Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts. It belongs to its rightful owners.
3rd Person P.O.V.
Kairi's dark blue eyes landed on the peaceful horizon in front of her. The islands were absolutely stunning when it was quiet. But, then again, it was almost usually quiet around here. She could feel a slight breeze picking up, raising goosebumps on her skin. The wind had filled the air with the islands' natural salty scent. The calming sound of the palm trees could be heard along with the sound of the waves crashing against the golden shore. The seagulls loudly squawked in the trees above. This only added to the fact that Destiny Islands was nothing more than a tropical paradise. But, lately, it's been a lonely tropical paradise.
Kairi moved some of her bangs out of her face. It was usual for her to travel from the main land to come sit here on the sand. Her eyes were fixed on the sky. That was the last place she had seen Sora. In her hand was a Thalassa shell necklace. It was the last thing that she had given Sasuke. The thought used to bring tears to her eyes. Only months ago in this spot, the four of them were racing and planning to get away. Now, all of them were gone and she was still here, wondering if her best friends were all right.
But, she couldn't think like that. Sora and Riku's parents, whom were worried sick about their boys, had assured her that. They said their sons were strong, that they could overcome any obstacle. They were just counting down the days when they got to hear their boys arguing over meaningless things again. They pretended that they were strong, but she knew they were hurting more than everyone else.
Standing up, she began to make her way to the secret cave. On days she felt lonely, she would go in there. She could feel their hearts in there. Their hearts filled with memories of all their island adventures. Her hands skimmed along the hard surfaces of the rocks. One of them had a blitz ball carved in them. When they were eleven, Sora was convinced that they were square. He didn't let up until all of the parents had to sit down with him and explain that it was a circle. The memory brought a smile to Kairi's face.
But, there was one carving, tucked away behind leaves and other rocks that she hadn't noticed before. Moving the debris away, she almost let out a full blown laugh at what was hidden. She got on her knees to get a better look. It was a carving of Sora sharing a paopu fruit with Sasuke. The drawing was terrible. It was exactly something Sora would do. All this time, why didn't he just tell her how he felt. Everyone on the island knew that he liked her. The only one who didn't know was Sasuke. Kairi sighed. That boy was such a knucklehead sometimes.
Grabbing a rock, she began to carve Sasuke giving the fruit to Sora. A tear had escaped from her eyes. He'll bring her back. He'll bring everyone back, she just knew it. And once he did, she was going to drag her to the cave and show her his drawing. She giggled, imagining the boy blushing and stuttering that it wasn't him before ultimately running away while Riku teased him. Kairi couldn't wait for that moment.
"Another side, another story . . . Let me tell you a secret . . ."
He walked alone in the rain. The empty streets were wet, the neon signs on the buildings reflecting in the water. He paid it no attention. Pulling his black hood further over his head, so much so that his blonde hair was no longer visible, he continued to walk. That was, until the Heartless started spawning. There were so many. It was an endless amount. The boy wasn't scared, though. He summoned his Keyblades, spinning the two weapons around in his hands three times before getting ready to attack.
The Heartless didn't pounce on him. Rather, they looked up at the top of one of the buildings. A man with long silver hair and a black cloth covering his eyes stood there, wearing the same cloak as the boy. The boy didn't have time to waste. Clutching his two Keyblades tightly, he grit his teeth, and asked . . .
"Where's Sora?"