Special note
I had some trouble with the place history, missing people report and other information about the case so it would took me a while to update this. At the mean time now, I was planning on writing a new fanfic which set right after ghost hunt anime where Gene was still not found yet and there would be a high chance that I will put Gene alive. Anyway, this was just a note for everyone and I didn't plan to deleted this story but like I said before it would took me some time to update so I hope you all won't be minding it and continued reading this fanfic. And for everyone, below will be some new character information and newly added information of SPR.
Taniyama Mai (18)
She was now an investigator in SPR and still had feeling for the narcissistic jerk, Naru. Her latent ability seem to had increases over the time Naru was not around, like sensing the ghost a little during the first case and talking to Gene in her mind after the case. She was having quite a lot of headache when recording the strange dream which some words couldn't be heard and the people facial expression couldn't be seen. It was indicated that she might actually know Mio and the female ghost helping her in the mansion of the first case.
~The other member of SPR still the same as ever so I won't be writing it.~
Akatsuki Mio (18)
She was the real client of the first case. There were some mystery about her which were reveal by SPR and also seem to be part of the mystery behind Mai strange dream during the case. She was actually Ushiromiya Ange, the only survival of the murder occur in the mansion ten years ago (I forgot the time, you will had to read the story to find out). She was later staying with the Fujiwara sibling and became great friend with Mai.
Fujiwara Mitsuki (20)
Second year of college and was the leader of the paranormal investigation team form in Todai. She was usually seen laying back commanding her team and mostly her younger brother even though he was not a team member at the beginning. Other then that, she will do anything for her friend even if she didn't show it directly. Her ability is call Kotodama (Spiritual words), it was a ability to made her any words came true so it would be really dangerous if she was not be careful with it that why she usually won't talk much.
Fujiwara Kazuki (18)
A third year high school student who was asked by his older sister to requested help from SPR with his real identity hidden. He was the completely opposite of his sister, usually said things out loud and mostly misfortune things and that was the reason he didn't had any friend in school. His personality was much like Mai, especially his thought would show on his face even though he tried to hide it. He also had the ability called Kotodama and he might be stronger than his sister.
Minamoto Kyoya (20)
He was a mystery quiet young man who asked Mitsuki to investigate the mansion in the first cases. He seem to secretly look after Mai for some unknown reason. His ability was yet to be shown but he was quite famous, that same goes for Mitsuki who was the only other team member in the group as Davis Martin had heard about them even in England.