To popular demand, the sequel to "The Worst Fear" is here! And thanks for all the reviews and support for that story! I just hope people will like/love this story as well.

Karai jumped from rooftop to rooftop, her eyes scanning everywhere to make sure she wasn't being followed. Whether it was by the Foot, the Kraang, or her brothers. Karai smirked. Brothers. It's still funny to think of them like that. Especially Leo.

"Beep!" Karai looked down at her mutagen tracker. After seeing the turtles' own mutagen tracker, she had the Kraang make one for herself. One is close by. Good. The less time I spend looking for mutagen, the less chance there is of me getting caught when I deliver it. While Karai got closer to the mutagen canister by using the tracker as a guide, she remembered the last couple of months.

After successfully kidnapping the turtles and subjecting them to the fear gas, she hooked them up to a machine that both stimulated the effects of the gas and enable her to see their worst fears. They were not what she was expecting at all, especially the tidbit that she was actually Splinter's daughter, not Shredder's. After realizing that this tidbit was true, she let the turtles escape and had been a double agent ever since.

"BEEP BEEP!" the mutagen tracker practically screamed. Karai flinched at the sound but a second later breathed with relief. There it is. She walked over to the mutagen tracker and looked around cautiously. She saw no one. She picked it up and quickly went back to the safety of the shadows. She still saw no one. Karai let out another sigh of relief. Man, being a double agent is tougher than I thought. Especially being a double agent that is so secretive that the side she is working for doesn't even KNOW that she is a double agent. Karai, after she double checked that no one was there, left her hiding spot and stealthily started running towards the delivery spot.

Karai didn't tell her real family that she knew the truth. She couldn't, or else she might be discovered. And the price for being discovered was really high. So she recruited Baxter Stockman so she can make sure her foot bots will be defeated by the turtles and that they won't attack her. She had the Kraang's robot go after April, since she knew such a command was expected of her. She also knew that the Kraang programming to just kidnap her will override her commands to kill her. Karai also had faith that the turtles will protect her no matter what.

Though if they didn't, I suppose I would have just shown my true colors and stopped the attack. But then my cover would have been blown and my redemption would not have been complete. Karai slowed down as she neared the delivery spot. It was just an abandoned trashcan but it served her purposes well, being close to a manhole and being in an alley that had an awful lot of shadows. Again Karai scanned the perimeter. She saw no one. She quickly and stealthily went to the trashcan and opened it.

Karai smiled. The last time she was here, there were five mutagen canisters. Now there were none. Her brothers had found the delivery spot. Karai squinted her eyes. Wait, is that…a note? She bent over and picked up the note, putting the canister back in its place. After putting the lid back on, she went up the fire escape and again started running across rooftops. It was only when she was sure she wasn't being followed did she stop to read the note.

"To whoever found all these mutagen canisters and left them in this trashcan for us to find, we thank you. But, we must ask, who are you? We also ask that you will meet with us. This way, we can meet face to face and see if we can trust you. If you agree that we should meet, leave the note. We will meet tomorrow at 9:00pm at this exact spot."

Good thing I took the note with me then. I can't let them know that it was me. Not yet. Karai checked her watch. I better get back. My nightly "run to retrieve our mutagen" usually ends right about now. With that thought in mind, Karai started running back to her lair. She didn't notice the figure stepping out of the shadows behind her.

What do you think? Please let me know!