect from me? I'm a coach after all!", he responded with a hearty chuckle.

All of a sudden, Tobi felt a large hand on her back. She looked up to see Nidai with a big smile.

"Sorry, Susen! My coach just kicked in! I didn't mean to startle you.", he said in an almost fatherly way that calmed her.

"It-it's alright. You just caught me off guard there for a minute.", she responded with a nervous laugh.

"Ahahaha! Alright then! I'll be much more careful now!", he announced. She simply gave him a nod as he went back to his seat.

"That seems to be all for introductions! Why don't you all socialize for a while? Get to know each other better. By the way, the dorms and whatnot will be assigned at the end of the day.", Mrs. Yukai said before returning to her work. Various people rose from their seats and socialized amongst the other students. Tobi was too shy to try and talk to anyone right now so she enwrapped herself back into her writing.

"Hey, you, Susen.", a voice said. She looked up to see Togami standing by her desk.

"Yes? Togami, isn't it?", she responded while feeling slightly intimidated by the Heir.

"What did you say your talent was?", he said slightly angrily.

"U-um, writer. Why do you ask?", she asked politely. His fist clenched.

"An old...friend of mine was a writer.", he said sensitively, before walking away.

'That was a bit odd…', Tobi thought. 'I wonder what happened to his friend.'

"Hey, Susen, wasn't it? Can I ask you something?", Souda said as he came up to the writer.

"You just did, but sure, Souda, right?" He rolled his eyes at the sassy comment then nodded at his name before continuing.

"Not to be rude or anything but are you a boy or a girl…?", he asked hesitantly.

"Mr. Souda! That's extremely rude!", Sonia said, overhearing the conversation.

"S-sorry! I just wanted to ask and make sure is all! I wasn't trying to offend Susen!", he said, trying to defend his statement.

"It's alright, Sonia. It is better that he asked me rather than going off on an assumption, correct?", she pointed out.

"Hmm, I suppose you are correct… Especially if you have specific preferred pronouns. So may you answer the question for the sake of both of us, I suppose?", she replied.

"I'm a girl and I simply goby she, thank you for asking though.", she replied with a small giggle.

"Alright then! I just wanted to make sure, since you aren't particularly dressed very feminine, nor look so…. Wait! I mean-!", he said.

"Mr. Souda! I believe it is best for you to stop speaking at the moment before you offend Ms. Susen even more!", she commanded.

Tobi looked down at her attire. She didn't blame him for questioning her gender. She folded her arms uncomfortably over her chest, cursing her small chest in her thoughts. Also with a name like Tobi doesn't particularly help the question of her gender.

"It's alright, Sonia! It was a simple mistake! And he's right, I'm not particularly feminine in my personality either so….", she trailed off trying to defend Souda.

"Well, if you're alright with it…", she said with a sigh before going off to socialize with others.

Souda sighed in relief, slumping his previously-tensed shoulders into a slouch.

"Thanks, Susen. I owe you one.", he said to the writer. She giggled.

"With those comments you said in mind, I have to say it might be more than just one that you owe.", she replied, raising an eyebrow with a smirk.

He sighed in defeat, knowing she was probably right. He bid Tobi a temporary farewell to go socialize with others.

She wasn't quite sure, but did she make friends? Sonia defended her. Souda came up to her to talk. What about Togami? Did she gain an enemy? Possibly an ally? Maybe a friend? She wasn't sure in the slightest. Nidai seemed to be nice enough to her, even though he kind of scared her.

"Smile!", a voice said before there was a flashing light that blinded her. As her vision returned to her eyes, she noticed it was Koizumi.

"What was that for?", she asked, still stunned a bit.

"I took a picture of course! I want to be able to look back at these moments and cherish them!", she proclaimed.

"Could you possibly delete that one?", she requested.

"Huh? Why?", she questioned angrily.

"It's just...well...I don't like the way I look, so could you please?", Tobi responded shyly.

"Well why don't you fix that with makeup or something?", she asked.

"I just-! Gah! Fine! Don't delete the picture! Whatever!", Tobi yelled. Something caused her to get very mad, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

The bell rang once again signalling it was lunch time. Tobi huffed out of anger, grabbed her things and rushed out of the room.

'What made me so frustrated about that?', she wondered, watching the floor as she walked. 'I know I don't like my appearance much, but enough to snap at her? Maybe I have anger issues or something..', she kept pondering. She eventually made her way to the courtyard and found a spot on her own to sit.

She opened her small generic lunchbox, finding basic things. PB&J, crackers, a mini-pack of fruit, and a small bag of nuts. That was just like her mother. Even with it possibly being her last school lunch made by her, it was nothing special.

"Yo yo yo! Can we sit with you?", an energetic voice said. Tobi looked up and saw a girl with multicolored hair holding a small girl in a kimono by the arm, whom was holding Koizumi by the arm. She stared at the bunch for a second before gesturing to the space beside her.

The trio sat in front of her almost making a small circle. Tobi racked her brain to try and remember the girls' names. She knew Koizumi's of course, but the others' were no where to be found.

"Oh! Where are Ibuki's manners! She's yet to introduce herself personally! Ahem… Mioda Ibuki's the name! Super High School Level Light Music Club Member at your service!", she said proudly giving what looked like a bow.

'Well, there's one mystery solved.', she thought.

"Susen Tobi, Super High School Level Writer, nice to meet you, Mioda.", she replied with a soft smile.

"I should probably do the same. I'm Saionji Hiyoko! Super High School Level Classical Dancer!", the small girl said pleasantly. "I suppose you already know big sis Koizumi..considering you snapped at her..", the last part was said in a darker, more intimidating tone. She surely didn't expect that from someone like her.

Tobi's expression faltered to that of a nervous one with a similarly nervous laugh, before returning to her food. The three continued with conversation amongst themselves, while the writer ate quietly. Tobi's eyes wandered to the various groups around the courtyard. One group in particular caught her eye. It was the Sonia girl and a very interesting looking boy. He had black and gray hair and a scar across one of his eyes, along with a very long scarf. Those were only a few odd looking things about him. A bright color caught her attention. It was Souda. He looked as if he asked to sit with the pair. Sonia made a slightly awkward face with a slight shake of her head. Souda's shoulders slumped as he walked off. He came in the direction of their group.

"Hello ladies, may I sit with you all today?", he asked, very politely. The trio exchanged glances for a moment.

"Yes, you may.", Susen spoke up, patting the spot next to her. His face lit up as he made his way to the spot.

"Thanks, Susen, and I'm still really sorry about earlier..", he said rubbing the back of his head before adjusting his beanie.

"Don't worry about it, I wasn't offended.", she said waving a hand. The three ladies went back to their previous conversation, ignoring Souda. "So, Souda, you seem to have a little crush for Ms. Princess over there.", Tobi started, attempting to make conversation.

"Eh? Is it that obvious?", he asked surprised.

"Oh please, I'm sure it's obvious to her.", she replied.

"Dammit! I thought I could be discreet!", he said, getting a giggle from the writer. She quickly caught herself and covered her mouth.

"Sorry, my laugh is kinda odd.", she apologized for some strange reason.

"No, no! It's fine, mine's kinda weird too… I mean-! Not that yours is weird! It's cute! Wait-! Ugh..", he stuttered, making her laugh a bit louder this time. He smiled awkwardly, emitting a light laugh as well.

"I need to teach you how to talk to girls, Souda.", she said. The mechanic groaned and pulled his beanie over his eyes.

"Girls don't talk like guys, so I don't know what to say to them!", he complained, peeking from under his hat. Susen smirked and snatched the beanie from off of his head and put it on her head.

"Stick with me and I'll help you with it!", she offered. He stared at her for a moment. She stared back, observing his layered neon hair. He snatched the beanie back and gave her a toothy smile.

"Deal!", he said happily. Tobi stopped for a moment and stared at him in surprise. "You okay?", he asked concerned.

"Wait, does this make us friends?", she asked, partially shy. He pondered for a moment looking at the sky.

"I guess so?", he replied, not knowing how to properly respond.

"Yes!", she said happily, throwing her hands in the air in success, making many of the students stare at her. She quickly pulled her hands down and pulled her hood over her head. Souda laughed loudly at his new friend's sudden embarrassment. She lifted her hood off and punched his arm lightly. He rubbed the spot and smiled at her.

"I have a feeling this is going to be a good friendship.", he said with a pure smile. Tobi smiled back and nodded. She had definitely made a friend.