Alright, let me explain, I'm doing an ongoing series that picks up after season 2 (hence the thread title), because I didn't want to see MMPR die like it did (plus I didn't like the Alien Ranger/Zeo story).

So anything after 'Blue Ranger Gone Bad' is now non cannon, so anything that happens from this point on will drastically alter anything that's happened in the PR universe after S2. I only have one episode done so far, and I'd like to gather some opinions on this one before I get too far into the series. Thanks in advance,

-Tobias Christopher

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #3.1

"Ring Around the Ranger"

Written & Directed By Tobias Christopher

Angel Grove Youth Center

Tommy Oliver, a seventeen year old boy dressed in a white tank top and work out pants, was teaching his weekly karate class, comprised of kids from all around the city. He had long brown hair tied back into a ponytail, something he swore he would never cut off. Tommy and his friends Rocky and Adam had gotten together to teach a weekly class to teach kids self-defense, to build their confidence and help them learn to grow into responsible adults.

Tommy's class was usually the most instructive, followed by Adam's, then Rocky's. Rocky's class was the funnest to take part in, as he wasn't the drill instructor that Tommy and Adam were. Rocky never realized that Tommy and Adam labeled his class as a beginning course, and had never really questioned why all of his better students were suddenly joining the other classes.

"Great class, kids," Tommy said as he grabbed a towel. "See you next week."

The small group of boys and girls dispersed as Tommy took a seat at one of the tables where Adam and Tommy's other friend Billy were sitting.

Adam was a seventeen year old Asian boy with short black hair. Adam was the second best karate instructor at the youth center next to Tommy, even though Adam took more pride in helping kids learn martial arts. Adam was wearing a black t-shirt, jeans, and black shoes.

Billy was sixteen, and the smartest kid in Angel Grove. He had short dark blonde hair, and wore coke bottle glasses, because contacts bothered his eyes too much. Billy was becoming an excellent fighter, and was starting to hold his own in unmorphed fights, thanks to Tommy and former ranger Jason Scott. Billy was wearing a blue tank-top, a plaid long-sleeved shirt, blue jeans, and blue high tops.

"How's the study session going?" Tommy asked.

"Phenomenal," Billy replied. "My cranium is filled with extensive knowledge of the subject matter."

"...We really need to get you a girl," Adam responded as he closed his book. "Speaking of which-"

Kimberly and Aisha walked in, holding several shopping was seventeen, and a skilled gymnast. Kim had limited martial arts skills, as most of her fighting techniques came from her knowledge of acrobatics. Kim was wearing a pink t-shirt, mini-skirt and white shoes with pink socks.

Aisha was Kimberly's sixteen year old best friend, an African-American girl with long black hair and beauty that almost outmatched Kim. Aisha was almost as talented as Adam in the field of karate, and filled in for Adam's class when he needed time off. The two girls sat down at the table as Tommy noticed the large receipt hanging from Kim's purse. Aisha was wearing a yellow sweater, white t-shirt, and yellow mini-skirt with white shoes and yellow socks.

"You must have spent your whole allowance on that one trip," Tommy told her.

"Not really, I only spent a third of what I had," Kimberly replied. "I've learned to maximize my funds to my full advantage. Oh no! I'm speaking Billy."

"Wow, you really got me," Billy told her without looking up from his book. "I'll have to strain my cerebral cortex to ascertain an appropriate response."

"...We really need to get you a girl," Kimberly said as Ernie was wheeling a large wedding cake out.

"The cake looks great, Ernie," Tommy said.

"Thanks," Ernie replied as he stopped to talk to the kids. "This new catering business is off to a great start, thanks to Rocky's new stepfather."

"Hey, what's that cake made of?" Adam asked. "It looks too good to eat."

"It's called Murder by Chocolate," Ernie said as he looked at the cake. "It's a 6 layer combination of chocolate, devil's food, and chocolate chip cake, deep-fried to perfection. Then I coat each level in a layer of chocolate custard before adding triple chocolate icing, with crumbled peanut butter cups mixed in. Each bite is 5,000 calories of heaven."

"Wow, the wedding's going to turn into a funeral once everyone digs into that cake," Adam said as Ernie wheeled the cake to his delivery van. Seconds later, Tommy's communicator beeped.

"What is it, Alpha?" Tommy asked in a whisper.

"Rangers, Zordon needs you at the Command Center as soon as possible," Alpha's robotic voice told them.

"Rocky's not with us," Tommy said to Kim as the group stood up and gathered up their book bags and belongings.

"He's got a lot to do," Adam replied as they headed toward the exit. "We can handle whatever Zedd throws at us without him today."

The five teens headed outside into the empty hall and teleported away. Elsewhere in the Juice Bar, Ernie was talking to his two newest employees, an overweight teenager and his skinny friend.

"Alright, since the rest of my help canceled, I just have you two," Ernie said as he reluctantly handed over his van keys to Farkus 'Bulk' Bulkmeyer. "Just drive the van to the church and unload it. I'll be there in an hour, as soon as Richie shows up for his shift.."

"You can count on us," Bulk replied.

"Ay yi, Cap'n!" Eugene 'Skull' Skullovich replied as he saluted, hitting himself in the forehead. The two went to leave and bumped into each other, knocking them both backward. They regained their balance as Bulk grabbed Skull by the collar and headed out the door.

"My business is doomed," Ernie matter-of-factly stated as he headed back toward the bar.

The rangers teleported to the desert outside of Angel Grove, where the Command Center stood on top of a hill. It was a large stone building that looked almost like a castle, minus the drawbridge.

The Rangers landed in a large, brightly lit room, filled with large neon tubes and computer equipment. On the right hand side of the room was a large plasma view screen. In the center of the room was a circular tube that stretched all the way to the ceiling, surrounded by a table with the main control panel. In the tube was a large floating blue-tinted head. This was the Ranger's mentor, known as Zordon.

"Welcome Rangers," Alpha 5 said as he approached them. Alpha was a four-foot tall robot with a golden saucer-shaped head, a bright red torso with a lightning bolt on it, and golden arms and legs.

"What's the emergency, Zordon?" Tommy asked.

"Rangers, I have summoned you here because a war is looming between the planets of Edinoi and Triforia," Zordon explained. "Behold the viewing screen."

The Rangers looked at the screen and saw two beautiful neighboring planets, one golden and brown and one black and blue.

"War is imminent, although it hasn't reached a critical level yet," Zordon told them. "These two planets are of a peaceful nature, but an unknown force is driving them to war with each other."

"But what can we do?" Adam asked.

"If a war is started, I would like to send both the Rangers and the Megazord to negotiate peace between the two worlds," Zordon replied. "King Lexion, the ruler of Edinoi, and Prince Trey of Triforia are close friends of myself and Alpha. Perhaps peace can be reached between these two worlds before it is too late. But first I must ask if you are willing to undertake this mission if it becomes necessary. I will not force you to go if you do not want."

"I'm in," Tommy replied. One by one the other Rangers agreed.

"I am very proud of you, my Rangers," Zordon said as he looked at the group of teens before him. "We will continue to monitor the situation and hopefully a peaceful resolution can be found."

"Why not just send us before a war is started? Tommy asked.

"The Earth would be defenseless," Zordon quickly replied. "Lord Zedd would undoubtedly take advantage of the situation."

"Hey, where is Rocky?" Alpha asked as he noticed there were only five rangers in the room.

"He's getting ready for his mom's wedding," Adam replied as he looked at his watch. "She's getting married this afternoon. Zordon, what are the odds that Zedd's going to try to ruin the wedding?"

"I have no doubt Zedd will try something," Zordon told them. "Alpha and I will alert you if we detect something."

"That reminds me, we need to get our dresses ready," Kim said to Aisha as the boys rolled their eyes. "And you guys still need to pick up your tuxes. We'd better go pick them up at the shop on our way to the church"

"And we can't forget our accessories," Aisha reminded her. "Makeup, handbags, shoes, the works!"

Kim reached into her purse and pulled out a string of credit cards.

"It's shopping time!"




American Express!

Rocky, a sixteen year old boy with short brown hair, was walking through Angel Grove Park, carrying his new tuxedo for his mother's upcoming wedding. Rocky was wearing a red t-shirt, blue jeans, and red sneakers.

Rocky wanted his mother to be happy, something she hadn't truly been since his dad walked out six years ago, but he wasn't totally sure he trusted his mom's fiancée. Rocky had trouble trusting anyone who dated his mom, and this new guy was no exception. Rocky knew that if his mother went through with this wedding, his real father would have nothing to return home to someday.

He looked at his watch and realized he was going to be late, and started running, but soon found himself blocked off by a group of grey creatures with rock like features called Putties.

"Dammit, not now!" Rocky shouted as he took a fighting stance after tossing his tux onto a picnic table. "Six against one? That's hardly a fair fight. I feel sorry for you guys."

The Putties charged as Rocky did a cart-wheel, passing through the group, causing the Putties to slam into each other when they tried to grab him. He landed on his feet and punched one of the creatures, knocking him backward into two others. He then leaped into the air, landing a punch on the 'Z' chest plate of two Putties at once, shattering them on impact.

Two more raced toward him, but Rocky ran toward a tree, and rebounded off of it, landing behind the Putties. When they turned around, he punched both of them, destroying them. But before he could turn his attention to the last two, the Putties grabbed him and tossed him to the ground, then one Putty picked up a bowling ball sized rock, preparing to smash Rocky with it. The Putty charged toward him, but a foot tripped the creature, landing him on the ground face first.

"Leave that guy alone," A small boy with shaggy brown hair, around eleven years old, wearing a green t-shirt with white stripes, blue jeans and green high tops, said as the other Putty went to attack. Remembering he had zero fighting ability whatsoever, the boy dove between the Putty's legs and crawled out the other side, kicking him in the rear.

Rocky rolled as the Putty tried to stomp on him. He was finally able to get to his feet as the Putty charged. Rocky spun to the side, giving him the chance to punch the creature in the 'Z'.

"Hit the 'Z', kid!" Rocky shouted.

The Putty went toward the boy, who fell backward onto a picnic table. As the Putty rushed forward, the boy pushed his foot forward and kicked the 'Z' on his chest, shattering him.

"Are you alright?" Rocky asked as the boy stood up. "Thanks for the help."

"Why were those things attacking you?" The boy asked.

"Oh, You know that wacky Rita Repulsa," Rocky replied as the boy nodded, who had heard of Rita and her attempts to take over Angel Grove. Rocky noticed the Charterville symbol on his shirt. "You're new to town."

"Just got in from Charterville," The boy explained. "My ride never came for me at the bus station, and I got lost trying to find my dad. I'm trying to find the Angel Grove Chapel."

"I'm headed there now," Rocky told him as he picked up his tux. "The church is less than a mile away. I can walk you there."

Lord Zedd's palace on the moon

Lord Zedd, a seven-foot tall alien, had a skinless, blood-red body, with silver tubes and veins all over. He had a visor and a metal grill on his face, with a metal crown with a 'Z' sticking out on the top of his head, surrounding his exposed brain. Zedd watched Rocky and the kid leave the park and became angry at the Puttie's defeat.

"Fools!" Zedd shouted to his assistants Finster, Goldar, and Scorpina. "You can't even make decent Putties to take care of one dimwitted ranger! A small child was even able to beat a Putty!"

"Cheap labor," Finster, a scottish terrier looking monster, replied as he shook his head. "You get what you pay for."

"Oh, shut up!" Zedd angrily replied. "The rangers are going to be attending a wedding, and we're going to make sure it's the last one they ever see! All I need is the perfect monster."

Angel Grove Chapel

"Dad!" The boy shouted as he hugged his father upon entering the chapel.

"Justin, you were supposed to wait for a ride to pick you up from the bus station," Doug Stewart replied.

"He never showed up," Justin told him. "So I had to walk. And I met this guy in the park."

"This is your kid?" Rocky asked as he looked at his future stepbrother. "Looks like we're going to be brothers."

"Dad, you won't believe what happened at the park!" Justin excitedly said.

"You can tell me later," Doug said as he patted the boy on the head. "Right now, you two need to get ready for the wedding. And Justin, I have a very special job for you."

Doug handed Justin a small box. "It's your job as the ring bearer to hold onto the ring until the wedding. Think you can handle it?"

"You can count on me, dad," Justin said as he put the box in his pocket, then went to the dressing room to change.

"That's it!" Zedd shouted as he watched Justin put the ring in his pocket. "Goldar, get me that ring!"

"Of course, master!" Goldar, a gorilla faced monster in gold-plated armor, with large wings on his back, replied. "I will not fail you!"

"If I had a dime for every time I heard that one," Zedd said as Goldar disappeared.

The other Rangers had arrived at the Chapel for the wedding, where they were met by Rocky.

"Guys, I got attacked by Putties in the park," Rocky told the group. "Zedd's planning something. If he ruins my mom's wedding-"

"He won't," Tommy promised. "Not while we're here."

"I'd be dead if it weren't for my new stepbrother," Rocky said as the group took a seat. "I can't wait for you guys to meet him. By the way, does anyone know how to tie a tie? Morphing's easy, but these things are impossible."

"I'll help you," Kim said as Rocky led her toward the back, so they could help Justin tie his as well.

Outside of the Church, Bulk & Skull were carrying in the decorations when Goldar appeared behind them.

"Skull, I think I left the keys in the van," Bulk said. "Go get 'em."

Skull turned around and saw Goldar and started jabbering incoherently.

"Skull, it's the white van we drove here in," Bulk told him as he turned around, and the two started babbling incoherently together.

"Oops, wrong place," Goldar said as he disappeared, just as Ernie came walking up to find the two teens babbling.

"Come on, you two," Ernie said as he grabbed them by their collars and dragged them into the church. "You two are gonna be the death of me."

Meanwhile, Justin was in the back, lacing up his black dress shoes when Goldar appeared behind him.

"This is the brat who defeated one of Zedd's Putties?" Goldar asked as Justin turned around and screamed. "Give me the wedding ring, boy!"

Rocky and Kim heard Justin from down the hall and burst through the door, just in time to see Goldar holding the boy by his throat three feet above the ground.

"Put him down!" Rocky shouted as he prepared for a fight.

"You want him, come and get him!" Goldar replied.

Rocky and Kimberly rushed toward Goldar, but he disappeared in a burst of flame, laughing harshly, which echoed through the room.

"NO!" Rocky shouted.

In the reception area, Bulk and Skull were hanging a banner saying 'Congratulations Doug & Carly'. Bulk was on top of a tall ladder as Skull was keeping the ladder in place.

"There," Bulk said as he finished tying the banner up. "Now all we have to do is- Skull?"

Skull's attention was being distracted by Ernie's wedding cake.

"Take a bite, I won't tell," The cake's sultry voice said to him. Skull gave in wandered toward the table, letting go of the ladder, which caused it to start wobbling.

"Skull, get back here!" Bulk shouted as he lost his balance, grabbing the banner as he fell, then proceeded to swing like Tarzan across the room, his legs wrapping around Skull's neck as he went, before smacking them both into the wall on the other side of the room.

"Oy," Ernie said as he walked into the room. "I might as well fire myself from this job."

The Command Center

The six Rangers tele-ported into the Command Center, still in their tuxes and dresses.

"Goldar took my stepbrother," Rocky said as he looked at Zordon. "What does he want with Justin?"

"They weren't after your brother, Goldar was after the wedding ring he was carrying," Zordon replied as his sensors gathered the information the Rangers would need to rescue the boy. "Zedd has created the Ringu Starr Monster, and plans to use him to attack the city."

"What about Justin?" Rocky asked, worried about the boy who saved his life. "What's Zedd going to do with him?"

"Lord Zedd has Justin in a Hidden Valley," Zordon informed them. "Scorpina and a horde of Putties are on guard."

"This is my fault," Rocky said as he looked up at Zordon. "I wanted something to happen to stop my mom's wedding. But I didn't want this. Now Justin has to pay for my stupid wish."

"This isn't your fault, Rocky," Kim said as she put her hand on his shoulder. "Zedd's the one to blame, and we'll get Justin back in time for the wedding."

"Kimberly's right," Zordon told the boy. "Do not blame yourself for the situation Zedd has created."

"Zedd's obviously trying to divide and conquer," Tommy concluded. "He thinks he can take us if we're not all together."

"I have to save Justin," Rocky said as he watched the view screen. He turned to face Zordon. "I barely know him, but Justin's already like family to me."

"Kim, Billy, you go with Rocky to save Justin," Tommy instructed, knowing Rocky would never get past Scorpina alone. "Adam and Aisha, you're with me."

"Be careful Rangers," Zordon said. "This monster's powers are as yet unidentified. We will contact you when we have more information"

"Let's do it," Tommy said as everyone reached for their morphers. "It's Morphin' Time!"







The six teenager's bodies were instantly transformed, their tuxes and dresses being replaced by brightly colored costumes, their hands and shoes being morphed into white gloves and boots, with dinosaur themed helmets appearing on their heads.

Tommy the White Ranger, Adam the Black Ranger, and Aisha the Yellow Ranger arrived in Angel Grove Park, and were immediately met by a group of Putties, while a diamond-shaped monster, with a ring around its waist waited for its chance to strike.

The White Ranger pulled out his sword, a white handled blade with a tiger's head on the end of it named Sabba, and started slashing at the Putties.

The Black and Yellow Rangers had joined hands and were taking turns spinning each other, kicking the Putties as they made their way toward the monster.

"It's time to ring in your destruction, Rangers!" Ringu Starr shouted as he fired an energy blast at the group, knocking them back.

"Is that the best you got?" Tommy asked as he rushed toward the monster as Ringu grabbed Tommy by the arm and tossed him around, causing him to fall back into the other Rangers. "Wow, this guy's strong."

Tommy held his sword up and prepared to charge again while Adam and Aisha tried to stop him, but couldn't hold him back.

"You haven't seen anything yet!" Ringu shouted as he fired a blast of energy at Tommy, trapping him in a crystallized diamond statue.

"We've got to get Tommy out of that diamond," Adam said as he pulled out his battle-axe, and turned it around so he could use it in cannon mode. "But first, let's polish the diamond!"

Adam fired at the monster, but didn't make a scratch.

"Hee hee hee, that tickles!" The monster said as he fired at Adam, trapping him in diamond as well. "Two down, one to go!"

Aisha pulled out her daggers and tried to chip away at the diamond holding Adam, but couldn't free him.

"I can't cut through this diamond," Aisha told herself. "I have to get back to the Command Center if I want to help Tommy and Adam."

Aisha teleported away before Ringu could hit her, retreating back to the Power Chamber.

The Command Center

"Zordon, how do we beat this monster?" Aisha asked as she arrived with her helmet under her arm.

"The Ringu Starr monster is nearly impossible to beat because of his diamond exterior," Zordon replied, his censors picking up the monster's weakness. "Only Sabba or the Red Ranger's power sword are powerful enough to cut through the diamond."

"And Tommy's been trapped," Aisha said as she looked at the view screen. "I have to get to Rocky and the others before that monster does."

Meanwhile, in the Hidden Valley, Justin was tied to a stake with his hands bound behind his back as Rocky the Red Ranger, Billy the Blue Ranger, and Kim the Pink Ranger arrived.

"I see Justin!" Rocky shouted. "He's at the Hidden Valley Ranch!"

Before the three Rangers could race to the boy, Scorpina and a horde of Putties jumped out. Scorpina was a six-foot tall woman dressed in golden scorpion armor. She had a golden blade shaped like a flat scorpion's claw.

"Come on, Rangers!" Scorpina shouted as the Putties charged forward.

"I'll engage the Putties while you two liberate Justin!" Billy said as he pulled out his power lance.

"You really need a girl," Scorpina told him as Kimberly leaped into the air while holding her power bow, and shot several energy arrows at Scorpina, which barely made a scratch.

"My turn!" Scorpina shouted as she went to face Kimberly.

While Billy was handling the Putties, Rocky headed toward Justin, who was excited to see his favorite heroes coming to the rescue.

"You alright, kid?" Rocky asked, trying to diguise his voice so Justin wouldn't recognize him.

"Wow, the Red Ranger!" Justin shouted as Rocky cut him down. "This is so cool!"

Scorpina slashed at Kimberly, who back flipped to avoid being cut. Scorpina rushed forward as Kimberly flipped and kicked the villainess in the jaw, sending her backward.

"You'll pay for that!" Scorpina shouted as Kim turned her bow into a power staff and used it to deliver a series of blows to Scorpina, knocking her to the ground.

"Give it up, Scorpina," Kimberly told her. "You may own the guys in a fight, but against a woman you're outmatched."

"I'd love to stay, but Lord Zedd wants his monster to finish you. Next time, you pink witch," Scorpina replied as she disappeared, just as Billy was finishing off the Putties.

"That was easy," Rocky said as he brought Justin over to Kim and Billy. "Let's get this kid home and go help the others."

"Too late, Rangers!" Ringu Starr shouted as he arrived. "Your friends are already diamonds in the rough!"

The Rangers pulled out their weapons and raced toward the monster.

"Go hide, kid!" Rocky shouted, just as Aisha teleported down. Justin hid behind a boulder and peeked out from the side to watch the battle.

Kim and Billy both charged at the monster, but her power staff and his power lance had no effect, and he easily sent them flying back. While they were down, he sent a blast toward them, freezing them both into diamond statues.

"Your power sword's the only thing that can cut through him," Aisha explained as she ran up to Rocky. "Tommy and Adam are trapped in Angel Grove Park."

"Then let's turn this guy into diamond dust," Rocky replied as he rushed toward the monster, and sliced at him, actually cutting through him, sending the monster stumbling backward.

"That hurt!" Ringu shouted as he prepared to blast Rocky, but Aisha pushed him out of the way and took the diamond blast, encasing her as well.

"You're going to pay for that!" Rocky shouted as he continued to slash and slice at Ringu, cutting off bits of diamond as he went. "One more good hit ought to do it."

"You can say that again!" Lord Zedd shouted from his palace as he tossed a grenade down to the Hidden Valley. As it exploded, Ringu started to enlarge in size, until he was over fifty stories tall.

"I hate it when he does that," Rocky said as he held his hand in the air. "I need Thunderzord power!"

A large red robotic chinese dragon flew in as Rocky teleported into the cockpit. The dragon morphed into its warrior mode as it and Ringu circled each other.

Ringu pulled out a diamond sword and rushed at the Red Dragonzord, who fended off the monster's attacks with a red bo staff. The two matched each other move for move before the Red Dragonzord hit the monster in its stomach with its staff, then used the staff to sweep the monster off of it's legs, sending it crashing to the ground.

Meanwhile, in Angel Grove Park, Sabba had managed to cut its way through the diamond it was trapped in, and carefully sliced through the rest of the diamond, freeing Tommy.

"Tommy," Zordon said over through his communicator. "Rocky needs your help fighting the Ringu monster. Once the monster is defeated, the diamond will dematerialized and free the others."

"Right," Tommy said as he summoned his White Tigerzord into action before teleporting to the Hidden Valley.

Ringu charged at the Red Dragonzord and sliced into it, damaging the zord, causing it to fall backwards. Tommy arrived in time to see Ringu power blast Rocky's zord, trapping it in diamond as Rocky fell out, landing on the ground.

"Are you alright?" Justin asked as he saw Rocky really didn't get out of the zord in time, as his legs, arms, most of his chest, and neck were covered in diamond.

"Can't... breathe..." Rocky said as he started wheezing. The diamond, because it didn't completely cover and paralyze him like the others, was cutting off his air, and he couldn't reach his sword to cut the diamond off.

Justin panicked, then knew he had no other choice. He grabbed Rocky's helmet and pulled it off to give the Ranger CPR, something he had learned at the Charterville Youth Center. He didn't have time to take in the fact that it was his stepbrother under the helmet, as Rocky's face was starting to turn blue.

"I'll save you," Justin said as he tried to keep Rocky breathing. "Just hang on."

Justin started to give him air and pumped his chest, hoping he'd be able to save his new brother's life before it was too late.

The White Tigerzord and Ringu were going toe to toe, as the zord picked up the monster and spun him around, tossing him twenty yards into a mountain range. The monster stood up and pulled its sword out and charged at the Tigerzord, but never got a hit in, as the Tigerzord's sword had reacted quickly and landed several blows on the monster, knocking it back.

Before Ringu could use its diamond blast, the Tigerzord charged up its sword, hitting Ringu with a power blast, destroying the creature on impact, as it blew up in a giant fireball. The Tigerzord triumphantly put its sword back in it's sheath as the sun glistened off the zord.

As soon as the monster was destroyed, the diamond encasing the others shattered, including the diamond cutting off Rocky's air. The monster returned to it's original form, and reappeared right beside Justin, who was kneeling over Rocky. Justin was afraid that he wouldn't be able to save Rocky, but soon the young man opened his eyes and looked up at the boy who had saved him.

"You're alive!" Justin cried as he hugged Rocky..

"That's the second time that you saved me today," Rocky said, trying to catch his breath as the other Rangers surrounded them. "And it looks like we're going to have to have a long talk."

"Incompetent fools!" Zedd shouted as he pounded his fist onto the terrace railing in anger while he looked down at the Earth. "I'm starting to think monsters aren't the answer to my Ranger problem..."

The rangers teleported behind the church where no one could see them, and rushed back inside.

"Justin, where have you been?" Doug asked as he hugged Justin when the group rushed through the door. "We were starting to get worried about you two."

"I was...feeling sick," Justin replied, knowing he couldn't tell anyone about his adventure. "Rocky took me to get some medicine so I wouldn't throw up during the wedding."

"I'm glad you're looking out for your new brother," Doug said as he looked at Rocky, who returned an uneasy look.

"We're looking out for each other," Rocky said as he patted Justin on the shoulder.

The teens took their seats as the Wedding March started, as Rocky escorted his mother down the aisle so he could give the bride away.

"You look great, mom," Rocky said as he led her toward her new husband.

"I know you don't like Doug," Carly DeSantos said. "But I'm glad you're giving him a chance."

"I just want you to be happy," Rocky replied, knowing that it meant that he would have to live with the decision to be unhappy in return.

Bulk and Skull were at the back of the room, watching the wedding. Skull wiped a tear away.

"I always cry at weddings," Skull said.

"You've never been to a wedding before, numb skull!" Bulk reminded him before Skull blew his nose on Bulk's apron.

The vows were soon said, and as much as he wanted to, Rocky didn't object to the wedding. He didn't like Doug, but deep down he knew his mom was in love with the man, and that he loved her. Plus Rocky was growing fond of Justin.

At the reception afterward, Kim and Tommy, and Adam and Aisha were dancing, while Billy had found a girl who was equally fascinated with science to talk with, and their combined techno speak was driving everyone around them mad.

Elsewhere, Rocky was talking to his mother and step-father.

"Rocky, we have something to ask you," Carly said as she looked to her new husband. "Justin was supposed to go back to Charterville to stay with his aunt while we were on our honeymoon-"

"But since you two are getting along so well, we were wondering if you'd keep an eye on Justin while we were gone," Doug said, finishing Carly's sentence. "If you don't want to-"

"I'll do it," Rocky said as he looked over at his new brother, who was trying to talk to a girl his age to see if she wanted to dance. "I want to get to know my new brother."

Bulk and Skull were looking at the wedding cake when a rather large girl and her skinny friend approached the two.

"Care to dance?" The large girl asked Skull.

"Yeah, let's get our groove on!" The thinner girl said to Bulk. Before the two could protest, they were dragged onto the dance floor before they could dig into the cake.

The Power Chamber, The Next Day

The Rangers had brought Justin to the Power Chamber, where Zordon could explain to him about who they were.

"Justin, by saving Rocky's life you have proven yourself a worthy ally to the Power Rangers," Zordon told him. "I hope you can be trusted in guarding the secrets bestowed upon you today."

"You can trust me, Zordon," Justin promised.

"It will be good to have someone around who is almost as short as I am," Alpha said as he approached Justin.

"Wow, a fully sentient, multi-functional... robot... thing," Justin said as he looked at Alpha, examining him like a child with a shiny new toy.

The alarm went off as the Rangers looked at the view screen.

"Goldar and the Putties are attacking the park," Zordon told them as everyone reached for their morphers.

"This won't take long," Rocky promised his brother. "We'll be back in no time, little bro"

"I'll be here waiting," Justin replied as the six Rangers held their morphers in the air. "Go get 'em, big brother."

Alpha, Zordon, and Justin watched the six heroes as they prepared to go out and defend the Earth from the forces of evil.

"It's Morphin' Time!"