A/N: This isn't an update as much as it is a bonus little thing. Anywho, I just want to remind anyone of the fact that I have plans for way in the future of the story, but not for the next few chapters.

Which is to say, if you want to see something happen, whether it be the tiniest thing or something that will take an entire chapter, tell me now and it will come out within the next few chapters, but after that I pretty much know what I'm doing.

You won't get updates very fast if you stay quiet.

On a different subject, here are a few deleted lines from the last four chapters that I almost wanted to put in, but not quite. You can probably see why.

Onwards, shall we?

Start One:

~~Lelouch almost peed himself when the fireworks went off with a thunderous bang.

~~The Brit returned the look, then frowned. "If you'd excuse me, though, my bladder is about to explode and I must go empty it."

Start Two:

~~Lelouch glared at him again, tucking his wallet back into the pocket of his red jacket. "Well damn, it looks like we're stuck with each other then... by some logic..."

~~"I don't know why I'm willing to let a complete stranger into my house," Suzaku said, "but damn, you make me feel pretty."

Start Three:

~~He dismissed the thought with an elegant, flamboyant wave of his hand.

Start Four:

~~"Now go to your room and play with your dollies like all of the other good children," Charles commanded.

~~"I had a long talk with that doctor. And I've been having long talks with him ever since. Our wedding is next month."

~~"As far as I can tell, you're a pretty swell dude."

And despite all of that, I allowed "stripping in a kitchen" to pass.

So to sum things up: Give me ideas if you have them, thank you for reading, I love your face, and have a great weekend.