Jesse knew he had to be dreaming. He knew this because even though he could feel the softness of the blankets on top of him, and smell bacon in the air, his Aunt Jenny who'd died seven years ago was standing before him. Yes, definitely a dream - a realistic dream, but a figment of Jesse's sleeping imagination all the same.

"Get up, Jesse! Or you'll be late for school, and I don't need those damn teachers ringing me up complaining again," Aunt Jenny said, shaking his shoulder and smiling. Jesse was startled by how he could actually feel her grip, feel her bony fingers against his shoulder.

He looked up at his aunt, and a sudden feeling of sorrow washed over him. God did he miss her. She had been like a mother to him when his own parents rejected him.

"Damn, I wish this was real," he said, surprised by how his voice sounded - higher than he remembered.

"This IS real, Jesse - have you been smoking pot, young man?" Jenny asked, smirking her trademark smirk. Jesse had forgotten how sharp and funny she'd been before the cancer.

"I can't even remember," Jesse said, suddenly on impulse hugging her. "It's so fricken' good to see you again- "

"Are you all right, Kiddo?" Aunt Jenny asked, hugging him back nonetheless. "I saw you last night. Did you really miss me that much?"

Jesse wiped his eyes and climbed out of bed, looking around. It was definitely his room at his aunt's house. All the old posters covered the walls - he'd forgotten how many Bob Marley ones he used to have. What ever happened to those, anyway? Was this really a dream? Everything felt far too real. He could hear birdsong and kids playing outside and all that crap, every sensory detail from normal everyday life was here. Could this be reality? Impossible.

Jesse froze when he turned and saw his reflection in the mirror. The teenage version of himself stared back at him, blue eyes wide and in shock, clean-shaven with boyish good looks.

"I'd be horrified too if I had to wake up every morning with a face like that," Jenny said, breaking Jesse's trance. She ruffled his hair affectionately. "Now hurry up and get dressed or I'll eat all the bacon myself!"

Jesse came downstairs a few minutes later, his hair wet from the shower. He'd gotten changed into jeans and a T-shirt. He was still confused, though. The whole situation was surreal: here he was with his dead aunt, eating bacon. He could even TASTE the bacon. What the hell?

"Why do you let me live here?" Jesse blurted out suddenly. It was something he had always wondered, but had never gotten the chance to ask her.

"That was kind of sudden! You're acting awful queer today," Jenny said, laughing lightly. Her laugh faltered, for just a moment, and Jesse caught a glimpse of a sad little smile that graced her lips. "I let you live here because you're family! And I like having you around. You're a good boy."

Jesse had to wipe his eyes again. Damn, had he always been such a crybaby? Ever since Drew Sharp he constantly felt on the edge of tears. He tried to remember the last thing that'd happened... He'd argued with Mr. White, who didn't want him to leave the business and refused to pay him his share... He'd been partying with Skinny Pete when Saul had shown up, given him a gun and told him Mr. White had murdered the ten witnesses and probably Mike too, and - then what?

Jesse's train of thought was broken by the sound of a knock at the door.

"Well, go on, head off to school with your friend Bradley or whatever," Aunt Jenny said, lighting herself a cigarette.

"Don't smoke! You'll - get cancer."

"Hmph! I'll quit when you quit, Kiddo."


"Hurry up and get to school!"

Jesse started heading towards the door almost automatically. He didn't want to leave Aunt Jenny, but he knew she'd refuse to let him skip school, even if this was a dream.

"Bye, Aunt Jenny. Have a great day- stay safe- I'll miss you- "

"Jesus, Kid, I'll see you when you get home! You're going to school, not moving cross-country! Bye Jesse, have a great day yourself. Stay out of trouble!"

"You too!"

"Not making any promises."

Jesse swung open the door, only to come face to face with a fifteen-year-old Brandon Mayhew.

"Hey, Badger- " Jesse said instinctively.

"Whoa, Jesse! You, like, chopped off all your hair, man!" Badger said. Jesse ran a hand through his spiky hair - oh, now he remembered. He had grown it long as a teen, much to his parents' disapproval. He had done it to piss his dad off, mostly. But after a party where some guy who was drunk and probably high mistook him for a girl and started to just make out with him when he was too wasted to even defend himself, he'd cut it all off. So this must be the Monday morning after that lovely weekend. Great.

"Quit spacing out, man," he heard Badger say, and suddenly he was being pulled along the pavement. "Hey, Jesse, did you do your English homework? Oh, man, you haven't even got your bag! Think Mrs Pierce will believe me if I said my cat ate it? Because Fluffy likes eatin' paper, so even if I did do my homework, the cat would of still probably eaten it -"

Jesse tuned out Badger's ramblings and instead tried to work out what the fuck was going on. He'd somehow gotten his twenty-five year old mind stuck in his body and life from ten years ago, but how? Aliens? Maybe a long-term effect of taking blue meth? He needed to Google this shit! But then he remembered it must be like 1999 or some time like that, and Google wasn't nearly as helpful back then. It was probably aliens, Jesse decided. They were the only ones who could pull something like this off.

"Dude, are you all right? Jesse?" Badger said, waving his hands in Jesse's face and smiling his goofy smile. "Your head's like, a million miles away- "

"Just thinking of aliens," Jesse replied sullenly as they approached JP Wynn High School. God, it seemed like this place hadn't changed at all in the past ten years.

"No way! Me too!" Badger said. "I was thinking: who would win, an alien or a predator?"

Jesse raised an eyebrow and laughed despite himself "Alien Vs. Predator?"

"Yeah. What, dude? What's so funny?"

"Badger, you could make a fortune in the film industry."

Badger beamed at the compliment. "Wow, you really think so?"

Jesse nodded. He'd forgotten how Badger used to hang onto every word he said when they first became friends. "Badger, what's the date?"

"November the first."

"What year?"

"1999, duh! How much weed did you smoke at that party?"

Badger never got an answer to that question, because suddenly both boys were grabbed by Mr. Evans, the hard-ass physics teacher who cared waaay too much about kids skipping class, even if it wasn't his class.

"Why aren't you two in class? The bell rang ten minutes ago!" Mr. Evans shouted. Jesse remembered how the guy got fired during his senior year for throwing a chair at a kid and breaking his arm, and smiled at the memory.

"What're you smirking at, Pinkman!?" Mr. Evans hissed. Jesse glared back at him, not nervous like his fifteen-year-old self would have been.

"I'm, like, totally sorry, dude! I mean, er- Sir! We just got, like, stopped by, um, a man looking for directions. And that's why we're late- " Badger rambled, clearly intimidated. Mr. Evans was a scary guy, 6'7 and heavily built.

"Be quiet, Mayhew!" Mr Evans said sternly. "You're not in trouble. You don't know any better, do you? Just run along and go to your...Special Ed class."
Badger nodded and left hurriedly, clearly glad to be out of there. The way Mr. Evans said 'Special Ed class' made Jesse's blood boil. Badger had gone to classes that taught lessons at a simpler level, but that didn't make him retarded or anything.

"Don't patronize him like that, not cool," Jesse said. He didn't know why he felt so protective of Badger. Maybe it was because the guy just looked like a kid now.

"Tread lightly, Pinkman. You don't want to get into trouble," Mr Evans said.

Jesse laughed. "Oh, man, I'm so scared! What're you gonna do? Put me in detention?" he said, rolling his eyes. The threats might have scared his teenage-self, but the twenty-five-year old Jesse had dealt with murderous drug lords. A high school teacher with a stick up his ass didn't scare him (unless that teacher was Mr. White).

"Exactly," Mr. Evans said. "Now get to chemistry!"

"You have my fricken time-table memorized!?" Jesse said, raising an eyebrow. Next thing Jesse knew, he was being dragged down the corridor by Mr. Evans. Instinctively he tried to pull away, but the next thing he knew, he was being shoved into the chemistry class room.

"Mr. White. This student was late, and was being insolent. I trust you will put him in detention!" Mr. Evans shouted, Jesse looked up at Mr White. He was exactly how Jesse remembered him from high school, with his nerdy sweaters and his mustache that resembled a dead mouse. Jesse looked at Mr. White, catching his eye, and in that moment he knew Mr. White had the same memories he had. He could tell by the recognition in Mr. White's expression, and the confusion in his eyes.

"Yes...I'll put Jesse in detention," Mr White said, sounding as lost and confused as Jesse felt.

"Yo, Jesse!" Jesse looked up to see his old chemistry buddy, Justin. A wave of nostalgia hit him as he remembered all the times they'd set things on fire with the Bunsen burner, and how the amount of chemistry equipment they'd broke between them must have cost the school a small fortune.

"Jesse, come here and get your work," Mr. White said. Jesse walked over, and his teacher got out a glass flask.

"Do you know what this is?"

"Heat-proof boiling flask."

"Can you name some processes it can be used in?"

"Um, cooking meth."

Mr. White let out a sigh that could be either relief or frustration. "So you remember, too, about- "

"2010? Yeah," Jesse replied, his tone hushed. "Mr. White, what's going on? Is this a dream, or aliens, or-?"

"We'll talk about your behavior after class, Pinkman. Take your seat," Mr White said suddenly, loud enough for the rest of the class to hear.
Reluctantly, Jesse agreed, sitting next to Justin.

"Yo, Jesse!" Justin said again.

"Hey, Justin," Jesse said. What had happened to Justin in 2010, anyway? Last Jesse had heard, he'd gotten some girl pregnant, then skipped town to avoid the consequences. Asshole.

"Man, was that party at the weekend dope? Next time you an' Pete go out, invite me too. Give a dog a bone, will ya? Yo, I was stuck at home smokin' a fat haze like, alone, man," Drew rambled.

"Sure," Jesse replied, not really paying attention. He wanted to speak to Mr White about what the hell was going on already. Mr White himself sat at the furiously scribbling something down, ignoring the class.

"Sir what are we suppose to be doing?" Courtney piped up. Jesse smiled, remembering how he always used to bicker with her in every lesson.

"Read your text books," Mr White replied, not looking up.

"Which part?"

"The part you...struggle with the most."

"I don't struggle with anything, sir." Courtney said, primly. A ripple of snickers when through the class.

"Well, then, get out," Mr White said, his voice suddenly low and threatening. Damn, the guy must be worked up if he's going all Heisenberg on some fifteen-year-old nerd, Jesse thought. "In fact, I want all of you to go to the library and do some independent studying. Class dismissed. Jesse, you stay behind."

Courtney looked scandalized, but the rest of the class cheered, glad to be liberated from the boredom that was chemistry class. Jesse stayed in his seat, looking up as Mr White approached him.

"So, what's going on?" Jesse asked, hating how high his voice sounded. It wasn't exactly childish, but it wasn't the gruff voice he was used to, either.

"I don't know. My best guess is this is all a delusion, a dream! So even you, Jesse, are a figment of my imagination," Mr. White said, his voice edging on hysteria.

"Bitch! I'm real!" Jesse said, half-amused and half-irritated.

"None of this can be real, Jesse, it's impossible!" Walter said, slamming his hands down on the desk. "I woke up this morning and Skyler was speaking to me like She used to, without animosity or bitterness. She was telling me I had to get ready for work, for school. I tried to remind her that I was fired, but she just laughed, thinking it was a joke. I didn't know what she was playing at! At first I thought that somehow, she'd set this up. Maybe as a way to get me out of the meth business, I don't know! Even with my hair back I didn't believe this was 1999, until...I saw Junior." Mr. White got a little choked up. "I'd recognize my son as a child anywhere."

Jesse paused. "Then I guess you just went with the flow, like I did, and ended up in high school?" He wondered why Mr. White seemed to be the only other one who remembered. What's up with that? It wasn't like they were even partners anymore: Jesse had walked out of that shitstorm. He knew Mr. White had killed Mike and those ten witnesses. He figured the guy was coming after him next.

"Something like that," Mr. White replied wearily. "If you're real, too, then what is this?"

"Aliens," Jesse said simply. "Aliens or ghosts or something gave us a psychic vision into the future. I know it sounds crazy, man, but - hey, maybe we ARE crazy and all that stuff about the meth dealing and Gus and everything was just an illusion."

Walter paused, genuinely considering the idea. He didn't like how hopeful Jesse sounded - did he really want the empire they had built together to just be nothing more than an insane delusion? "What, both of us are suddenly crazy and have the same hallucinations, down to the exact details?" Walter asked, raising his eyebrow. "That's just stupid."

"Yo, this whole situation's stupid!"

"There's a way to find out," Walter said. "If the things, the people we know in the future, like Gale, Gus, and Mike, are real in this reality, then we can rule out the crazy delusion idea. Okay?"

"So, if we didn't just imagine the future up?"

"Then THIS must be the dream. It has to be. I must be dreaming."

"Hey!" Jesse said "If it's anyone's dream, it's mine - I KNOW I'm real! So maybe someone gave us a vision of the future as like...a warning!"

"Who did that? Aliens?" Walter said, his tone patronizing. "Don't tell me your intelligence has shrunk along with your size."

"Asshole," Jesse huffed, shoving his hands in his pocket. It was almost like he and Walter were back to how they used to be when they first started cooking meth. That's the last thing Jesse wanted. Since Mr. White had killed Mike and those ten guys in prison, the former chemistry teacher had become a source of fear for him. "So, When should we, like, find out if Gale and Mike were ever real?" Jesse asked.

"Right now," Walter replied.

"What about school?"

Mr. White laughed. "As if you ever cared about school! Finding out what the hell's going on here is more important than class!"

"Whatever, man, let's go- " Jesse said, but the pair were suddenly interrupted by the door swinging open and Mrs. Grey, the geometry teacher, stepping in. Jesse looked up at her. He felt his heart suddenly start to pound as he remembered all the 'extra tutoring' she'd given him. He didn't normally act like this around women, even the hot ones. Must be something to do with being in the body of a fifteen-year-old. Fucking hormones.

"Sorry, Mr. White, but Jesse's suppose to be in my class now, I'll have to steal him from you," she said. "We have some very important work to do...Very important!"

Mr. White just looked at her, recognizing her instantly as the teacher fired for inappropriate student-teacher relationships. Without waiting for a response, Mrs. Grey pranced into the room, touching Jesse lightly on the shoulder, almost guiding him out. She shot a wide smile at Mr. White before adding,"Oh, and Walter, dear, your next class is waiting outside for you to call them in. Could you do it, please? They're making quite the ruckus!"

"Right. Jesse, speak to me after school. You have...detention." Walter had never liked that woman. He wondered if he should just get Jesse and go and try to work out what was going on around here, but he figured there was no point making a scene even if this was a dream. After all, there was still a chance this was reality. Still, this whole situation was so frustrating! Walter was a man who desired control, so he hated not knowing what was going on.

He thought about what Jesse had said: a Warning. Ha! A warning from what? Walter figured he was doing just fine in the meth business. Better than fine - he was building an empire! He had it all planned out: he'd amass a fortune for his family and build a meth empire bigger than the Grey Matter business. Jesse would end up helping him cook again. Walter knew that was best for him: he didn't want the boy wasting his potential. Besides, what else did Jesse have in his life? Holly and Junior would grow up happy with all the money they needed, and Skyler would eventually come around. Part of him almost wanted Hank to find out- he wanted to see the shock on Hank's face when he realized Walter wasn't just some mild-mannered nerd. Maybe he could find out just before Walter died. How should I die? Walter began to wonder. Cancer? Gunshot?

"Sir...Are you okay?" a student who'd wandered into the room asked. He was kind of freaked out by Mr. White's creepy glare into space.

"Man, Mr. White's gone loco," some boy called out, causing the class to erupt with laughter like it was the funniest thing they'd ever heard.

"Shut up and sit down," Mr. White snarled, in no mood to deal with rowdy teens. He'd forgotten how much he hated this job.

(a/n: Thanks for reading, please comment what you thought! :D...I know, I know, it doesn't have clear direction, it's a slow start and maybe a little dialogue-heavy, but I'm trying to pick up the pace as I go along :D

Edit; And Thanks to TrudiRose who took the time to edit this for me, :)