Wow this year went by fast, anyway I hope you enjoy this story. It kind of just popped into my head haha.

(Nat's POV)

It was a regular Monday at school. Kids were sleeping in class, others not paying any attention and the ''cool'' kids texting on their phones.

I was about to be the kids that were asleep. The teacher was going on and on about some stupid science project that I could care less about. Her name is and the worst part about her is that she chooses our partners for us, i'd choose David, my bestfriend, in a heart beat. She usually looks at our adresses and sees who were closest by and pairs us up. I really have no idea why she just doesn't pair me and David up since he lives by me.

The only people I really talk to in this school is David, Thomas, and my little brother Alex. I also have people that don't really like me and that's the popular kids of course, the Jocks. They're the worst.

''Ok, time for pairing up!'' said.

The class sighed and I did with them. I also get paired up with someone I don't like or a weirdo.

For the past few minutes she was calling out partners then she came to my name.

''Nat Wolff...'' she said.

Oh great. I wonder who's my partner.

''...and...Rosalina Tai.''

The class snickered and my eyes widen, David looked at me and shook his head.

Really?! Rosalina Tai!? She's the school's most popular girl, and not to mention the prettiest next to her bestfriend Kristina Reyes. This is the worst day ever.

I turned around and looked at her, she looked at me then looked at the teacher. She didn't look to happy.

Who am I kidding? She's just gonna make me do the project alone, so I am ok.

''Turn to page 375 in your science textbooks.''

I did as the teacher said and continued with class.

I sat down at the lunch table and my friends greeted me.

''Dude, I can't believe Rosalina is your science partner.'' David said while stuffing food in his mouth.

''Woah wait, Rosalina Tai?'' Thomas asked.

I nodded my head and took a sip of my water. ''Yep.''

''You've liked her since kindergarden, you're probably gonna wet your pants having to talk to her.'' Thomas said while chuckling.

David laughed and I just shook my head and threw my roll at him, I looked over and noticed Rosalina walking towards my table. She sat down and all of us just looked at her.

''Uhm...could I talk to Nat for a minute?'' She asked David and Thomas

They nodded their heads and scooted over to other seats to let me and her talk in private.

''Here, this is my number so we can contact eachother for the science project or whatever.'' she said

''Oh..uh...ok.'' I said, barely saying my words right.

''Do you have any ideas?'' she asked.

''Not really, im an idiot.'' I said.

She giggled at my joke. Woah,I made her laugh. Score.

''Ok well I could just come over or you could comer over my house or something and we could brainstorm some ideas maybe?''

''Uhhh...Yea, you could come over my house I don't mind.'' I said, of course I won't mind, we have a project to do. I'm stupid.

''Cool, well i'll see you that right?''

''Yeah.'' I said while nodding my head.

She got up from the seat and went back the rest of the popular kids, David and Thomas scooted back in front of me and stared at me waiting for some answers.

''Well?...'' David said.

''Well what?'' I asked.

''What did she say!?'' Thomas asked.

''Didn't say anything, just stuff about our science project, I got her number.''

''You got her number, let me see!'' David said.

''What? No way. Look I gotta leave now, the music teacher wants me to meet him at lunch.'' I said as I threw away my lunch tray and left the lunchroom.

''Since he got her number he's acting like a total badass.'' Thomas said.

''Agreed.'' said David

''Our Nat is growing up.''

I hope you guys liked it and sorry if it was short or boring. Leave a review please. :) thanks xx