Sunstreaker fanned himself as he stared at his latest piece of work.

It was hot. Scratch that, it was bloody hot. Sweat ran down his back, making his shirt stick to his skin. With a huff, he accepted that he had to take it off. He had wanted to stay decent; Bluestreak was over, currently occupied with washing the unruly Bob, but that wasn't going to happen. It had to come off.

He peeled it off, throwing it onto the sofa behind him. Much better. He reached over and turned the electric fan on, humming as it started to blast cold air over him.

The half finished painting sat in front of him, the reference photo stuck in the corner. Paint coated his hands, and he was pretty sure it was on his face and in his hair too.

"It looks good." Bluestreak said, leaning over his shoulder. "Is that from when we went to the river?"

"Yeah. The photo of Sides and Ariel."

"They'll love it." Bluestreak grinned. Water dripped from his hair into Sunstreakers shoulder.

"You're wet."

"Bob pulled me into the bath."

Sunstreaker sighed and shook his head. "Stupid dog. Need me to get him out of the bath?"


Sunstreaker stood and made his way towards the bathroom, stretching as he went. Bob was a naughty boy, pulling Bluestreak into the bath. A very naughty boy.

Bluestreak trailed behind him, watching as sweat glistened on his skin, bruises peppering his shoulders and back. Just what had he been up to?

"Come on, you big oaf." Sunstreaker huffed as he picked up Bob, the sodden dog delighted that he was being held. Master was holding him! Yes, today was a good day! The blue one washes with a scrubbie and joins him to play, and then master holds! His tail started wagging furiously, scattering water everywhere. What a good day!

"Bob! No!"

Bluestreak shrieked with laughter as he was once again soaked, Sunstreaker less than pleased. "Bob, no! These are my painting jeans- no! Stop!"

"He's just a dog." Bluestreak laughed, beginning to towel Bob down. "He doesn't understand."

Bob looked up at Sunstreaker as he was put down onto yet more towels, tongue lolling out of his mouth. "See? Dog."

Sunstreaker pulled a face as he continued drying him down.

Once Bob was reasonably dry, he was released into the rest of the house while Sunstreaker blocked off his art studio. A wet dog was not, under any circumstances, welcome in there. Bluestreak was ushered into the bathroom and Sunstreaker found some dry clothes for him. They were a tad big for him, belonging to Sunstreaker, but it was better than sitting around in wet clothes he figured. Bluestreaks wet clothes were then hung up in the utility area to dry.

"Sorry nothing really fits." Sunstreaker apologised as they sat in the kitchen, stirring the boiling pasta every so often.

"It's fine." Bluestreak replied, happily chopping up cooked chicken. "I didn't expect anything to anyway."

Bluestreak glanced up at Sunstreaker as he distractedly stirred the pasta. He couldn't forget the bruises, the muscle. How strong was Sunstreaker? How did he manage to hide it all so easily? How did he manage to be so gentle when he looked as though he could walk through hell?

"It's done." Sunstreaker said, snapping Bluestreak out of his thoughts. He quickly chopped the rest of the chicken before presenting it to Sunstreaker. If Sunstreaker noticed he wasn't paying much attention, he didn't comment on it.

The slushie machine beeped to say it was finished, and the two grabbed their drinks, grabbed a bowl of pasta, and settled down to watch a movie.

"Sunstreaker?" He quietly asked, holding his slushie like a lifeline, "Do you... Like anyone?"

Sunstreaker felt his heart leap into his throat. What should he say?

The characters on screen continued dancing together, swaying in time to the music.

"I... Do."

Bluestreak faltered slightly, biting his tongue hard to stop any sounds from escaping. "What're they like?"

Oh, god, Sunstreaker wasn't sure what was worse. Lying and saying he had no interest in anyone, or trying to describe Bluestreak without being horribly obvious.

"They're..." Sunstreaker leaned back on the sofa, staring up at the ceiling. "...nice. Kind. Tolerant. Put up with my shit pretty well." He put his cup down on the coffee table. "Very good at giving me inspiration, even if they don't realise it."

"Are you mad at Sides?" Bluestreak asked with wide eyes. Sunstreaker took a moment to find words, his mouth fumbling before finally settling on-


Oh, eloquent indeed.

"I-I thought... Ariel, you draw her a lot..."

"Not that much, you just happen to be here." Sunstreaker sheepishly replied. "It's not Ariel. She's not my type."

"Then who?"

"Why are you interested?"

Bluestreak slowly put his cup onto the coffee table too. "I'm not sure. Just curious I guess."

"Then what about you?" Sunstreaker asked. "Do you like anyone?"

"You never answered-"

"I think you'll find I did."

Bluestreak huffed. "... Fine, you did I suppose. I'm not sure if I do or not."

Sunstreaker felt a weight in his stomach. "What do you mean?"

"They're... Everything to me, but they're standoffish. I don't think I interest them."

"Then they're missing out." Sunstreaker took a gulp of his drink. "Majorly."

"You think so?" Bluestreak quietly asked.

"I wouldn't have said it if I didn't."

"T-thank you..." Bluestreak said as he sipped on his slushie. He didn't know where to go from here. There weren't any subtle ways of saying "It's you, asshole!" that he knew of. Jazz could probably do it, he was good at everything. But he couldn't ask him for help...

"If I wasn't afraid of Prowl kicking my ass..."

"Why would Prowl kick your ass?"

Sunstreaker tried to ignore the way his face turned red, his cheeks burning. Why was this so hard? Just rip the plaster off, Sunny. Just rip it off. If Blue rejects you he rejects you. He's not as judgemental as to stop contact with you... Is he?

He glanced over at Bluestreak, who was staring at him with a face as red as a strawberry and his mouth slightly agape. Had he caught on..?

"Me?" Bluestreak squeaked out. "It's... Me?"

Sunstreaker could only nod, not trusting his voice.

"But... Why?"

Sunstreaker fought to find the words. "I... Just do. There's a strange... draw to you."

"But I'm broken." Bluestreak quietly replied.

Sunstreakers head snapped around so fast the crack was audible. "Who said that?"

"I hear it around." Bluestreak rubbed at his eye. Stupid thing, watering.

"You're not." Sunstreaker wrapped an arm around him, pulling him close in comfort. "I promise you're not."

"You're warm." Bluestreak absently replied, curling his face into Sunstreakers chest. "Really warm."

"I try to be." Sunstreaker replied, pulling the blanket back over Bluestreak. "You okay?"

"I'm okay." He softly replied. "I'm relieved."


"I can still see you. If you liked someone else it would hurt too much, I'd want you to be happy but I rely on you too much for that. So I'd have to keep my distance."

"Blue..." Sunstreaker wrapped his other arm around him, ducking his head down. "If anyone has a problem with how often we see each other, they can go fuck themselves. It's their problem, not yours. I like that you rely on me. Not many can trust me."

Bluestreak absently traced where he knew a bruise was on Sunstreakers chest - he had seen it earlier when he was getting Bob out of the bath. Dark purple and angry looking, like a storm.

"So." Sunstreaker nudged Bluestreak. "Now that I've been stripped and lain bare for the world to see, your turn. Who."

"I thought it was obvious?" Bluestreak asked, sitting up in shock. Sunstreaker slowly shook his head.

"Close your eyes, I'll trace their name on your hands."

Sunstreaker apprehensively closed his eyes and held out his hands. Bluestreak gently took one and began tracing out letters-


He frowned. You? You...!

"Are you sure?" He quietly asked.


He opened his eyes and saw Bluestreak tentatively looking back as though uncertain. Why would he be uncertain? He already knew he wouldn't be rejected...

Unless he thought he was because of Prowl.

"Prowl's going to kill me." He said, closing the distance between them and pressing their lips together. He didn't force Bluestreak to stay- he loosened his arms so the other could pull away if he wanted to.

Bluestreak didn't. He leaned into the kiss, not being able to help but smile as he gripped onto Sunstreakers shirt.

"I won't let him." Bluestreak replied, suddenly unsure of what to do with himself. Was it okay for him to practically be sitting on Sunstreaker? Was he allowed to touch his shirt? Was it okay for him to be this close?

Sunstreaker didn't seem to mind, however. He simply quietly watched Bluestreak, his expression unreadable.

"We don't have to do anything." He assured him. "I'm not going to make you."

"I... Okay." Bluestreak nodded, relaxing into Sunstreaker. "I'm sorry."

"What for?" Sunstreaker asked, settling back into the sofa, arms still wrapped around Bluestreak. "You haven't done anything wrong."

"I just felt like I had to apologise."

"Don't." Sunstreaker replied, lightly tracing patterns on Bluestreaks shoulder. "Don't feel as though you have to apologise to me."

Bluestreak chewed his lip. "I'll... Try."

That was good enough for Sunstreaker. He made himself comfortable as Bluestreak huddled against him, a tangle of blankets and joy.

It would have been a perfect moment... If Bob didn't exist.

The dog did not take kindly to being ignored. How dare they ignore him, Bob! He could smell the chicken, and they did not share. This was no longer a good day. This was a sad, sad day. Without any warning, he jumped up onto the sofa, landing on Sunstreaker with a delighted bark.

Sunstreaker gasped and hissed, immediately pushing Bob off and onto Bluestreak as he coughed and tried to breathe.

"Bob!" Bluestreak squeaked as he suddenly found the dog on him, his arms scrabbling to get hold of him before he fell onto the floor. "Sunny are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Sunstreaker wheezed, "Just fine."

Bob was delighted again. They wanted to play! It was time to play! He barked excitedly and wagged his tail, smacking the sofa with it.

"I think he needs a walk." Bluestreak said, petting bob and scratching behind his ears.

"Maybe." Sunstreaker said, absently noticing that the movie was over and the credits were rolling. "I'll get his lead."

At the mention of the word lead, Bob's ears shot up. Lead? Lead! Yes that meant outside! That meant walks! So many smells and so much sniffing to be done, yes, excellent!

He jumped up and followed Sunstreaker as the man went to grab his lead, Bluestreak going to grab his own clothes. They had quickly dried, so he took them into the bathroom with him and quickly got changed. When he stepped out, Sunstreaker was pulling on a jumper with Bob parading around with his lead, looking very pleased with himself indeed.

"You ready?" Sunstreaker asked as he tucked nappy bags into his back pocket.

"Yup!" Bluestreak happily chirped, following Sunstreaker as they left the house. Out of habit, he peered in through the shop window. It was weird, knowing that they lived in a house attached to a shop, although it made sense in a weird way.

"The usual way?" Bluestreak asked. Sunstreaker took a moment to reply.

"I thought we could take him a shorter route. It's getting dark."

He was right, Bluestreak realized. The sun was on its way down already, a slight chill in the air.

Bob didn't seem to care as Sunstreaker took him the opposite way than usual, happily sniffing away at everything. Bluestreak stayed close to Sunstreaker, a habit he hadn't broken even years later, shooting a nervous glance at the house opposite the street.

A new couple had moved in not long after Sunstreaker had carried Bluestreak out, and they were appalled when they had heard what had happened to him. They had tried to make friends with Bluestreak, but he still couldn't shake the memories and the feeling of fear.

He still appreciated the effort, though.

They were walking past a field when they finally encountered someone. Sunstreaker seemed to know them.

"Get behind me." He quietly said as he slowed down, the other person calling Sunstreakers name.

"I thought you'd be there tonight." They said, their voice smooth like velvet. He glanced down, spotting Bluestreak. "Oh, who's this? A new prospect?"

"They're not for you." Sunstreaker firmly replied.

"Pity." The other stood to their full height and looked back at Sunstreaker. Bluestreak silently glanced between the two, thoroughly confused. A new prospect? What?

"I'll be there tomorrow." Sunstreaker said, giving the other a hard look. "Don't get any ideas. I'm getting offers from other places."

"Ooh, scary. Are you threatening me, Sunstreaker?"

"Depends on what you're planning."

The other man looked back at Bluestreak, a smirk on his face. "Of course. I'll be seeing you then, golden boy." He nodded and continued on, Sunstreaker watching him with a glare until he turned the corner.

"Who was that?" Bluestreak quietly asked.

"Just someone I know." Sunstreaker replied. "I wouldn't worry, he's well aware I can kick his ass."

"What did he mean by new prospect?"

The two began walking again, Bob reaching the end of his lead and tugging them, hoarsely panting as the collar pulled back on his throat. Sunstreaker jogged forwards with a tut.

"He's a blood sucking… business man." Sunstreaker eventually replied. "New prospects are new employees."

"And he wants me?" Bluestreak asked with a shudder. "He's creepy. I don't like him."

"Good. He's a slimy piece of shit."

"Is he your boss?"

"He's more of a body snatcher."

"You really don't like him, do you?"

"Not at all."

Bluestreak couldn't help but laugh at that.

When they got back, Sideswipe was still not home. Sunstreaker shrugged it off, saying he must still be with Ariel. Bluestreak quickly text her to ask while Sunstreaker cleared up the living room. A few moments later she text back confirming that they were still together, along with a picture of Sideswipe passed out on the sofa, dribbling down his cheek. Gross.

"I don't think he's coming back tonight." Bluestreak said with a laugh, showing Sunstreaker the picture. He laughed.

"Fair play. Did you want anything to drink?"

"Just some water." Bluestreak replied as Bob licked his legs. He decided to not question why he was doing that.

Sunstreaker handed him a glass of water as he flicked the kettle on and yawned.

"Tired?" Bluestreak asked as he suppressed a yawn of his own.

"I'll take the sofa." Sunstreaker said as he poured out his drink. "You can borrow my clothes again if you need."

Bluestreak nodded, following Sunstreaker as he walked to his room. Sunstreaker grabbed a spare blanket, sleepily kissed Bluestreak on the forehead (Bluestreaks cheeks burned at that while his heart did flip-flops) and wished him goodnight.

Bluestreak flopped down onto the bed, just knowing that his face was bright red again.

It suddenly hit him. Sunstreaker liked him! He liked him back! He curled into a ball and bit down on his bottom lip to stop himself from making any excited noises. This was more than he could have wished for. Way more!

He grabbed the shirt he was wearing earlier – it still smelled like Sunstreaker – and changed into it as he wriggled off his jeans. He gulped some of his water before crawling under the duvet and turning off the light before-

"Potential prospect?"

Bluestreak froze.

Sunstreaker wouldn't mind… right?

Bundled in the duvet, water in one hand and phone tucked into the waistband of his boxers as his other hand clutched the duvet, he made his way to the living room. The light was off, and he could faintly hear Sunstreaker breathing. He quietly put his glass and phone onto the table, carefully creeping onto the sofa.

"Blue?" Sunstreaker sleepily said, shuffling to give Bluestreak more room.

"I'msorryI'mscaredIcan'tsleep-" Bluestreak rambled before Sunstreaker simply pulled him down onto the sofa and threw some of his blanket over him.

Bluestreak tried his best to give Sunstreaker some of the duvet before he cuddled up closer and fell asleep.

Three guesses what I'm writing next!

Hint; it involves Prowl, the twins, and the mystery man!
