AUTHOR'S NOTE: Oh, man. I've had this TWO-SHOT on 'doc manager' for at least a month and now I can finally post!

Some important info you should know: Derek is still an alpha, as well as Scott, and both their Packs co-exist in the same town. Also, this won't have a happy ending =/ The ending is something I've never ever written and decided I'd give it a go.

Everyone is going to be scattered about so when you see character names in bold, it's because that's who is in that particular scene. I hope this won't be too confusing and yes, I'm using Nina Dobrev/Elena Gilbert as the OC, Julie's, face-claim. I'm shit at describing characters and I figured Elena would have been a great friend for Scott and Stiles but I didn't want to mark this as a crossover so Elena became Julie. Easy to understand? Good. Enjoy!

Check polyvore for Julie's outfit.

Scott and Stiles

"I swear to God, Scott-" Stiles snaps as he keeps his eyes on the road, hands gripping the steering wheel. "-I will pull this jeep over and make you run your furry little ass back home if you say that Batman is better than Superman one more time."

Scott laughs as Stiles drives them back home. Co-Pack night had just been dismissed and Stiles was driving his alpha back to his home since Scott's motorcycle was currently getting fixed. "What?" He feigns innocence. "I thought that you liked Batman, dude? I thought that he was your epic bro?"

"He is but that's.. that's beside the point!" Stiles screeches and Scott doesn't even bother to hide his amused grin. Getting Stiles worked up was one of his favorite hobbies. "Batman is just a regular human that can take a massive beating whereas Superman,-" He chances a glance over at his best friend. "-Superman is the man of steel!"

"But what if-" Scott chuckles, "-what if Superman wasn't the man of steel?"

"Then he'd still have super strength and speed, dude. Next discussion." Stiles sighs.

"Okay.. okay. Werewolves or Vampires?"

Stiles groans. "You've got to be kidding me."

"I, myself, am going against my own kind and going with vampires."

"They don't exist, Scotty." Stiles grits out.

"But, dude, what if?" And another point to Scott for getting his best friend worked up once more. "Well, actually, I guess it depends on their age." Scott went on, smirking as he expects Stiles to blow up soon because how many times has Derek tried and grill it into their mind that vampires didn't exist? "If they're young then werewolves, hands down, have got this. But if they're old, well they do say power comes with age." When Stiles doesn't bother to fight him on it, he glances at his friend only to find that Stiles is practically leaning over his steering wheel with his head tilted to the side and his mouth slightly agape. "Dude?" Scott calls out.

"Shutup." Stiles mumbles. "I'm trying to figure out whether I should slow down or go around this insane person."

"Insa- what?" Scott looks forward now, his gaze catching sight of a person's silhouette walking down the middle of the road. "Whoa! I didn't even see her walking there."

"Her? You can see that it's a her?"

"Yeah, dude." Scott stares a bit harder now. "The body shape and hair, it reaches a bit further down the middle of her back."

"Well, do I go around her or do you think she'll move?"

Scott turns to his friend and shrugs. "Shouldn't we see if she needs help?"

Stiles grimaces as he looks back out the windshield and watches as the female pays them no mind, continuing to walk down the middle of the road without a care in the world. "If she's some knife-wielding crazy person-"

"Dude, relax." Scott grins at him and flashes his red eyes. "We got this."

Stiles rolls his eyes, Scott always finding an excuse to flash his alpha eyes whenever he got the chance, and creeps up on the girl. When they were close enough, Stiles came to a stop and let his Jeep idle there while he and Scott got off. Stiles finds it very odd that even though he pulled up pretty close to her, she didn't bother turning around or even move out of the way.

"Miss? You okay?" Scott calls out once he's in front of the jeep, taking a few steps towards the stranger.

The female stops in her tracks, Stiles and Scott bracing themselves as she slowly turns around. With the way the light from the jeep's headlights was hitting her and the way she had her face tilted down with her hair framing her face, her features are hidden in the shadows. "I'm fine. It'll all be okay soon enough." She says before she turns back around and slowly starts to walk away as her boots drag across the pavement.

"What the fuck?" Stiles mouths at his best friend and Scott shrugs in response.

"Do you need a ride somewhere? Is there anywhere we can drop you off?"

The female stops again, turning to face them but this time, her head is held high. "You would do that? Offer a complete stranger a ride to wherever it is they wanted to go?" She glances at both Stiles and Scott, hair framing her round face and her warm brown eyes. Around her eyes, it's tinged red which gave off the impression that she had been crying and her nose is red from either crying or the night's cold air. The blazer jacket she had on over a gray fitted tee wasn't probably doing much for her but she didn't seem too bothered by it.

The longer Stiles stares at her, the more it felt like he knew her. As he continues to stare, neither him or Scott give her an answer because apparently Scott felt familiar with her as well. She sighs and turns around to continue on with her walk.

"Does she-"

"-look familiar?" Stiles finishes for his best friend. "Yeah. Yeah, she does."

Instead of waiting for Scott, Stiles jogs forward. "Wait! Wait. Can you just-" He runs out in front of her, hesitantly reaching up towards her face and when she doesn't swat him away- only flinches- he brushes the hair from her face back behind her ears. The girl sniffles, letting Stiles study her and when she gets a good look at him for the first time, she tilts her head to the side with furrowed brows.

"St- Stiles?" Stiles goes wide-eyed, dropping his hands as he takes a step back and Scott runs forward to join him. When her gaze slides from Stiles' shocked face to the boy next to him, her eyes widen. "And Scott!"

Scott balks, taking a step back to get a really good look at the slender female in front of him. As he slowly pieces everything together in his mind, he gasps. "Julie?!"

Julie breaks out into a tired smile, this being the most emotion she's shown so far as Scott and Stiles gape at her.

"Holy shit!" Stiles breathes in awe. "It's been what.. seven years since we've last seen you?"

"Yeah." Julie chuckles as she wipes at the tears gathering in her eyes. "It's been a long while."

"Wh-what are you doing out here in the middle of the night?" Scott blurts as he suddenly lunges forward, catching Julie in a hug. "Is your family with you? Are you all back for good?"

Julie breathes him in, his scent tickling her nose as she smiles fondly and recalls the memories of growing up with these two boys. "No. It's just me." She informs him. Scott pulls out of the hug and Stiles went next. The second she breathes in Stiles, her mouth and nose twitch causing her grip to tighten on him, and suddenly she is pushing him back. "No! No." She shook her head clear. "I, uh, I have to go." She looks worriedly between the two boys. "I-I'm sorry."


"Don't!" Julie pleads with a worried Stiles. "I-it's not safe. I'm not safe to be around. You two need to go." She quickly tells them as she pushes Stiles back when he tries to soothe her. She looks up at Scott, her tan friend stealthily looking out around the woods that surround them.

"What do you mean it's not safe?" Stiles questions. "Are you in danger? Do you need help?"

"No. It's not- dammit." She pants as she took a couple of steps backward, her hands out in front of her to keep distance between them. "Just please go. I cant-"

"We're not leaving you." Scott states, the alpha within bristling to be let loose at the knowledge of a friend in danger. "This place isn't safe for someone walking on their own. If you need to go somewhere, well then hop in the jeep and we'll take you but you wandering down the road all alone is not going to be an option at the moment."

Tears fill Julie's eyes as her gaze darts back and forth between the two stubborn boys. Sensing that they weren't going to back down, she takes a deep breath to center herself and nods. "Is that all-night cafe still up and running?" It takes a while for the boys to figure out what cafe she's talking about but when they do, they both nod. "Good. Take me there and drop me off. I'll find my own way around."

Stiles and Scott both sigh in relief that they are going to get her out of the middle of the road and to a more populated area. They easily agree to that and gesture to the jeep, gesturing for her to walk first.

Derek, Cora, and Isaac

After a couple of hours of relaxing from the night's co-pack night, Derek and his two betas finally decided to clean up before getting some sleep.

Co-pack night was something that Isaac and Stiles had both come up with seeing as alphas were very territorial over their areas and neither alpha was looking forward to leaving Beacon Hills. And since Scott was now acting as an alpha of his own Pack, Isaac and Stiles decided that with their packs working together they'd be a force to be reckoned with should someone try to take over Beacon Hills territory. They presented the idea to Alpha Hale and Alpha McCall- both alphas finding no problem with the given idea since they were all friends in a way.

With co-pack nights established to get the alphas on better terms with each other, pack nights were either held at the newly rebuilt Hale home in the woods, the McCall household, or the Stilinski household.

As the pack nights progressed, it seemed like they had formed one giant pack but neither alpha would admit to it. They both claimed they had their own packs yet anyone could see that both alphas never made a decision without consulting the other. So while Scott and Derek wouldn't admit it- Isaac, Cora, Stiles, Allison, and Lydia had no problem with thinking that should they get into trouble, either alpha was going to be there to help them out. Or deal out punishment. It just depended on what type of trouble they got into.

"Tell me again whose idea it was to order wings with the pizza?" Isaac asks as he picks up dirtied discarded napkins and threw them away. "The entire pack are messy eaters, except for Allison and Lydia, and yet you still order the most messiest of foods."

Cora snorts and shakes her head. "You can blame Derek for that one. He doesn't know how to not cave in to Stiles' needs." She says as she stacks the empty pizza boxes.

"Like you're one to talk." Isaac grins. "You Hales, man. You both have soft spots for him."

"Have soft spots for who?" Derek inquires as he steps back inside.


"Stiles." Isaac admits while Cora throws a glare in his direction. "Cora mentioned how you can't say no to him and I told her she had no room to talk." He tells his alpha as he continues to pick up trash. "I was just wondering why that was."

Derek doesn't bother with an answer as he huffs and moves to take the stacked boxes from his little sister to take outside to the trash. Cora growls in Isaac's direction for him even bringing it up. "He's annoying.. in an endearing way. That's all."

"Uh-huh." Isaac smugly grins. "And what do you think about Derek-"

A growl from outside meets their ears, both Isaac and Cora now grinning. There was an unspoken bond between the Hale alpha and the flailing teen, and while mostly everyone found it cute, they were practically forbidden to speak of it. Well, at least they couldn't speak of it if one of the two being talked about was currently present. Cora usually found herself gossiping with Lydia and wondering when or if Stiles and Derek would nut up and take control of their situation. While Cora would happily admit to having a tiny crush on Stiles for a while, she would be even happier if her brother would admit it too. They seemed to like each other a whole lot so she didn't see why they were tip-toeing around each other.

The two betas were too busy snickering that they didn't hear anything off or odd surrounding their home. However, Derek's sudden outraged roar had their backs stiffening and eyes glowing a bright yellow within a split second. As they listened in for anything else, the quietness of the woods afterward let them know that something was terribly wrong.

With their fangs and claws elongating, both betas ran for the door and out to look for their alpha.

They both launch themselves off the porch, landing in a crouch and growling threateningly out into the night. They can't smell anything out of the ordinary but as they listen, they can hear at least five different heartbeats beating rhythmically while one thumped sluggishly.

Simultaneously turning to the left, Isaac and Cora take off in a sprint. After running several yards into the surrounding woods, the two wolves come upon Derek who is thrown on the ground- knocked out. Cora roars menacingly and when she listens in for the other heartbeats, they're coming from up above.

She and Isaac both look up but the second they see the figures perched in the tree branches hiding in the shadows, both betas feel pinches in their neck. Isaac and Cora both roar at the threats as they yank out darts from their necks before more are shot into their torso.

Whatever was shot into them circulated rather quickly into both their systems and had both wolves staggering and falling to their knees. As Isaac and Cora continue to growl, five men in black garb jump down- surrounding them. As the two betas attempt last second swipes with their claws, one man knees Isaac in the face while another uses the butt of a rifle to hit Cora on her right temple- effectively knocking the both of them out.

Allison and Lydia

"Hey, have you heard from Isaac or Cora today?" Lydia asks as she types out another text message to the female Hale. "Cora isn't responding to me."

"No." Allison yawns as she stands up from her bed, hands reaching towards the ceiling as she stretches. "The last I've heard from them was last night."

"Hmm.." Lydia hums as she tries to figure out what their friends are doing. "They didn't say anything about plans today."

"Maybe they're sleeping in." Allison guesses. "We left Derek's pretty late last night."

Lydia looks thoughtful as she taps her nails on the back of her phone. "You're probably right." She purses her lips together. "If neither of them contact me after our showers, I say we go check on them. They never ignore a text."

"Only after our showers." Allison agrees.

Lydia smiles as she gets up from Allison's bed, going over to her overnight bag and picking out an outfit. Allison yawns one last time before collecting her clothes and heads for her Dad's bathroom while Lydia completely sets up camp in hers.

By the time Lydia is done with her shower and heading into Allison's room, Allison rushes in behind her and shuts the door- a panicked expression overtaking her features.

"What's wrong with you?" Lydia sighs as she undoes her hair from the sloppy bun it's in only to make a more suitable bun that she was willing to let people see her wearing.

"I overheard my Dad talking in his office." Allison mumbles heatedly. "Someone called in saying Hunters had their eyes set on Beacon Hills."

"Okay." Lydia drawls. "It's not like we haven't-"

"Rogue hunters, Lydia." She cuts off her friend. "Code doesn't apply to them."

"Shit." Lydia curses.

Beacon Hills hadn't had a problem since they had teamed up momentarily with the Alpha Pack to take out the Darach, and then Derek and Scott turned on the alphas- since they were responsible for Erica, Boyd, and Peter's death- and pretty much split the pack up.

It was a bloody fight to the death, Derek almost losing his little sister but when it came to light that Deucalion was the one take Ennis' life, Kali and the twins turned on him. Once Deucalion was out of the picture, Kali was still too vicious and animalistic so Derek had no problem taking that alpha's life. Aiden and Ethan were the only two who got to live, the twins each going their separate ways. While Aiden was determined to build a pack of his own somewhere that was nowhere close to Beacon Hills, Ethan followed Danny who ended up moving to San Francisco.

It'd been six months of quiet so, of course, rogue hunters would choose to end their now peaceful lives.

"You don't think.." Lydia trails off as her eyes land on her phone.

"I don't know but we need to go and warn them." Allison worries her bottom lip. "Can you get a hold of Stiles? Make sure they're okay and let them know what's going on but don't freak them out." She tells her friend. "I'm going to pack a few things in case we run into trouble but I have to be sneaky about it so my Dad doesn't suspect anything."

"On it." Lydia nods distractedly. "Tell them what's going but don't worry them. I can do that."

Allison smiles faintly as she walks to her closet and opens up a black trunk that she hadn't had to use in a while. Silver-tipped arrows and chinese daggers lie inside, Allison picking up the daggers and shoving two of them in her boots. Another dagger gets added into the back waistline of her pants and she quickly picks up a few mini-arrows before picking up the mini cross bow and large bag to hide her weapons in.

She can hear Lydia talking on the phone, her voice taking on a surprised lilt to it before she's back to normal and quickly explaining the possible Hunter problem. She doesn't tell them that Isaac or Cora aren't answering their texts but she does tell them that herself and Allison are heading out to Derek's to hang out with them while filling them in.

They talk for a few more seconds as Allison arranges items in her bag to hide her weapons and then Lydia is there in the closet. "We're good to go." She tells her. "Scott and Stiles ran into an old friend last night and something was off about her. They're going to investigate for a bit."

Allison sighs. "Alright. Let's go then."

The two of them easily sneak outside, Chris not finding anything off about his daughter or her friend going out in the middle of the day. The ride to Derek's is a tense one, Lydia still trying to get a hold of either Cora or Isaac on their way there.

No-one answers.

The second they pull up through the newly graveled drive-way, both females share a brief look of worry. Derek's Camaro and Toyota are still parked out front and the front door is ajar.

"Do we call in backup now?" Lydia frowns.

Allison doesn't bother with an answer, instead she quickly parks her car and jumps out. Lydia groans before following after her friend and up the porch steps.

"Derek?" Allison calls out as she pushes the front door open. "Isaac? Cora?"

The two girls step quietly into the home, both of them frowning when they realize the TV is still on. If they knew one thing about Derek Hale, it was that he was very anal about turning things off in the house when no-one was home. So with the TV being on, the door slightly ajar, and the cars still outside- something was definitely up.

"How many hunters did they tell your Dad was coming?"

"I'm not sure." Allison mumbles. "But they couldn't have taken down an alpha and two betas. Maybe they went for a run?"

"I don't think so."

"Let's take a look outside. You can usually tell if there was a fight or something. If we find anything fishy, then we call for backup."

"Whatever." Lydia sighs. "If my heels get dirty, you're buying me a new pair."

Allison grins at that. "If anything gets dirtied, it's all Derek's fault for making us search for him. He can buy you a new pair."

"Fair point." The strawberry blonde hums in agreement. "Lead the way, oh tiny Huntress."

Allison grins at her friend, taking the lead as she leads them back out on the porch. They stop at the top step, Allison looking out over the ground before them. Since she was the one trained for tracking, Lydia happily follows Allison's lead on this one and sure enough- moments later- Allison spots some tracks that don't belong to them.

"There." Allison points it out, quickly making her way towards it.

As she stands right behind the pair of boot prints, she crouches down and looks around. There's another set of shoe prints a few feet to her right and then there's a mess of foot prints a few feet in front of her. She can usually tell how many different people are involved but with the way the ground looks, it's impossible.

"There was definitely a scuffle." Allison finally tells Lydia. "And then I only see two sets of prints that lead up to here and then back towards the woods.

"Do you think Derek surprised them with a training session?"

"I'm not sure." Allison sighs. "Try one of their phones again. Call it this time."

Lydia obliges, quickly finding Cora in her contacts first and calling the petite she-wolf. Within seconds, the familiar ringing of Cora's phone comes from the woods. Allison and Lydia glance at each other, the two females walking towards it without a second thought. The second the phone goes to voicemail, Lydia hangs up and calls again to follow the ring.

They end up calling the phone four times before they finally find it thrown in the middle of nowhere.

"Well, that explains why she wasn't answering me." Lydia says as she bends down, picking up the phone and pocketing it.

Allison looks around wearily, taking in their surroundings but still nothing seems out of place. She notices a few snapped twigs and a few shuffled leaves so she continues to follow that path.

"Where are you going now?" Lydia grumbles. "We should head back."

"There's a clearing just a few more yards this way, remember? Lets just make sure they're not horsing around before we truly panic."

Lydia takes a moment to look towards the sky as if asking why me before following her stubborn friend. The strawberry blonde stomps after Allison, muttering all the while about werewolves and their inability to inform people of their whereabouts and huntress' who didn't know when to give up. She's too busy muttering to herself and making snarky remarks beneath her breath that she doesn't realize Allison has stopped until she runs into her back.


"Shh!" Allison cuts her off.

Lydia scowls behind her back, rolling her eyes and stepping to the side to see what has her best friend tense. When her eyes land on what was supposed to be a field clearing, her stomach completely drops and her throat tightens up.

Cora and Isaac are both in a seated position, hands tied behind their backs- both around a pole of their own. They look as if they had recently been sedated and are barely coming out of the effects as they lazily snarl at the three guys in black garb seated in the middle of the various poles that seemed to have erected out of nowhere. Derek is also there, tied to a pole as well, though he's alert and glaring at the three men before him and what looked to be like a muzzle fastened around the bottom half of his face.

"Now do we call Scott?" Lydia gulps as she takes a step back, a twig snapping in the process.

Allison numbly nods as she bends down, her hand sliding along her leg until it reaches her boot- her fingers sliding inside and wrapping around the hilt of one of her daggers. "Yeah. Call Scott." She mumbles.

With her eyes trained on Derek, Allison is able to see when the Hale Alpha picks up on her whereabouts- his gaze zeroing in on her as his eyes flash alpha red. The visible shake of his head tells Allison to stop right now and then the nod to the side tells her to get the hell out of here.

Allison frowns and reaches blindly behind her where she knew Lydia is still in some form of shock. Hell, she was in some form of shock at seeing Derek, Isaac, and Cora tied to posts like that out in the open. The second Derek starts to struggle against his restraints with his gaze still on them hidden behind the treeline, Allison grips Lydia's arm with her free hand and turns around only to run into two strong chests.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

Lydia stumbles back in surprise and fear as two men stand side-by-side with easy yet unnerving grins- their faces painted like army rejects. Allison positions herself in front of Lydia, her arm bringing up the dagger to hold it between herself and the strangers in some sort of protection. She really hated being caught off guard.

"Look, Russ. We have a girl who knows what she's doing."

Lydia and Allison hold their ground, eyes trained on the threat before them as Allison tries to figure out a way to get themselves out of this situation. Seconds pass and then a muffled scream behind her has Allison turning only to see Lydia being dragged backward by another guy. A needle gets shoved into Lydia's neck, Allison spinning on her heel and swiping with her dagger when she feels a hand come down on her shoulder. She takes two more swipes as the men dodge her, laughing all the while, before she feels a pinch in her neck. When she reaches with her free hand to her neck, she pulls out a dart and tosses it angrily to the ground.

"You have no idea who just messed with." She grits out as she stumbles to stay standing upright.

"Sure we do, little Argent." One of the men sneers at her as he closes in. "You run with a wolf pack. The Argents have no sense of honor anymore. We're just cleaning up a mess that should have been taken care of long ago."

Allison lunges at him with all her energy only to be shoved to the ground where darkness quickly consumes her.



Lydia doesn't know how long she's been out but she knows it's been a while because the sun is starting to set. By the time her vision clears, she realizes that she's tied to a post just like the wolves were. Isaac and Cora now both have the same type of steel muzzle that Derek has on and it doesn't take long for her to realize that the muzzles are to keep them from howling for help.

Someone having a coughing fit next to her catches her attention and she finds one of the men crouched down in front of Allison and throwing water in her face.

"Wakey, wakey, Argent." He mocks.

Lydia takes a moments to study their captors, each and everyone of them nothing spectacular. They're all in black garb- black fatigue pants, black long-sleeve shirts (some have their sleeves rolled up to their elbows), and heavy duty vests covering their chests. They're all wearing beanies and war paint covers their features so it's hard to make out anything that would normally stand out, and their chosen weapons are all scattered in between them.

"W-what are you doing?" Lydia stammers. "They haven't done anything. We haven't done anything."

"They-" a new guy comes up and crouches in front of Lydia while the other one continues to taunt Allison. "-exist. That's enough for us to take them down."

"Yeah.. and what about us?"

The guy has the audacity to chuckle. "You side with them. You see, Lydia," He coos her name. "-we've been watching for a few days now- just enough to learn the names of those we're going kill. We saw how the world's most infamous Hunting Family now sides with what they were meant to hunt and watched as two other humans got roped in." Lydia narrows her eyes as him as she tries to stand now. "Oh yes, we know all about the last remaining wolf and his human pet."

"We aren't pets." She sneers.

"Might as well be." He shrugs. "And they'll be here soon." He grins. "Just right after my friend texts them from one of your phones. And then the whole pack of mutts and their pets will be together as you all die."

For a moment, Lydia is thankful that Hunters have no supernatural abilities because right now, her heart is beating ridiculously fast. Derek, Isaac, and Cora are all fighting against their restraints- low growls being the only thing they're able to produce because of the muzzles keeping their jaws practically shut tight.

"When our alpha gets here," Allison pants from her spot on the ground. "-he's going to tear you to pieces. And I'll gladly watch on as you scream for your life."

"Hate to break it to 'ya, little girl, but your alpha's tied up with all of you. Can't you see or are you blind?"

Allison picks herself up now, the Huntress finally realizing that she's tied to the pole next to Lydia as she stands on shaky legs. Together, the girls share a brief look at one another, smirking as their eyes slide back to their captors.

"Who said he's our only one?"

The two men who were taunting the girls slowly stop chuckling when they realize the girls are being serious. Derek's growls get louder and as the men slowly turn to look at him over their shoulders, they both curse before jogging over to regroup with their friends. They had only guessed one alpha was in the pack because more than one alpha usually caused conflict. And now- now they were way in over their heads.

As the group of Hunters converse, Lydia starts muttering low enough so they can't hear her.

"Derek. Derek, if you can hear me, look at me." Instantaneously, Derek locks his gaze on her. "They're gonna set a trap for Scott and Stiles. We need to warn them. I need to warn them." She goes quiet after that, letting that sink in so the alpha knows what she's about to do.

Apparently the Hunters weren't all that if they hadn't done enough research to know that leaving Lydia conscious was probably their biggest mistake. One of the perks of being a banshee, besides being a messenger for the Otherworld, was that she was like their personal alarm system. Her scream didn't seem to affect the humans as it did the others and it could reach a supernatural being even if they were miles away.

Lydia and Allison wait, the two girls tensing up when now three of the men starting walking towards them and Lydia finally catches the visible nod of Derek's head. Sucking in a deep breath, Lydia braces herself and did the only thing she could do at the moment.

She wailed.

Scott and Stiles

Stiles and Scott had spent the last few hours searching for Julie. They started off at Cafe Cris where they had dropped her off the previous night but she was nowhere to be seen. Stiles parked his Jeep down one of the streets as he and Scott started searching on foot for her through the stores and cafes. When they didn't find her, they went back to Cafe Cris and asked around, giving the waiters and waitresses a description of Julie but none of them seemed to remember her.

They spent two hours looking before they gave up and jumped back in the Jeep.

"Well, we did find her wandering the road last night. Do you think she's at it again?"

"I don't know." Scott mumbles as he keeps his eyes peeled for any sight of the girl. "But there's only one way to find out."

Stiles nods and heads for the main roads where the woods reside on either side and they only have to drive for about five minutes before they find Julie standing at the Preserve entrance looking on wistfully. Scott and Stiles share a confused looked as they watch Julie stare off into the woods with a longing look engraved in her features.

Both Scott and Stiles get off the Jeep, make their way towards Julie and when it doesn't seem like she senses their presence, Stiles lays a hand on her shoulder.

The effect is instantaneous as Julie flinches back as if burned, her eyes blazing as she scowls at Stiles and Scott. When recognition flashes in her eyes, her features soften. "Sorry. You startled me."

"Oh, no." Stiles mumbles. "That's, uh, that's a my bad. Sorry."

Julie offers him a feeble grin as she nods at both boys. "What are you doing out here?"

"Us? What are you doing out here?" Scott counters. "The sun will be down soon. Don't you remember what we told you last night?"

"Yes." Julie sighs as she rolls her eyes, shoving her hands in the front pockets of her jeans. It's then that the boys take a moment to look her over and realize she's still in the same clothes as the night before. "But I can take care of myself. I'm no longer a little girl, Scott."

Scott grins at her, his attention then focused on where she was gazing. "Remember when Stiles' dad used to take us camping?"

"And your Mom would pack all the stuff for s'mores."

"S'mores I wasn't allowed to eat." Stiles threw in after Julie. "You guys suck."

Julie and Scott laugh as all three of them now stare off into the woods. "Those were the times, huh?" Julie murmurs. "When we didn't have a care in the world. When our parents took care of us." It takes her voice cracking at the end of her sentence to alert the boys to her distress. They both look at her, tears silently falling down her cheeks as she stares out into the woods. "I miss it."

"Jules?" Stiles furrows his eyebrows as he angles his body towards her, stepping in her line of vision. "What's going on? Why are you back in Beacon Hills all alone?" He asks. The way she said I miss it, it almost seemed as if she were truly alone.

Julie averts her gaze from Stiles, biting her bottom lip as she gently wipes away her tears. "I just wanted to see this place one last time." And yeah, that didn't answer his question at all. Something was definitely up.

"One last time?"

"Yeah." Julie answers Scott. "I, uh, I have to go and I won't be back. I just wanted one last look at my childhood home."

"Oh. Well, how long are you here for?" Scott gains Julie's full attention, the brunette turning to face him completely. He finally gets a good look at her, one that isn't in the moonlight and he mentally frowns at what he sees.

She's pale.

Pale enough to raise a bit of an alarm and she has dark circles beneath her eyes. And when she takes her hands from her pockets and crosses her arm, he thinks that she might be shaking in the cold but he can't quite tell. "Julie, you're not sick, are you?" He tries to get a read from her, even going as far as checking her heart beat but it's steady. Steady and oddly slow.

"No!" She squeaks. "No. I'm just tired is all." She tells him with a sigh. "I actually didn't sleep last night. I've been roaming around town until I get my fill and take off."

"Take off?" Stiles jumps into the conversation. "Take off how? You don't have a car."

Julie shrugs and takes a step back so she faces both of her old friends. "I hitch-hiked. It's not as scary as most people make it out to be."

Scott groans while Stiles shakes his head in disbelief. "Jesus, Julie, do you know how many people are murdered while hitch-hiking?!"

"No, Mr. Stilinski, but I have a feeling you're going to tell me." She mocks, tears being slowly forgotten as Stiles playfully glares at her. "Still have a knack for knowing every little fact, do you?"

"Still have a knack for attracting the wrong crowd, do you?"

"I first attracted you and Scott." She feebly grins. "So what does that say about you two?"

"That you were highly adorable in pigtails and we were easily influenced." Stiles snorts. "Geez, what happened?" He playfully grimaces as he tugs on a few strands of her hair.

Julie's eyes widen in mock outrage, slapping Stiles' hand away as she pouts, and Scott laughs. The trio stand there, all three of them easily grinning at one another as if they had never spent time apart. It's only when Julie can't take the silence anymore and opens her mouth that they realize they haven't been together for a while.

"So who have you two hung around with since my untimely departure?"

"Well, we actually-"


Scott's posture immediately goes stiff- his attention span to Stiles' reply short-lived as he tunes in his hearing to see what direction the scream is coming from. He's too busy trying to pinpoint a direction, and Stiles is too busy talking, that neither boy notices Julie flinch at the scream.

It's a piercing wail that has the hairs on the back of her neck standing on ends and having her feel like she's on edge. She sees Scott trying to pinpoints it's location but when she looks at Stiles- Stiles is still rambling on about a girl named Allison, Lydia Martin, two guys named Isaac and Derek, and some girl by the name of Cora. It's like he doesn't even hear it.

"-and so yeah, Jackson is actually a good guy but you didn't hear it from me." Stiles finishes. "And I will forever deny I just said it so good luck trying to blackmail me with that."

Julie shakes her head as if clearing it before she plasters on a fake grin. "Yeah, you do that."

Scott clears his throat then, eyes frantically darting to Stiles. "Dude, we gotta go."

"What? But we-"

"Now, Stiles. We don't have time." Scott grits out and whatever passes over Scott's features has Stiles numbly agreeing.

"Yeah. Okay. We'll go." He stammers. "But what about-"

"Go." Julie tells him as she takes a second to look around. "I'll be fine and I'll be sure not to leave without saying goodbye in person this time."

Stiles nods as he looks to Scott, Scott looking frantically towards the woods. "I'm sorry, Jules, but we really have to go. Maybe we can give you a ride back into town?"

"Don't bother. I like the walks."

"Yeah but-"

"Scott." Julie determinedly catches his gaze. "I'm fine. I'll walk back. Go."

Stiles watches as his best friend relaxes right before his eyes and a dazed look overcomes his features. There's a moment where it looks like Scott's going to cave but then he shakes his head and blinks rapidly. "No, wait- I, uh.."

"Go." Julie nudges him with a confused frown. "I promise I'll be fine."

"Yeah but just-" Scott trails off when he sees Julie clench her jaw. "-start walking towards town now? The sun is nearly gone and I don't feel comfortable leaving you all alone."

"I've been alone for a while," She mumbles. "-but if it makes you feel better, I'll go now."

"Yes. Thank you." Scott sighs.

Julie weakly grins at them before Scott and Stiles turn to run back to the Jeep, both boys hurriedly getting in and waiting for her to start walking. She rolls her eyes at their odd protectiveness and starts her trek back towards town.

The boys patiently watch as Julie makes her way towards town, Scott bouncing his knees impatiently. Stiles doesn't know what's going on but he knows it's not good if Scott is already this nervous. By the time Julie is out of sight, Scott turns to Stiles.

"Drive. Now. Through the Preserve and towards Derek's." Stiles doesn't wait for any other explanation knowing that he shouldn't question the alpha right now. "Something's wrong. I heard Lydia's scream. Didn't she say she and Allison were going to Derek's?"

Stiles gulps and nods, pressing his foot down harder on the accelerator. They make it to Derek's in record time, Stiles slamming on his brakes when they're close enough. Both of Derek's cars and Allison's sit outside, the front door ajar. Scott and Stiles both share a wary look, Stiles going to the back of his jeep and pulling out a titanium baseball bat that he carried around now. He had learned his lesson with wooden bats and the twins' head so titanium it was now.

"You think the Hunters took the girls too?"

"She screamed, Stiles." Scott grit out. His eyes taking on a red hue, the alpha in him rising to the surface. "They have everyone." He growls, his eyes landing on the ground where there was an obvious scuffle and follows the trail with his eyes. "They went that way."

Stiles takes off running after Scott, bat gripped tight in his hand as he mentally prays that he doesn't trip or fall. They hadn't had a problem for a little over a half year and now- well drama was bound to find them sooner or later.

At least it was Hunter's this time and nothing with claws, fangs, or super strength.

Scott finally starts to slow down and Stiles catches up just in time before they break into the clearing. Scott is audibly growling and snarling by now, and he slowly makes his way towards the group of Hunters who have their Pack and Derek's all tied up. The wolves are all muzzled and Stiles clenches his bat tighter at how the Hunters are treating his friends. He hears Scott let out an almighty roar- Derek, Isaac, and Cora fighting harder against their restraints now when he catches sight of Allison and Lydia.

Lydia is bleeding from her mouth, a scowl directed towards the Hunters while Allison looks like she's been drenched. When the Hunters lay eyes on Scott, they all have the balls the crack a grin before one of them pulls out a dagger from his belt- a dagger that looks highly familiar- and struts towards Allison.

"Get. Away. From. Her." Scott growls at him, eyes shining red.

The Hunter closest to Allison snorts at him, gripping the pole above Allison's head and twirling himself behind her so he's now standing next to her on the opposite side. He pulls another familiar dagger from his belt, placing the blade against Allison's neck. "But the little Huntress came to play." He coos mockingly. "I think it's only fair that the Huntress gets the fastest death here, don't you?" He says and presses the blade hard enough to thinly cut her and make her bleed.

Scott snarls as Allison whimpers and Lydia's a second too late in yelling at Scott to stop. The second Scott lunges with his fangs bared and roar reverberating all around them, another Hunter steps forwards and fires off two shots into Scott's chest.

"Scott!" Stiles screams, running forward when his friend staggers to the side and drops to his knees.


Julie is starving.

The last time she had fed was two days ago and she nearly had a slip-up last night when hugging Stiles. For some reason- when hugging Scott- she didn't feel the urge to chomp on his neck but when Stiles hugged her, his blood pumped deliciously through his veins. Her mini freak out nearly caused a mess but luckily for her, the boys were still easily distracted and she managed to get them to forget all about it.

After they had dropped her off, the temptation to feed had been all around her so once Scott and Stiles left, she made her way back to the woods where she roamed around and drank in memories before she left once more, but this time for good.

The world would be a better place with one less monster.

Once again, when Stiles and Scott left her, she made sure they were gone before blurring into the woods with inhumane speeds in search of some food. If she was going to be around them for one more day, she really needed to sate her hunger so she didn't out herself in front of them.

As she stealthily scours the wooded area for some type of animal to feed off of, two gun shots ring out in the distance. She freezes at the sound, ears twitching to catch any sounds that are miles away. She can faintly hear screaming- a girl screaming- and with a frown, she forgets about dinner as she goes to investigate.

The closer Julie gets to a sobbing female, her sense of smell zeroes in on the smell of a metallic and rust spice in the air, and her throat burns in anticipation. Her gums ache as her fangs slide out, her eyes pulsing funny as she feels the veins beneath her eyes slither to the surface. Every sense she has heightens as she goes into hunting mode and follows the smell on instinct.

It doesn't take Julie long until she standing just on the outside of the clearing, hiding away in the shadows as her eyes catalog what she's seeing. There are seven poles erected in the middle of the field, each pole having one being tied to it in a different state of health. Three of them have muzzles covering their faces and it isn't until she hears the growling and sees the flash of yellow and red eyes that she realizes they're werewolves.

Two men are crouched before one person, blocking her view of the being as they taunt him. "Two alphas in one pack? Now we didn't see this coming."

The mentioning of two alphas is enough to snap her out of her blood haze- because two alphas running together was unheard of, at least where she's from- but then the scent of blood wafts towards her again, and her mouth salivates. She doesn't want to feed on a human but she doesn't know how much longer she can fight it off.

"Stop it! You're killing him." A brunette cries. When Julie zeroes in on her, she notices that she and her red-head companion are bleeding. It's their blood that smells so deliciously good.

"That's the whole point, doll. To kill him and the rest of the pack."

Julie knows she should help. At least help the humans if she can but the blood has her mind fuzzy and well, if she can feed real quick then maybe the men who look like black op rejects could help her in her mission to end her monstrous life once and for all.

Her hunger gets the best of her and the moment she takes a step forward, a familiar voice has her freezing mid-stride. "You're really going to kill us all? The Sheriff's kid, an Argent's daughter, and the son of one hell of a Doctor who will go on a murdering spree when she finds out her own kid was murdered in cold blood. You won't get away with it, you know that right?"

Julie's vampire visage fades away in her shock but the second one of the men walk up to Stiles and backhands him across his face, an angry hiss escapes from between her lips and her fangs are bared once more.

The three wolves who have muzzles on their faces freeze, heads snapping towards her as she stalks forward. Those three are the only ones who see her as she sets her sights on the guy in front of Stiles but when the two crouching stand and she sees Scott sitting down and bleeding black blood from his chest, her fury is directed towards them.

One second there's two men laughing down at Scott withering in pain and the next, there's an earsplitting scream piercing the air as one of the men goes missing within the blink of an eye.

The laughter immediately ceases and weapons are drawn as the Hunters start calling out for their missing friend Wade.

Stiles stands there wide-eyed, his heart hammering as he watched the guy disappear and heard the anguish cry of pain. Allison and Lydia stand, mouths agape as they try to see anything as the Hunters before them place themselves in a circle with their weapons drawn.

A sudden thunk has everyone turning towards the direction it came from, the Hunters cursing when they see Wade lying on the ground lifeless and a bloodied wound on his neck.

Another hiss sounds from the darkness, the Hunters all turning as one and firing off in the blank space. A second Hunter goes missing, screaming in pain as an audible snap is heard before he too is tossed with Wade.

The three remaining Hunters huddle together with their backs to one another, each of them facing a different direction and waiting for the next attack.

"Come on!" One of them yells as he cocks his gun.

Julie smirks from her spot up in the tree, eyes gleaming as blood drips from her chin. She forgot what a rush it was to drink straight from the vein.

One of the Hunters gets fed up, marching over to Derek and yanking off his muzzle. "What is it? Who else is in your pack?"

Derek glares down at him as he flexes his jaw. "I don't know. You have our entire pack tied up."

"Don't lie to me!" The Hunter yells. "Someone is protecting you and your pack of dogs. Now tell me," He points the barrel of his gun to Derek's chest. "-who it is or we'll have two alphas dying a slow death of wolfsbane poisoning."

Derek growls at him but before he could retort, there's a blur of dark hair in front of him as the Hunter screams and disappears within the blink of an eye. Derek, Cora, and Isaac all tense at how close that thing got to them and are struggling more than ever now to get free. Whatever it is- it's picking off the Hunters one by one and there's no telling whether or not it's truly protecting them or just starting with the Hunters first.

The third body gets added the the pile and only two live now. One of them makes the dumb move of only looking at Stiles and instantaneously, he ends up with a snapped neck and dropping right where he stands. Everyone's freaking out, the only light being that from the moon, and the humans can't see as well as the wolves.

The last Hunter takes a look at all his dead friends before anger boils up inside of him. Turning his glare on Derek, he stomps towards him with his gun in hand only to be tackled by a body smaller than his. When he lands on his back and looks up, he's faced with a female with blood smeared around her mouth, fangs, veins crawling beneath her eyes, and the whites of her eyes blood red.

"Leave him alone." She snarls before grinning a feral grin when she hears his heart hammer twice as loudly and twice as fast. She feels proud when his fear spikes at the sight of her fangs and wastes no more time in gripping him by the shoulders and sinking her fangs into his neck.

The Hunter screams out, struggling against her hold but Julie easily over powers him. She drinks her fill, feels her strength return to her, and when she hears his heart slowing, a loud roar rings out in the night. She snaps out of her blood induced haze, eyes zeroing in on the werewolf who's baring his own set of werewolf fangs in her direction and eyes glowing red.

Julie frowns in confusion before she realizes what just went down and she scurries away from the man in her clutches. He turns away from her, wheezing in pain as he now tries to crawl away. As she takes in the carnage she just caused, her vampire visage fades away and tears instantly well up as she climbs to her feet.

This wasn't supposed to happen.

"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry." She murmurs over and over. Derek's eyes dim in confusion at the female's apologies.

Scott wheezes, struggling to breathe and sit up straighter so he can see what's going on.

"Please. Help him." A feminine voice calls out. "Help us. He's going to die."

Julie turns towards the brunette only to find her glancing around. She, nor Stiles or the red-head can see her but the wolves can with their more than perfect eyesight.

Julie glances at Scott before she takes a deep breath and heads towards him. The moment she gets a couple of feet away from him, the wolves all snarl and growl. She gets that they don't want her anywhere near him so she turns to another familiar face. Stiles.

But the second she sets her sight on him, the growls and snarls get even louder but she figures they have to give her one so she goes for Stiles. Maybe he can help with Scott.

When her figure becomes visible in the dark- Allison, Lydia, and Stiles all freeze at the incoming being. She stops just before him, her face downcast with her hair hiding her face. She slowly looks up at him, her hands coming up to push her hair behind her ears and plasters on a guilty smile.


"Hiya, Stiles."

Dun, dun, dun. Yes, Julie is a vampire. Why else do you think I used Nina Dobrev/Elena Gilbert as her face-claim? She's already a vampire, so why not?

And yes, for those of you who caught it, when Julie is telling Scott that she's fine and can walk back into town during their second meeting- that's her trying to compel him but since he's a werewolf, it didn't really work. And yes, I'm aware that vampires can't compel other supernatural beings unless they're an Original but since she's not an Original and Scott's a bitten wolf, well why the hell not? It could have worked- it almost worked- but it didn't.

Just so you know, I'll be mixing some of the vampire traits from TVD and True Blood. You'll see what I'm talking about soon.